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  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Confession: I only sided with Bodhi once, but if talking about XP rewards and that stuff, siding with Bodhi is much better.
  • jscohenjscohen Member Posts: 117
    Confession: I know how to find Kangaxx, but I have never actually killed him because I can only stomach fighting demiliches about once in a saga playthrough and Watcher's Keep usually fills that role.

    Confession: I know how to get Crom Faeyr, but I have only ever done it once because I enjoy fighting Mind Flayers only slightly more than I like fighting demiliches.

    Confession: I have not completed a BioWare romance since 2002.

    Confession: I like Tashia better than Kelsey.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Confession: I think both Tashia and Kelsey are nice enough, but they definitely show their age- and use Interjections sometimes when I would rather they use I_C_T, so I don't usually install them.

    (I like Adrian, what little I've played for him, for my sorc needs.)
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    Twani said:

    Confession: I find Rasaad adorable, but I think he exists in some strange world of his own imaginings half the time.

    Confession: I still, a decade and some later, resent Bioware for not finishing the Haer'Dalis romance and the Valygar romance. I wish Beamdog had finished Valygar's, at least.

    I do, too!

    And like...I can imagine in the Valygar romance, there would be an option where Suna Seni could be the, eh...maid of honour. And when you decide on this, Valygar says, "I bet that shall do the trick!". I like Valygar.

    Confession: I always side with Bodhi, because I think, "Well, I am a Child of Murder, and vampires are awfully deathy!".
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    iuventas said:

    Confession: I didn't side with Bodhi only when I wanted to keep Mazzy in my party. Hate fighting vampires more than it's necessary.

    Easy, side with Bodhi before recruiting Mazzy (EE might have fixed that, though.)

  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    jscohen said:

    Confession: I know how to find Kangaxx, but I have never actually killed him because I can only stomach fighting demiliches about once in a saga playthrough and Watcher's Keep usually fills that role.

    I nevarrrrrrrrrr fight Kanaxx.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    @SCARY_WIZARD Have you played BG2 Romantic Encounters? It has a Valygar romance of sorts, spanning through BG2 and ToB: in which he loves you, but is afraid to commit because of his curse. In ToB, you can plan to run away with him, and have a happy ending together.

    I wish he had a full romance with flirt packs and master wraith encounters and everything, but I'm pretty satisfied with that. It's good.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Confession: I've never killed/fought Kangaxx.
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    edited April 2014
    Twani said:

    @SCARY_WIZARD Have you played BG2 Romantic Encounters? It has a Valygar romance of sorts, spanning through BG2 and ToB: in which he loves you, but is afraid to commit because of his curse. In ToB, you can plan to run away with him, and have a happy ending together.

    I wish he had a full romance with flirt packs and master wraith encounters and everything, but I'm pretty satisfied with that. It's good.

    Things I Did In Various Playthroughs With Romantic Encounters Installed: Flirt with Firkraag
    -Guildmistress Busya

    Confession: I now picture Anishai as a flirty Monk thanks to Romantic Encounters. :( ... :D
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Arcalian said:

    jscohen said:

    Confession: I know how to find Kangaxx, but I have never actually killed him because I can only stomach fighting demiliches about once in a saga playthrough and Watcher's Keep usually fills that role.

    I nevarrrrrrrrrr fight Kanaxx.
    I killed kangaxx once. (through Im only on my third playthrough)
    It was chapter 3.
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438

    Confession: I've never killed/fought Kangaxx.

    I Confession: I tend to kill Kangaxx using a Protection from Magic scroll on myself, and just smack him to death.

    - Boooooooh!!! Blackraven that's so lame! Here the game offers you the opportunity for an epic fight, and you cheese your way to the Ring of Gaxx. Bah, you don't even deserve that ring!
    If I could, I'd just equip everybody capable of using them with wands of illumination and then burn the extremely powerful three-charge abilities on him. >:D
  • EmpyrialEmpyrial Member Posts: 107
    Confession: I play melee heavy parties because I'm lazy and suck at micromanaging my party sometimes. The first time I beat ToB I had Keldorn, Korgan, Mazzy, Sarevok, Anomen, and my sorcerer Charname. I was bad so I didn't use a lot of self-buffs which made Keldorn's dispel almost entirely in my favour. We got by on just wiping out magical defences and swarming them. I was so bad. Shit, I still am pretty much :P
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    Confession: I've never killed/fought Kangaxx.

    I Confession: I tend to kill Kangaxx using a Protection from Magic scroll on myself, and just smack him to death.
    Confession: I never killed Kangaxx using a scroll of Protection from Magic. It is easier to use Protection from Undead and blast him in pieces very easily, in both of is forms.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    edited April 2014
    @meagloth I'll see your traps and raise you a 'Protection From Undead'-scroll.

    Edit: ah, @CrevsDaak was quicker. :p
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited April 2014
    Empyrial said:

    Confession: I play melee heavy parties because I'm lazy and suck at micromanaging my party sometimes. The first time I beat ToB I had Keldorn, Korgan, Mazzy, Sarevok, Anomen, and my sorcerer Charname. I was bad so I didn't use a lot of self-buffs which made Keldorn's dispel almost entirely in my favour. We got by on just wiping out magical defences and swarming them. I was so bad. Shit, I still am pretty much :P

    @Empyrial‌ this describes mt first play-through to a T. Undead Hunter, Keldorn, Minsc, Sarevok, Anomen hit things, Imoen does other stuff.

    Confession: I have never in my life used a Protection from Magic or Undead scroll....
    in fact the only scroll I have ever used was to save Branwen. The rest are for memorizing and gold.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2014
    CrevsDaak said:

    Confession: I've never killed/fought Kangaxx.

    I Confession: I tend to kill Kangaxx using a Protection from Magic scroll on myself, and just smack him to death.
    Confession: I never killed Kangaxx using a scroll of Protection from Magic. It is easier to use Protection from Undead and blast him in pieces very easily, in both of is forms.
    I've always found using a Scroll of Protection from Undead a bit sketchy. According to the description "'it creates 3' radius protection circle around the target protecting it from all physical but not magical attacks from undead". Is that description incorrect?
    I fear Kangaxx more for his magical than for his physical attacks and therefore always opt for a Protection from Magic scroll.

    EDIT: Could someone point out how Protection from Undead works? It seems I'm mistaken about what it does.
    Post edited by Blackraven on
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Confession: I made my first Swashbuckler in BGEE.

    Confession: I'm actually fine playing BGEE without the BG1 NPC Project.

    Confession: I'm actually more bothered by the fact that I can't play BG2EE with Kivan. Q_Q

    Confession: I'm currently playing BG2EE with a Cleric/Mage, and Adrian (NPC mod) will totally stay in the party.
  • WolkWolk Member Posts: 279
    @Blackraven‌ The protection from undead scroll also makes you undetected by undeads. They won't be abble to target you or cast spells at you. It you protect you from an area of effect spell, but it will protect you from imprisonnement because it's single targetted.

    On topic:
    Confession I never used spell immunity on anyone. When I had to tank a demilich, i just summoned stuff and recruited other NPCs in my party so they would get imprisonned instead of me. (in vanilla BG2 and TOB) I never knew about spell immunity or the protection scrolls. Haven't gottent that far yet in BG2EE, but in the Black Pits 2 i just stopped time and attacked with energy blades or melf minute metor, while my other characters got imprisonned.
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    Confession:I just temporarily abondoned a game instead of doing the mind flayer dungeon in the underdark in favor of playing Shadowrun Returns. I hate mind flayers. So much. I honestly wonder how anyone doing a no reload challenge can deal with them. One failed saving throw and everything is ruined forever.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Necomancer Immunities. You can get a nice Amulet from the Beholder's Lair that makes you immune to Psiconics for one turn.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Necomancer‌ - I rarely do the mind flayer dungeon...

    Confession: I rarely do the Mind Flayer Dungeon in the Underdark.

    A not related to BG confession, depending on who you talk to anyway.

    Confession: I wish @LiamEsler‌ would come back for the forums aren't the same without him.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    @Necomancer Confession: I used to be pretty okay with mindflayers until I found out that berserk (and the like) still doesn't help when your intelligence is low. I can't remember the amount of times Minsc got his brain devoured...

    Confession: I am a completionist. I.e. I really REALLY need to do every single quest that is reasonable within Charname's character/alignment.

    Confession: on my last playthrough I forgot the Twisted Rune quest and the mindflayers in the sewers (BG2). Also didn't do Jan Jansen's quests, but that was because he had disappeared from the government district.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Necomancer thieves and rangers have an easy time: boots of speed + immunities (through Chaotic Commands or items). Hide, backstab, run, hide backstab, run etc. Works best/fastest with good backstabbers, but even with non-backstabbers (Swashies, Rangers other than Stalkers).
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Flashburn said:

    Confession: I've never played a female CHARNAME. Sorry, but all the male voicesets of BG2 except MALE5/Default are better than the females'. MALE1 is the best though.

    Weeeeird. I literally only like Male1 and Male2 and overall think the female voices are way better. Male2 is the best ever though.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Confession : I'm always afraid that some kind of bug allows Jondalar to kill you in the prologue of BG1.

    Confession : Sorcerer is one of my favorite class, and still i have never played one.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Gotural said:

    Confession : I'm always afraid that some kind of bug allows Jondalar to kill you in the prologue of BG1.

    Confession : Sorcerer is one of my favorite class, and still i have never played one.

    True with me too! Still Bards > Sorcerers.
    And yeah I think that you CAN kill Jondalar, I once tried killing him with ADHW, and it worked. Same goes for Jospil in the tutorial (for exception that if you kill Jospil you can't end the tutorial).
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