You know, I just can't pass by and feel myself obliged to say this is a great forum again.
Eight months have passed since the OP and now I feel myself much more "valid" here. In the past it was about getting acquainted with everyone, finding my way, becoming more serious. Now it is about everything.
I happily come here at the start of every working day and find a bunch of interesting revelations about BG, a pack of jokes, a dozen of secrets and stories and just tons of pleasure. It seems it doesn't matter what day it is, what events take place in the world, this forum is like a harbor. More and more members join the community and many of them become friends of mine. It's great!
It seems old BG-related forums slowly but steadily die, i.e.,, Boards o' Magick. I wish this forum stay as long as it is possible, maybe till we put on 3D-Helmet to play a brand new BG game in an alternative reality.
I have to agree. I've lurked for a long while but only recently felt confident enough to actually jump into the fray. I don't think I've ever seen or been a part of a more friendly or welcoming community. You guys and girls should be extremely proud of what you have built here, you're the community Baldur's Gate deserve and one of the finest I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of.
I'd just like to say you can never have too much Drow love - so long as its a priestess of Eilestrae you're loving of course
And please .... no tickling. That's grossly unfair! It deserves a critical hit level bash in the face with a pillow! hmmm ... just which weapon proficiency would apply to a pillow?
On a more serious note I spent a lot of time on various BG related forums about 10 years ago. I even ran a site and a forum. But, and it's a big but, I found out how vicious some people can get when they form into a group who loves to declare someone no longer part of the group, and then display their group power and cohesiveness by spreading lies and bullying all over the BG related part of the net. I saw it happen to someone else, and then it happened to me. Here I don't get any of the sense of in-crowd and clique that I got from the start on that particular forum (which shall remain unnamed). I've been a moderator on a very, very busy and large forum and have seen a lot of good, and a little of bad behavior there.
I've not been here long, but I really enjoy the atmosphere. You chaps and chapesses have made me feel very welcome. I also don't get the feeling of being resented because their sense of humour doesn't match everyone else's. Here it seems that if people don't get the joke, they still accept it was a joke, and just ignore it. So lots of warm fuzzies and appreciation to you all.
I'd just like to say you can never have too much Drow love - so long as its a priestess of Eilestrae you're loving of course And please .... no tickling. That's grossly unfair! It deserves a critical hit level bash in the face with a pillow! hmmm ... just which weapon proficiency would apply to a pillow?
It's a blunt weapon. In the hands of Jess it's a plus 3 blunt weapon... with bleeding and a 35% chance of knockdown. :P
So lots of warm fuzzies and appreciation to you all.
Seconded and very eloquently put! I've been here a long time but I only joined in a few days ago. Never seen a better group nor a more welcoming more open one. Cheer's guys! Can't thank you enough! The internet can be a pretty brutal place, you guys and girls have carved out a beautiful little corner of it!
This place has been... interesting i am more used to a talk about whatever gaming forum. But this one has some interesting people. The only other forum place i have been to that was rpg related was Gamebanshie and that place was boring.
But this one has some interesting people. Gamebanshie and that place was boring.
I know right! Although it's built around BG, with people here you can still have an intelligent conversation about, say politics Like Here that doesn't de-generate into a mindless flame war. It's very refreshing the level of intelligence and insightfulness around this place.
And yes, Gamebanshee is boring, we all know it. May as well say it.
We had talk about quantum physics a few months ago... Just informing the new guys in the thread you probably can discuss anything in this forum... as long as it´s not against the forum rules, of course
But this one has some interesting people. Gamebanshie and that place was boring.
I know right! Although it's built around BG, with people here you can still have an intelligent conversation about, say politics Like Here that doesn't de-generate into a mindless flame war. It's very refreshing the level of intelligence and insightfulness around this place.
And yes, Gamebanshee is boring, we all know it. May as well say it.
Well the way I see it Meatloaf... (*Laughing*) If no one knows it exists, they can't take part can they? Hahahahaha! Besides, you all know I'm shameless! :P
Thanks for resurrecting this thread of mine;) Although I have to admit that it (*looking at the thread title*) can never be old.
It's interesting for me to look at my OP here. Now I'm a moderator here (having gone a long way from being a newbie) but my feelings are exactly the same.
The day without this forum (as the nearest weekend has shown me) seems much longer than the day when I'm here:)
"Let's share the stories of staying on this forum. I'll appreciate your own history and experience" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL RIGHT NOW! *cough* *cough* *inside voice:* Okay well I love this forum for now I remember how shit this forum is: 'Terld of Wankers Ferum'. That forum is filled with brainless Monkey bum sniffers whom lack the insight to even realize that their game is heavily rigged against their own success *The game's rigged match maker is by law: patented*.
So I head over here and lo, and behold the people here have: A.) An actual functioning Human Brain (or they would never get past the Naskel Mines (" ͡° ' ͜ʖ ͡° ') and if they were anything like 'Merdumb Gaemurs' they would instead rage quit and play some random teenybopper first person shooter. B.) Patience.. For who can beat Baldur's Gate without this virtue? C.) The trait of not being A COMPLETE ASSHOLE. Baldur's Gate was made in a time where it REWARDED THE USE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN and thus all of the little shits F*ck off to dry hump Call of My Little Brony Yolo 420 Blaze It Rekt Edition with 5,000 and one $300 day one D.L.C.s and it is ran by head-queezed-at-birth cockamamie game Derpelovmint stahvf. Because everyone and their dog knows that big AAA ('triple A') Veedee-O Gaem 'corpserations' and their greedy derpelovmint 'stupids' pump out _addicting as crack_ mind-numbing dross faster than a lanced boil.
So *WFFOOOOooo* Okay so yeah I suppose that one could say that I don't like Maein Straem 420 rekt generic Yolo over-priced over-hyped broken promise sales-driven Gaems with fake paid off online 'reviewers'.
@bengoshi Ah I just don't like most new games for I see right through their crap design philosophies like a pane of old window glass and I can see the greed of their producer behind their rushed 'deadlines'. I am just a sad disappointed 'forumite' yelping my sorrows upon the roof tops of this kindly forum and whom laments for the late 1990's / early 2000's style of game design *somber face*.
Eight months have passed since the OP and now I feel myself much more "valid" here. In the past it was about getting acquainted with everyone, finding my way, becoming more serious. Now it is about everything.
I happily come here at the start of every working day and find a bunch of interesting revelations about BG, a pack of jokes, a dozen of secrets and stories and just tons of pleasure. It seems it doesn't matter what day it is, what events take place in the world, this forum is like a harbor. More and more members join the community and many of them become friends of mine. It's great!
It seems old BG-related forums slowly but steadily die, i.e.,, Boards o' Magick. I wish this forum stay as long as it is possible, maybe till we put on 3D-Helmet to play a brand new BG game in an alternative reality.
And please .... no tickling. That's grossly unfair! It deserves a critical hit level bash in the face with a pillow! hmmm ... just which weapon proficiency would apply to a pillow?
On a more serious note I spent a lot of time on various BG related forums about 10 years ago. I even ran a site and a forum. But, and it's a big but, I found out how vicious some people can get when they form into a group who loves to declare someone no longer part of the group, and then display their group power and cohesiveness by spreading lies and bullying all over the BG related part of the net. I saw it happen to someone else, and then it happened to me. Here I don't get any of the sense of in-crowd and clique that I got from the start on that particular forum (which shall remain unnamed). I've been a moderator on a very, very busy and large forum and have seen a lot of good, and a little of bad behavior there.
I've not been here long, but I really enjoy the atmosphere. You chaps and chapesses have made me feel very welcome. I also don't get the feeling of being resented because their sense of humour doesn't match everyone else's. Here it seems that if people don't get the joke, they still accept it was a joke, and just ignore it. So lots of warm fuzzies and appreciation to you all.
Seconded and very eloquently put!
The internet can be a pretty brutal place, you guys and girls have carved out a beautiful little corner of it!
that doesn't de-generate into a mindless flame war. It's very refreshing the level of intelligence and insightfulness around this place.
And yes, Gamebanshee is boring, we all know it. May as well say it.
It's interesting for me to look at my OP here. Now I'm a moderator here (having gone a long way from being a newbie) but my feelings are exactly the same.
The day without this forum (as the nearest weekend has shown me) seems much longer than the day when I'm here:)
ALL RIGHT NOW! *cough* *cough* *inside voice:* Okay well I love this forum for now I remember how shit this forum is: 'Terld of Wankers Ferum'. That forum is filled with brainless Monkey bum sniffers whom lack the insight to even realize that their game is heavily rigged against their own success *The game's rigged match maker is by law: patented*.
So I head over here and lo, and behold the people here have:
A.) An actual functioning Human Brain (or they would never get past the Naskel Mines (" ͡° ' ͜ʖ ͡° ') and if they were anything like 'Merdumb Gaemurs' they would instead rage quit and play some random teenybopper first person shooter.
B.) Patience.. For who can beat Baldur's Gate without this virtue?
C.) The trait of not being A COMPLETE ASSHOLE. Baldur's Gate was made in a time where it REWARDED THE USE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN and thus all of the little shits F*ck off to dry hump Call of My Little Brony Yolo 420 Blaze It Rekt Edition with 5,000 and one $300 day one D.L.C.s and it is ran by head-queezed-at-birth cockamamie game Derpelovmint stahvf. Because everyone and their dog knows that big AAA ('triple A') Veedee-O Gaem 'corpserations' and their greedy derpelovmint 'stupids' pump out _addicting as crack_ mind-numbing dross faster than a lanced boil.
So *WFFOOOOooo* Okay so yeah I suppose that one could say that I don't like Maein Straem 420 rekt generic Yolo over-priced over-hyped broken promise sales-driven Gaems with fake paid off online 'reviewers'.