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New versions of NearInfinity available



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    argent77 wrote: »
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    so i made a "new" area ( by copy pasting an already existing area ) and everything so far is honky doory, except for the fact that for the life of me, i cannot get the travel icon to appear in game when i warp to this area

    does NI possess the ability to make it so i can travel to the world map when i put the cursor at the edge of the screen?

    Worldmap travel is triggered through the search map of an area. More specifically, search bitmap pixels of color index 14 (IESDP info).

    my brain must be smoother than eggs because for the life of me i cant find any "search map" option anywhere nevermind being able to edit it
  • skorchskorch Member Posts: 27
    An area in the Infinity Engine is made up of several files; ARE, TIS, WED, MOS, BMP and, depending on the complexity of the area, references to BCS, CRE, ITM, BAM and ACM files. The role of each file type is outlined below, based on area AR0001 and standard naming conventions:
    • AR0001.TIS contains the area graphics
    • AR0001.WED contains the area region information (wall groups, alternate tiles, doors etc.)
    • AR0001.MOS contains the area minimap graphics (unused in BGEE)
    • AR0001.ARE contains the area definition (area type, animations, containers etc.)
    • AR0001SR.BMP contains the area search map
    • AR0001LM.BMP contains the area light map
    • AR0001HT.BMP contains the area height map
    • AR0001.BCS contains the area script
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    skorch wrote: »
    An area in the Infinity Engine is made up of several files; ARE, TIS, WED, MOS, BMP and, depending on the complexity of the area, references to BCS, CRE, ITM, BAM and ACM files. The role of each file type is outlined below, based on area AR0001 and standard naming conventions:
    • AR0001.TIS contains the area graphics
    • AR0001.WED contains the area region information (wall groups, alternate tiles, doors etc.)
    • AR0001.MOS contains the area minimap graphics (unused in BGEE)
    • AR0001.ARE contains the area definition (area type, animations, containers etc.)
    • AR0001SR.BMP contains the area search map
    • AR0001LM.BMP contains the area light map
    • AR0001HT.BMP contains the area height map
    • AR0001.BCS contains the area script

    so i found the ARxxxxSR.BMP but can't edit it at all?
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