by Igor-Grechany-Ostrov That top! Those… pants? Um, how about "NO!"
Her clothes aren't nearly as disturbing as her amulet. The mere thought of binding a living rat on a rope and equipping it like some accessory gives me the creeps. And I really doubt that rodent was potty trained prior to its career change.
You should totally search "Elf Wizard" on DeviantArt. I did today and SOOOOOOO many portraits of Elf Chicks wearing impractical outfits with their boobies out.
I was like "dude these chicks ain't wizards!" lol.
I will say again. For some characters, being naked just by preference and gameplay-wise is totally possible and plausible.
A Druid doesn't need clothes. He just turns into animals and/or casts spells in DnD 3.5. A Monk doesn't need clothes. At best he's wearing robes or straps. A Mage doesn't need clothes. Sure a robe gives bonuses but they have freaking spells. A Kensai doesn't need clothes either. It's all about dodging and hitting first and hard.
Sure they can wear clothes for common decency, fashion and warmth but they don't need them.
Irenicus is walking around with his nipples out and Bodhi wears just a corset, for crying out loud.
Let's not call non-fully clothed characters ridiculous and silly. If Irenicus can kick ass with his nipples out, so can a female mage.
*Half naked Irenicus* "He is so badass and powerful." *Half naked female mage* "You call that a wizard?!"
Irenicus outfit is the most unintentionally hilarious clothes ever given to a main villain. I gave absolutely no idea what they were thinking when designing his appearance like some roided-up wrestler.
I also don't understand why you're bringing up DnD classes. This isn't about the game.
It's implied since people are not complaining about his "unrealistic" and "unmage-like" appearance. And praising him as a character.
Yet when a similarly clothed or half-naked female mage shows up the reaction is "omg that is ridiculous and not a mage".
@scriver It's about fantasy. And in a fantasy game like DnD it's totally plausible to have characters like that.
For example if the argument is "omg they're gonna get stabbed without armor, it's not realistic". Then the Kensai is exactly that character concept. No armor warrior.
And historically, you have Iaijutsu masters, fencers, monks, pirates etc that didn't use any armor. In DnD, these are Kensai, Duelists and Monks.
Hell, even Zulu or other african tribe warrior don't use any armor at all. At best they used a shield. And they were mostly naked. The dark-skinned female shaman in a few posts above is such a concept.
Clothes or naked, the result is the same in combat. You're unarmored. Does it matter if you're half-naked (character design for Rasaad for example) or wearing clothes or robes?
The point is the same. You don't need the armor. So a fighting half-naked female or male is not ridiculous or "unrealistic" if you rely on your dexterity or other fantasy abilities like magic to protect yourself.
It's one thing complaining about chainmail/plate bikinis (which I find silly too) and another to find any character that is not fully robed (especially a mage) or armored, ridiculous and unrealistic.
Really, when the question for a caster is "Why are they wearing that?" then the answer should be "Mage. They can wear whatever they want because magic."
I somewhat agree with you. There have been pics that some people have posted along with criticisms and I thought to myself "this is a barbarian beserker so he really doesn't need clothes."
I should clarify however that I wasn't saying that pictures of Female Magic Users with exposed Bewbage weren't real Magic users (how would that work?) I was saying that I found it highly amusing that I searched "Elf Wizard" and got a gallery of "SO MUCH BEWBAGE!" when Wizard much like ACTOR is a gender specific term referring to a MALE Magic User.
Thus "dude! these chicks ain't wizards!" because they aren't. Factually, it is as impossible for women to be wizards in a fictional setting as it is for women to be Actors in real life.
Some criticisms of clothing can still be levelled at mages though, they aren't immune to criticism because "magic".
Enhanced Bewbage (Alteration, Enchantment) Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 female humanoid Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast the wizard causes the boobs of the recipient to increase in size. The maximum extent of the increase varies with caster level:
1st through 4rd level – 32”, A-cup 5th through 8th level – 34”, B-cup 9th through 12th level – 36”, C-cup 13th through 16th level – 38”, D-cup 17th level and above – any size, any cup
A wizard may choose any combination of breast size and cup to the extent that his/her level allows, i.e. a 9th-level wizard may choose 34” with C-cup or 36” with A=cup, but not 34” with D-cup or 38” with B-cup.
If the recipient wears clothing that reveals the transformed boobs, all viewers of the recipient must roll a Saving Throw vs. Spell or be charmed (as per the 1st-level spell Charm Person) until the recipient is out of the viewer’s sight for more than 1 turn. The following modifiers apply to the save:
Viewer is male: -3 penalty (sex sells) Viewer is homosexual male: +3 bonus (just not interested) Viewer is heterosexual female: +3 bonus (arising from amusement/disdain/jealousy). On a roll of 20, viewer is enraged (as per Barbarian ability) Viewer is of different race: Roll 1d6. Odd scores count as bonuses and even scores count as penalties
If the recipient of this spell has her boob size or cup size increased, she incurs a -1 penalty (cumulative) to hit and Armor Class due to the increased bulk, up to a maximum of -2 (increase in both boob size and cup size).
This spell can only be cast on female humanoids. All castings on male humanoids automatically fail to no effect.
@Archaos I don't think half-naked Irenicus is badass and powerful, just ridiculous. Same for Bhodi in her bustier. It was hard to tell in those early stained-glassish cutscene graphics that he was meant to be half-naked (At least for me when I played the game). The fact that it looks like he cut his face off and re-pasted it on backwards more than grabbed my attention. He's freakish and creepy, no matter what he's wearing. Or isn't wearing.
He is powerful as a mage, and I guess that makes him badass, but looking like he's practically wearing a gimp suit or just stepped out of a fetish club doesn't make him LOOK badass.
Also, lately, we've been sporking the exposed skin/abs/bellies next to armored spikes and belt buckles with horns that make it impossible for the Barbarian to bend at the waist without gutting him/herself. I actually give barbarians a pass because the popular image is that they DO fight in as little armor as possible (whereas Conan, the titular barbarian who most people base the image on, can and does use armor in situations where he can get it (if you actually read the stories/books)). Also pirates, as we in the west think of them, were active at a time when gunpowder weapons were used (cannons, pistols, etc.) and armor is pretty darned useless against gunpowder weapons, not to mention a drowning risk, when at sea. Studded Leather was usually worn by shipboard marines, as it IS made with soft, leather-jacket style leather studded with metal studs so there was more protection, and less risk of drowning. (Regular leather is hardened by dipping it, in a human shaped mold, in boiling oil, then left to cool and harden- not easy to swim in, by any means.)
No class that isn't a mage really NEEDS to wear armor- it only helps them to prevent them from getting hit far more often than they do. In most cases, the tradeoff is worth it. Not every character is going to have a high Dex to keep them from getting hit or a high Con to give them more hit points. Having armor to deflect blows or absorb minor hits helps characters stay alive longer, especially at lower levels when even a minor hit can be deadly. Monks don't need armor, but Rasaad in the first game dies so quickly… unless you equip him with Bracers of Armor (and AC6 is the best you can do in-game, giving him the same AC as Scale Mail, Brigandine or Hide Armor).
@jacobtan I have but one complaint: you forgot lesbians. :P Otherwise, well done good sir. XD
Originally, I included lesbians, but since there can be both butch or bitch... I decided to leave it at no penalty (equal chance of each). Maybe it should also be subjected to a 1d6 roll too. My friend suggested a change, that the spell works on men and causes them to grow moobs -_-
Edit to add: my friend clarified that the moobs will cause viewer to collapse with laughter. Maybe an Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter effect XD
Anyway, Irenicus' outfit is amusing, in a "what the hell is wrong with you" kind of way. I'm okay with Bodhi wearing next to nothing, since she has very high charisma as a matriarch vampire and might use sex as a tool to get her way.
You should totally search "Elf Wizard" on DeviantArt. I did today and SOOOOOOO many portraits of Elf Chicks wearing impractical outfits with their boobies out.
I was like "dude these chicks ain't wizards!" lol.
I did a search for "female Necromancer" once and was like "WTF?! Why are all these women naked… and pregnant?!?!" (Okay, not all of them, but a significant percentage.) Did I run into some fetish or something? I have NO idea.
You should totally search "Elf Wizard" on DeviantArt. I did today and SOOOOOOO many portraits of Elf Chicks wearing impractical outfits with their boobies out.
I was like "dude these chicks ain't wizards!" lol.
I did a search for "female Necromancer" once and was like "WTF?! Why are all these women naked… and pregnant?!?!" (Okay, not all of them, but a significant percentage.) Did I run into some fetish or something? I have NO idea.
I actually prefer not to know the answer for that...
Um. For the second I thought that this last guy, sorry, elf was holding a giant umbrella. Not sure what does it have to do with him not wearing any pants, though.
Just that he, and the other guy pictured, are running around starkers. Yeah, having your manly bits subject to sword slashes (Or worse, bashing by blunt weapons!) is no way to go into combat, son.
Seriously, I do not remember when fantasy became all about sex, for both male and female. Even a sex farce game like Leather Goddesses of Phobos is mild compared to the really graphic images.
You should totally search "Elf Wizard" on DeviantArt. I did today and SOOOOOOO many portraits of Elf Chicks wearing impractical outfits with their boobies out.
I was like "dude these chicks ain't wizards!" lol.
I have 100% will save vs Bewbage. lol.
A Druid doesn't need clothes. He just turns into animals and/or casts spells in DnD 3.5.
A Monk doesn't need clothes. At best he's wearing robes or straps.
A Mage doesn't need clothes. Sure a robe gives bonuses but they have freaking spells.
A Kensai doesn't need clothes either. It's all about dodging and hitting first and hard.
Sure they can wear clothes for common decency, fashion and warmth but they don't need them.
Irenicus is walking around with his nipples out and Bodhi wears just a corset, for crying out loud.
Let's not call non-fully clothed characters ridiculous and silly. If Irenicus can kick ass with his nipples out, so can a female mage.
*Half naked Irenicus* "He is so badass and powerful."
*Half naked female mage* "You call that a wizard?!"
I don't like double-standards in fantasy art.
I also don't understand why you're bringing up DnD classes. This isn't about the game.
It's implied since people are not complaining about his "unrealistic" and "unmage-like" appearance.
And praising him as a character.
Yet when a similarly clothed or half-naked female mage shows up the reaction is "omg that is ridiculous and not a mage".
It's about fantasy. And in a fantasy game like DnD it's totally plausible to have characters like that.
For example if the argument is "omg they're gonna get stabbed without armor, it's not realistic".
Then the Kensai is exactly that character concept. No armor warrior.
And historically, you have Iaijutsu masters, fencers, monks, pirates etc that didn't use any armor.
In DnD, these are Kensai, Duelists and Monks.
Hell, even Zulu or other african tribe warrior don't use any armor at all. At best they used a shield.
And they were mostly naked.
The dark-skinned female shaman in a few posts above is such a concept.
Clothes or naked, the result is the same in combat. You're unarmored.
Does it matter if you're half-naked (character design for Rasaad for example) or wearing clothes or robes?
The point is the same. You don't need the armor.
So a fighting half-naked female or male is not ridiculous or "unrealistic" if you rely on your dexterity or other fantasy abilities like magic to protect yourself.
It's one thing complaining about chainmail/plate bikinis (which I find silly too) and another to find any character that is not fully robed (especially a mage) or armored, ridiculous and unrealistic.
Really, when the question for a caster is "Why are they wearing that?" then the answer should be "Mage. They can wear whatever they want because magic."
I somewhat agree with you. There have been pics that some people have posted along with criticisms and I thought to myself "this is a barbarian beserker so he really doesn't need clothes."
I should clarify however that I wasn't saying that pictures of Female Magic Users with exposed Bewbage weren't real Magic users (how would that work?) I was saying that I found it highly amusing that I searched "Elf Wizard" and got a gallery of "SO MUCH BEWBAGE!" when Wizard much like ACTOR is a gender specific term referring to a MALE Magic User.
Thus "dude! these chicks ain't wizards!" because they aren't. Factually, it is as impossible for women to be wizards in a fictional setting as it is for women to be Actors in real life.
Some criticisms of clothing can still be levelled at mages though, they aren't immune to criticism because "magic".
Enhanced Bewbage (Alteration, Enchantment)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 female humanoid
Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast the wizard causes the boobs of the recipient to increase in size. The maximum extent of the increase varies with caster level:
1st through 4rd level – 32”, A-cup
5th through 8th level – 34”, B-cup
9th through 12th level – 36”, C-cup
13th through 16th level – 38”, D-cup
17th level and above – any size, any cup
A wizard may choose any combination of breast size and cup to the extent that his/her level allows, i.e. a 9th-level wizard may choose 34” with C-cup or 36” with A=cup, but not 34” with D-cup or 38” with B-cup.
If the recipient wears clothing that reveals the transformed boobs, all viewers of the recipient must roll a Saving Throw vs. Spell or be charmed (as per the 1st-level spell Charm Person) until the recipient is out of the viewer’s sight for more than 1 turn. The following modifiers apply to the save:
Viewer is male: -3 penalty (sex sells)
Viewer is homosexual male: +3 bonus (just not interested)
Viewer is heterosexual female: +3 bonus (arising from amusement/disdain/jealousy). On a roll of 20, viewer is enraged (as per Barbarian ability)
Viewer is of different race: Roll 1d6. Odd scores count as bonuses and even scores count as penalties
If the recipient of this spell has her boob size or cup size increased, she incurs a -1 penalty (cumulative) to hit and Armor Class due to the increased bulk, up to a maximum of -2 (increase in both boob size and cup size).
This spell can only be cast on female humanoids. All castings on male humanoids automatically fail to no effect.
He is powerful as a mage, and I guess that makes him badass, but looking like he's practically wearing a gimp suit or just stepped out of a fetish club doesn't make him LOOK badass.
Also, lately, we've been sporking the exposed skin/abs/bellies next to armored spikes and belt buckles with horns that make it impossible for the Barbarian to bend at the waist without gutting him/herself. I actually give barbarians a pass because the popular image is that they DO fight in as little armor as possible (whereas Conan, the titular barbarian who most people base the image on, can and does use armor in situations where he can get it (if you actually read the stories/books)). Also pirates, as we in the west think of them, were active at a time when gunpowder weapons were used (cannons, pistols, etc.) and armor is pretty darned useless against gunpowder weapons, not to mention a drowning risk, when at sea. Studded Leather was usually worn by shipboard marines, as it IS made with soft, leather-jacket style leather studded with metal studs so there was more protection, and less risk of drowning. (Regular leather is hardened by dipping it, in a human shaped mold, in boiling oil, then left to cool and harden- not easy to swim in, by any means.)
No class that isn't a mage really NEEDS to wear armor- it only helps them to prevent them from getting hit far more often than they do. In most cases, the tradeoff is worth it. Not every character is going to have a high Dex to keep them from getting hit or a high Con to give them more hit points. Having armor to deflect blows or absorb minor hits helps characters stay alive longer, especially at lower levels when even a minor hit can be deadly. Monks don't need armor, but Rasaad in the first game dies so quickly… unless you equip him with Bracers of Armor (and AC6 is the best you can do in-game, giving him the same AC as Scale Mail, Brigandine or Hide Armor).
Edit to add: my friend clarified that the moobs will cause viewer to collapse with laughter. Maybe an Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter effect XD
Anyway, Irenicus' outfit is amusing, in a "what the hell is wrong with you" kind of way. I'm okay with Bodhi wearing next to nothing, since she has very high charisma as a matriarch vampire and might use sex as a tool to get her way.
SO Not safe for work: imagine if this is what male warriors looked like in D&D! (by leothefox) by DrowElfMorwen (ALSO EXTREMELY Not Safe for Work!)
Perhaps to some people, pork swords count as swords too. *snicker*
Seriously, I do not remember when fantasy became all about sex, for both male and female. Even a sex farce game like Leather Goddesses of Phobos is mild compared to the really graphic images.