@booinyoureyes I second Jason Isaacs for Irenicus! (And I know several female friends who would agree...) I have thusfar been reluctant to typecast, since he has been a deliciously evil wizard before, but I must bow to his gravitas.
@jacobtan Sir Anthony Hopkins, while as fine an actor as they come, might simply be too old... Irenicus is a buff man, even for human standards. Another contender for Yeslick perhaps? Or human Firkraag and the voice of dragon Firkraag?
Also how about Aidan Gillen (played Carcetti in The Wire and Baelish in GoT) as Arin Linvail or even Saemon Havarian?
Also the guy who played Fandral from Thor 2: The Dark World would make a decent Coran in my opinion. He got the personality down, and the look isn't absurdly far off if you give him dark hair.
He'd also make a decent Saemon Havarian or maybe Haer'Dalis??? His name is Zachary Levi apparently. I could see this as being a depiction of either HD or Saemon
Yes, and let's get this thread back on track! My ideas are coming a little slowly however, because my current playthrough is also going a bit slower than I hoped and I use that to get inspired. We are using the EE npcs too, aren't we? My character is romancing Dorn right now.
ahhhh... a young Bruce Campbell would have made a hilarious Lord Binky the Buffoon.
The chick who played Lady Sif from Thor would also make a decent Branwen. It would involve turning her blonde (which is just cruel) but I can see it working.
So... what about Charname? There's a lot of interesting choices for movie charname Wizards remembers that there's no such thing as Abdel Adrian... Charname's potential as anything is limitless.
@Dazzu Charname might be hardest to cast, because he can be roleplayed as anything.
I would go for a young actor though, for obvious reasons. Someone who can be the innocent (growing up in a library) but grow to be mature/conflicted/bad-ass/etc. under the influence of all the travel, fighting, and Bhaal's blood. And let's not forget that a trilogy might take years to complete, so they might literally grow up on set similar to Elijah Wood or the Harry Potter kids.
For race I'd pick either human or half-elf for relatability. Elves and dwarves are less relatable because of their ancient-race-ness and longer lifespan, which actually conflicts somewhat with the story in-game. There's not really any big-bucks movies with a gnome protagonist, thus less known, thus less relatable. Hobbits Halflings have been done to death and we don't want it to seem like a rip-off.
As for class, the good thing about a movie is that we're not so much bound by the rules. We can make him a fighter/mage/thief/cleric if we want, even if human. That's actually a little like I woud see Charname, dabbling in just about everything, surviving more by luck and companions than own skill in the beginning, but growing to be able to stand toe to toe with demons. On the other hand, we don't want him to be able to do everything his companions can, so maybe just limit his skill to a 'somewhat sneaky fighter with some magical potential'.
I had completely missed this thread, I guess I joined after it had already 'died'. Read through the full 9 pages and now I am super-psyched for this project and fully endorse a kick-starter campaign.
Regarding charname, I think it would be suitable to make her a woman (too few female protagonists in movies still today) and to make her human (I know, I know, human is boring, but wait I have a reasoning). Then we make her a dual-classed fighter-cleric. She starts out as a fairly generic fighter but then change during the course of the show to become a cleric. Lets have her being NG or CG and human since it will make her very 'likable' and easy for the masses to like. Adding in cleric after some time will make her even more likable, since they are devoted for healing etc.
Gina Carano is to date the only female lead actor in an action movie I have ever seen making a believable protagonist, due to her background is in martial arts. Even her acting was actually quite good, surprisingly enough. She's not built like a twig like most other hollywood females (like anorectic Angelina Jolie in Salt. Awful movie and awful choice of protagonist.), so she's believable as a fighter.
I think the series should be about the main story, but with the background stories of the NPC's added, one per show, just as in Lost, or Orange is the new black among others. That way, when a new char is introduced to the show, you get their backstory explained and you fairly quickly get some kind of feeling for them even if they are introduced late in the season.
I also think that we should have two 'paths' in the story simultaneously, one following the protagonist and one following Sarevok/Angelo. So sometimes in between the CHARNAME's adventures, we get to see what the "others" are doing and scheeming. You can que in scenes where we see Sarevok issuing orders, or lackeys reading documents stating what they should do (the documents you find in your travels when playing could actually be used exactly as they are written). I think it would add tension and momentum to the show so that you don't just get the explanation of what the hell has been going on so late in the show.
I also think alot of side quests have to be removed, just as Tom Bombadill was removed from LoTR. If it really doesn't add that much to the main story you need to slice it down.
I think the number of NPC's should be kept to decent number but not having all of them introduced. Instaed they can be added in spin-off shows once we reach millions of viewers and a massive franchise .
I don't believe EE chars should be in the show, so no Dorn, Neera or Rasaad. They aren't really needed and aren't integral to the story at all.
I think that the story could be changed. I know I will most likely find resistance here, but a game and a show are two completely different things. I for one wouldn't object to add NPC's to the antagonist's side just to have them in the show. The canon party could be used mainly for the prot and then we could have a couple of the evil NPC's be encountered and fought instead of having them in the protagonist's team. Like Tiax, Shar, Xzar and Monty etc. Viccy should be in the good guys team though. Her conflicting nature would make for a good character to build a story around and she would no doubt become a fan favorite.
I second Danny deVito as Jan Jensen. It's a match made in heaven. I second Dafoe as Xzar. It's almost too good to be true.
@Vasculio , @Shandyr , Well, now, when I watch "Once Upon A Time", I'll never look at Rumpelstiltskin quite the same way again. Every time I see him in his early days, before the Storybrooke Curse, and he does that snicker of his, I'm going to think, "Oh, he's channeling Xzar."
I doubt Mr. Carlyle even knows who or what Xzar is; it's just an interesting coincidence, I suppose.
Also, I think I've found my preferred actor for Gorion's Ward. I watched The Expanse a couple weeks back and really enjoyed the protagonist's performance.
Steven Strait as the protagonist
Only possible issue might be that he is already 30
However, I refuse to give up on him as Irenicus!!!!!!!!1
@jacobtan Sir Anthony Hopkins, while as fine an actor as they come, might simply be too old... Irenicus is a buff man, even for human standards. Another contender for Yeslick perhaps? Or human Firkraag and the voice of dragon Firkraag?
Chloe Moretz as Alora?
Also, I have decided that Edward James Olmos HAS to play Firebead Elvenhair. This is not up for debate, I am just sharing a fact with y'all.
Also the guy who played Fandral from Thor 2: The Dark World would make a decent Coran in my opinion. He got the personality down, and the look isn't absurdly far off if you give him dark hair.
He'd also make a decent Saemon Havarian or maybe Haer'Dalis??? His name is Zachary Levi apparently. I could see this as being a depiction of either HD or Saemon
Holy damn he got ruggedly handsome since his Chuck days. *swoons*
@booinyoureyes Chloe Moretz would also be a nice Alora, but who would we shift to Imoen then?
Michael Dorn? (Or is that too easy..?)
The chick who played Lady Sif from Thor would also make a decent Branwen. It would involve turning her blonde (which is just cruel) but I can see it working.
Boo! He's even working out already!
Russell Crowe as Hrothgar
I would go for a young actor though, for obvious reasons. Someone who can be the innocent (growing up in a library) but grow to be mature/conflicted/bad-ass/etc. under the influence of all the travel, fighting, and Bhaal's blood. And let's not forget that a trilogy might take years to complete, so they might literally grow up on set similar to Elijah Wood or the Harry Potter kids.
For race I'd pick either human or half-elf for relatability. Elves and dwarves are less relatable because of their ancient-race-ness and longer lifespan, which actually conflicts somewhat with the story in-game. There's not really any big-bucks movies with a gnome protagonist, thus less known, thus less relatable. Hobbits Halflings have been done to death and we don't want it to seem like a rip-off.
As for class, the good thing about a movie is that we're not so much bound by the rules. We can make him a fighter/mage/thief/cleric if we want, even if human. That's actually a little like I woud see Charname, dabbling in just about everything, surviving more by luck and companions than own skill in the beginning, but growing to be able to stand toe to toe with demons. On the other hand, we don't want him to be able to do everything his companions can, so maybe just limit his skill to a 'somewhat sneaky fighter with some magical potential'.
Howerya? Time to perform a little necromancy on thus thread I think...
As this is complete fantasy I'm pitching for 50 year old Paul Newman as Keldorn.
Regarding charname, I think it would be suitable to make her a woman (too few female protagonists in movies still today) and to make her human (I know, I know, human is boring, but wait I have a reasoning). Then we make her a dual-classed fighter-cleric. She starts out as a fairly generic fighter but then change during the course of the show to become a cleric. Lets have her being NG or CG and human since it will make her very 'likable' and easy for the masses to like. Adding in cleric after some time will make her even more likable, since they are devoted for healing etc.
Gina Carano is to date the only female lead actor in an action movie I have ever seen making a believable protagonist, due to her background is in martial arts. Even her acting was actually quite good, surprisingly enough. She's not built like a twig like most other hollywood females (like anorectic Angelina Jolie in Salt. Awful movie and awful choice of protagonist.), so she's believable as a fighter.
I think the series should be about the main story, but with the background stories of the NPC's added, one per show, just as in Lost, or Orange is the new black among others. That way, when a new char is introduced to the show, you get their backstory explained and you fairly quickly get some kind of feeling for them even if they are introduced late in the season.
I also think that we should have two 'paths' in the story simultaneously, one following the protagonist and one following Sarevok/Angelo. So sometimes in between the CHARNAME's adventures, we get to see what the "others" are doing and scheeming. You can que in scenes where we see Sarevok issuing orders, or lackeys reading documents stating what they should do (the documents you find in your travels when playing could actually be used exactly as they are written). I think it would add tension and momentum to the show so that you don't just get the explanation of what the hell has been going on so late in the show.
I also think alot of side quests have to be removed, just as Tom Bombadill was removed from LoTR. If it really doesn't add that much to the main story you need to slice it down.
I think the number of NPC's should be kept to decent number but not having all of them introduced. Instaed they can be added in spin-off shows once we reach millions of viewers and a massive franchise
I don't believe EE chars should be in the show, so no Dorn, Neera or Rasaad. They aren't really needed and aren't integral to the story at all.
I think that the story could be changed. I know I will most likely find resistance here, but a game and a show are two completely different things. I for one wouldn't object to add NPC's to the antagonist's side just to have them in the show. The canon party could be used mainly for the prot and then we could have a couple of the evil NPC's be encountered and fought instead of having them in the protagonist's team. Like Tiax, Shar, Xzar and Monty etc. Viccy should be in the good guys team though. Her conflicting nature would make for a good character to build a story around and she would no doubt become a fan favorite.
I second Danny deVito as Jan Jensen. It's a match made in heaven. I second Dafoe as Xzar. It's almost too good to be true.
Robert Carlyle
As Xzar
I doubt Mr. Carlyle even knows who or what Xzar is; it's just an interesting coincidence, I suppose.
Thanks for making me smile, @Vasculio .
Steven Strait as the protagonist
Only possible issue might be that he is already 30