What's going on??? Haven't got through tutorial yet. For this money on a tablet device, its more than most games in the store, yet it doesn't work stable at all. First I accidently minimised the screen and it doesn't go back to the game if this happens, which is a terrible problem since it can often happen. When I got to the thief in tutorial, it told me to search for traps, and pressing this button made the game close down saying, "sorry unfortunately stopped". Well unfortunately I just spent £7 on an ancient game I wanted try on my Xperia z2, that's clearly not been tested yet. When will this be fixed please? I've started the tutorial 3 times now, and want to finish it.
I believe the tutorial crashing on tablets is a known issue (the full game works just fine) and the minimizing issue has been fixed in the latest beta build. I would suggest skipping the tutorial and going right to the main game and seeing if the game is more stable.
Someone else mentioned not being able to get downstairs to the maze in the thief's guild hq. I am having the same problem. The stairs are there and supposedly open and selectable. But upon selecting the characters just jostle each other around and can't get in. It doesn't even time out with the "must gather party" message. They just keep bumping around.
Someone else mentioned not being able to get downstairs to the maze in the thief's guild hq. I am having the same problem. The stairs are there and supposedly open and selectable. But upon selecting the characters just jostle each other around and can't get in. It doesn't even time out with the "must gather party" message. They just keep bumping around.
Might because you're not in Chapter 7 yet? Or that you haven't went to the Coronation of Sarevok yet?
Only one set of whispering boots available now. I presume intentional and not a bug.
You can get two sets but one is found in baldur's gate iirc. You can now only get one set of the boots from either ulcaster or south of beregost (they appear in both places but you can only get one).
This is good information, but if these are not new issues I would rather see them reported on the Bugs forums. Please only use this thread to point out new issues caused by the beta.
Someone a while back asked where the Pre-Generate Character button went. The feature used to be on a screen in Multiplayer to let you make your characters before joining a game, but the screen it was on ended up being replaced when we implemented the Beamdog.net system.
In this patch we're restoring that feature, from the Single Player menu. Screenshot inside the spoilerbutton if you want to see it:
This isn't what's been holding things up, but I remembered someone asking about it, so...there it is.
As @elminster pointed out, we're down to three outstanding issues. One of them relates to the German translation, another relates to multiplayer, and the last one is an improvement to the way on-screen keyboards work for tablets during text entry.
Someone else mentioned not being able to get downstairs to the maze in the thief's guild hq. I am having the same problem. The stairs are there and supposedly open and selectable. But upon selecting the characters just jostle each other around and can't get in. It doesn't even time out with the "must gather party" message. They just keep bumping around.
Might because you're not in Chapter 7 yet? Or that you haven't went to the Coronation of Sarevok yet?
I beat Saverok's woman until she said he'd be waiting for me in the under city.
b) Jaheria and Khalid bug - when they fight Montaron and Xzar, when the player has low rep, Khalid will not rejoin the group and walk away, Jaheria however will stay. The script is not igniting the "Khalid we will not be parted" script. Jaheria also becomes impossible to talk too to get her to rejoin. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/517558/#Comment_517558
@Anduin To clarify, I don't mean new as in "never reported before"; I mean new as in "can only be reproduced in the beta". At this point I'm more concerned about regressions that we may have introduced, rather than issues that were already there. The matter of armors stacking with rings of protection is something that would have occurred at launch, so it's not helpful to post it here. Typos, as well, are likely to have been introduced prior to the beta (and I can confirm that the one mentioned above is from release), unless it's new text.
If it's something new that you know wasn't broken before, please report it here. If it's something that's been broken since before the beta, then it's more helpful to post it in the Bugs forum.
Someone a while back asked where the Pre-Generate Character button went. The feature used to be on a screen in Multiplayer to let you make your characters before joining a game, but the screen it was on ended up being replaced when we implemented the Beamdog.net system.
In this patch we're restoring that feature, from the Single Player menu.
On behalf of myself and everyone that enjoys making multiple characters (~94,3% of the RPG player population): Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you!
Step 1: Leave Candlekeep. Talk to Gorion and say "I'm ready to leave". Step 2: Observe cutscene with Gorion fighting Saverock, on cast of lightening bolt, the bolt bounces off Saverock and back at Gorion. Expected behaviour: Lightening bolt goes through Saverock.
Step 1: Create wizard. Step 2: Equip wand of lightening or memorise lightening bolt or equip lightening bolt scroll. Step 3: Cast at monster / npc Step 4: Observe lightneing bolt bounce off creature. Expected behaviour: Lightening bolt goes through creature and only bounces off walls.
Note: This occurs roughly 75% of the time. Lightening bolt works properly the other 25%
Step 1: Create Cleric. Step 2: Add xp. CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("500000") Up level cleric. Step 3: From cleric character page, selecet customisation, select script, select cleric controled. Step 4: Press D to toggle cleric to turn undead when undead are visible. Step 5: Ensure AI is on. Step 6: Head to high hedge CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR3200") Step 7: Move around area to find skeleton spawns. Observe script not working. Expected behaviour: Cleric should turn undead automatically when skeletons are observed.
I'm not able to confirm the cleric control script issue (in either 1.2 or 1.3).
From what testing I have done I have only been able to repeat the lightning bolt issue in 1.3. However, I was only able to get it to happen once out of probably 25 attempts. I was testing the spell though, so I suppose the wand might be working differently.
The second issue with the cleric, I can't reproduce in either 1.2 or 1.3. Note that it takes a moment for the Turn Undead ability to be activated, but it does activate. (Also, pressing D with that script causes the cleric to always turn undead, even when they're not present.)
I was so appalled that I could have missed something like that, I went and checked.
...and Neera went on a rampage in Nashkell.
You are right, you can produce it in 1.2, but it is a lot worse in 1.3 The only person the electricity bolt bounced off out of the crowd in 1.2 was Rassad (Shiny bald spot?) In 1.3 you can get the bolt to bounce around the crowd.
The control cleric script is definitely an issue. For me it works in 1.2, not in 1.3. Yes, press D again to toggle between undead turning at idle and undead turning when fighting undead opponents.
I am going to download the Beta again on the off chance I could have a corrupt file.
Just being a good little gnome reporting my experiences @Dee . Thank you for following them up. Further evidence that the serene swan on the pond is paddling like crazy under the surface.
EDIT: Also a completionist run through the game may not be the best for reporting. Because you get re-reminded of every single bug that has already been reported... Maybe corrected for patch 1.4...
Double post I know. But I have released the form saying the patch is ready.
Bugs remain but they are so insignificant. They do not break the game, they do not hurt the game, in some cases they make the game more interesting. Some exploits are still remebered and allow gamers to fondly say remember the days you could kill Drizzt by turning up invisible or some such... (and you really can't do that now!)
But patches make the game better or fix bugs and end exploits to keep the game fun and challengin, and especially in BG, there will be always something to make better, to fix or an exploit to end.
The game has been made a lot better with this patch. I can search some more, but I know already, I'm not going to find a massive game breaking bug (because I raced to the end already). I will continue my completionist run through, and continue to look and I will continue to report those insignificant bugs.
Edit: @ Dee
Saw in a post that you managed to reproduce this bug. Any luck fixing?
Found this. Intentional or not? I am unsure...
The description for the rugged leathers does not say they are magical, just squeaky brand new (thus the 15% hide in shadows penalty)
In this patch we're restoring that feature, from the Single Player menu. Screenshot inside the spoilerbutton if you want to see it:
This isn't what's been holding things up, but I remembered someone asking about it, so...there it is.
As @elminster pointed out, we're down to three outstanding issues. One of them relates to the German translation, another relates to multiplayer, and the last one is an improvement to the way on-screen keyboards work for tablets during text entry.
To summarise...
a) Strange electric bolt behaviour. This also effects the Gorion cut scene when he casts it and causes the death of enemy mages when they cast it close range against a person in melee. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/518768/#Comment_518768
b) Jaheria and Khalid bug - when they fight Montaron and Xzar, when the player has low rep, Khalid will not rejoin the group and walk away, Jaheria however will stay. The script is not igniting the "Khalid we will not be parted" script. Jaheria also becomes impossible to talk too to get her to rejoin.
c) A typo in the book of Ulcaster http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/523759/#Comment_523759
d) The cleric control script does not work as intended. When undead appear the script should start the cleric turning undead. It doesn't. Against any undead. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/523755/#Comment_523755
e) I have been experiencing some random crashes. Can't seem to pinpoint an exact reason... But the current 1.2 version has yet to crash on me...
Hope this helps.
If it's something new that you know wasn't broken before, please report it here. If it's something that's been broken since before the beta, then it's more helpful to post it in the Bugs forum.
On behalf of myself and everyone that enjoys making multiple characters (~94,3% of the RPG player population): Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you!
1) Strange electric bolt behaviour. This also effects the Gorion cut scene when he casts it and causes the death of enemy mages when they cast it close range against a person in melee. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/518768/#Comment_518768
Step 1: Leave Candlekeep. Talk to Gorion and say "I'm ready to leave".
Step 2: Observe cutscene with Gorion fighting Saverock, on cast of lightening bolt, the bolt bounces off Saverock and back at Gorion.
Expected behaviour: Lightening bolt goes through Saverock.
Step 1: Create wizard.
Step 2: Equip wand of lightening or memorise lightening bolt or equip lightening bolt scroll.
Step 3: Cast at monster / npc
Step 4: Observe lightneing bolt bounce off creature.
Expected behaviour: Lightening bolt goes through creature and only bounces off walls.
Note: This occurs roughly 75% of the time. Lightening bolt works properly the other 25%
2) The cleric control script does not work as intended. When undead appear the script should start the cleric turning undead. It doesn't. Against any undead. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/523755/#Comment_523755
Step 1: Create Cleric.
Step 2: Add xp. CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("500000") Up level cleric.
Step 3: From cleric character page, selecet customisation, select script, select cleric controled.
Step 4: Press D to toggle cleric to turn undead when undead are visible.
Step 5: Ensure AI is on.
Step 6: Head to high hedge CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR3200")
Step 7: Move around area to find skeleton spawns. Observe script not working.
Expected behaviour: Cleric should turn undead automatically when skeletons are observed.
This more like it @Dee
I have reported the other bugs in the proper places.
From what testing I have done I have only been able to repeat the lightning bolt issue in 1.3. However, I was only able to get it to happen once out of probably 25 attempts. I was testing the spell though, so I suppose the wand might be working differently.
The first issue occurs in 1.2 as well.
The second issue with the cleric, I can't reproduce in either 1.2 or 1.3. Note that it takes a moment for the Turn Undead ability to be activated, but it does activate. (Also, pressing D with that script causes the cleric to always turn undead, even when they're not present.)
...and Neera went on a rampage in Nashkell.
You are right, you can produce it in 1.2, but it is a lot worse in 1.3
The control cleric script is definitely an issue. For me it works in 1.2, not in 1.3. Yes, press D again to toggle between undead turning at idle and undead turning when fighting undead opponents.
I am going to download the Beta again on the off chance I could have a corrupt file.
Just being a good little gnome reporting my experiences @Dee . Thank you for following them up. Further evidence that the serene swan on the pond is paddling like crazy under the surface.
EDIT: Also a completionist run through the game may not be the best for reporting. Because you get re-reminded of every single bug that has already been reported... Maybe corrected for patch 1.4...
Bugs remain but they are so insignificant. They do not break the game, they do not hurt the game, in some cases they make the game more interesting. Some exploits are still remebered and allow gamers to fondly say remember the days you could kill Drizzt by turning up invisible or some such... (and you really can't do that now!)
But patches make the game better or fix bugs and end exploits to keep the game fun and challengin, and especially in BG, there will be always something to make better, to fix or an exploit to end.
The game has been made a lot better with this patch. I can search some more, but I know already, I'm not going to find a massive game breaking bug (because I raced to the end already). I will continue my completionist run through, and continue to look and I will continue to report those insignificant bugs.
But not here.
It's breaking the positivity vibe!
(And a typo really is not the end of the world)
So lets get this patch out.
: )
Someone also mentioned the Quick Loot bar, I think?
Again, separate from the trio of tickets currently being worked on, but worth seeing for those who were interested.