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[MOD][BETA] Tome and Blood: More Options for Wizards and Sorcerers



  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @lunar , thanks for the info about the stormborn sorcerer. I'll fix it in the next patch. I'm glad you mentioned opposed schools as well, because the reason that the new patch is taking so long is 1) because I only just got back from school and 2) because I'm trying to make a bunch of different options for opposed school systems, which of course requires a massive overhaul of the core and specialist mage kit components.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    No problem. Glad to be of help. Also, I haven't checked throughly, but some dragon ancestor lines may also have the same bug:they use the learn spell opcode for gaining bonus spells and it can fail due to low intelligence. Also if it succeeds player gets 1000x level of the spell xp bonus as if he wrote from a scroll. It should use the opcode 171 like other bloodline kits, methinks. I have fixed them locally in my game by changing the kit-effect spells. (Yay I am learning!)

    The mod is very fun and innovating! If you could ease up opposition schools a bit, it would be perfect! Right now a necromancer feels bad when he chooses 3rd lvl spells:more than half of the spells in that lvl are grayed out. And abjuration is a must!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    I will keep my eye on this mod, although I would like some improvements in certain areas. (Although I love the Crafting System C-: )
  • RigelaRigela Member Posts: 10
    Wonderful mod, but have a (possible) bug I came across. The two new kits for Xan and Dynaheir (bladesinger and Hathran) aren't given to them despite selecting to do so (and uninstalling/reinstalling to make sure). Using EE, I can't select them as an option either on their class kit, but can choose any other of the new kits. Edwin takes his red wizard one fine though, it appears

    Strangely, when going to the option to apply kit affects I /can/ apply them their so they do exist in some form it seems. It's not a massive thing, but I couldn't see a way to fix it and only one other person that seemed to suffer it.
  • aerefrygtaerefrygt Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2015
    Rigela said:

    Wonderful mod, but have a (possible) bug I came across. The two new kits for Xan and Dynaheir (bladesinger and Hathran) aren't given to them despite selecting to do so (and uninstalling/reinstalling to make sure).

    I have the exact same problem :/ I tried fixing it by changing dynaheir to a Hathran in EEKeeper but the kit isnt listed there

    I looked at my kitlist.2da and kit.ids, i couldnt see any entry resembling hathran, hath, htrn or whatever that could be a code for it. I checked dialog.tlk and the hathran entries are there so maybe the kit's intact but just isnt properly listed?

  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    This awesome looking mod doesn't seem to work for me :( it said most of it installed but there were a few errors but says "continuing despite errors" and when it was done says press enter to exit and when I checked out to see if there were any new kits etc nothing had changed T.T
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2015
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @Kai50, are you playing the original or Enhanced Editions? I haven't worked out the compatibility for the original games yet. Also, you will not be able to see the Mage kits in the character creation menu because it is hardcoded (obligatory *grumble* about hardcoding). Instead, once you make a specialist, it will have an ability in the innates abilities bar to choose a specialist kit. Most of the Sorcerer kits are also going to be granted through an innate ability.
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    Ohhhh Ok Thanks guys! that is probably what it is then I will have to check that out xD I am using the enhanced edition btw
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @Rigela and @aerefrygt , the Dynaheir kit is labeled "QDDYNAHE", does that appear in your KIT.IDS or KITLIST.2DA? I'm not entirely sure what the issue but I want to know if its an issue on the script side (which adds the kit to Dynaheir via script) or the installation side (which installs the kit through the mod).

    Thanks for bringing this bug to my attention.
  • aerefrygtaerefrygt Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2015

    @Rigela and @aerefrygt , the Dynaheir kit is labeled "QDDYNAHE", does that appear in your KIT.IDS or KITLIST.2DA? I'm not entirely sure what the issue but I want to know if its an issue on the script side (which adds the kit to Dynaheir via script) or the installation side (which installs the kit through the mod).

    Thanks for bringing this bug to my attention.

    I checked the files, and yup, "QDDYNAHE" cant be found in the KIT.IDS and KITLIST.2DA

    When I install the mod the options are there to either make dynaheir a sorcerer or a hathran. every time i try to reinstall dynaheir as a hathran, it just always makes her a sorcerer :/ if you need screenshots or w/e to fix this, just tell me!
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @aerefrygt , if QDDYNAHE is not present in those two files, then that means that there is an installation error with the kit itself. Thanks for your help. :smiley:
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    Other than bug fixes and improved customization, are there any features that people want to see in the next release? I have a couple ideas but nothing drawn up yet.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    edited June 2015
    Small update because this is too exciting not to share:


    @subtledoctor , as of just now the dialog menu system for choosing features has no flaws. :smiley:
  • RigelaRigela Member Posts: 10

    @Rigela and @aerefrygt , the Dynaheir kit is labeled "QDDYNAHE", does that appear in your KIT.IDS or KITLIST.2DA? I'm not entirely sure what the issue but I want to know if its an issue on the script side (which adds the kit to Dynaheir via script) or the installation side (which installs the kit through the mod).

    Thanks for bringing this bug to my attention.

    It shows up in mine, strangely enough!
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870

    Other than bug fixes and improved customization, are there any features that people want to see in the next release? I have a couple ideas but nothing drawn up yet.

    I'd like to see something done with the way familiars are selected, if at all possible. Like for instance implementing the dialog menu system in order to remove their rather pointless ties with specific alignments (which clearly isn't part of the AD&D PnP rules). This system could also allow for additional familiar choices later on in future updates. Doesn't have to be in the next release though, as I imagine such a feature to be quite verbosely.

    Then there's of course my secret hope of seeing the Witch kit at some point as well. :wink:
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    so I had a look but there was nothing available in the special ability tab :/ any other suggestions?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @Kai50, would you mind posting a screen shot of your hot bar and your character screen?
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    I would but my laptop is a bit messed up and wont let me do stuff like that anymore xD I cant even minimize games to a tab. if I do it wont let me open it again and I end up having to close it down with task manager lol. I am thinking it might be something to do with how I unzipped the files maybe..there were a lot of errors when I started up and it didn't seem to finish properly like other mods I have used.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Hey guys. I'm curious how the crafting system is working with other mods. Also, are there any compatibility requests (specific to the crafting component?) Are there any mods with custom spells that (eg) you would like to be able to scribe?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    I'm encountering a weird bug that I don't recall being in previous versions.

    Can someone who currently has v0.5 installed on their game please let me know if Bloodline Sorcerers, Dragon Disciples or Magi have the proper number of spells slots per day?

    Please include: Game (and Version), TnB version, class and level and the number of spell slots they have at each spell level.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    edited July 2015
    In an effort to make my specialist kits compatible with @subtledoctor 's specialist mage overhaul, I have found that 1) often the kits share a lot of thematic basis and abilities and 2) the abilities of the SoB kits are not particularly modular. While I do not want to scrap the entire Specialist Kits component, I do think that I am going to reduce the number of specialist kits available.

    Here is an updated list of Mage kits:
    - Mage (a single class mage will be able to specialize into one of the following schools: Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Invocation, White Necromancy)
    - Illusionist (*insert beaten horse*)
    - (Dark) Necromancer (exclusive access to necromancy)
    - Shadow Adept (limited to mostly enchantment, illusion, and necromancy spells)
    - Arcanamach (stealthy mage hunter limited to mostly abjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion)
    - Battlemage (lightly armored warrior-mage limited to mostly abjuration and invocation)
    - Wild Mage

    The specialist kits for PCs that will have been removed: Harper Mage, Red Wizard, Argent Savant, Elementalist, Pale Master, Starmetal Adept, Transmogrifist.

    There will still be a Red Wizard kit for Edwin, but I don't think there is any way to make SoB and Specialist Mages compatible and retain balance for player characters. This system leaves two additional specialist flags free for further development. I already have some ideas for what I want to do with the two remaining slots, but don't expect anything for them in the next TnB update.

  • SBF1SBF1 Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2015
    Heya, I had a quick question I needed some clarification on. I'm new to these tweaks and still kind of a D&D novice in general, so forgive me if this is a pretty silly question or whatever.

    Anyway, I like Red Mages. Like, battlemage JRPG Red Mage, not the evil D&D Red Wizards or whatnot. So I installed this on IWDEE intending to have a team with a Magus, since that pretty much fits exactly what I was looking for, a spellcaster that can use a sword and wear some lighter armor and still be able to sling a fireball or few into the fray.

    Problem is that even though I made a Magus character, picked her spells, bought her a sword and the lightest Leather armor I could get, it still disabled her casting. I don't get whether this is a side effect of also installing Armored Casting or what, but regardless, she wasn't able to do what she was supposed to. So I just wanted to seek you all out and figure out what's up.

    EDIT: Having browsed through a few pages back in the thread, does the Magus armor thing only work properly in BG2EE? Because that'd be... really disheartening actually, eheheh.
    Post edited by SBF1 on
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    That seems quite odd... I do version testing in IWDEE and it seems to be working properly there.

    What game are you using, what version of TnB are you using, and what armor specifically (name is fine) are you using?
  • SBF1SBF1 Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2015
    I'm playing the GoG version of Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition, I'm using the version of TnB that's in the first post, and I'm wearing just bog-standard leather armor I bought from Pomab's place.

    As an extra tip if it helps at all, I just tested out a different team of mine (with a Bard in it) and when my Bard equipped the leather armor, her wizard spells were disabled as well. So it's not just the Magus having the problem, it's just kind of in general.

    For what it's worth, here's a picture:

    I don't really get what's up with it, it's just... not working, eheh.

    Also as a tip, the only things I have installed are the core components, Armored Casting, Universal Weapon Usability, and the Magus.

    EDIT: I also just uninstalled the version from the first post, installed the version on page 11, and... it works!... on the Magus, anyway. So that at least solves my problem there. Whoops! :V

    EDIT EDIT: And now it's back to not working. Blargh. This time I made a Magus and bought him a spear and some leather armor again, and then his Magic Missile was disabled when he equipped the armor. I don't get it. It worked fine with my single-weapon sword lady last night.
    Post edited by SBF1 on
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    That's strange. I'll add it to my things to check with the next release (which I'm currently working on). This next release should be done by the end of August. Until then, I don't really know what to tell you...
  • SBF1SBF1 Member Posts: 12

    That's strange. I'll add it to my things to check with the next release (which I'm currently working on). This next release should be done by the end of August. Until then, I don't really know what to tell you...

    Thanks, man. I'm out on some errands right now, so I can't test it, but on the drive I did think of a couple ideas about what it might be; one of which is an install thing, the other one being my own fault. I'll test both later today and edit the post afterward.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,977
    Question, does this mod actually change spells?

    I installed it along side the fields of the dead, and in one fight I casted sleep, the sleep affected my team along side the enemy. I look through the walk through for both and I can't find anything about this type of change to the sleep spell.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    Other than shuffling around opposed schools for specialists and a handful of school changes in the Updated Spell Schools component, I didn't touch spells at all. I certainly didn't mess with the effects of spells. What other mods do you have installed?
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