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The Road to v1.3 (BG:EE), Phase IV



  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    edited August 2014
    Well, it just happened again, once more while purchasing multiple arrow bundles at the Thunderhammer Smithy.

    (I run an archer party - we use a lot of arrows.)
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    What number are you trying to change it to?
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    An Archer Party. How many Archers do you have? Remember, you need a Thief at least, and a Cleric and Mage is certainly recommended.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Here's something I have never seen before.

    The party just arrived in Nashkel, and went immediately to the store. We brought down a full load (16) of medium shields, some from random opponents like assassins, most from the skeletons outside of High Hedge. I figured (correctly) that we could get a better, un-depreciated, price for the group of them from either the Nashkel store or from the carnival vendors.

    When I offered the shields for sale at the Nashkel store, the shopkeeper offered the usual premium price, 3 GP, for all the shields recovered from the skeletons around High Hedge, but only offered the depreciated price of 1 GP for the 2 shields picked up elsewhere.

    The skeleton medium shields use the icon with the white boss in the center, the other 2 shields have the orange boss on the shield. I think that one of those two shields is one I picked up from the assassin Garlok at the Red Sheaf Inn in Beregost; I'm not sure where the other one came from - it might be Kagain's.

    As I said, I have never seen a shopkeeper treat any one character's load of like items as a mixed lot before. Not even sure if it IS a glitch, although I think it is based on prior version behavior.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    @Dee. Any number greater than 0. The counter will not move when the + button is clicked.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    edited August 2014
    You can't actually run an Archer party (capital "A") unless you custom roll the entire party by playing multiplayer single-handed, or using an editor or a mod.

    What I said was that I was running an archer party (small "a"), which was an unclear statement. I should have said an archery FOCUSED party. Elf Archer 19-Dex CHARNAME, Imoen, Kivan, Neera w/ +1 sling, Viconia w sling & shield, and eventually Coran. All characters chosen for the highest available Dexterity; no one with less than 17.

    I've been told by long service veterans of BG that this is pretty great for the first game, but gets tough toward the end, and especially so in the sequel, mainly due to the limited availability of high + magic arrows. However, I always like shooter characters so I thought I would give it a go.

    Now if the devs would like to add just a FEW more +3 arrows and a HANDFUL of +4 arrows in the next patch of BG2:EE to make this approach more viable (and much cleaner than that messy melee stuff), I would be ever so grateful.

    (Now that you brought it up, I might try that all - or nearly all - Archer party some time. You'd have to get very creative and cautious to handle the magic, healer, and traps'n'locks however - probably have to build in some multi-classes that aren't actually Archers.)
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Played a great session using the 148 as a font size. Reminds me of the size of font enjoyed when playing vanilla (although I'm sure it must have been smaller... and my eye's have just got worst...)

    It is my favourite by far. Lines up perfectly. And also seems to fit most conversations without needing to scroll back up.

    I would like to put forward the suggestion that this should be the default size.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    I see, an interesting party choice. I'm still working on what party will be compatiable with my CN Dragon Disciple in BG2. It all depends on his character development really.
  • luskanluskan Member Posts: 269

    @Dee. Any number greater than 0. The counter will not move when the + button is clicked.

    Is your inventory full? It seems silly to ask but that's what happens to me when it's full.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    A weird thing tends to happen to my game in this beta where after a seemingly random duration of play time typically ranging from 2 to 5 hours the game screen starts to flicker when loading areas and also sometimes when just playing/exploring. The map image of the map window sometimes disappears while this is happening, leaving only a dark blue background. Seems like it might be some issue with the rendering engine, maybe.

    I don't recall this ever happening with v1.2 or the previous 1.3 beta version. I have a hard time reproducing this issue, but it has happened to me about 4 times now in the past 2 days. Restarting the game solves it temporarily.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    First thing I checked. Normally I don't buy until I have cleaned up everyone's backpack, but I checked anyway. There was room.

    Besides, even if your backpack is full, the "how many?" window does not normally show a "0". The default starting amount is "1".
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    @Adul (and Dee)

    I also get that occasional black screen flicker. At least on my laptop screen it manifests as a very very brief black screen, then restores to the current game screen.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    What alignment do you want your CHAR to be? That is pretty key to working out a complimentary party.

    (Note that there are a few opposite alignment characters in BG1 that will cause some banter/noise but not otherwise cripple party development. There are others that simply won't tolerate each other for any prolonged period. You've got to watch out for even "get along" nominally evil characters like Viconia, however, if your rep is approaching 19 - they will get disgusted with the goody-two shoes behavior and leave.)

    (It is easier to manage a marginally good character in an evil party, because the evil party needs to stay well clear of the bottom two rungs of the rep chart anyway, to keep the cops from hunting you every time you go to town, and because it is easy to manage rep UPWARDS by donating.)
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    @dreamrider I said I was a CN Dragon Disciple. I have a few ideas what I want my party to be, and I have my favorite NPCs, but it all depends on his development as a character because I am roleplaying him
  • TarquinTarquin Member Posts: 41

    Cloud saves...

    I guess this should probably go under the feature request forum instead, but I'm posting it here because it was a promised (or at least, promoted) feature at launch. I actually looked back on Twitter and other articles, and Trent was definitely talking about cloud saves before BGEE launch (for instance saying it probably would be pushed back to after launch) and later even getting into specifics such as saying that Beamdog cloud saves wouldn't be compatible with the Steam edition.

    Well, is there any update?

    This was the biggest "killer feature" for me on the EE editions. I bought BG:EE twice (iPad and Mac/Beamdog) and bought BG2:EE on the Mac. I haven't bought BG2:EE on the iPad -- or even played BG2:EE yet -- because I was waiting for launch patches and particularly cloud slaves.

    Any update? Is this feature just getting ditched?

    I've never been one to complain about the patches or state of the game (and for the most part, I think BG:EE is very good and very solid!), and I'm wholly sympathetic to small businesses (having one myself) and especially dealing with the mess of an older codebase. I've defended BGEE on Twitter, and I wrote positive reviews for the App store. Having said all that, I can't say I put a lot of trust in announcements regarding the EE games coming out of Beamdog and features like cloud saves are a big reason why.

    Can we just get a "yes" or a "no"?
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417

    @dreamrider I said I was a CN Dragon Disciple. I have a few ideas what I want my party to be, and I have my favorite NPCs, but it all depends on his development as a character because I am roleplaying him

    Yup, got that. Although I have never played one, I was under the impression that a DD could be any alignment, hence my comment.

  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    @dreamrider I'm fairly certain they can be, but I thougt Chaotic Neutral and breathing fire was a funny combination.
    An unpredictable sorceror, who can have any thought on a whim, has the ability to breath fire. That is scary when you think about it.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Forgive me, but what are Cloud Saves? Could somebody tell me that?
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    Saves stored into cloud service like steam cloud, dropbox, google drive etc. so they sync between devices and if your hard drive fails, the saves are still in the cloud.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    edited August 2014

    Forgive me, but what are Cloud Saves? Could somebody tell me that?

    Basically your save games are stored online so you can keep playing where you left off no matter where you are or what platform you're playing on, assuming you let the game synchronize with the online storage service, the so-called "cloud". Examples of services that uses this is steam and XBox Live.
    Post edited by Silverstar on
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605

    Forgive me, but what are Cloud Saves? Could somebody tell me that?

    Building on the previous two posts, if you own the game on multiple platforms (i.e. windows and android) the save games will be auto-synced between them. No need to transfer the saved game by hand.
  • SirBaldurSirBaldur Member Posts: 80
    oddly, some but not all of these already work for me. Does that mean the patch was partially released?

    for example, these already happen on mine:
    - While viewing a mage's Spellbook screen, players can now switch to a priest character and the game will immediately switch to the Priest Spells screen (and vice versa)
    - Spell scrolls that can be written into a spellbook for the current character now display a green-tinted overlay

    but this doesn't:
    - Non-friendly NPCs that are Blinded will no longer stand still; they will wander aimlessly until they are close enough to see someone worth attacking
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    SirBaldur said:

    but this doesn't:
    - Non-friendly NPCs that are Blinded will no longer stand still; they will wander aimlessly until they are close enough to see someone worth attacking

    I'll check it out but I remember it working the last time I played BGEE's beta.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    SirBaldur said:

    oddly, some but not all of these already work for me. Does that mean the patch was partially released?

    for example, these already happen on mine:
    - While viewing a mage's Spellbook screen, players can now switch to a priest character and the game will immediately switch to the Priest Spells screen (and vice versa)
    - Spell scrolls that can be written into a spellbook for the current character now display a green-tinted overlay

    but this doesn't:
    - Non-friendly NPCs that are Blinded will no longer stand still; they will wander aimlessly until they are close enough to see someone worth attacking

    Are you playing on a Mac, and did you buy it through the App Store?

    If so, then yes. The Mac App Store has a build of v1.3 (v1.3.2049). It was updated back in May. Essentially, it's one of the v1.3 betas.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    @Dee‌ , what if an iPad user would like to test the latest beta?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    Based on SirBaldur's previous comments he is probably playing it on Android. I'm not sure how often the Android version has been updated (based on the Android page for it and the tracker numbers it looks like early to mid may), but that particular feature was confirmed fixed internally on April 28th. It could be that it didn't make it in to the latest patch for them, or that its legitimately buggy I don't know.

  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    elminster said:


    Based on SirBaldur's previous comments he is probably playing it on Android. I'm not sure how often the Android version has been updated (based on the Android page for it and the tracker numbers it looks like early to mid may), but that particular feature was confirmed fixed internally on April 28th. It could be that it didn't make it in to the latest patch for them, or that its legitimately buggy I don't know.

    Must have missed that.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Sorry I meant comment history. So not on this thread but elsewhere :)
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