I knocked a skeleton man unconscious. Am I God?

Imoen and me where taking the road less traveled and a scary undead creature started throwing daggers at us! In a panic, I ran up to defend us and I used my 18/00 STR to good use. Beating the undead menace until it shattered...only it didn't shatter, it became...sleepy?
I am emailing Morgan Freeman right now, this needs to be addressed on Through the Wormhole.
I am emailing Morgan Freeman right now, this needs to be addressed on Through the Wormhole.
Demon Boss, "So, I see that you have returned prematurely from the prime material plane, how did you die, my Knight?"
Demon Knight, "I was totally winning against a small army of powerful foes when all of a sudden, WHAMMY! Elminster caught me off guard with...ummm....LIGHTNING BOLT!! Yeah, and I was totally smashing two armored humans together and it kind of fried me. Sorry."
Deomon Boss, "I see. And yet here you stand, with zero electrical damage...I have acquired a scroll of True Thought, gather around my minions, it's time to hear what REALLY happened...."
@ tresset What you did was very cool, but far less impressive than what I did. You see, in order to be knocked UNconscious you have to:
a. Have a brain.
b. Have a living brain.
c. Be in a state of consciousness
I hit that skeleton so hard that it came back to life, regenerated it's decayed brain, and then passed out, all instantaneously.
You cannot just go about bragging how you punched unconscious a dead personage lacking musculature and skin!
And some of us undead DO have a brain... I am a 2000 year old Mummie and my brain sits pride of place on the mantelpiece in a jar.
And as for @kamigoroshi ... Placing the stereotypical drunken and staggering zombie routine once again on us undead... SHAME ON YOU! You will be saying they have a brain fixation too soon! You make me rot!
I am going to be watching this thread very carefully for further undead transgressions...
On the other hand it does explain why I am wrapped in bandages...
Maybe I tied it into a pretzel? It kind of looks like a pretzel sitting there in a pile. Somebody better cast Chiropracter!
Or right, rather. Which is wrong.
I'm surprised that the skeleton wasn't flat-out immune to your fist damage.
If it wasn't for the +4 bonus to hit that enemies receive, i would punch stuff a lot more at low level.
Much like blunt damage?