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The Road to v1.3 (BG:EE), Phase IV



  • Airman1991Airman1991 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 50
    @Dee Here is the file
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Dee I need to ask. Is there any way to take a snap shot of BG's memory usage?

    And... How much memory should it be sucking up?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    If you open up the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc), in the Processes tab, you'll see a Memory Usage column.

    BG:EE should be using somewhere between 80 and 200 MB, depending on how long you've been playing, what you're doing, and how many movies have been playing.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Is the indent problem heretofore only a 1.3 issue? Because I just go this in 1.2:

    (.....Well, someone remind me / clue me in on how to get a screen shot, because all I am producing is a black screen when I try to paste results anywhere.)

    In any case, the text box was a comment by the flaming fist mercenary chasing Viconia, and everything (all lines) were indented to the tab of the hyphen after the speaking character's name.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417

    Is the indent problem heretofore only a 1.3 issue? Because I just go this in 1.2:

    (.....Well, someone remind me / clue me in on how to get a screen shot, because all I am producing is a black screen when I try to paste results anywhere.)

    In any case, the text box was a comment by the flaming fist mercenary chasing Viconia, and everything (all lines) were indented to the tab of the hyphen after the speaking character's name.

    OK, with a little help from elminster, let's see if I can imbed this screenshot:
    ---Well, that didn't work, so I will see if I can attach the screenshot file (.bmp)

    OK, looks like that one 'took'.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417

    Dee said:

    @dreamrider‌ @Anduin‌

    What sort of flicker do you mean? Is it an occasional frame of black, or is it more like a slow strobe?

    At what point during your ten-hour session did it occur?

    Single flash of black screen.

    First time was early, prologue or maybe even character creation. However, it only occurs at long intervals (1-2 hours?), and I have seen no consistency on when. Does not seem (to me) to be in conjunction with screen loading, nor any particular action. I have had a blink while moving, in a skirmish, and while messing around with inventory in Kagain's storeroom.

    I CAN say that it is not a general graphics glitch in the system. It isn't happening when I a browsing, reading e-mail, playing Torchlight, etc.

    Sorry. I know that is not much evidence.

    I'll try playing the current game file in 1.2 and see if I notice.
    OK, just played 1.2 looking for the 'black flash' (or at least had the game up through ~9 hours including family supper, kids homework, ...and about 3 hours of playing off and on.)

    I DID note the 'black flash' type flicker in 1.2. Saw it about 4 times while I was actually at the computer. Longest interval between (while I was actually at the computer continuously) was about 90 min interval; shortest interval between was maybe 15-20 mins.

    Sometimes I was in an Inventory screen, sometimes party was just walking the map, twice while messing with stuff stored on the shelves in Kagain's store. I return to Kagain's a lot, however, as my preferred cache, so I don't think that is significant.

    Characteristics of the effect, again, is just a single flash to black across the entire screen. Play is barely interrupted, and there is no continuing performance hit.

    Since this is now demonstrated present in v1.2 as well, I assume that per announcement there will be no fix effort, no further reporting needed except to enter it in Bug Reports, pending the swing around to v1.4 BG:EE work somewhere down the road.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    elminster said:

    What you do is you attach it. Then you go over the file's icon (the thing on your post that looks like a white page with a corner folded on it) with your cursor and select "insert image". At that point you can actually delete the original uploaded image if you want to (like so).


    Thanks, elminster.

    Doesn't look like "insert image is an option when editing an existing post. I'll experiment with it on the next time around.
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    Can you guys now remove that image and convert it to a PNG or something? Pretty huge file size for a single image. It's pretty common internet etiquette to never upload BMP's or use BMP's online now that PNG exists.

    For reference PNG and BMP are both lossless formats with the former featuring compression that doesn't compromise the quality in any way.
  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989

    Doesn't look like "insert image is an option when editing an existing post. I'll experiment with it on the next time around.

    Nope, but there's a trick.
    Attach the file to a new comment, than insert it, than copy the link, than cancel (or simply don't post) the new comment and finally edit the old message pasting the link you previously copied.
  • RonnaannRonnaann Member Posts: 48
    I see that the counter has paused again.
    Are beamdog going to hold to the requirement of 500 approvals before releasing 1.3?
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Okay... That post was quite insightful @elminster . I have been using imgur for all my pictures. You are a time saver sage of shadowdale...

    Some musings.

    Played for over an hour... Checked the mem usage as per @Dee 's instructions above (I actually did this when it crashed originally back in the day when BGEE did not work on certian intel chipsets)

    Nowt. Hardly any change.


    Then I clicked the minimise button, on maximising the BGEE window, it went blank. I checked my task manager. I have a mem spike! But nowt going on. Early on playing the game you can minimise. But after a while when minimising it you will get a black screen on reopening.

    Hmmm. Aaaaannnd it happens in 1.2 as well.


    Dang... Not a 1.3 Beta only problem.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Those are like, totally the wrong photos. There my hamster fetish photos *blushes*

    These are the pics I want you to see...


    And the blank screen...


    Note that the game does not freeze, you can click on things in the background and here background noises.
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    so let's hope mousewheel always works (not like it didn't in older versions), as dragging is ... well ... a real drag with a mouse cursor and the scrollbar was the one to save me in those cases.

    (from a ui designers point of view, assuming the user to know touch behaviour and methods on a point-and-click device is somewhat bad practice)
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    elminster said:

    What you do is you attach it. Then you go over the file's icon (the thing on your post that looks like a white page with a corner folded on it) with your cursor and select "insert image". At that point you can actually delete the original uploaded image if you want to (like so).


    Thanks, elminster.

    Doesn't look like "insert image is an option when editing an existing post. I'll experiment with it on the next time around.
    Yes, it indented in 1.2, but the issue being reported now is a result of the font changes.

    In any case, we've got a fix for it. Next update will address the indent problem (at all font sizes), as well as @Anduin's info-text issue with info-spots at the edge of areas.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Anduin? That's not what I meant to type. @Adul is the one I meant to type.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Dee said:

    Pecca said:

    I noticed that journal lost some of its graphical arrangement. It could surely be reintroduced.
    1.3 Beta:

    Older version:

    We had to remove some of the pretty in order to get rid of the buggy. We may look at it again later, but for now that change is intentional.
    Alright then. But the line was pretty useful. You can perhaps consider giving a dash or something before the date, so it's easier to notice where new messages begin.
    And one other thing, the "chapter one" shouldn't use realms font, but something smaller. It doesn't look very good.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    edited August 2014
    Dee said:

    We had to remove some of the pretty in order to get rid of the buggy. We may look at it again later, but for now that change is intentional.

    I've been wondering, given the amount of other mechanics taken from the original BGII, why wasn't the journal one of them? The BGII journal has sensible, working sections and you can edit the content of any entry should you feel like it, which is something I find immensely useful when dealing with un-finishable quests (just delete the whole damn entry!) or ugly use of double-space.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Pecca said:

    Dee said:

    Pecca said:

    I noticed that journal lost some of its graphical arrangement. It could surely be reintroduced.
    1.3 Beta:

    Older version:

    We had to remove some of the pretty in order to get rid of the buggy. We may look at it again later, but for now that change is intentional.
    Alright then. But the line was pretty useful. You can perhaps consider giving a dash or something before the date, so it's easier to notice where new messages begin.
    I don't disagree, although right now the journal works and the code is very precarious. We can look at it again later, but for this patch that won't be changing.
    And one other thing, the "chapter one" shouldn't use realms font, but something smaller. It doesn't look very good.
    Right now it uses the same font as the screen's title. I'll do some tinkering on the side, but if there are no other issues it won't delay the release of the patch.
  • Displaced_DuckDisplaced_Duck Member Posts: 5

    Dee said:

    @dreamrider‌ @Anduin‌

    What sort of flicker do you mean? Is it an occasional frame of black, or is it more like a slow strobe?

    At what point during your ten-hour session did it occur?

    Single flash of black screen.

    First time was early, prologue or maybe even character creation. However, it only occurs at long intervals (1-2 hours?), and I have seen no consistency on when. Does not seem (to me) to be in conjunction with screen loading, nor any particular action. I have had a blink while moving, in a skirmish, and while messing around with inventory in Kagain's storeroom.

    I CAN say that it is not a general graphics glitch in the system. It isn't happening when I a browsing, reading e-mail, playing Torchlight, etc.

    Sorry. I know that is not much evidence.

    I'll try playing the current game file in 1.2 and see if I notice.
    OK, just played 1.2 looking for the 'black flash' (or at least had the game up through ~9 hours including family supper, kids homework, ...and about 3 hours of playing off and on.)

    I DID note the 'black flash' type flicker in 1.2. Saw it about 4 times while I was actually at the computer. Longest interval between (while I was actually at the computer continuously) was about 90 min interval; shortest interval between was maybe 15-20 mins.

    Sometimes I was in an Inventory screen, sometimes party was just walking the map, twice while messing with stuff stored on the shelves in Kagain's store. I return to Kagain's a lot, however, as my preferred cache, so I don't think that is significant.

    Characteristics of the effect, again, is just a single flash to black across the entire screen. Play is barely interrupted, and there is no continuing performance hit.

    Since this is now demonstrated present in v1.2 as well, I assume that per announcement there will be no fix effort, no further reporting needed except to enter it in Bug Reports, pending the swing around to v1.4 BG:EE work somewhere down the road.

    Wish I had seen this earlier. I have noticed the same behavior on one of my systems running 1.2, though I must admit I chalked it up to my display adapter being weird.

    It's not really even an inconvenience, it happens so quickly; it's just a little odd. As stated by dreamrider, it happens at random times. I believe I have had it happen on both short play sessions and long, but I can't be certain of that. I shall try to pay more attention. One thing I am certain of is that it only happens on one of my two systems. I play BG:EE on a laptop at times, but more often play on a beefy desktop rig. Only the desktop has ever had this happen.
  • Cr4zyJCr4zyJ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 208
    what inspired the team to make such a large and more ambitious patch compared to the last patch releases?
  • charlienailcharlienail Member Posts: 15
    so was Android worth the trouble financially? compared to the effort it took to release on PC/MAC/iOS are the profits there from Android to justify the delay for all of your other platforms?
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    I think that question will prove quite difficult to answer before people actually start purchasing the game itself.
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