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New versions of NearInfinity available



  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Opcode 233: Modify Proficiency, Parameter 2:

    Proficiency (low-order word):

    Adjustment Type (high-order word):
    0: SET

    Already implemented in all 3 EE's.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Thanks. Sounds like they have implemented another TobEx feature.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Can Near Infinity decompile a DLG file to a D readable file?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    No, you have to use WeiDU for it.
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    Thank you so much for this version. Now that we can read the lua files, it's indeed possible to translate the interface of the game (copying from L_en_US.LUA) and to add bring back fan made translations for BG2EE (editing BGEE.LUA, "languages = " block).
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    It feels considerably quicker now! Keep up the great work.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited April 2016
    Is anyone else seeing a large CPU load from the development version of NI? After it's been running for a while, the CPU load stay constantly high - even when I'm not actively using it. Quitting and restarting NI takes care of it (i.e., CPU load goes back to normal on restart).
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    @AstroBryGuy There was a bug which caused high CPU load when the home folder or baldur.lua wasn't present, but it should have been fixed in the latest NI snapshot. Can you reproduce this issue?
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    Is it OK to use x64 bit Java or x86 only?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    A 64-bit version of Java is strongly recommended since NI requires a lot of memory for some features.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited April 2016
    @argent77 No problem with the v1.37-20160331-devel, but that latest version don't start on my PC (seven x86 - JRE v8), any idea ?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    @Kerozevok Did you try with the bugfix release NearInfinity v2.0-20160406-1?

    Can you start Near Infinity from a text console to see if it prints any error messages? To do this, open a console or command prompt, drag and drop the NearInfinity.jar file into it and press enter to start it.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited April 2016
    @argent77 No problem with BGEE v2.0, but don't start with BG+SOD.

    Launched with the cmd command, there is no error message.....
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    How does NI behave when you start another game first and then open BG:SoD from the menu Game->Open Game...?

    Does NI start when you temporarily rename the file extension of the to something else?

    Another possibility may be insufficient memory allocation since you're using a 32-bit OS. You can find a little tool called Hide NI DOS somewhere in this post. Can you use it to start NI?
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    If I launch NI in the BG-SOD folder, nothing happens...
    If I launch NI in the BGEE folder then "open game" > BG-SOD... NI freeeze.

    Same result with "Hide NI DOS" (I have 4 gb of memory).

    The is disabled (I used the modmerge).
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    These new versions(v2.0-20160406 /v2.0-20160406-1) are taking noticeably(8-10x) longer to start up and switch between games.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    edited April 2016
    @Kerozevok I can't reproduce it on my systems. I've tested on a modmerge'd installation as well and NI loaded perfectly fine. It even worked fine on an old WinXP VM. There must be something else interfering whith NI. Have you updated the JRE to the latest version? What's the CPU usage when NI freezes while manually opening the game (you can see it in the Performance tab of the task manager, open via Ctrl+Shift+Esc)? What is the installation path of your SoD installation? Does your SoD installation use some out of the ordinary configuration, file structure or files?

    @kjeron Yeah, increased loading is an unfortunate side effect of the new way how to interact with files and directories. That's the main reason why I have added a little progress bar at the start of NI. I've already spent some time reducing loading time. It's especially apparent on larger game installations or slower systems. I'll try to optimize it further in future releases. It's difficult to track down on my system since games are loading up very fast after being opened for the first time.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @argent77 Problem solved. In the lang folder, I had deleted all tlk files (except US & FR), but not the sounds folders (DE, RU, etc..), after removed them, the latest NI works.

    Thanks for your help.
  • AKrugBierAKrugBier Member Posts: 110
    Hey there, do you by chance know what these uknown variables for "Present At" are for?

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    They are most likely unused. It was probably easier for the designers or modders to set all bits at once.
  • AKrugBierAKrugBier Member Posts: 110
    Alrighty. Thanks.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524

    Update: NearInfinity v2.0-20160408

    • Fixed a regression which causes read errors when trying to open resources from BIFF files available in main game and zipped SoD archive.
    • Fixed a bug of not adding the "Save Type" field to version 1 effect structures in non-Enhanced BG2 installations when TobEx has been detected.
    • Fixed a regression of incorrect number detection in attribute search routine.
    • Fixed an incorrect field name in ITM resources.
    • Slightly improved loading times when opening new games.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    The good - Loading times are way back down.
    The bad - Searching is completely broken, both "selected attribute" matching and "CRE/ITM/SPL/STO" searches. For example, searching for selected attribute "PROFICIENCYLONGSWORD - 90" returns zero results. An item search for "sword" returns just two results, creature search for "kobold" returns zero results(in BGEE).
    For fun, I did a "negate result" on the "PROFICIENCYLONGSWORD - 90": it only showed .ITM files, and all of them had a proficiency of "UNKNOWN - 0", "PROFICIENCYMACE - 101", "PROFICIENCYCROSSBOW - 103", "PROFICIENCYLONGBOW - 104", "PROFICIENCYSHORTBOW - 105", or "PROFICIENCYCSLING - 107", but it was also not all items with those proficiencies.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    I can't reproduce these issues on my system.

    Searching for attribute "PROFICIENCYLONGSWORD - 90" in BG:SoD returned 38 results and over 2000 hits for a negated search. Searching for "kobold" in CRE resulted in over 30 hits and "sword" in ITM resulted in over 60 hits.

    Can you be more specific about your game configuration? Does the Debug Console displays anything unusual? Is the game type correctly detected? Can you manually open any resources that should have matched but were not displayed in the results list?
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