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New versions of NearInfinity available



  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Yes, projectile entries from PROJECTL.IDS are off by 1 (most likely to be in sync with the MISSILE.IDS entries). I could integrate entries from MISSILE.IDS into the projectile datatype as well for more descriptive projectile names.
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2015
    How to add spell on weapon so that every time character attacks, weapon releases some spell with 100% chance?
    Also, add the same effect with 40% chance.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    argent77 said:

    Yes, projectile entries from PROJECTL.IDS are off by 1 (most likely to be in sync with the MISSILE.IDS entries). I could integrate entries from MISSILE.IDS into the projectile datatype as well for more descriptive projectile names.

    Okay, I guess the problem is that the Secondary projectile field is the only one that does not use that +1 offset in-game, unlike every other projectile field, so the projectile it lists is always off.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    @kjeron Looks like you're right. Even IESDP mentioned it briefly. I'll fix it in the next release.

    @brus There are several ways. It depends on the effect you want to apply. Basically, you add the desired effect to the ability structure of the item that is used for attacking (i.e. Type = Melee) and lower the value in "Probability 1" field if you want to have a less than 100% chance of the effect to be triggered. There are many items in the game, that are using this method. For example, Celestial Fury (SW1H51.ITM) has a 5% chance for extra electrical damage.
    Another method is adding opcode 248 (Melee hit effect) or 249 (Ranged hit effect) to the weapon as global effect, which applies a specific effect to your attack, which is not necessarily attached to the weapon. OHRBRAC1.ITM in BG2:EE uses this method.
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2015
    argent77 said:

    @brus There are several ways. It depends on the effect you want to apply. Basically, you add the desired effect to the ability structure of the item that is used for attacking (i.e. Type = Melee) and lower the value in "Probability 1" field if you want to have a less than 100% chance of the effect to be triggered. There are many items in the game, that are using this method. For example, Celestial Fury (SW1H51.ITM) has a 5% chance for extra electrical damage.
    Another method is adding opcode 248 (Melee hit effect) or 249 (Ranged hit effect) to the weapon as global effect, which applies a specific effect to your attack, which is not necessarily attached to the weapon. OHRBRAC1.ITM in BG2:EE uses this method.

    Thx, for example "chain lightning" releases on hit with 40% chance.
    Also, if do this on ranged weapon for example sling, does spell triggers from the center of the caster or on target?
    Post edited by brus on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    It depends on where you want to add this effect. If you want to add it to the launcher (sling, bow, crossbow, ...), then opcode 249 (Ranged hit effect) could be used. If it's a property of the missile, then it can be applied directly to the ability structure of the bullet, arrow, etc. itself.

    I'd suggest to open a separate topic if you have more questions not directly related to NearInfinity.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Hi i have a question.

    On the pocketplane map ar4500, can near infinity see the map visual transitions (challenge area's change visual appearance after it is completed)?.

    I am not sure how to do so with this tool.

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    @vanatos The visual appearance of the pocket plane challenge rooms has been implemented as door states. In the Area Viewer you can toggle between the good/evil room designs by checking or unchecking the "Draw closed" checkbox.
  • HurricaneHurricane Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 730
    Thank you again, argent77.

    Found another bug: Strref Lookup should not display cached strings after switching games. Repro:

    1. Start NI and open a game of your choice, e.g. BG:EE
    2. Press Ctrl+L to open the StringRef lookup
    3. Type 27412, press enter
    4. Note that you see a journal entry for Reevor's Storehouse quest
    5. Open BGII:EE
    6. Press Ctrl+L to open the StringRef lookup
    7. Type 27412, press enter

    Observed: You see the BG1 journal entry for Reevor's Storehouse quest.
    Expected: You should see a line of BG2 dialog from Jaheira about Galvarey.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Good catch. It's indeed a case of not clearing the cache. I'll fix it in the next release.
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    Not a bug but when adding an effect to a creature such as modify proficiencies. The option listings are not alphabetically sorted. They are sorted by number. Older versions allow you to type in the edit box to retrieve the effect you're looking for.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Looks like you have found a bug. It's present in any kind of list that is sorted by numbers. I'll fix it in the next release.

    As a work-around you can click into the list itself and start typing. The list should automatically select the first matching item relative to the current selection.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited February 2016
    Another field label:
    File - *.EFF (as v2 creature effect)
    Location - DWORD at 0x64
    Function - Game time(in ticks) when effect was applied. Carries over when effects convert from one timing mode to another.

    Exception - effects applied internally that do not set a parent resource also do not set this value.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Thanks for the information. It looks like this field has been added by one of the latest patches for the EE games. Even BG1:EE doesn't appear to make use of it yet.
  • MindmoilMindmoil Member Posts: 8
    Thank you, this tool is one of the best out there. Seeing how the last update involved a lot of work with BAM, perhaps you could help me (or pinpoint in the right direction) - I am trying to export some creature graphics from Planescape: Torment, however most of them are colored in all those weird and bright color. Is there a way to reliably find what kind of color palet does the creature or item have in game and apply it in NearInfinity?
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Opcode: 78 - Disease:
    Note - These values only worked as Spell Effects, not in External .Eff's.

    Param2 = 11 - Added presumably for the Mold Touch Spell
    If Param1 != 0: Deals 1d6 Magic Damage, and applies the Resource Spell to the target, suppressing the usual message:"[Caster]: Casts [Spell]: [Target]".
    Default/Unlisted Resource: "[Parent]b".spl
    Delayed durations do not always begin at the right time.
    Timing Mode = 0 and Duration > 0 = Crash
    Param1 - No(0), Yes(1)
    Param2 - Mold Touch/Single(11)
    Resource - [Spell Menu]
    Param2 = 12 - Added presumably for the Mold Touch Spell
    At intervals, Deals [Param1]d6 Magic Damage, and applies the Resource Spell to the target, suppressing the usual message:"[Caster]: Casts [Spell]: [Target]", and next interval deals 1d6 less.
    Default/Unlisted Resource: "[Parent]b".spl
    Delayed durations do not always begin at the right time.
    Param1 = 0 never fires
    Param1 = 1 fires once
    Param1 = 2+ fires once and every other 6 seconds until damage = 0d6.
    Param1 > 255 = Crash.
    Timing Mode = 0 = Crash.
    Timing Mode = 3, ??? hits are sometimes random delay, sometimes hits extra times, possibly broken.
    Param1 - # hits
    Param2 - Mold Touch/Decrement(12)
    Resource - [Spell Menu]
    It looks like this was done instead of using the more stable Static Charge opcode so they would be removed with the "Cure Disease" effect.

    and then it gets weird:
    Param2 = 13
    Cumulative effects of Param2 = 4, 5, 9, and 10.
    -Strength, -Dexterity, -Charisma, and Slow effects.

    Param2 = 14+
    No Effect.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Thanks for the info. It sounds pretty complicated though. I'll see how I can add it to NI in a sensible way.

    Btw, it looks like Mold Touch doesn't work if you specify any non-zero values to the dice or special fields of the effect structure.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    argent77 said:

    Thanks for the info. It sounds pretty complicated though.
    Btw, it looks like Mold Touch doesn't work if you specify any non-zero values to the dice or special fields of the effect structure.

    Special field does have an effect after all.
    It has some effect on frequency, and can change the damage from {[Param1]d6} to {Param1}.

    Special field:
    1st and 2nd byte= 0, 3rd and/4th byte!= 0
    - Param1 damage every second for 1 Round, along with Resource applied every second, damage reduced by 1 every round.
    With Param1 != 0, Param2 = 11:
    1 1 1 1 1 1 END, with the resource being applied every time.
    With Param1= 4, Param2 = 12:
    4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 END, with the resource being applied every time.

    Special field:
    1st byte = 1, 2nd byte = 0, 3rd and/or 4th byte != 0
    - Param1 damage and Resource applied every round, damage reduced by 1 every round.
    With Param1 != 0, Param2 = 11:
    1 - - - - - END, with the resource applied once
    With Param1= 4, Param2 = 12:
    4 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 1 - - - - - END, with the resource applied once per round.

    1st byte:
    0 = Frequency per second if byte 3 or byte 4 is nonzero, Defaults to per round without byte 3 or 4 set.
    1 = Frequency per round
    2+ = ??? Disables effect

    2nd byte:
    !0 = ??? Disables effect

    3rd byte:
    !0 = Damage is Param1 instead of [Param1]d6

    4th byte:
    !0 = Damage is Param1 instead of [Param1]d6
    argent77 said:

    I'll see how I can add it to NI in a sensible way.

    Good luck :smile:
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    The Special field appears to be even more powerful than described in your previous post.

    Frequency (low-order word):
    0: Use default behavior if "damage type" is zero, apply effect per second if "damage type" is non-zero
    >0: Apply effect per amount rounds
    (Note: Damage reduction is always applied per round for "Mold touch/Decrement (12)", regardless of frequency.)

    Damage type (high-order word):
    0: Damage is [Param1]d6
    !0: Damage is [Param1]
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    How to transform a single target spell to a AOE one with the range of all party members?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    You can do it by assigning the appropriate projectile to the spell (such as INAREAPA.PRO). The projectile field can be found in the Spell Ability structures. You might have to adapt the target and range fields as well if you're altering an existing spell.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    argent77 said:

    Yes, projectile entries from PROJECTL.IDS are off by 1 (most likely to be in sync with the MISSILE.IDS entries). I could integrate entries from MISSILE.IDS into the projectile datatype as well for more descriptive projectile names.

    Was it logged as an official issue?
    Weidu coding requires a little arithmetic to fix this off by one issue too. I mean we have to alter the IDS_OF_SYMBOL output from projectl.ids to get the right numerical value.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Projectiles are handled correctly in current NI releases.

    You can find the correct projectile ID in MISSILE.IDS. However, this file contains only descriptive text for the majority of projectiles (e.g. "Sparkle Area Chromatic (Party Only)" instead of "SPARCHPA"). To get the actual PRO resource name you have to refer to PROJECTL.IDS again which skips the "None" entry found in MISSILE.IDS and is therefore off by 1.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    Understood and thanks for the answer.
    I am not saying NI does it wrong, sorry if my post is a bit offtopic. As you implemented a little modification in your tool, I just wanted to know if you raised an issue to Beamdog or you already know there is no issue from their perspective.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    It has been like this since original BG2 (the first game using projectiles). The different numbering is most likely intended. For example, secondary projectiles specified in PRO files are using the indices from PROJECTL.IDS directly.
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