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New versions of NearInfinity available



  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    I seem to have failed to noticed an update from @argent77. Whoops! :blush:

    For OS X users - NearInfinity-OSX v1.35.0-snapshot-20150125
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    argent77 said:

    - Improved the "Find references" feature:

    - Added preselected resource types.
    - Added 2DA search target.
    - Improved search dialog.

    Awesome! I use the find references a lot and just today I was looking for a 2DA option. I bet this will be really helpful.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    OSX version is updated to NearInfinity v1.36-20150213.
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    Fantastic work! Perhaps a obvious question but how does one create a custom label? I'm just seeing the regular id's when opening any of the EE games with no option to change.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    Balquo said:

    Perhaps a obvious question but how does one create a custom label? I'm just seeing the regular id's when opening any of the EE games with no option to change.

    It's not yet implemented. I'm planning to add this feature as some kind of bookmark section where you can add game installations and give them individual names.
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    May have found a bug. It seem the actor .cre is grayed out even though it is attached to the area.
    bug1.jpg 145.4K
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    Confirmed. It's a bug in the link creation. Will be fixed in the next release.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    OSX version is updated to NearInfinity v1.36-20150228
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited March 2015
    @argent77 Could you include the ability to set an item file's "Weapon Proficiency" field to "None (0)". This is useful if you want to make a weapon not check for proficiency, as you would in the case of a polymorph's weapon. I remember I had to use weidu to fix the issue with the plyflind.itm and plysala.itm checking for a proficiency in halberds and spears respectively since I couldn't find a way to change the proficiency to 0 because it was an unknown value.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Tresset - Right click on the entry and select "Edit as number". Then you can enter 0.

    If you want the selection list back, right-click again and select "Reset field type"

  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @AstroBryGuy Ahhhhhh right click... The one thing I didn't try...
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    I've read here and there that more recent Mac OS X versions appear to use different home folders for Enhanced Edition games.

    Can someone playing the games on a modern Mac OS X version ( @subtledoctor, @CrevsDaak, @hook71, anyone? ) tell me if Near Infinity is able to find saved games or the content of characters/portraits/ScrnShot folders correctly? Can you successfully open the baldur.ini (found in menu Edit->baldur.ini since NI v1.36-20150228)?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @argent77: everything OK. I've tried editing a saves, characters and the baldur.ini on both BG2:EE and BG:EE (latest versions) and it worked flawlessly. My best bet is that subtledoctor accidentally broke the symlinks or something... Mines work alright.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Works fine for IWDEE on OSX too.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015
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  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @subtledoctor the folders themselves are the symlinks. NearInfinity, WeiDU and others are just reading from the files on that ``false'' directory (but a directory nevertheless, hence why they can find them).
    All of my Enhanced Edition games are from so I have no idea what Steam, Apple Store or GoG deal with this.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015
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  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited March 2015
    Mine are the same as Crevs (and I also have Beamdog downloads). I have symlinks in ~/Documents to folders in ~/Library/Containers. I do note that they are Unix symlinks, not OSX Aliases.

    lrwxr-xr-x 1 astrobryguy staff 119 Aug 11 2014 Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition -> /Users/astrobryguy/Library/Containers/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/Data/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 astrobryguy staff 124 Aug 11 2014 Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition -> /Users/astrobryguy/Library/Containers/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/Data/Documents/Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 astrobryguy staff 109 Oct 6 01:06 Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition -> /Users/astrobryguy/Library/Containers/com.overhaulgames.iwdee-macos/Data/Documents/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition
    If I replace the symlink with an alias, NearInfinity is NOT happy. No saved games are available on the resource tree, and the Game Properties page will not open.


    I was able to use the alias to drill down to the CHITIN.KEY file via the java file dialog (I keep a symlink to the Resources folder there), and it resolved it to the ~/Library/Containers location. But, Near Infinity could not use the Alias in ~/Documents to find the saved games folder.

    EDIT: Sorry, didn't save cropped screenshot before uploading.
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited March 2015

    Have you actually tested Weidu with that setup? My recent experience is that the %user_directory% variable will fail on the symlink. It's possible no one noticed, because how many mods actually use that variable? Mine is the only one I know of (though I haven't searched too hard).

    You can test this on IWDEE or BG2EE, by setting ranger/clerics to get all druid spells, and then installing my multiclass kit component. If the variable works, you'll have "d5_mieli.2da" in your override folder. If you get an error or just don't see that file, it means the variable choked on the link.

    @subtledoctor - I installed SoB on IWDEE. First, with a symlink, and it installed just fine. d5_mieli.2da was in the override folder.
    ~/Documents/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition -> /Users/astrobryguy/Library/Containers/com.overhaulgames.iwdee-macos/Data/Documents/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition
    Then, I tested it with an alias instead of a symlink, and it did NOT work.

    I can send you the debug files, if you'd like.

    Of course I'm not sure precisely what's going on here. I tried matching your setup with aliases, and with symlinks, and it failed both times. Now that I'm thinking more about it, maybe those are hardlinks. I didn't try that, and any program should be able to follow hardlinks successfully.

    Hardlinks to directories are generally verboten, AFAIK (at least, that's my experience on BSD and Linux).
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    Thanks. It looks like I don't have to change anything (yet). From what I could find out, symlinks work fine in Java, but Mac aliases aren't supported at all without using platform-dependent code.

    My recent experience is that the %user_directory% variable will fail on the symlink.

    @subtledoctor Try %USER_DIRECTORY% instead. Afaik, WeiDU variables are case-sensitive.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015
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  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @argent77 I am not exactly sure why but sometimes it takes an awful long time to load some .dlg files. Sometimes when I am viewing and selecting options in the view tab and the dialog file switches (usually for party members adding their 2 cents) it seems to hang for what sometimes can be quite a bit. I suppose it doesn't help that I am rapidly pressing the select and undo buttons... Right now I am noticing it with a dialog from a mod I am running but I have seen it with base game dialog too.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    Yes, loading times of DLG resources have increased somewhat compared to older NI releases, although even bigger DLG files don't need more than one or two seconds to open on my system. One culprit is most likely the dialog tree feature which takes some time to be generated. I'll see if I can find a way to optimize the loading process.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    I fully agree, especially since resource field names and entries in the dialog tree viewer are already using zero-based indices. I'll try to change it in the next release (if there are no unforeseen complications).
  • DremorDremor Member Posts: 40
    awersome ^^ argent77 thanks for the updates
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    OSX users - I've updated the OSX version to the latest release, v1.36-20150316
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