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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @typo_tilly Never even heard of an electronic flute before... they seem to have electronic everything now :) Not a huge fan of it's sound, though. Don't think I would actively search those out. Also, I admittedly don't really search out remixes of the songs used in that which require a bit of a different sound from the boss mixes I absolutely adore. That being said I still absolutely love almost every song in the game, just that some really stand out to the point they are where I actively search.

    Actually, when it comes to stand outs, I find Megalovania overrated. I love the song, absolutely, but I hate going to a remix and if that person never did Megalovania yet, or if people don't know they did it, that is all everyone asks for. It is easily a top track, but it gets so much love it is like it is towering over the rest. Personally, my favorite is Hopes and Dreams (and it's accompanying tracks) and Battle Against a True Hero I also like over Megalovania, but it is still a very close fight between them all. Not like what the internet seems to think of Megalovania over the rest. I think it's a bunch of nostalgia people from the Earthbound Halloween hack and homestuck, just as I said a month ago on here that I think Sonic's Live and Learn is overrated due to nostalgia and I love a bunch of tracks over it by quite a margin.
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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    All of the sources are excellent! Bonetrousle doesn't rank among my absolute favorites, but it is still up there. The boss themes do a great job each of creating the mood of the story and the personality of the characters, and I'll say it mostly ranks lower because I don't find it the best tune outside of the game environment personally. I don't get the same feeling listening to that in the car as I do while Papyrus stands there, doing his pose, while throwing bone attacks at my blue heart :) Hopes and Dreams I like as a rock song like any other, and when it comes up on my playlist I'll always feel a sudden surge of determination no matter what I am doing. Also, it might just be the best in game at seemlessly blending into the scene. I love the moment of the guitar starting, the screen flashing white before everything goes technicolor!

    I'd personally rank something like this if I put songs that are basically the same together.

    1- Hopes and Dreams, Save the World, Last Goodbye
    2- Battle Against a True Hero
    3- Megalovania
    4- Spider Dance
    5- Undertale, His Theme
    6- Asgore
    7- Core, Death by Glamour (preference for Core)
    8- Nyeh Heh Heh!, Bonetrousle
    9- Your Best Nightmare, Finale (mostly for Finale, but I do love Best Nightmare for the moment in game as almost everything)
    10- Amalgam
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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    I managed to not be too terribly late on news and found this within a week's time
    So, I guess this means I should probably finally pick up the first game and give it a go sometime. Still a while to wait for the second game according to their website, so I should find time. It's just too bad it is only 35% off on a steam sale, would've expected more tbh. But hey, default price is just $15 and I got Christmas money to spend on myself anyway :) So, back on topic, I know this game also has some pretty good music so here you go.
    Personally... I like the new version I got a glimpse of in that trailer. Hope that gets in the game, although I probably could just search up a rock cover and find something similar but oh well! I suppose whenever I get to it I might share some more tracks from the stages.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    Yep, definitely some good tracks in here. Personal favorite level theme:

    Favorite boss theme, and perhaps my favorite in the game :)

    Some other favorites:

    I like just about every song, but I don't want to share every single one :) I can't say any of them are tunes I'll remember far into the future, but they are still great. They just often feel too close to other games, whereas Undertale had some uniqueness that I never heard before. As a point over Undertale at least there aren't a bunch of songs with the same basic melody. Level themes are usually similar, but it makes sense to me that stage 1 and 2 of a level have a similar theme, especially when often times they just play the exact same theme rather than altaring it a bit. They also do well to capture the environment and current plot, which Undertale also succeeded at.
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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2016
    @typo_tilly I can definitely see the similarities in those. The Ys one I really like! I think it could fit in with some of the level themes if there was a level to suit it. The megaman x one would be like the boss themes, I guess.

    It is a nice style. I'll definitely be listening to these for a while, but not sure if I'll remember them much if I stop listening to them for a while. A great song isn't always memorable to me. Memorable songs need something special for me, not sure what, but don't think this has it for me to hum at random if I haven't listened to it recently.

    As for those choices, Neo Chase is quite a good one to like. It is certainly my second favorite for the bosses, and the boss itself is fun. Battle Glacier has a very "beginning of the end" feel to it. If it actually fit the mood of the other final dreadnought tracks, I would think it would work well as the first final dreadnought. That said, battle glacier is just before dreadnought, and is sort of when the finale is beginning so it is still very fitting I would just love if it was on the actual last stage :) I agree on final battle 2, very uplifting and I like it. Some events unfold a bit earlier that most of the final dreadnought 4 is sorrowful, vengeful, and moody. Final Battle 1 then has that great evil final battle feel that you are outmatched, but you remain hopeful and determined. Suddenly, after you destroy the villain's machines and are facing him one on one, it gets that uplifting mood that you are almost done and I like all of the tone shifting. When victory is just within your grasp, then it gives you that Hopes and Dreams determination fuel. It is a good song, but not my favorite. It gets down the emotions you should have, though, and is worthy enough for me to give mention to it :)

    Kind of hoping their second game can pull it off again, and maybe there'll be some real treats in there. As someone who can be picky about music, I enjoy this and it is up there in my favorites. I am not sure on the memorability of it for me, but if I ever went back and listened to them it would be a good time for sure. If I remember any well I really think it will be Dail's theme. It just really bursts with energy for me, I could definitely listen to it when I need to get pumped for something :)

    I suppose if you have any interest in platformers, especially speed orientated like Sonic although with more combat and exploration potential, it is a good game to give a shot. I've said what I need to on the music, it is pretty great! I played as Lilac (the main, purple one) and she gives a very Sonic vibe indeed, but her dragon boost compared to Sonic's spindash gives a lot of potential to pathways because of how aerial it is and the way you can ricochet off walls with it, while also being able to give some simple horizon speed. I suppose none of this is a surprise when you know that this is a Sonic fan game converted into an IP of it's own (she actually used to be a hedgehog. had to make her a dragon to avoid being any more obvious!). Carol and Milla both have different movesets I haven't tried yet, and there are 2 dlc characters not out yet. I like multiple characters done right, and this does that. When I gave Sonic a try last year I really liked Blaze for being Sonic but different enough to not be a copy. Anyway, if there is anything to not like much it is some of the voice acting. The main trio ranges from about average to not so great, every once in a while they get a scene down really well (they seem better at some of the more dramatic moments than the little character defining ones) The side characters I actually like General Gong and the Magister's performances more than them. The real standout is Brevon for me. He's got a nice sinister voice that screams bad guy to me. Basically though, the game should be played through once in adventure then replays done in classic. Maybe the dlc characters will be worth a revisit to adventure.

    edit: Forgot to mention, but I really like the art and animations. Very expressive. I would often just not advance dialogue immediately to look at each of the characters.
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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2016
    @typo_tilly I got mine on steam. 9.74 USD at 35% off. Surprised it wasn't greater on a year old game. Maybe they planned on a sales jump with the announcement trailer? I mean, I bought into it...

    And yeah, who needs a cringy fan game when you can make your own? :) Eh, I suppose they don't all have to be bad, but they do have a bad rep. As do fan characters of course, and after finding a link in a comments section to the original creator's deviantart I gotta say that Lilac benefitted from the redesign! She was kind of long and way too skinny, and of course had ears instead of horns :) At least I can say she wasn't something like a recolor of Amy, seeing as she is the only female hedgehog. Other than her getting normal person proportions and becoming a dragon, they all actually look the same. I guess this is Sonic deviantart: the game, and it's surprisingly good. If people want bad there is also the dreams collection...

    I guess a big influence in making it their own was the ability to sell it and kickstart it for greater funding. In the end, I guess it all worked out into a pretty solid product. I am sure that having money to work with and the ability to make money in the end benefitted the game. Also helps not being attached to a franchise of varying quality. It certainly seems to have made enough sales, too, given they are making the sequel and not kickstarting again.

    And yeah, I do not mean to put the voice acting down too much. It isn't bad enough to make me cringe, but quite a bit of it is below par. It tends to be the lesser part of the game, but it is acceptable and certainly has it's moments and standout characters. The gameplay is fun, though, and being a game that is what matters.

    Also, they actually hired a voice director for the sequel, so it seems they did listen to people's complaints on that. I think some people do make it out worse than it is, but it is something that needed work and I like that they are working on it. They also kept the actors which I like. I don't think anybody is a big fan of a sudden voice change on a character, unless there was a large enough age gap to justify it.
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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @typo_tilly I'll admit, don't really watch anime. That said, I always here Hopes and Dreams described as "like the end of a good anime" so maybe I would like the music :) I just don't watch stuff much. ADD and PTSD make me want to be more involved, so I mostly do games as entertainment. But yeah, like that song too.

    If you don't find a sale I suppose you won't miss too much money in the wallet for what it's worth. Game is a good investment, like Undertale. If you aren't a totally DRM free person, today is the last steam sale day for the offer I got. This year I got this and Pillars of Eternity, and am playing both at once. I am pretty capable of having multiple games going if it's like an RPG and something else that requires less immersion, and I don't need to immerse myself with a dragon/cat/dog girl in a 2d platformer so it just works for me :) I guess I may also be used to it from when I was younger sharing consoles with brothers, so I would sometimes need to move system if I still want to play something.

    In my opinion, the acting is at a passable level to clarify my thoughts. Isn't bad, but not up to modern standards. Many other people seem to consider it worse than I do, and you seem more willing to defend it than me :) Even seems to have a steady improvement throughout, like they are getting more into their roles. They do tend to get the proper emotions down at least. The worst cases would be monotone or all over the place emotionally because nobody gave them even a hint of direction. Again, I played the Sonic games, I know what bad acting is after the first Adventure game :) If the trailer is anything to go by, though, FP2 seems like it is going to do a much better job, and be above just passable. Besides, it really isn't much of what you play a platformer for! With adventure done I will likely just be replaying in classic, but when the second game comes out I'll be doing another adventure for sure. These people put work into the cutscenes and I want to see them and learn about the world a bit. I am personally hoping they do more of the hand drawn anime style in the actual game. I would like that for the cutscenes a lot!

    Took a look over at OCR for some remix tracks to include something more on the musical side of the game. Sad to find only 2, but if it is anything like Undertale there could be many gems to be found on youtube. Got my multiplayer BG game soon though. That is still a thing, but we totally forgot the journal thread here :) Maybe I'll look for some good remixes later. Kind of want to start a classic mode speedrun too. I kind of took my time first go to find cards and stuff, but there are achievements for labeled speedrun times so I seem to have a goal to aim for with that.
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    edited January 2016
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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2016
    I just managed to delete my post by accident. oops! XD

    Not a big fan of NES and SNES music. Doesn't help that it lacks nostalgia for me. Still, I have a liking for some, including Earthbound.

    I like those tracks too, but posted the others because they are similar. I just chose my favorite of the levels to post. Also, ones I included no tracks of I just removed to make the wall smaller. Still needed a spoiler tag :)

    I like the trailer's anime art and music style. The music itself is also done by Falk, same person that did the earlier Endless Possibilities Rockestrate I liked.

    I usually search remixes by game. I like hearing my favorite songs made new. I still usually return to the original instead, though.

    Some people prefer to focus on one game. It is a personal taste. @Heindrich thinks it is weird when I play different games on different days, but doing it helps me avoid burnout from playing the same one every day. Just can't be gone too long or I lose my immersion and have trouble getting back into character.

    I am glad that I could not only share good music but a good game. I heard of FP a lot, but put it off. I eventually had an urge to play it after I gave Sonic another go after all these years, but the trailer pushed me over. It feels like Baldur's Gate all over again! I gained an interest in BG right when the very first announcement countdown began :) Maybe I'll be lucky with Sonic and he regains some respect in his 25th anniversary after I came back to him.
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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2016
    What feeling? The one of something suddenly making a comeback just as you are just getting into it?

    That is exactly when I usually try to have other games going :) I always want to do a bunch of side quests, but it can eventually become a chore even if I am having enough fun with it. I am doing a bunch of Defiance Bay quests in Pillars of Eternity while also playing Freedom Planet.

    Sonic's rep has a lot more to do with never regaining it from his dark age than his latest games, but among his latest games Boom definitely didn't help. It is seen as the second Sonic 06, although with no build up, and we have yet to know what will follow. It seems to only hurt his fanbase less because of it's spin off nature and having a different dev, but of course Sega still has blame for publishing. That said, some good news are coming out of the to be announced 25th anniversary title. Crush 40 may return for soundtrack, Sega has promised to delay if needed, and already did so for the next Boom and the Olympic Games, and the twitter guy is on a roll! He somehow is capable of getting all the other corporate social media to join his charades and I think the hilarity there may have contributed to my giving his modern games a shot! Of course, knowing his reputation I wouldn't be buying into it day 1, but if I hear it ends up being a good one I'll have to give it a shot. Well, so long as it comes to pc!

    Having never had a SNES, I never really got to play Earthbound. I probably know more than I should about it, though :)

    This isn't music, so I'm just going to spoiler tag it, but I am going about a classic speedrun right now. I got all of the achievement times so far except I forgot to check Dragon Valley and missed it. I don't usually go for achievements but sometimes like this they can be good for setting a goal :) So, just finished Thermal Base, goal of 9 minutes:

    They are pretty tough to hit. It is not like the professional times, but it takes quite a few tries. Lucky me who can reset levels instead of going through all of them in a row perfectly! :) That was with a death, though, so I did quite a good run to manage the time despite the death. It was just a few attempts ago I couldn't even reach the boss in 9 minutes! I think easiest for me was Relic Maze, where I beat the time by like 40 seconds. It must've been the music that I like :)
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2016
    Freedom Planet 1 Dragon Valley

    Freedom Planet 2 Dragon Valley (alpha, subject to possibly change)

    Like it very much. Nice happy music for that early level before plot happens.

    edit: full alpha soundtrack: h ttps:// (remove space)

    Does reveal some interesting stuff. They have an overworld song, so I guess that is new. Glad too, because I need to play fully through my classic file to redo the Dragon Valley speedrun I messed up. Also seems to be a lot of stages planned.
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  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2016
    That sounds nice :) Fitting for the types of environments shown in that gameplay. I'd say that could be a very final track.

    I think I like the alpha more than the original of Dragon Valley by a bit :) Although the rest doesn't measure to FP1 to me, I realize here they are alpha and I am certainly reserving judgement. I also gotta see the music working with the environment, which can be a big deal for the music chosen. They also changed style a bit, but they did say they were trying to move from nostalgia and into establishing themselves and establishing a music style is one way to work towards that.

    Ah, I see. Well, with my picky music tastes I take what I like when I can :) It's not even that I don't like a lot, but it takes a lot to make me really care. For the game itself, it is some nice nostalgia. Likely going back to focusing on Pillars with me having done all of the speedrun achievements I can as Lilac! I will try the other chars some other time I think. Would be nice to get Lilac's control scheme out of my mind and go in fresh, as well as the draining of my liking for levels that I just had to redo who knows how many times as I knock off the seconds :) I think I must've restart the last level over 100 times, most within the first 30 seconds though.

    Listening to more of the whole album now that I am not helplessly trying to beat Brevon without dying to keep my time down. This might be my favorite:

    Judging by the labels and other descriptions, this has the same BKNWA that the one made for a final level is. I am going to assume it is like Final Dreadnought, a single location with multiple levels, and unless another were added this may be the last. If so, certainly is a lot more cheerful than Final Dreadnought 4, which is very brooding. It feels like we'll be in a much more hopeful situation in the end.
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  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870

    One of the best game protagonist that ever existed hands down. And 35 years old to boot!
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    Oh! I just remembered what game has some absolutely amazing music... Hatoful Boyfriend! XD Seriously... that game is like the Undertale of visual novel dating sims as it subverts every expectation. You thought this was a joke game as you date birds? You are so wrong! I'll admit I never played it, I really thought it was a joke and didn't get it. I certainly didn't want anybody on my steam friends to see me playing a weird pigeon dating simulator. But trust me... watching Dodger play it on youtube in 2014, it is pretty much the best visual novel, and I don't really like them :) So being bored and watching a bit of it again, I got exposed to the music again.

    Warning! Do not click this one if avoiding spoilers, although I doubt many of us care to get into the game anyway, so in most cases you could just go ahead :)

    That is pretty much all I got for this. The rest is normal VN background stuff for the most part, but these songs are pretty amazing! :D
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  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Here's one of the best Fire Emblem songs. I like it better than the main theme.

    And here's another great one from FE.
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