@Yinepuhotep, can you provide any other details? Do you have any mods installed? With a default installation, I cannot see any reason why your character would have those spells (I can't find those spells when using EE Keeper, NearInfinity, or DLTCEP, so my assumption is the reason why EE Keeper cannot find them is because they don't exist).
I've installed the BGTweaks pack, the Neera addon, and the BP AI pack. Those are my only mods, and I installed them on a brand-new, clean installation. I figured I'd better specify it's a clean installation, because I HAD tried the Faiths of Faerun mod, but all I got with it was CTDs during character creation, so I wiped my entire game installation and re-installed from scratch. Oh yeah, and it's a Steam installation. I'm willing to try installing it on a different HD to see if there was something that didn't get cleaned up when I deleted my previous installation (although uninstall, then manual delete of the folders that were left SHOULD HAVE gotten everything, I'd think).
I highly doubt it is the Neera addon (I assume it is this one?), and I have downloaded both the other ones and cannot find any mention of those spells.
I don't suppose you tried installing a mod in the past and then uninstalled it?
I have tried starting a new game with an Undead Hunter, and I cannot replicate the issue. What I would need you to do is start a new game with the same class, save it to a new slot, and then upload that save game for me to look at. I say 'start a new game,' as that will avoid any problems such as past mods interfering. You can also upload your current save game to help narrow down the problem.
@Yinepuhotep, Faiths of Faerûn is the problem. After looking at it, I can see all the DPPRxxx spells. Obviously, not everything was removed when you tried to get rid of it. Since the mod is no longer installed, you can safely ignore the error message.
Is it possible that the current save game was being used when you had that mod installed? I ask because that information is all stored in the save game, so even when the mod itself has been uninstalled, the information in the save game remains.
That would do it. So if I export the character and delete the savegame, I should get rid of the error message, then? Given that every single other character I've tried works like a charm, I'd say you've got a winner here. Thanks for the help.
Edit: Didn't even have to export the character. Just re-saved the game without FoF installed and it cleared up the trouble.
Okay, so I downloaded the ee keeper but accidentally did not set my language in the installation directory. And now I am having trouble figuring out how to return to the installation directory. Whenever I click on EEKeeper.exe. It gives me the error of unable to locate some of the uld files. Although I do have the uld files that came with it. The Kits, Affects, and NumAttacks uld's that came with it. But when i run EEKeeper I can't get around the error screen. By the way I have tried deleting it and downloading it but I still get the same error screen. Help please?
@zeppelin840, did you remember to extract the ULD files to the same place where EE Keeper is located?
If you do not have all three ULD files in the same directory as EEKeeper.exe, then you will get the error message. Otherwise, if you have the three files and EE Keeper in one location but didn't set your language option, you will have an error message saying that it cannot locate the resources/text resources.
If you are able to get to EE Keeper itself, then all you need to do is go to Settings -> Installation Directory.
Short version: No. You can set your level(s) in EE Keeper, as well as your current experience, but removing the XP cap requires you to modify more than the save game. What you would need is something like the Simple XP Cap Remover, or BGTweaks.
Short version: No. You can set your level(s) in EE Keeper, as well as your current experience, but removing the XP cap requires you to modify more than the save game. What you would need is something like the Simple XP Cap Remover, or BGTweaks.
Does EEkeeper look in override directory when loading items/spells? New/changed items and spells from Rogue Rebalancing are not showing up on EEkeeper when loading a savegame. It asks for the missing file and if saved and reloaded in game skills such as Weapon display goes missing.
Hey, there's anyway that i can be a dragon mage fighter? Like Draconis/Abazigal... I am trying to put my Race as a dragon, but when i put any dragon type in the appearance, the game crashes... Anyone knows how to be a dragon mage fighter? hahaha. thanks!
@notedbr, the reason why the game crashes when you use the appearance is because the list is taken from the in-game list of animations using the appropriate 2DA file. However, in BG:EE, the dragon animation does not exist. You would have to use NearInfinity or DLTCEP and find the animations from BG2 and copy the necessary files to the BG:EE override folder. Not much else I can do, I'm afraid.
You should be able to set the race as dragon, but not the animation/appearance.
@mr_nameless, yes, EE Keeper does look in the override folder. Screenshot below.
Diffused for reasons.
The two spells at the bottom of the list are my own, as you can see from the resource name. The currently selected item is from Dark Horizons.
@notedbr, the reason why the game crashes when you use the appearance is because the list is taken from the in-game list of animations using the appropriate 2DA file. However, in BG:EE, the dragon animation does not exist. You would have to use NearInfinity or DLTCEP and find the animations from BG2 and copy the necessary files to the BG:EE override folder. Not much else I can do, I'm afraid.
You should be able to set the race as dragon, but not the animation/appearance.
@Troodon80 , I see... well, that is a bit of work, right? I guess i'm going just to wish, then xD I have no clue how to do this thanks, man
I am extracting the EE Keeper into the C:\Users\World of warcraft\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition file but still now letting me open sayin it was unable to read the text source. Any idea's?
@Troodon80 yeah still saying The BG:EE exectuable was not found @ this location.
Nevermind fount out the problem i got 2 harddrives and for some reason it saved beamdog games on my other one not forsure why. Thank u for ur help anyway Troodon
Got a request: Could you please add buttons to switch between party members? It needed a quite tedious research that the only way to access party members was by pressing CTRL+Left_Arrow and CTRL+Right_Arrow.
@AendaeronBluescale, I'm not sure what you mean. There should be a scrollbar/slider just under the character portrait (between the portrait image and the "Change Portrait" button).
I have considered adding portraits for each character that you can click on to go straight to them, rather than using the scrollbar, but have not yet implemented such.
Bounty Hunter is broken in EE-keeper. I tried to create a halfling fighter/bounty hunter, but I don't get ANY snares upon levelling up. Can't throw snares either, and gain a full 25 skillspoint/level. I gave 3x poison weapon as innate ability as well. And upon giving the char bountyhunter innate abilities in EE keeper, they also gain some undescribed ability. Use it and the game crash
@Cactus, the issue in this case is that you cannot have that combination in-game. You can have a Halfling Bounty Hunter, a Halfling Fighter, or multiclass Fighter/Thief.
In the most recent build (in testing), where Keeper now has properly implementation for dual-class, having a Fighter/Thief with a Bounty Hunter as the second—active class (Kit)—it works perfectly. You get snares and 20 points each level for abilities.
There is very little I can do about non-standard kit, class, and race combinations. I'll take a look, however.
After taking a quick look at the Bounty Hunter kit in-game and the files associated with it, I can confirm that the abilities it adds is actually correct, and has nothing to do with EE Keeper. The game also adds an ability with no icon when you reach a certain level - SPCL801. It should be noted, however, that these abilities are only added after the in-game XP cap which, for the thief class, should be level 10. The abilities are added after level 30. My advice would be to delete the offending ability, or to set the upper level limit to around 10 when adding.
There is very little I can do about the want to have a non-standard multi-class and kit on a race that is not supposed to have it. Your Halfling is going to be a Bounty Hunter in name only, the game will see it as a multi-class Fighter/Thief. Hope that clarifies it a bit.
Since the new patch is out, I figured now would be a good time to deliver an update to EE Keeper. I'll do another update once BG2:EE is out. The link in the first post has been updated, and version 1.0.2 is now available to download.
Currently, there are a number of bug fixes, tweaks and other stuff that I'll just call 'additions.'
Below is a full change log.
Characteristics tab, added extra flags that were not in the original Shadow Keeper.
Most powerful vanquished (this includes a new button similar to the character name selector).
Number of kills: chapter.
Number of kills: game.
Experience value of kills: chapter.
Experience value of kills: game.
Set Exportable.
Set Been in party.
Set Uninterruptible.
Added option for Fallen Paladin and Ranger.
Dual class options.
This also fixes a bug whereby any dual-class character saved would become a multi-class character.
A bug was also fixed where dual-class detection was not working the way it is supposed to and proficiencies were not being loaded correctly.
Abilities tab, added the following options.
Morale break.
Moral recovery.
New dialog window to set item flags; Identified, Given, Stolen, Undroppable (I do not actually know what 'Given' is, but it's in there now).
This also adds the option to identify only a selected item, or to undo an ID action on any item.
Removed State Flags tab.
Added Journal tab.
Journal entries can be deleted, but not added.
Journal entry flags are not currently editable, but will be in the future.
State flag has now been moved to the 'Characteristics' tab.
This also fixed a bug where the new flags caused the program to save multiple flags that were not selected. Since only flag is active at any given time, it has been replaced with a combo-box (drop-down list).
UI Tweaks, save game, and game installation detection.
By popular demand, the editor window can now be resized.
EE Keeper no longer uses the Shadow Keeper method of game executable detection, and instead uses the Chitin.key file to see if the directory is a valid installation. This should remove the problem for both Steam users and Mac users. Also note that this is entirely optional, even if the game cannot 'be found' the user can still click 'Yes' when asked if it is the correct directory; if it is not, resources simply won't load.
New toolbar with larger buttons.
Option to select custom save game location. Plesae note that when using a custom location, selecting a save game from any game other than the currently loaded resources will end up with errors (missing items, spells, etc.).
Save game image now displays instead of a grey box.
Users no longer need to restart EE Keeper when loading from a new installation location or when trying to reload game resources.
Options to set both BG:EE and BG2:EE installation locations will be added in the next update;
Switch between the two from buttons provided on the toolbar will also be included in the next update.
Affects tab, tweaks.
Text (for example, target being "Self") now appears in the table instead of its numeric equivalent, this should help make it less confusing at a glance, and should make it easier when selecting a certain affect, such as Aura Cleansing, from within the editing dialog.
The 'Edit Affects' dialog now has pre-loaded drop-down lists for:
and Resistance.
Spell and Item List Exporting.
Lists now export as either text or CSV.
Spell Browser.
Created additional search options in the filter dialog.
Some screenshots below:
It has been tested periodically, but that does not mean it is free of bugs. As usual, if you find a bug post here or report on SourceForge - and provide any and all details pertaining to the report (possibly even by uploading an archived save game).
I highly doubt it is the Neera addon (I assume it is this one?), and I have downloaded both the other ones and cannot find any mention of those spells.
I don't suppose you tried installing a mod in the past and then uninstalled it?
I have tried starting a new game with an Undead Hunter, and I cannot replicate the issue.
What I would need you to do is start a new game with the same class, save it to a new slot, and then upload that save game for me to look at. I say 'start a new game,' as that will avoid any problems such as past mods interfering. You can also upload your current save game to help narrow down the problem.
Edit: I'm downloading now. I'll take a look.
Is it possible that the current save game was being used when you had that mod installed? I ask because that information is all stored in the save game, so even when the mod itself has been uninstalled, the information in the save game remains.
Edit: Didn't even have to export the character. Just re-saved the game without FoF installed and it cleared up the trouble.
If you do not have all three ULD files in the same directory as EEKeeper.exe, then you will get the error message. Otherwise, if you have the three files and EE Keeper in one location but didn't set your language option, you will have an error message saying that it cannot locate the resources/text resources.
If you are able to get to EE Keeper itself, then all you need to do is go to
Settings -> Installation Directory
.Short version: No. You can set your level(s) in EE Keeper, as well as your current experience, but removing the XP cap requires you to modify more than the save game. What you would need is something like the Simple XP Cap Remover, or BGTweaks.
I am trying to put my Race as a dragon, but when i put any dragon type in the appearance, the game crashes...
Anyone knows how to be a dragon mage fighter?
You should be able to set the race as dragon, but not the animation/appearance.
@mr_nameless, yes, EE Keeper does look in the override folder. Screenshot below.
Diffused for reasons.
The two spells at the bottom of the list are my own, as you can see from the resource name. The currently selected item is from Dark Horizons.
I have no clue how to do this
thanks, man
Love you also!
I'll see if I can try and get something out a little earlier, though.
Also still love you.
*Edit #2
platonic love because I'm married.
Nevermind fount out the problem i got 2 harddrives and for some reason it saved beamdog games on my other one not forsure why. Thank u for ur help anyway Troodon
I have considered adding portraits for each character that you can click on to go straight to them, rather than using the scrollbar, but have not yet implemented such.
In the most recent build (in testing), where Keeper now has properly implementation for dual-class, having a Fighter/Thief with a Bounty Hunter as the second—active class (Kit)—it works perfectly. You get snares and 20 points each level for abilities.
There is very little I can do about non-standard kit, class, and race combinations. I'll take a look, however.
After taking a quick look at the Bounty Hunter kit in-game and the files associated with it, I can confirm that the abilities it adds is actually correct, and has nothing to do with EE Keeper. The game also adds an ability with no icon when you reach a certain level - SPCL801. It should be noted, however, that these abilities are only added after the in-game XP cap which, for the thief class, should be level 10. The abilities are added after level 30. My advice would be to delete the offending ability, or to set the upper level limit to around 10 when adding.
There is very little I can do about the want to have a non-standard multi-class and kit on a race that is not supposed to have it. Your Halfling is going to be a Bounty Hunter in name only, the game will see it as a multi-class Fighter/Thief. Hope that clarifies it a bit.
Currently, there are a number of bug fixes, tweaks and other stuff that I'll just call 'additions.'
Below is a full change log.
- Characteristics tab, added extra flags that were not in the original Shadow Keeper.
- Most powerful vanquished (this includes a new button similar to the character name selector).
- Number of kills: chapter.
- Number of kills: game.
- Experience value of kills: chapter.
- Experience value of kills: game.
- Set Exportable.
- Set Been in party.
- Set Uninterruptible.
- Added option for Fallen Paladin and Ranger.
- Dual class options.
- This also fixes a bug whereby any dual-class character saved would become a multi-class character.
- A bug was also fixed where dual-class detection was not working the way it is supposed to and proficiencies were not being loaded correctly.
- Abilities tab, added the following options.
- Morale.
- Morale break.
- Moral recovery.
- Fatigue.
- Intoxication.
- Inventory.
- New dialog window to set item flags; Identified, Given, Stolen, Undroppable (I do not actually know what 'Given' is, but it's in there now).
- This also adds the option to identify only a selected item, or to undo an ID action on any item.
- Removed State Flags tab.
- Added Journal tab.
- Journal entries can be deleted, but not added.
- Journal entry flags are not currently editable, but will be in the future.
- State flag has now been moved to the 'Characteristics' tab.
- This also fixed a bug where the new flags caused the program to save multiple flags that were not selected. Since only flag is active at any given time, it has been replaced with a combo-box (drop-down list).
- UI Tweaks, save game, and game installation detection.
- By popular demand, the editor window can now be resized.
- EE Keeper no longer uses the Shadow Keeper method of game executable detection, and instead uses the Chitin.key file to see if the directory is a valid installation. This should remove the problem for both Steam users and Mac users. Also note that this is entirely optional, even if the game cannot 'be found' the user can still click 'Yes' when asked if it is the correct directory; if it is not, resources simply won't load.
- New toolbar with larger buttons.
- Option to select custom save game location. Plesae note that when using a custom location, selecting a save game from any game other than the currently loaded resources will end up with errors (missing items, spells, etc.).
- Save game image now displays instead of a grey box.
- Users no longer need to restart EE Keeper when loading from a new installation location or when trying to reload game resources.
- Options to set both BG:EE and BG2:EE installation locations will be added in the next update;
- Switch between the two from buttons provided on the toolbar will also be included in the next update.
- Affects tab, tweaks.
- Text (for example, target being "Self") now appears in the table instead of its numeric equivalent, this should help make it less confusing at a glance, and should make it easier when selecting a certain affect, such as Aura Cleansing, from within the editing dialog.
- The 'Edit Affects' dialog now has pre-loaded drop-down lists for:
- Type;
- Target;
- Flags;
- and Resistance.
- Spell and Item List Exporting.
- Lists now export as either text or CSV.
- Spell Browser.
- Created additional search options in the filter dialog.
Some screenshots below:[/spoiler]
It has been tested periodically, but that does not mean it is free of bugs. As usual, if you find a bug post here or report on SourceForge - and provide any and all details pertaining to the report (possibly even by uploading an archived save game).
Error message: "EE Keeper was unable to read the text resources. EE Keeper must be able to find this file to work properly"