Confession: I prefer Imoen's original sprite and paperdoll to her BG2:EE version. Same goes for Nalia and Viconia.
Confession: I, too, have yet to recruit Wilson.
Confession: I think it's been a full month since I've last played Baldur's Gate. I'm going through withdraws.
Confession: My boyfriend convinced me to try League of Legends yesterday. The overhead view reminded me of Baldur's Gate. Oh how I missed the Pause button...
Confession: I don't know whether to like or hate League of Legends yet. This kind of frightens me.
Confession: I can't play through Irenicus Dungeon without difficulty mods (usually SCS, but I've done Tactics, ugh). It's just... so... repetitive. Something has to change.
A modder who went by Razfallow once released a "Slightly Improved Ilyich" mod. I remember it fondly - it made the combat more interesting and interactive without even coming close to the ridiculous heights of Zhivago and friends. You can still download it at Sorcerer's Place:
Huh, @jscohen, I've never heard of that! Shame it's not updated, but I still play regular BG2 for testing as well as BG2EE, so I'll give it a try. Thanks! I don't find SCS Irenicus's dungeon too bad (though the only one rest can hurt), but I hate tactics version. I've done it, but I think I might have had to cheat.
Confession: My boyfriend convinced me to try League of Legends yesterday. The overhead view reminded me of Baldur's Gate. Oh how I missed the Pause button...
Confession: I don't know whether to like or hate League of Legends yet. This kind of frightens me.
I've played some LoL.
Nothing beats BG. NOTHING! But playing with friends can be really funny (in school we are 6 and 4 play that game, me included).
Confession: I . . . ah . . . really am spending too much time here and on the game. I think I need to bow out for a while. See you all when the patch comes out!
Confession: Sometimes when I'm at my computer, I like to make noises like I'm throwing up. -Wait... This isn't BG-related! ! No take-backs~
Confession: I REALLY WANT LIKE A CRAFTING SYSTEM LIKE IN TOEE AND REAL D&D K -That way I can make the throwing daggers +2 I've always wanted! ...and I won't have to get them from other people's mothers like Rachael Leigh Cook had to. -But no, seriously, I want to make +3 splint for some stupid reason.
Confession: I want to play a Monk based on Rocky Balboa.
Confession: as my party was casually strolling out of the Graveyard after a short, brutal evening of murdering the dead (is that even possible?), Anomen still had his "Turn Undead" skill active...
... and blew up Wellyn. >BOOM!< -splatter-
Oops. At least I have a teddy bear.
Confession: While fighting my way through Suldanessellar , and slightly weakened by the ordeal, I wandered near Elhan. At that same moment, I was accosted by an Adamantine and two Stone Golems. Surprised, but confident due to Elhan's presence, I moved to engage the big morons. I had never encountered monsters in that area; I assumed he would assist us in our efforts to SAVE HIS OWN CITY. The battle commenced...
... only to watch Elhan stand, oblivious to the carnage around him, like a stone wall. The Great Elven General: wise, powerful, and utterly immobile. Useless, like his weak people and his mouldy, ADHD, TIVO-couch-potato/fetid-mulch god.
Enraged, I backstabbed his useless a$$. Unfortunately, he ran like the lying sneakthief he was. Is. Whatever.
I may not be able to kill the weak milquetoast Ellesime. I may not be able to hunt down and kill every last Cowled Wizard in the Realms. But I swear, from henceforth in this game, I will attack Elhan in every game, whether my character be good, evil, or neutral; until I one day, somehow, kill that sniveling coward.
Confession: I played SOA before beating 1 because I was scared of what was down in Nashkel mines when I was 11 or 12. Felt like an idiot when I finally forced myself down there and saw that there wasn't anything too powerful there.
Confession: When I was 11 or 12 I preferred to explore all of the above ground areas instead of doing the main quest because I didn't care at all about storylines back then. That and I was a wimp and dark places scared me even in videogames.
Confession: I never beat the first Baldur's Gate without TUTU and Shadowkeeper.
Confession: After discovering Shadowkeeper could increase the walking speed of my party, I've never played a game without doing so.
Confession: 80 percent of my characters were half-elf, neutral good, fighter/thieves.
Confession: I've only played as evil once and I'm not even sure if I beat it that way.
Confession: The Baldur's gate series helped me deal with my severe depression that plagued me during my teen years, and most likely kept me from seriously hurting myself in my darker moments.
And to offset that little dark cloud there, here's a much happier confession: I had a hamster, I named him Boo, and he was awesome.
@ThatTwitchyGuy Well of course he was awesome. You can't name a hamster Boo and not have it be awesome. The moment that hamster gets that name he instantly becomes awesome. Also, don't worry. You were not alone in alot of those confessions. I only just recently beat BG1 without any cheating...Well, okay. I used Shadowkeeper to return items my party took with them when half of them left but thats it.
Confession:I actually have yet to play a shortie race. Its not that I dislike them but I dislike being a pure fighter or cleric or rogue. Most of my characters are magic users or some sort of paladin or ranger.
Confession:I also dislike that shorties get no romances for the most part. Call me silly, but I like having a bit of romance in my adventures.
Confession:I actually had a small crush on Viconia before BG2, even before she was remodeled. What can I say? I have a weakness for dusky maidens.
Confession:I wish there was a way to convert all energy spells to a single form of energy. This would severely gimp any caster when fighting certain foes but come on, who doesn't want to be a pyromancer once and awhile? Personally I think it'd make a good sorcerer kit
Confession:I actually have yet to play a shortie race. Its not that I dislike them but I dislike being a pure fighter or cleric or rogue. Most of my characters are magic users or some sort of paladin or ranger.
There's always the gnome fighter/illusionist, a potentially pretty powerful combo. If you bend the rules you could make a gnome bard, and if you break the rules you can have any class or multiclass on any race. I played a dwarf skald once and explained away his magical aptitude as a Bhaalspawn thing. Fun character that one.
Confession: I have taken to making an actual list of Charnames I still want to play. Sofar it is 6 long, but that excludes potential replays of Charnames of the original era out of nostalgia. I'm curious to see if I would do some things differently with the knowledge I have now.
Confession: the first full playthrough I can remember from the original era, a kensai dual'd to mage, was still pretty good, despite my lack of knowledge of powergaming or strategic spellcasting and such. Different types of fighter/mages are still a favorite.
Confession: I am running four concurrent playthroughs, all shorties. For BGEE, a trio of Gnomes - Jack-Jack, male CN Jester Sid Knee, female CG Fighter/Illusionist Vonotar, male NE Cleric/Illusionist For BG2EE, a Halfing - Jerrol, male CE Fighter/Shadowdancer
Or are you building a romance around a shorty @SCARY_WIZARD?
Plannin'. Got a male Halfling in the works. Just to let anybody know, I operate on Valve Time. ! Ehh, well, maybe Blizzard time., Valve Time. Bah, this is another story! Let's get back to mocking Tweets.
Confession: I have yet to beat BG2 in any form, and therefore ToB as well.
Confession: Despite the above, I am still stuck on BG:EE runs.
Confession: BG:EE > BG2:EE (mostly to do with sandbox freedom)
Confession: Despite the alarming number of times I have played BG1, I don't think I've ever used Eldoth, Faldorn or Skie at all except the first time I encountered them to see their stats.
Confession: I have never modded the game, despite having a vague desire to create mods.
Confession: The character I have gotten the furthest with in BG2:EE is my human jester Veraka Cursebringer, and that is mostly because of the great love I have for her due to writing an epic saga about her, and all the good memories from BG:EE.
Confession: I chose to romance Hexxat because Veraka likes to be a nonconformist (good basis for a relationship, right?), and I had heard so many bad things about Anomen.
Confession: Veraka didn't use any of the new EE NPCs in BG:EE because I wanted the funniest group dialogue possible, and therefore didn't get the sidequests or romances.
Confession: I think Jan covers being a thief just fine without Hexxat.
Confession: Aerie was kind-of adorable and I hated to let her go even as a female character.
Confession: Tiax was my tertiary tank for Veraka in BG:EE, and suited up with ankheg armor and Kiel's Buckler he was actually pretty good at it.
Confession: I now have enormous difficulty enjoying the game without playing some variety of thief. Watching the locked chests go by in newbie Candlekeep and thinking of the missed XP breaks my heart.
Confession: I fought every beholder in the Underdark without the special beholder-proof shield.
Confession: I accidentally killed Minsc once while Veraka was confused and wielding the vorpal silver greatsword.
Confession: The first time I beat Sarevok was back in the days of original BG, and I simply flooded the room with summoned monsters.
Confession: The only times I ever killed Driz'zt were back in the days of the pathing exploit.
Confession: I have never beaten BG with an evil character. Never even made it to the city. Neutral characters sure, plenty. This will be remedied someday.
Confession: I did a solo run once, just to see if I could (exported a berserker 7/rogue 8 from The Black Pits). It was a rush, but I doubt I'll ever do it again.
Confession: I enjoyed The Black Pits. It's no Baldur's Gate, but I've run through it three times so far.
Confession: I had a crush on Safana back in the day before romances existed, in all her cheesy glory.
Confession: I have trouble enjoying a gnome or halfling character, but dwarves are fine. Might be the paperdoll.
Confession: I make more elven characters than I care to admit.
Confession: I have never, ever used a Scroll of Protection from X or their ilk. I hoard them though. I only use buff potions for truly epic encounters, such as when I am forced to reload more than once.
Confession: The first time I beat Baldur's Gate was using a conjurer RPing as a wild mage before the kit existed (I called him a weird mage) and most of my battles were decided - in my favor - with the Grease spell.
Confession: I hate the Grease spell with a passion. In my playing experience it has usually just hindered my melee fighters in closing the gap to slice up the opposition. Similar things happened in Icewind Dale.
Confession: Most of the time I have Charname in the first slot, and I usued to only micro-manage him/her in a fight. This has led to quite a number of embarassing deaths where party members blasted eachother and Charname with AoE-spells. This subsequently led to a management crisis where I sometimes banned AoE-spells from npcs altogether and sometimes just left the AI off and micromanaged every party member.
Confession: I think Turn Undead is more annoying than useful in the beginning. I hate chasing after skeletons my melee fighters could easily crush.
Confession: My mind seems to have decided that "unmodded coffee" is a valid name for black coffee in English. Well.
Your gonna ask for a vanilla coffee one day and get something really nasty at Starbucks.
Confession: I like my coffee like I like my women. Warm, strong and zesty, but not too complicated.
Confession: Even then, Aerie is still within range.
Confession: Baldur's Gate is *not* helping my New Year's resolution of a better sleeping pattern. It may however help my other resolution of making a mod, once I stop playing and start writing that is...
Confession: I, too, have yet to recruit Wilson.
Confession: I think it's been a full month since I've last played Baldur's Gate. I'm going through withdraws.
Confession: My boyfriend convinced me to try League of Legends yesterday. The overhead view reminded me of Baldur's Gate. Oh how I missed the Pause button...
Confession: I don't know whether to like or hate League of Legends yet. This kind of frightens me.
Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.
It hasn't been updated for a while, though, much less for BG2EE. I would be more than happy to play such an update/new mod/whatever.
Nothing beats BG. NOTHING!
But playing with friends can be really funny (in school we are 6 and 4 play that game, me included).
-Wait... This isn't BG-related!
-That way I can make the throwing daggers +2 I've always wanted! ...and I won't have to get them from other people's mothers like Rachael Leigh Cook had to.
-But no, seriously, I want to make +3 splint for some stupid reason.
Confession: I want to play a Monk based on Rocky Balboa.
... and blew up Wellyn. >BOOM!< -splatter-
Oops. At least I have a teddy bear.
Confession: While fighting my way through Suldanessellar , and slightly weakened by the ordeal, I wandered near Elhan. At that same moment, I was accosted by an Adamantine and two Stone Golems. Surprised, but confident due to Elhan's presence, I moved to engage the big morons. I had never encountered monsters in that area; I assumed he would assist us in our efforts to SAVE HIS OWN CITY. The battle commenced...
... only to watch Elhan stand, oblivious to the carnage around him, like a stone wall. The Great Elven General: wise, powerful, and utterly immobile. Useless, like his weak people and his mouldy, ADHD, TIVO-couch-potato/fetid-mulch god.
Enraged, I backstabbed his useless a$$. Unfortunately, he ran like the lying sneakthief he was. Is. Whatever.
I may not be able to kill the weak milquetoast Ellesime. I may not be able to hunt down and kill every last Cowled Wizard in the Realms. But I swear, from henceforth in this game, I will attack Elhan in every game, whether my character be good, evil, or neutral; until I one day, somehow, kill that sniveling coward.
Confession: When I was 11 or 12 I preferred to explore all of the above ground areas instead of doing the main quest because I didn't care at all about storylines back then. That and I was a wimp and dark places scared me even in videogames.
Confession: I never beat the first Baldur's Gate without TUTU and Shadowkeeper.
Confession: After discovering Shadowkeeper could increase the walking speed of my party, I've never played a game without doing so.
Confession: 80 percent of my characters were half-elf, neutral good, fighter/thieves.
Confession: I've only played as evil once and I'm not even sure if I beat it that way.
Confession: The Baldur's gate series helped me deal with my severe depression that plagued me during my teen years, and most likely kept me from seriously hurting myself in my darker moments.
And to offset that little dark cloud there, here's a much happier confession: I had a hamster, I named him Boo, and he was awesome.
Confession:I actually have yet to play a shortie race. Its not that I dislike them but I dislike being a pure fighter or cleric or rogue. Most of my characters are magic users or some sort of paladin or ranger.
Confession:I also dislike that shorties get no romances for the most part. Call me silly, but I like having a bit of romance in my adventures.
Confession:I actually had a small crush on Viconia before BG2, even before she was remodeled. What can I say? I have a weakness for dusky maidens.
Confession:I wish there was a way to convert all energy spells to a single form of energy. This would severely gimp any caster when fighting certain foes but come on, who doesn't want to be a pyromancer once and awhile? Personally I think it'd make a good sorcerer kit
Confession: I have taken to making an actual list of Charnames I still want to play. Sofar it is 6 long, but that excludes potential replays of Charnames of the original era out of nostalgia. I'm curious to see if I would do some things differently with the knowledge I have now.
Confession: the first full playthrough I can remember from the original era, a kensai dual'd to mage, was still pretty good, despite my lack of knowledge of powergaming or strategic spellcasting and such. Different types of fighter/mages are still a favorite.
For BGEE, a trio of Gnomes -
Jack-Jack, male CN Jester
Sid Knee, female CG Fighter/Illusionist
Vonotar, male NE Cleric/Illusionist
For BG2EE, a Halfing -
Jerrol, male CE Fighter/Shadowdancer
Or are you building a romance around a shorty @SCARY_WIZARD?
Ehh, well, maybe Blizzard time., Valve Time. Bah, this is another story! Let's get back to mocking Tweets.
Confession: I've never beaten Melissan. (Without the console.)
Confession: I've never even bothered to step foot in Watcher's Keep.
Confession: Despite the above, I am still stuck on BG:EE runs.
Confession: BG:EE > BG2:EE (mostly to do with sandbox freedom)
Confession: Despite the alarming number of times I have played BG1, I don't think I've ever used Eldoth, Faldorn or Skie at all except the first time I encountered them to see their stats.
Confession: I have never modded the game, despite having a vague desire to create mods.
Confession: The character I have gotten the furthest with in BG2:EE is my human jester Veraka Cursebringer, and that is mostly because of the great love I have for her due to writing an epic saga about her, and all the good memories from BG:EE.
Confession: I chose to romance Hexxat because Veraka likes to be a nonconformist (good basis for a relationship, right?), and I had heard so many bad things about Anomen.
Confession: Veraka didn't use any of the new EE NPCs in BG:EE because I wanted the funniest group dialogue possible, and therefore didn't get the sidequests or romances.
Confession: I think Jan covers being a thief just fine without Hexxat.
Confession: Aerie was kind-of adorable and I hated to let her go even as a female character.
Confession: Tiax was my tertiary tank for Veraka in BG:EE, and suited up with ankheg armor and Kiel's Buckler he was actually pretty good at it.
Confession: I now have enormous difficulty enjoying the game without playing some variety of thief. Watching the locked chests go by in newbie Candlekeep and thinking of the missed XP breaks my heart.
Confession: I fought every beholder in the Underdark without the special beholder-proof shield.
Confession: I accidentally killed Minsc once while Veraka was confused and wielding the vorpal silver greatsword.
Confession: The first time I beat Sarevok was back in the days of original BG, and I simply flooded the room with summoned monsters.
Confession: The only times I ever killed Driz'zt were back in the days of the pathing exploit.
Confession: I have never beaten BG with an evil character. Never even made it to the city. Neutral characters sure, plenty. This will be remedied someday.
Confession: I did a solo run once, just to see if I could (exported a berserker 7/rogue 8 from The Black Pits). It was a rush, but I doubt I'll ever do it again.
Confession: I enjoyed The Black Pits. It's no Baldur's Gate, but I've run through it three times so far.
Confession: I had a crush on Safana back in the day before romances existed, in all her cheesy glory.
Confession: I have trouble enjoying a gnome or halfling character, but dwarves are fine. Might be the paperdoll.
Confession: I make more elven characters than I care to admit.
Confession: I have never, ever used a Scroll of Protection from X or their ilk. I hoard them though. I only use buff potions for truly epic encounters, such as when I am forced to reload more than once.
Confession: The first time I beat Baldur's Gate was using a conjurer RPing as a wild mage before the kit existed (I called him a weird mage) and most of my battles were decided - in my favor - with the Grease spell.
Confession: I enjoy writing confessions.
Confession: Most of the time I have Charname in the first slot, and I usued to only micro-manage him/her in a fight. This has led to quite a number of embarassing deaths where party members blasted eachother and Charname with AoE-spells. This subsequently led to a management crisis where I sometimes banned AoE-spells from npcs altogether and sometimes just left the AI off and micromanaged every party member.
Confession: I think Turn Undead is more annoying than useful in the beginning. I hate chasing after skeletons my melee fighters could easily crush.
Confession: Even then, Aerie is still within range.
Confession: Baldur's Gate is *not* helping my New Year's resolution of a better sleeping pattern. It may however help my other resolution of making a mod, once I stop playing and start writing that is...