[BG:EE] Battle Enhancer Mod (ver 1.33 RELEASED!)
Battle Enhancer Mod ver. 1.33 (BG:EE 1.2 compatible)
Designed and created by Charan and lunar: Long awaited release of Harsh Faerun Mod - Now know as Battle Enhancer Mod!
Most important changes and features:
Most enemies and NPC's have a chance to possess random potions and WILL use them in fight.
Enemies who use projectile weapons have a chance to possess random magical projectiles they can use and they WILL use them on the player.
Most enemies and NPC's use SMART TARGETING and attempt to chase your weakest members unless kited
Most mages and clerics will now reposition or attack between casting spells.
It's no longer possible to lure enemies from fog of war one by one. Attacking an enemy makes him call for help in a decent radius.
Guards, soldiers and mercenaries recevied some proper training. A watcher in plate mail is no longer just cannon fodder that can't hit a gibberling. (Game is even harder for EVIL teams)
Human NPC's and monsters have received buffs by maxing their Hit Points rolls and stats for given levels.
Critter races have been separated into variety of tiers.
Some tiers received more significant overall buffs than others. Just try the Gnoll Stronghold now.
Exp rates revised and rebalanced according to challenge. Some rates went up, some rates went down.
It should be faster to leave the early game levels but overall pool of EXP per game did not go up too much.
Note: Most changes were HAND EDITED while stricktly following of AD&D rules and progression tables. Take care as the game WILL be HARDER now.
Most enemies have a chance to be in possession of random treasure which can be stolen or looted.
Drop chance and loot pool depends on the enemy tier.
Separate tier for spellcasters, which gives a better opportunity to get rare scrolls.
Some treasures in hidden stashes have been randomized in balancing purpose.
Drop rates have been adjusted so that during an average game course you will find: around 12 low tier items, around 6 medium tier items and 1-2 Legendary tier items.
Note: Critters who previously did not drop items did not receive the chance for loot.
It's impossible to find personalized/one of a kind items (for example, you won't find a second Helmet of Balduran)
Some new encounters and new enemies added.
Some fight with mages have been reworked to be more difficult and interesting.
Reworked Ogre Mage fight mechanics to provide an ultimate and unique experience (Enjoy)
Chieftain and Leader critters received additional boosts and special abilities to strengthen their kin
All companions are met at their MAX HIT points rolls, regardless of player's level.
Shop prices are now higher but players won't receive more gold for their items (crisis right?)
THIS MOD IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BALDUR'S GATE BEGINNERS! It's perfectly possible to start a new game with it BUT you need to have at least slight idea on what you are doing.
1. Installation:
Simply put the Override folder into:
Steam Version: your BG Enhanced edition main directory (Example for steam version:
\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition)
Non-Steam Version: ...\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\data\00766\ folder
You can instal this mod at ANY moment of the game but it is just more fun and more balance to play with it from the beginning.
It should be compatible with all other mods (unless they change creature statistics and HP) and all game languages - especially if you install Battle Enhancer as last. Pr
"MEETING COMPANIONS AT MAX HIT POINTS ROLLS" can be overwritten with other mods that edit your companions (new kits, etc) and it will not affect the other features at all.
You can use ANYTHING included in this mod package without my permission - even for commercial use - I simply do not care. Just enjoy and make a good use of it.
Ver 1.11:
- Minor bugfixes with neutral NPC's sometimes assaulting the player.
Ver 1.12:
- Gnoll5 overbuffing and dialogNPC fix.
- Nashkel Mine lvl 3 crash fix.
Ver 1.2:
- Full compatibility with BGEE patch 1.2 (Rasaad required HP-Reroll due to change in his kit).
- Improved casters behavior between spell casts. Also they will no longer leave areas when repositioning.
- Enemy backup requests feature added (No longer possible to lure enemies from fog of war one by one).
- Slighty lowered drop chances.
- Improved potion using mechanism. Now enemies are much more likely to use their magical mixtures and will also do it faster than before.
Ver 1.21:
- Fixed potion using by neutral NPC's.
- Vampiric wolf is no considered Undead.
Ver 1.3:
- Smart targeting has been improved. Enemies won't attempt to chase your squishies too far - they will choose appropriate nearby target instead (it's almost impossible to keep them focused on the main party tank). Current design is more sofisticated and won't allow for hit'n'run exploit.
- Cosmetic fix for casters: They will now face nearest enemy after repositioning.
- Added Smart targeting to some enemies that were lacking it.
Ver 1.31:
- Script optimalization and cleanup.
- Smart targeting added to more enemies.
- Fix for Branwen starting HP.
Ver 1.32:
- Borda won't drink his cursed potions during fight.
- Improvement of script for creatures using both ranged and melee weapons. These enemies will sometimes attempt to increase their distance before switching to melee when approached by players(should be more annoying and harder to catch now). Also improved weapon switching response time.
- Some AI script performance improvements.
- Fix for quest to bring Worn Whispers boots. (Unfortunately it's not retrospective once you have killed the hobgoblin dropping the boots.)
Ver 1.33:
- Fix for Zombie Plague Quest.
- Fix for Xvarts attacking cow quest.
- Fix for Flind damage (they were dealing less than they should).
Designed and created by Charan and lunar: Long awaited release of Harsh Faerun Mod - Now know as Battle Enhancer Mod!
Most important changes and features:
Most enemies and NPC's have a chance to possess random potions and WILL use them in fight.
Enemies who use projectile weapons have a chance to possess random magical projectiles they can use and they WILL use them on the player.
Most enemies and NPC's use SMART TARGETING and attempt to chase your weakest members unless kited
Most mages and clerics will now reposition or attack between casting spells.
It's no longer possible to lure enemies from fog of war one by one. Attacking an enemy makes him call for help in a decent radius.
Guards, soldiers and mercenaries recevied some proper training. A watcher in plate mail is no longer just cannon fodder that can't hit a gibberling. (Game is even harder for EVIL teams)
Human NPC's and monsters have received buffs by maxing their Hit Points rolls and stats for given levels.
Critter races have been separated into variety of tiers.
Some tiers received more significant overall buffs than others. Just try the Gnoll Stronghold now.
Exp rates revised and rebalanced according to challenge. Some rates went up, some rates went down.
It should be faster to leave the early game levels but overall pool of EXP per game did not go up too much.
Note: Most changes were HAND EDITED while stricktly following of AD&D rules and progression tables. Take care as the game WILL be HARDER now.
Most enemies have a chance to be in possession of random treasure which can be stolen or looted.
Drop chance and loot pool depends on the enemy tier.
Separate tier for spellcasters, which gives a better opportunity to get rare scrolls.
Some treasures in hidden stashes have been randomized in balancing purpose.
Drop rates have been adjusted so that during an average game course you will find: around 12 low tier items, around 6 medium tier items and 1-2 Legendary tier items.
Note: Critters who previously did not drop items did not receive the chance for loot.
It's impossible to find personalized/one of a kind items (for example, you won't find a second Helmet of Balduran)
Some new encounters and new enemies added.
Some fight with mages have been reworked to be more difficult and interesting.
Reworked Ogre Mage fight mechanics to provide an ultimate and unique experience (Enjoy)
Chieftain and Leader critters received additional boosts and special abilities to strengthen their kin
All companions are met at their MAX HIT points rolls, regardless of player's level.
Shop prices are now higher but players won't receive more gold for their items (crisis right?)
THIS MOD IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BALDUR'S GATE BEGINNERS! It's perfectly possible to start a new game with it BUT you need to have at least slight idea on what you are doing.
1. Installation:
Simply put the Override folder into:
Steam Version: your BG Enhanced edition main directory (Example for steam version:

Non-Steam Version: ...\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\data\00766\ folder
You can instal this mod at ANY moment of the game but it is just more fun and more balance to play with it from the beginning.
It should be compatible with all other mods (unless they change creature statistics and HP) and all game languages - especially if you install Battle Enhancer as last. Pr
"MEETING COMPANIONS AT MAX HIT POINTS ROLLS" can be overwritten with other mods that edit your companions (new kits, etc) and it will not affect the other features at all.
You can use ANYTHING included in this mod package without my permission - even for commercial use - I simply do not care. Just enjoy and make a good use of it.
Ver 1.11:
- Minor bugfixes with neutral NPC's sometimes assaulting the player.
Ver 1.12:
- Gnoll5 overbuffing and dialogNPC fix.
- Nashkel Mine lvl 3 crash fix.
Ver 1.2:
- Full compatibility with BGEE patch 1.2 (Rasaad required HP-Reroll due to change in his kit).
- Improved casters behavior between spell casts. Also they will no longer leave areas when repositioning.
- Enemy backup requests feature added (No longer possible to lure enemies from fog of war one by one).
- Slighty lowered drop chances.
- Improved potion using mechanism. Now enemies are much more likely to use their magical mixtures and will also do it faster than before.
Ver 1.21:
- Fixed potion using by neutral NPC's.
- Vampiric wolf is no considered Undead.
Ver 1.3:
- Smart targeting has been improved. Enemies won't attempt to chase your squishies too far - they will choose appropriate nearby target instead (it's almost impossible to keep them focused on the main party tank). Current design is more sofisticated and won't allow for hit'n'run exploit.
- Cosmetic fix for casters: They will now face nearest enemy after repositioning.
- Added Smart targeting to some enemies that were lacking it.
Ver 1.31:
- Script optimalization and cleanup.
- Smart targeting added to more enemies.
- Fix for Branwen starting HP.
Ver 1.32:
- Borda won't drink his cursed potions during fight.
- Improvement of script for creatures using both ranged and melee weapons. These enemies will sometimes attempt to increase their distance before switching to melee when approached by players(should be more annoying and harder to catch now). Also improved weapon switching response time.
- Some AI script performance improvements.
- Fix for quest to bring Worn Whispers boots. (Unfortunately it's not retrospective once you have killed the hobgoblin dropping the boots.)
Ver 1.33:
- Fix for Zombie Plague Quest.
- Fix for Xvarts attacking cow quest.
- Fix for Flind damage (they were dealing less than they should).
Post edited by Charan on
How ever Battle Horror (Horror Bitewny) Gained some fierceful stats and nice EXP value gain to compensate.
Still waiting for suggestions.
Please guys, provide feedback on the mod - I might alter it later. Thanks and enjoy.
Version 1.1 (2013.07.20):
- Lowered lowest tier monsters EXP so they doesn't feel so awkward (Felt a little unfair receivng 135EXP for a hobgoblin - doesn't matter if he was more accurate opponent and thrice more durable then before.
Consistent character level progression should be maintained just fine.
- Lowered EXP rewards for soldiers (Flaming fist, Watchers, Town Guards, Amn Soldiers etc.)
Version 1.2 (2013.07.21):
- After further testing I decided to lower most of gained EXP values - especially on lowest tier mobs. They still should be adequate for the challenge though.
- Particular monsters were given additional fighting power or durability due to their nature (For example: Zombies became much more durable)
- Minor bugfixes in NPC stats.
I strongly recommend to update previous version because of few essential fixes. Also the EXP was a little big too high. Anyone even using this or should I stop releasing newer versions to public? Really could use some feedback - such a shame I'm testing it by myself.
Funny thing. My level 5 party has some problems with gnoll stronghold (using some of the op equipement from dark horizons). I find it really funny. It's manageable but if you break formation and let gnolls surround your weaklings it can be over soon.
I've sent you a private message- you got me interested in the script changes you were doing for yourself.
BTW final version of my mod is here, maybe you will have some use for the automodifying code, feel free to use it:
Personally I'm a little against increasing saving throws, because just increasing the Hit Points can make it much more diffucult for mages
So far from testing it - everything worked as expected. I may not encounter every monster or npc yet, but majority of the basic kind are changes - I was giving my own exp numbers so I'd notice imediately if encountered an untouched critter.
Plus just looking at creatures names may be misleading. E.g. what did you do with monsters that are summoned? Summons are used both by your party and enemies, if you modify all of them this will make the game actually easier in some cases.
This is an example of the code I used for modifying HP:
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~.*\.cre~ ~override~
This finds all the cre files and excludes those that are empty
READ_SHORT 0x24 "currenthp"
READ_SHORT 0x26 "maxhp"
READ_LONG 0x1CC "biography"
READ_BYTE 0x270 "Ally"
just reads the parts of the files that we will modify
PATCH_IF (NOT ("%biography%" > 0) AND NOT ("%Ally%" = 5) AND NOT ("%Ally%" = 20) AND NOT ("%Ally%" = 3) AND NOT ("%Ally%" = 30) AND NOT ("%Ally%" = 1) AND NOT ("%Ally%" = 4) AND NOT ("%Ally%" = 2))
This excludes all the NPCs that are not potential enemies (nearifnity is great for checking what NPC have what Ally status), here the biggest problem were the summons.
WRITE_SHORT 0x24 (("%currenthp%" * 150) / 100)
WRITE_SHORT 0x26 (("%maxhp%" * 150) / 100)
And this writes the given change (in this case adds 50% to creature's HP
If you want to have a look at my tp2 file
Many even lowest tier monsters received too significant stats boost for a player's party that constantly lingers around level 1-2. They difficulty curve goes up as the adventure progresses - Without the advantage of one extra level average, the player could forget about beating many encounters.
Give it a try or wait 2 days for weidu version 1.3 with incorporated contribution of lunar: Just gonna say that it will be some freaky nasty fights with spell casters all over the game. 1.3 will come along with some tone-downs in EXP values but 1.2 is actually quite adequate now (make sure you don't have dark horizons installed as it adds a ton of extra exp and unbalanced items).
Let's say average exp acquired by character in vanilla BG1 + tosc was around 200k. Even if all encounters were increased in difficulty by 60% that would allow the player to get 200k + 120k exp extra on average.
That is only one, sometimes two additional levels average (end game).
Completely different situation is with boss enemies etc. Some of them may be even almost broken now - manageable only for the toughest but I still couldn't see how vanilla level character could beat some of them without cursing all the time
The main goal of the mode is to provide additional challenge and making the gameplay more interesting, along with providing a more consistent level progression path. It's a different approach made by editing each encounter. Many fights will be a lot tougher strictly from strategical point, and many more casual encounters will be tougher by brutal force - you will never know what to expect.
Also, have you looked at this mod: http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?showforum=118
My own and Lunar's only concern is that End game may be unbeatable at some moments. We will be testing some of end fights today
What will be in next release:
- Renamed mod to Charan's and Lunar's Harsh Faerun mod.
- Revised challeneges with mages thanks to Lunar's edits and custom scripts. Fighting certain spellcasters will be a real adventure.
- Randomised soms of the drops, Randomised treasures in hidden stashes.
- Added spawn points to certain location to make things harder.
- Additional enemies in certain encounters
- Chieftain and leader mobs will buff self and their companions - basically acting like mini boss monsters
- Ogre mages arsenal received makeover. You have to see on your own eyes how annoying can they be from strategical point of view.
- EXP values revised and adjusted further.
- Summoned creatures will not have their stats edited.
Or you can just wait for 1.3 which will be toned down further for some reasons.
- Renamed mod to Charan's and Lunar's Harsh Faerun mod.
- Revised challeneges with mages thanks to Lunar's edits and custom scripts. Fighting certain spellcasters will be a real adventure. (Mostly done, Lunar adds new ones though)
- Randomised soms of the drops, Randomised treasures in hidden stashes. (Done)
- Added spawn points to certain location to make things harder. (Almost Done)
- Additional enemies in certain encounters. (Almost Done)
- Chieftain and leader mobs will buff self and their companions - basically acting like mini boss monsters (Done)
- Ogre mages arsenal received makeover. You have to see on your own eyes how annoying can they be from strategical point of view. (Done)
- EXP values revised and adjusted further. (Not done)
- Summoned creatures will not have their stats edited. (Done by default)
- NEW! Advanced targeting and target priorities for some intelligent enemies (Done - just need to expand implementation range)
- NEW! More changes yet to be announced.