No, it's designed for dual class characters. If it happens to also fix modded multiclass characters then that's neat, but not the primary purpose for the fix.
Thanks Dee! That's the clarification I was looking for, as a class of this nature is not a viable one during character creation. Kudos for all the work in bringing this patch out!
@Dee I've just noticed that the script customization window seems to be a bit of a mess as well. I don't use any mods and I was playing a game I've started in the beta when this happened:
Can you upload your save? I don't see that when starting a new game, which means there may be something wrong with either your installation or your saved game.
How far away is the patch for BG2? And how far away are the BG1 patch? Are these the final patches, and are you still taking in feature requests, or are you more or less finnished with these projects?
@Adul So the good news is that it's not specific to the beta (meaning that it won't hold back the patch); if you load that save in 1.2 the same thing happens.
Since you mentioned it was a multiplayer game transferred to single player I tried starting a multiplayer game, checked it there, then loaded that save into single player and checked there. Still nothing.
Go ahead and post something in the BG:EE bugs forum and we'll try and troubleshoot it there. If we can figure out how the problem occurred, we'll do our best to fix it.
@Zymran86 The BGII patch has a small amount of work still remaining to be done, and then a lot of testing to make sure it's stable. The BG:EE patch has three regressions that need to be fixed, and then the build needs to be tested again.
Neither one of these patches will be final, if it turns out there's a need for additional patches later on. We have a list of things that still need to be addressed in BG:EE that we're holding off while we test this patch, so you can expect at least one more patch there. BGII:EE at this point is looking much more stable, but that doesn't mean there isn't work left to be done.
As for feature requests, we read through all of them; a major factor in deciding whether a feature gets implemented is whether or not it poses a risk to the game's stability, so if you're looking for something like an entirely new mechanic (subraces come to mind), I wouldn't get my hopes up. Smaller requests, such as "Take away the wand keys at the end of Irenicus's dungeon in BGII", are handled entirely by scripting and so are more feasible (though not necessarily something we'd want to do).
Go ahead and post something in the BG:EE bugs forum and we'll try and troubleshoot it there. If we can figure out how the problem occurred, we'll do our best to fix it.
I disagree, because a Parking Lot would imply they haven't made any progress. They've made plenty of progress, they just haven't made all the progress.
This post is not directed at you specifically but to some (not all) of the people complaining without any coding/infinity engine/modding experience. Some of you are being civil which in and of itself is a miracle for an internet thread involving video games. But I guess that shows bg fans and old school crpg fans are a cut above...
If you dont like the progress on an already pretty playable and stable game im sure studios like EA and other studios will be willing to take your money, give you a half broken game that isnt super high on their priority list to patch most of the time, let alone patching correctly and completely, with crappy servers (atleast in the past, looking at you cnc), not respond to you personally on forums let alone give you status updates, and use licenses and franchises that we grew up with and destroy them along with your hopes and dreams and do it all faster because they have an army of ppl then go else where.... groups like beamdog do not have such armies so things wont be moving as fast...
so yea, if we have to wait in the parking lot for a bit while playing the soon to be released wasteland 2 and divintiy original sin or bg:ee on android and an army of other games while we wait a little longer for the patch, and more importantly to me bg2:ee android, then its whatever. If you want a patch now become a beta tester and help out, be part of the solution. the games are quite playable and polished to say the least without modding or tweaking (while its not impossible to mod the hell out of the original games to "moderni$e" them (bg tutu was awesome btw) bg:ee is the most complete and playable package out of the "box" on multiple platforms you will see... because not everyone wants to brave modding and for multi platforms gemRB is great and all for android but its far from bug free and requires even more modding and trouble shooting and there are show stopping and game breaking bugs. Its not for the technically uninclined. Even I had some trouble with it).
More importantly and unarguably fact: Atleast this developer gives a @$!# about preserving, enhancing, fixing and finishing (correctly on multiple platforms and uniting all of them by moding and rewritting code written for windows 95 for platforms and for os's that wouldnt be created for the next 10+ years ) a game we obviously all love and highly regaurd as one of the best rpg series ever made... then you can say something encouraging or constructively critical or say nothing at all... if you read this all contact me for free hats
LET THE FLAME REPLIES BEGIN. Jason williamson -beta tester/bg fan
@dee can you let me know the second bg2ee android hits the play store , youve google hangouts me before about the USA galaxy s3 issues.
LET THE FLAME REPLIES BEGIN. Jason williamson -beta tester/bg fan
Please let them not.
@dee can you let me know the second bg2ee android hits the play store , youve google hangouts me before about the USA galaxy s3 issues.
BGII:EE will be released on Android as soon as the 1.3 patch for BGII:EE is released. We'll set up a beta for people to test when we get closer to that point.
The one thing, to me that puts BG:EE above BG + Mods (and believe me I'm not stranger to mods, I authored some of the most popular Skyrim mods before letting them fall into disarray) is the engine improvements and the new UI. And let's not forget that many if not most mods worth playing are compatible with BG:EE.
Edit: Also a new beta has been rolled out it seems... can't wait to try it out!
@cr4zyj Going back to what I said earlier, that is a perfect example of a comment that deserves a like, agree, and insightful. That needed to be said, thank you for that.
Saying it's taken a long time isn't a complaint, it's a fact. I do appreciate Overhaul being thorough. I do understand it's not easy and quick. Regardless, both the phrases "road" and "parking lot" are incorrect, they're doing coding and scripting, not road work. If I had said "it's been a very very very long road" instead that wouldn't have been quite as humourous though. Nor would it have enabled elminster's amusing and accurate picture just now. I do apologize for my lack of smileys in that post though which probably made it come across as more grumpy than it actually was.
What I -have- complained about, in regards to the 1.3 patch is that it's prevented work on BGII:EE which is that one of the two games that actually -needs- a patch (apparently I have been wrong about this though), that the communication on what's going on has been bad, with periods of silence and the "counters" meaning jack.
I think Overhaul's done a wonderful job with the BGs. Really. Version 1.0 of BG:EE was a huge improvement on the original allready imo, despite it being very buggy. As much as I love their work though, that shouldn't prevent me from also seeing and pointing out (perceived) flaws in their products or handling of said products.
No, it's designed for dual class characters. If it happens to also fix modded multiclass characters then that's neat, but not the primary purpose for the fix.
I think I started playing the EE version around the time v1.2 was released (Maybe a short while after it was released) and I'm okay with huge delays.I've put up with the updates to Worms Armageddon's update schedule for a couple years and it hasn't killed me lol (One massive update every 1 or 2 years with very few small updates in-between).
I do hope you plan to do more patches after it, not just one more.
Oh don't worry, there will be plenty more patches. The Original Game went into Version 3.something Imagine how buggy the ORIGINAL game was back in 1998
I've been a tad bit grumpy about the lack of a patch for some time now, but I will say this: many Baldur's Gate fans have been playing this game for over a decade. Over TEN YEARS! If waitng six months for a patch is SO taxing (although it kinda is) then I would like to remind everyone of this fact. While waiting at this very moment might feel like a stressful situation, I would like to say that whether or not you receive this patch tomorrow or a month from now, I can almost guarantee that this patch is just another step in the saga that is Baldur's gate, and this game will live on for another ten or so years, especially with us veterans.
I understand that patching a game for FOUR DIFFERENT PLATFORMS is messy, and doing it with the infinity engine is messier still (I have two mods that I have created, and as simple as those are compared to what you gentlemen are doing, I still understand the difficulty). I'm looking forward to the patch, and I'm happy about the work being done on this revamped game, but I'm not happy about the amount of time waiting for a patch that isn't bringing something huge in terms of content (unless if there's hidden goodies, which I'm hoping there are... but probably not)
All in all, it's been a serious road, and I am easily able to get over the fact that the patch isn't out yet. I"m just going to have to help beta test....
Not the point, the point he is trying to make is, you don't understand the problems that these workers are going through, and although being impatient is understandable (I have ADHD, being patient is terrible for me) the impatience here has evolved into frustration at the workers and beta testers for DOING THEIR JOB, and pure skepticism. Both of which are uncalled for.
The other problem (or problems, rather) is that the quick loot feature still has the same issues it has been suffering from since the release of BG2:EE. First, items picked up with it don't stack in the inventory. Second, items picked up via quick loot and other items of the same item type picked up via conventional means do not stack inside containers. E.g. pick up a potion of healing via quick loot > put it into your potion bag > pick up another potion of healing from a container > put it in the potion bag > notice that the potions didn't stack together in the potion bag.
@Adul: Can you take them out of the container, stack them and then put them back in?
I'm not quite sure, but I think you can since flags probably need to get uniformed when you put two separate stacks together into one stack. Haven't tried it though.
Once you take them out of the bag they stuck together and then you can just return them to the bag no problem, but it should do it automatically and the way one pick an item should matter.
Not the point, the point he is trying to make is, you don't understand the problems that these workers are going through, and although being impatient is understandable (I have ADHD, being patient is terrible for me) the impatience here has evolved into frustration at the workers and beta testers for DOING THEIR JOB, and pure skepticism. Both of which are uncalled for.
I don't remember seeing any problematic cases recently. In fact, it's been surprisingly civil around here as of late. People are impatient (with good reason, IMO), but are keeping their cool.
I agree, for the most part things have been very civil in this thread. Believe me, if I see anyone crossing a boundary I'm not above using the fabled Red Text of Bhaal to put a stop to it.
I've uploaded the file.
Since you mentioned it was a multiplayer game transferred to single player I tried starting a multiplayer game, checked it there, then loaded that save into single player and checked there. Still nothing.
Go ahead and post something in the BG:EE bugs forum and we'll try and troubleshoot it there. If we can figure out how the problem occurred, we'll do our best to fix it.
@Zymran86 The BGII patch has a small amount of work still remaining to be done, and then a lot of testing to make sure it's stable. The BG:EE patch has three regressions that need to be fixed, and then the build needs to be tested again.
Neither one of these patches will be final, if it turns out there's a need for additional patches later on. We have a list of things that still need to be addressed in BG:EE that we're holding off while we test this patch, so you can expect at least one more patch there. BGII:EE at this point is looking much more stable, but that doesn't mean there isn't work left to be done.
As for feature requests, we read through all of them; a major factor in deciding whether a feature gets implemented is whether or not it poses a risk to the game's stability, so if you're looking for something like an entirely new mechanic (subraces come to mind), I wouldn't get my hopes up. Smaller requests, such as "Take away the wand keys at the end of Irenicus's dungeon in BGII", are handled entirely by scripting and so are more feasible (though not necessarily something we'd want to do).
iPad user - waiting localization
If you dont like the progress on an already pretty playable and stable game im sure studios like EA and other studios will be willing to take your money, give you a half broken game that isnt super high on their priority list to patch most of the time, let alone patching correctly and completely, with crappy servers (atleast in the past, looking at you cnc), not respond to you personally on forums let alone give you status updates, and use licenses and franchises that we grew up with and destroy them along with your hopes and dreams and do it all faster because they have an army of ppl then go else where.... groups like beamdog do not have such armies so things wont be moving as fast...
so yea, if we have to wait in the parking lot for a bit while playing the soon to be released wasteland 2 and divintiy original sin or bg:ee on android and an army of other games while we wait a little longer for the patch, and more importantly to me bg2:ee android, then its whatever. If you want a patch now become a beta tester and help out, be part of the solution. the games are quite playable and polished to say the least without modding or tweaking (while its not impossible to mod the hell out of the original games to "moderni$e" them (bg tutu was awesome btw) bg:ee is the most complete and playable package out of the "box" on multiple platforms you will see... because not everyone wants to brave modding and for multi platforms gemRB is great and all for android but its far from bug free and requires even more modding and trouble shooting and there are show stopping and game breaking bugs. Its not for the technically uninclined. Even I had some trouble with it).
More importantly and unarguably fact: Atleast this developer gives a @$!# about preserving, enhancing, fixing and finishing (correctly on multiple platforms and uniting all of them by moding and rewritting code written for windows 95 for platforms and for os's that wouldnt be created for the next 10+ years ) a game we obviously all love and highly regaurd as one of the best rpg series ever made... then you can say something encouraging or constructively critical or say nothing at all... if you read this all contact me for free hats
Jason williamson -beta tester/bg fan
@dee can you let me know the second bg2ee android hits the play store , youve google hangouts me before about the USA galaxy s3 issues.
Edit: Also a new beta has been rolled out it seems... can't wait to try it out!
My arrow making skills apparently need work (I'll get the fletcher in Waukeen's Promenade to help me out with that ) but you get the idea.
What I -have- complained about, in regards to the 1.3 patch is that it's prevented work on BGII:EE which is that one of the two games that actually -needs- a patch (apparently I have been wrong about this though), that the communication on what's going on has been bad, with periods of silence and the "counters" meaning jack.
I think Overhaul's done a wonderful job with the BGs. Really. Version 1.0 of BG:EE was a huge improvement on the original allready imo, despite it being very buggy. As much as I love their work though, that shouldn't prevent me from also seeing and pointing out (perceived) flaws in their products or handling of said products.
I do hope you plan to do more patches after it, not just one more.
Imagine how buggy the ORIGINAL game was back in 1998
I understand that patching a game for FOUR DIFFERENT PLATFORMS is messy, and doing it with the infinity engine is messier still (I have two mods that I have created, and as simple as those are compared to what you gentlemen are doing, I still understand the difficulty). I'm looking forward to the patch, and I'm happy about the work being done on this revamped game, but I'm not happy about the amount of time waiting for a patch that isn't bringing something huge in terms of content (unless if there's hidden goodies, which I'm hoping there are... but probably not)
All in all, it's been a serious road, and I am easily able to get over the fact that the patch isn't out yet. I"m just going to have to help beta test....
We're coming up on 10 months in a couple of weeks.