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BGII:EE Compatible Mod List



  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Honestly, it is very easy (if your character is female) to run the Haer'Dalis romance and basically pretend you're in a friendship for the first fifteen or so talks. He flirts with you, but their are options of subtly push him away without ending the romance. I think I practically managed to get to the end of SOA with only being kissed by him once. Which made me feel rather guilty, as I was completely using him, but I just pretended my character was a complete ditz.

    NPC mods I recommend? Xan, Angelo, Kelsey, Adrian, Dace. Kivan I also like, but I'm not sure if he's compatible with BG2EE yet. Those are the ones with ToB content- there's a couple I like that are only SOA atm. I haven't gotten to play all of spellhold studios mods yet, and I tend to focus on romance option for female characters rather then for male characters. I've heard good things about Ninde, though, and I enjoyed both Fade and Amber... but no ToB. I'd like to play Arath and Yvette one of these days. Faren, too.
  • TitanarrowTitanarrow Member Posts: 5
    Could i get an estimate time to the release of [in progress] Ascension for bg2 ee? I am going to replay it soon but id rather wait if its going to be out soon rather then later. Thanks.
  • XellosXellos Member Posts: 16
    Fade is really good, but has no ToB content, which is a massive shame. I keep hoping vaguely that BG2:EE will allow someone to get ahold of Elysia and finish it but it's almost certainly not going to happen.
  • AntagonistAntagonist Member Posts: 139
    Can anyone tell for certain if aTweaks is compatible with BG2EE + SCS? It's listed in the original post here, yet the info on the website linked to the list only mentions compatibility with Tutu and BGT. I got one and only successful install of SCS, that took about 1,5h and a gazillion of previously failed attempts, so I really, really, really don't want to take my chances to screw it up if it turns to be incompatible.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Wow, I'm really dumb and can use some help.
    I have the De'Arnise Romance mod installed. My character has been romancing both Nalia and Neera for my whole game (yeah he's one of those guys... he's a bard). I wanted to see both romances without having to play two games but this seems to be impossible now due to this problem:
    I am now ready to fight Bodhi, and being the idiot that I am, I didn't consider that she can only "abduct" one of them! So now she takes Nalia! Does this mean I am going to miss out on a huge part of Neera's romance? I'm thinking of dropping Nalia (was going to do it in ToB since the romance ends and pick up Sarevok). Yet I love the Nalia romance so I dunno what to do
    Other than making two saved games and playing them both for the last chapter, is there any way around this?
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited January 2014
    Thanks so much Twani! Makes me feel much better
    pshh... who said pimpin' ain't easy?
  • AntagonistAntagonist Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2014
    aTweaks compatibility info anyone? C'mon, maybe? @Twani I think you mentioned somewhere about using SCS/aTweaks, right? Is it bgee with scs and atweaks?
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640

    Nope, it's on my regular BGII install of a million mods. SCS works, though. I don't see anything off the wall that looks like atweaks doesn't work- it's just been updated, even, so it probably doesn't need a newer version of weidu. Why not just install it and try it? Seems like the fiend bug's been sorted out.
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    @Antagonist aTweaks is partially compatible with BG:EE. PnP creature components are still unavailable. Version installed is 4.22.
    For BG2ee, I always play with aTweaks: works as advertised, no bugs encountered. I have SCS and aTweaks v4.23 both installed on my laptop, and they work very well together. Just finished the Planar Sphere, and the fiends battle for the demon hearts went as expected: long, difficult and bloody.
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    edited January 2014
    Foggy said:

    @Antagonist aTweaks is partially compatible with BG:EE. PnP creature components are still unavailable. Version installed is 4.22.
    For BG2ee, I always play with aTweaks: works as advertised, no bugs encountered. I have SCS and aTweaks v4.23 both installed on my laptop, and they work very well together. Just finished the Planar Sphere, and the fiends battle for the demon hearts went as expected: long, difficult and bloody.

    I'm a little dubious about aTweaks. I installed both it and BG1 Unfinished Business to my game, then afterwards my game would crash after Gorion's encounter with Sarevok. It could have been UB of course, but I'm reluctant to try either one now in case my game breaks again.

  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180
    Belanos said:

    Foggy said:

    @Antagonist aTweaks is partially compatible with BG:EE. PnP creature components are still unavailable. Version installed is 4.22.
    For BG2ee, I always play with aTweaks: works as advertised, no bugs encountered. I have SCS and aTweaks v4.23 both installed on my laptop, and they work very well together. Just finished the Planar Sphere, and the fiends battle for the demon hearts went as expected: long, difficult and bloody.

    I'm a little dubious about aTweaks. I installed both it and BG1 Unfinished Business to my game, then afterwards my game would crash after Gorion's encounter with Sarevok. It could have been UB of course, but I'm reluctant to try either one now in case my game breaks again.

    I don't believe UB has been made compatible with BG:EE, so I would stay away from that for now until we hear otherwise

  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    Installed UB for test purposes, my game crashed too at the first cutscene of Sarevok vs Gorion. It have nothing to do with aTweaks. BG1 Unfinished Business isn't compatible with EE yet, and is causing errors.
  • AntagonistAntagonist Member Posts: 139
    Thanks @Foggy, that's what I wanted to hear:)

    @Twani as for your question, I did not want do install and see for myself because I didn't want to take an unnecessary risk of busting my one and only successful SCS install. There's always a chance of course but it makes me feel more comfortable to try if someone tells me their bg2ee/scs/atweaks combo works fine :)
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Foggy said:

    Installed UB for test purposes, my game crashed too at the first cutscene of Sarevok vs Gorion. It have nothing to do with aTweaks. BG1 Unfinished Business isn't compatible with EE yet, and is causing errors.

    I played many times BG:EE with UB and it worked perfectly.
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2014
    Uninstalled BG1 UB for now, I might give it a try at a later date, although I'm not really interested in modding BGEE as much as BG2EE. UB or not, SCS perfect synergy with aTweaks v4.23 stands as long as the install order is respected.
    Edit: Checked in PPG forums, BG1 UB isn't compatible with BGEE, Jatsey and Miloch are working on an update. Is there some variable you changed in the code, cos for now it just crashes the game at the first cutscene.
    Post edited by Foggy on
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640

    I haven't been able to get UB to work on BGEE, myself. BGNPC project works as long as I'm prepared for crashes and goof off with variables on occasion, but BGUB is crashing me right out of the gate (literally- Sarevok cutscene). Did you do anything special with it other then get a new weidu file? That's interesting. Hm!
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Nope, I just installed SCS and UB in my runs. And later on, IWDification.
    Now that I think about it, @LiamEsler, can you add IWDification to the list?
    It works for both BG/BG2:EE :)
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    If anyone is afraid of breaking the game before installing a mod, just copy the entire game folder to another location and make a savegame with an obvious name such as "Before Ascension". If things go wrong and the game shows strange behavior or starts crashing, delete the game folder, restore the copy you made before to its original location and continue the game from that last save. This way you don't need to reinstall the game and mods you were using before.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Has anyone tried The Sellswords?
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    @spaceinvader I'm doing it literally right now in my current game. Its during chapter six. a bit of an awkward thing to delay facing irenicus when he has your soul, lol, but still fun. Would have been better as a Throne of Bhaal mod perhaps, or an inbetween adventure.
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2014
    I finished Spellswords twice and it's an excellent mod, recommended if you don't hate drows: Quests take place in the drow city of Menzoberranzan (Viconia's home city), not a chore like Ust Natha, still drows, drows everywhere (Jarlaxle is there). And illithids, and other lovely Underdark denizens, and Artemis Entreri. Methinks a soulless bhaalspawn do well in this setting, but you can abandon the quest and go back to Athkatla anytime if you feel like going after Irenicus is your top priority.

    + very well written
    + the coding is top notch
    + 3 new beautifully designed areas
    + has some humorous but not silly content
    + geared towards RP, intrigue, and drow political schemes
    + some themed, fairly balanced items as reward
    + can abandon the quest and go back to Athkatla anytime

    - not difficult for a Chapter 6 mod
    - copious amounts of XP thrown at you when finishing the different quests
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Spellswords works perfectly in BG2EE, and is a fun mod overall. I definitely recommend it.

    Huh... I'll have to play around with BG1 UB, then. I wonder why I was getting crashes if it installed smoothly for others...
  • AntagonistAntagonist Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2014
    Foggy said:

    drow city of Menzoberranzan (Viconia's home city)

    Drizzt's home city. Viconia isn't worth mentioning when Drizzt is involved ;)

  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2014

    Foggy said:

    drow city of Menzoberranzan (Viconia's home city)

    Drizzt's home city. Viconia isn't worth mentioning when Drizzt is involved ;)

    Even if the whole mod is inspired by RA Salvatore trilogy "The Sellswords", Drizzt is not part of the mod, probably because it's a chapter 6 mod and the bhaalspawn already encountered him and might have killed him before initiating the quest in Athkatla. Viconia, as a potential party member, have some content when brought to her home city she's most proud of, thought it's worth mentioning, but I get your enthusiasm :)
    Post edited by Foggy on
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I don't know if this is a useful place to put this, but in the Gibbberlings 3 BG2 Tweak packs mod, the change avatar script doesn't work properly, because the name of the script is a misreferenced string in BG2:EE
  • ThraxxThraxx Member Posts: 67
    OH C'MON!!!
    I know it's a big mod, but who do I need to pay / fuck to get Ascension compatible for BG2EE?
    Been patient for 2 months -.-
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Foggy said:

    + 3 new beautifully designed areas

    Thanks :P

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