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Skipping BG2 Romances



  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655

    "Shut up, Jaheira! You think he'll be somehow impressed because... because you're so mean? You do nothing but boss people around! No wonder that Khalid was the only man who would marry you!"

    "Or what?! I do know of your Khalid! They say... they say he was a weak man who you bossed around! Well, CHARNAME isn't like that! He isn't!"

    I can't speak for every culture, but at least in mine, it's in bad taste to bring up a dead person in a dispute.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Oh, I never said it wasn't. I just wasn't entirely sure the whole "doesn't want him resurrected" thing made her biting words any more vicious. That said, I think the fact that she later doesn't apologize (or does she?) makes it worse. Incredibly harsh words can be said in the heat of the moment. Normal couples can attest to this. Whether or not you apologize makes the difference.
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    edited April 2014
    I think Aerie and Jaheira activate each others' trigger points, so to speak, simply by being themselves.

    Jaheira IS "bossy", and Aerie IS "weak", and these kind of characters often don't get along very well, for rather obvious reasons. One could speculate that Aerie's mere presence reminds Jaheira of the fact the she actually isn't as strong as she'd like to be (just think of how she comes to charname with Khalid-related sorrows and simultaneously wants to brush them aside - a nice tactic of opening up and not opening up at the same time), which in turn makes her resent Aerie. Jaheira's mere presence may well make Aerie yearn for the kind of apparent strength she doesn't possess, which in turn makes her resent Jaheira.

    I agree that Aerie's outburst is vicious.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Wow, had never seen that banter. What a b**** :-D

    She is right about Jaheira just bossing people around, though.
  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655
    edited April 2014
    Elrandir said:

    Oh, I never said it wasn't. I just wasn't entirely sure the whole "doesn't want him resurrected" thing made her biting words any more vicious. That said, I think the fact that she later doesn't apologize (or does she?) makes it worse. Incredibly harsh words can be said in the heat of the moment. Normal couples can attest to this. Whether or not you apologize makes the difference.

    The way I see it, if Jaheira had resurrected Khalid, this dialog would not occur, since Khalid would still be alive and Aerie wouldn't be able to launch this line of attack on a dead person who can't defend himself. If Jaheira refused to resurrect Khalid for no good reason, then Jaheira wouldn't look good and Aerie's attack wouldn't have looked like such a low blow.

    As I mentioned earlier, Jaheira refused to resurrect Khalid because of her principles, and if by adhering to her principles she exposed herself to such an attack, I won't look very kindly on the attacker. It's still weird for Jaheira to hit on CHARNAME when Khalid is dead for barely a month (game time), but for not raising a loved one based on principle, I can respect her for it, even if I disagree.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    jacobtan said:


    Agreed. There is a lot of bitterness at Aerie's core, hence I see her attack on Jaheira as a reversion to type rather than anomalous behavior. The bitterness is part of her being and it's just rearing its head. No amount of linguistic contortions about her acting out of character, etc. is going to explain this away.

    Again, the simplest explanation is that when someone behaves in a way they never do at any other time, it's probably because of unusual circumstances. You should never read too much into what anyone says in an obviously very emotionally charged situation anyway.

    As for Quayle, I think she regards him as a father-figure, but because he's saved her life and done so much for her already I don't think she wants to worry him too much about how she feels about the circus and everything else. Of course, he knows she's anyway and in the end has to accept letting her go. When it comes 'naivte', I mean it's often older people who are preyed on and fall for a lot of cons and scams on the internet, people you'd think have had a lot of life experience. But it's not that they're not intelligent or wise, it's just that they've not grown up in a world with computers and the internet and so don't have the intuitive understanding of how it all works that younger people do.

    Which brings us back to the fact that Aerie doesn't regularly talk about her wings at all; it's only the bhaalspawn she ever attempts to confide in, which from her point of view means investing a lot of trust in your character.

    But back on topic, I actually usually do skip romances. I'm not a fan of them and usually my characters want to be more focused on the emergency going on with Sarevok or Irenicus and Imoen and leave finding love until things have settled down. And I think of the romances would work just as well as simple friendship tracks anyway, with just a little tweaking. Maybe a stripped down version of Aerie's romance where she talks about the relevant stuff about her past and how she was captured, and doesn't get pregnant, would be a good thing to have.

  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655
    Coutelier said:

    jacobtan said:


    Agreed. There is a lot of bitterness at Aerie's core, hence I see her attack on Jaheira as a reversion to type rather than anomalous behavior. The bitterness is part of her being and it's just rearing its head. No amount of linguistic contortions about her acting out of character, etc. is going to explain this away.

    Again, the simplest explanation is that when someone behaves in a way they never do at any other time, it's probably because of unusual circumstances. You should never read too much into what anyone says in an obviously very emotionally charged situation anyway.

    As for Quayle, I think she regards him as a father-figure, but because he's saved her life and done so much for her already I don't think she wants to worry him too much about how she feels about the circus and everything else. Of course, he knows she's anyway and in the end has to accept letting her go. When it comes 'naivte', I mean it's often older people who are preyed on and fall for a lot of cons and scams on the internet, people you'd think have had a lot of life experience. But it's not that they're not intelligent or wise, it's just that they've not grown up in a world with computers and the internet and so don't have the intuitive understanding of how it all works that younger people do.

    Which brings us back to the fact that Aerie doesn't regularly talk about her wings at all; it's only the bhaalspawn she ever attempts to confide in, which from her point of view means investing a lot of trust in your character.

    But back on topic, I actually usually do skip romances. I'm not a fan of them and usually my characters want to be more focused on the emergency going on with Sarevok or Irenicus and Imoen and leave finding love until things have settled down. And I think of the romances would work just as well as simple friendship tracks anyway, with just a little tweaking. Maybe a stripped down version of Aerie's romance where she talks about the relevant stuff about her past and how she was captured, and doesn't get pregnant, would be a good thing to have.

    And again, I will disagree with you that it's not the simplest explanation and repeating your argument doesn't make it any more valid. Not that it matters much since we're firmly entrenched in our positions :)

    Let's leave this as it is and look for some common ground.

    I'll agree that friendships could be developed more. Many of the NPCs, unlike Mary Sue mod NPCs, have much potential for development. They have their own regrets, struggles, and are most certainly not one-dimensional. I actually like to imagine having a beer with these NPCs:

    Anomen: I want to poke his ego by teaming up with Jan
    Jan: I want to try making him groan instead. For once
    Keldorn: I want to hear Paladins talk dirty jokes!
    Nalia: I want to bash her silly arguments with my superior intelligence and wisdom
    Valygar: I'd like to see him smile. I have a soft spot for this guy
    Viconia: I hope to change her alignment as with the romance but not having to enter a romance with her. Not all surfacers are bad. We saved her!

  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Well, I would like to point out as well that both times she reacts and snaps at Jaheira, it is Jaheira who kicks it off usually saying something about how she should pull herself together which is never a great thing to say to someone obviously emotionally distressed. Aerie seems to butt in on other characters conversations far less than they butt in on hers as well.

    I found it amusing for some reason though that after Aerie hits her low point and then starts feeling better, you can tell her you're glad but you're not interested in her romantically, and she's fine with that and thanks you and moves on. Of course, by then you'll have most likely ended every other romance, so...

    It would be fun to imagine Aerie losing her inhibitions when she drinks and telling Korgan to feck off etc... (although it might really be disappointing and she's actually the type who just withdraws further into herself when she drinks).
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    I am sure she is a wo-hoo girl ;-)
  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655

    She does tell Korgan to feck off in ToB, threatening to cast a spell of withering on Korgan's manhood. Korgan was understandably delighted that she grew a spine. I see this as another indicator of her passive-aggressive nature.

    If I have to romance her, I would rather install a mod that allows me to romance RuPaul. Yes, that RuPaul.

  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    jacobtan said:


    She does tell Korgan to feck off in ToB, threatening to cast a spell of withering on Korgan's manhood. Korgan was understandably delighted that she grew a spine. I see this as another indicator of her passive-aggressive nature.

    Well, Korgan has to harass her an awful lot before she finally reacts like that, and then he knows she'll be blushing about it for a week. Most likely she feels very guilty about Jaheira as well, so even though there's no reaction with any of the romances later it's hard to imagine she doesn't try to make up at some point.

    If you go through Aerie's romance to the end of ToB and get the scene where she gives birth, Jaheira will step in and be the mid wife (or Cernd; I think both druids have the same lines. But let's face it, it's most likely be Jaheira).

  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    edited April 2014
    Tbh, jaheira being the midwife is a good point on jaheira's side, not aerie. Duty calls even with this brat and all that.

    But now i am totally recalling jaheira in ToB only for this!

    EDIT: actually, cernd. He will be the jackass uncle (being an irresponsible father). Jaheira would try to hit on my kid (as i am her friend)
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited April 2014
    MacHurto said:

    Tbh, jaheira being the midwife is a good point on jaheira's side, not aerie. Duty calls even with this brat and all that.

    It shows she doesn't bear any animosity or grudge against Aerie anyway; she's mature and experienced enough to know Aerie didn't really mean that stuff she said when they were fighting. And based on all her other interactions with characters and the fact she obviously does admire and look up to Jaheira when they're not fighting over you, it's extraordinarily unlikely that Aerie wouldn't feel guilty and try to make up some time inbetween.
    MacHurto said:

    EDIT: actually, cernd. He will be the jackass uncle (being an irresponsible father). Jaheira would try to hit on my kid (as i am her friend)

    Okay... I'm not really sure what Jaheira hitting on your kid means here...

  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655
    Jaheira - friend with Gorion, hits on Gorion's ward (you)

    After you have a child...

    Jaheira - friend with you, hits on your child
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    jacobtan said:

    Jaheira - friend with Gorion, hits on Gorion's ward (you)

    After you have a child...

    Jaheira - friend with you, hits on your child

    For some reason I'm imagining the scene in Twilight where the werewolf Jacob instantly forms a bond with the disturbing CGI baby Bella has...
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    edited April 2014
    @coutelier well she hits on charname and she was friends with gorion, right? ;-) plus, it is the perfect way to get back at Aerie for those comments.

    About jaheira being a midwife, it can also be seen as jaheira not being petty. She has to do something and save charname's kid, she will do it even for that hag. It is really open to interpretation :-)

    Edit: havent seen the midwife banter, so perhaps it shows they like each other by then, i dont know
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited April 2014
    MacHurto said:

    @coutelier well she hits on charname and she was friends with gorion, right? ;-) plus, it is the perfect way to get back at Aerie for those comments.

    About jaheira being a midwife, it can also be seen as jaheira not being petty. She has to do something and save charname's kid, she will do it even for that hag. It is really open to interpretation :-)

    Aerie is nice to Jaheira most of the time, or at least tries to be friendly with her when they talk outside the romance, and definitely never normally acts like a hag at all. So most likely they would have made up somehow and reached an understanding... I really can't see her holding a grudge over that either.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    "Shut up, Jaheira! You think he'll be somehow impressed because... because you're so mean? You do nothing but boss people around! No wonder that Khalid was the only man who would marry you!"

    "Or what?! I do know of your Khalid! They say... they say he was a weak man who you bossed around! Well, CHARNAME isn't like that! He isn't!"
    Ok, let us talk about this exchange, for it is interesting, both in what it reveals, and what it says to us.

    First of all, it reveals that someone who knows Jaheira has been revealing Jaheira's past to Aerie. Aerie never names who it was, but we can gather it was not Charname, because no such conversation happens.

    And if one has party members that do not consist of those who were along in BG, then it only leaves one conclusion : that Jaheira had confided in Aerie these rather intimate and personal details.

    Which makes Aerie using such to hurt Jaheira even worse IMHO, as she is betraying an intimate trust. As this comes as Jaheira is still grieving Khalid's death, it is all the more vile.

    When we also take into account that Charname is really in dire straits (considering things), does anyone really find that Jaheira's biting words to Aerie wrong? I mean, the serious of the situation demands strength and purpose. Jaheira realizes this. Aerie is so entrapped in her own problems that she really fails to realize the gravity of the situation IMHO.

    And then to react so...

    I expected Jaheira to take Aerie's head off with a backhand slap.

    "Watch your tongue, girl! You never knew my Khalid. Be still!"

    Just because Jaheira then was midwife means nothing. Jaheira is always there where she is needed, serving the Balance. She is the best choice, as she knows Aerie best (assuming they were adventuring together the whole time).

    I personally do not see this as a great friendship between the two, however. More a tolerance from Jaheira towards Aerie, sort of along the lines of "good grief, is she for real? She is giving all women a bad name ". And I think Aerie sort of resents being treated that way, and in the heat of the moment, goes for the jugular "you harp on my weaknesses, now I hit yours!"

    We do know that Aerie is prone to holding a grudge (as seen in the non-romanced ending, she goes after slavers and almost gets consumed by her feelings of revenge). This is her true character, and it shows in rare moments. It is just that she tends to hold it in check because she is a Lawful and Good person, and because SHE IS WEAK!

    It is only when she is powerful enough, and has enough self-confidence that she actually has enough strength to be herself, and enact revenge.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited April 2014
    Long winded conspiracy theories aside, I think it's most likely Aerie just picks things up from overhearing snippets of conversation between party members and others. It's very contorted to try and and extrapolate these things from a few snippets she says when she's upset or angry and then have to put aside and ignore the vast majority of material about her. Her anger against the slavers is obviously a very different situation, since they are the ones responsible for her whole predicament and continue doing the same things to others, whereas all she does is snap at Jaheira in the heat of the moment; she's hurt and so tries to hurt back, and yes she goes for the only vulnerability Jaheira seems to have.

    I think Jaheira knows that's not the real Aerie at all. Even the anger she has toward slavers isn't the real Aerie, as that was put in her by the things they did to her. And she knows from the first meeting that Aerie doesn't just panic in the face of danger and will do everything in her power to try and help others; she knows there's potential for Aerie to grow very strong, and that's probably why she's harsh with her at times. Aerie might take it the wrong way at times, but I'm confident they'll work it out eventually. I think Jaheira is probably actually quite impressed that Aerie even stands up to her at all rather than meekly backing down.
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    @WebShaman: I think you're going a bit far, given that there's not much evidence to build a story upon.

    Maybe we should start asking YOU why you're so angry with her. :-)
  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655

    Found the dialog. I was trying to find it:

    Aerie: I have been thinking...I shall never fly again, never taste the freedom of my wings, I am sure of it. I...I don't know if I can face this wretched existence on the ground...!

    Jaheira: Oh, come now, child. I have been listening to your simpering for quite some time, and it begins to grate on the nerves. You are in this group to help, as I recall... so pull yourself together!

    Aerie: I am *not* your child! I'm older than you are, more than likely! And... and the only thing my 'simpering' does is distract you from those little looks you are always giving him!

    Jaheira: I... I do no such thing! You are mad, girl! Obviously a life of adventuring is too much for you.

    Aerie: If... if a life of adventure will turn me into an annoying, heartless woman ready to abandon her dead husband's memory so soon after his death, then... then maybe you're right!!

    Jaheira: You cross a line, Aerie. You do not know enough about love to question my love for Khalid. Mention his name again and you shall regret it.

    Aerie: I don't care! I don't care! Charname, I can't stand this! I can't stand *her*, and I especially can't stand being stuck on the ground like some worm, oh Baervan, help me!!
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited April 2014
    jacobtan said:


    Found the dialog. I was trying to find it:

    Indeed, you can see how Aerie just reacts to Jaheira muscling in; it's not the first time she does that either. You have to wonder why she's hanging around listening anyway if she's really no interest in Charname... Aerie does nail that and obviously flusters her a little because of it.

    I can't remember if that's the last or second to last, but it's about the time Aerie reaches the lowest dip in her depression and shortly after she seems to have gotten it all out and feels much better and more jolly.

  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655
    I'll just do a quick summary on the Jaheira-Aerie catfight before we carry on:

    1. Jaheira talks down to Aerie, as a bossy aunt talking down to a child
    2. Aerie, when catfighting with Jaheira, unleashes a low blow at Jaheira

    Both #1 and #2 can be verified in dialog.tlk. All other statements on both of them are conjectures that are open to debate.
  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655
    Coutelier said:

    jacobtan said:


    Found the dialog. I was trying to find it:

    Indeed, you can see how Aerie just reacts to Jaheira muscling in; it's not the first time she does that either. You have to wonder why she's hanging around listening anyway if she's really no interest in Charname... Aerie does nail that and obviously flusters her a little because of it.

    I can't remember if that's the last or second to last, but it's about the time Aerie reaches the lowest dip in her depression and shortly after she seems to have gotten it all out and feels much better and more jolly.

    I won't be so quick to say Jaheira is "muscling in", even if I'm an Aerie apologist like you. Women... can act... irrationally when they are catfighting, or last I remembered ;)

    it's ALL Charname's fault, actually. Look at the whole list of people who wish to have a piece of him:


    An enterprising NPC could actually enlist Charname's services to open a brothel for both men and women, and Charname would be the jewel (read: highest-paid prostitute) of the establishment. That will certainly rake in a lot of coin XD
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    jacobtan said:

    I'll just do a quick summary on the Jaheira-Aerie catfight before we carry on:

    1. Jaheira talks down to Aerie, as a bossy aunt talking down to a child
    2. Aerie, when catfighting with Jaheira, unleashes a low blow at Jaheira

    Both #1 and #2 can be verified in dialog.tlk. All other statements on both of them are conjectures that are open to debate.

    In that order as well; Aerie doesn't seek out Jaheira in order to be mean about Khalid. She just reacts when Jaheira has a go at her.

    I always find it odd that few seem to take notice being nasty about Khalid; and that's not just when they're catfighting as she remarks quite cruelly about it outside the romance as well. But it's quite right; Viconia is just like that. With Aerie it's shocking because it obviously is unusual for her.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    jacobtan said:

    Coutelier said:

    jacobtan said:


    Found the dialog. I was trying to find it:

    Indeed, you can see how Aerie just reacts to Jaheira muscling in; it's not the first time she does that either. You have to wonder why she's hanging around listening anyway if she's really no interest in Charname... Aerie does nail that and obviously flusters her a little because of it.

    I can't remember if that's the last or second to last, but it's about the time Aerie reaches the lowest dip in her depression and shortly after she seems to have gotten it all out and feels much better and more jolly.

    I won't be so quick to say Jaheira is "muscling in", even if I'm an Aerie apologist like you. Women... can act... irrationally when they are catfighting, or last I remembered ;)
    Not an apologist, although maybe muscling in is the wrong choice of words. It's obvious Aerie doesn't intend for Jaheira or anyone else to be listening in on her conversations with Charname. But I think people can irrationally at any time, especially when they fight for whatever reason. I had a fight with a table this morning because it whacked me... my fault really as I wasn't carrying it properly. Still, I pulled that thing apart.

    On a serious note, Charname really should be a bit decisive and not lead everybody on. Then these whole situations would be avoided.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Thinking about romances, this idea was always on my mind: I with a failed romance was just as interesting as a successful one. Love, marriage and children are not the only goals of a relationship.

    There could be some sort of moment where CHARNAME decides to break things off rather than get your lover involved in the terrible stuff that you are dealing with. It would also be nice to see a relationship end, but the characters remain good friends.

    In terms of the topic I want to say I like the romances as they are. Yes, there're downsides such as the following:

    For the ladies we get the chap who tries to act like the tough guy, a real man of the world, but as soon as he sees a bit of flesh he gets all mushy and starts picking flowers and writing dodgy poetry. Obviously the typical male there, he knows that women want feminine and romantic type things, so he tries to give them to her.

    As for the women, I'm sure men wrote these romance scripts. We've got the confused little girlie who gets all wide eyed at the prospect of jumping in the sack, then goes offin the huff, completely destroying the poor guy's ego, even though all he's done is follow the big bright signs saying "I want you!!". Viconia is the ice maiden type, with possibly the kinky element thrown in somewhere along the line, and gets the most attention because of the obvious reason. And as for Jaheira, she's a Grade A example of Rebound Girl, looking for a shoulder to cry on and a bed to share.

    Not that people in the real world are like this. We're all unique, which is the only thing about us we all share with one another. But I still like BG romances. Maybe I've got used to them, maybe it's a habit, but I like the romances. It's a game, not a real life.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    For me, it is clear Aerie acts like a teen the first part of her romance. If you like dealing with that, then you like her, i guess :-) jaheira just tells her to cut the crap and get over it. I am surprised there are not many other NPCs that fo that as well
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited April 2014
    WebShaman said:

    And if one has party members that do not consist of those who were along in BG, then it only leaves one conclusion : that Jaheira had confided in Aerie these rather intimate and personal details.

    WebShaman said:

    And I really do not buy the "weak muscles" crud - one can retrain muscle. Heck, as a high level Cleric/Mage, she can cast Regeneration and then Wish. Done deal. Probably Regeneration and Limited Wish would also work.

    But as a Mage, she can also cast the FLY spell. For that, she doesn't NEED wings! And if she wants it permanent, well...permanency works fine here.

    I don't know how to have a proper discussion about this if we are going to keep framing the discussion in such an absolutely absurd, nonsensical way.
    I mean, not only do we have longwinded conspiracy theories about imaginary conversations the characters supposedly had, we are bringing up spells that the game clearly does not allow to be used to heal wings. And now, worst of all, we are talking about spells that are not even in the game
    C'mon man, at least try to have a logical discussion!
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