The only comments I ever heard about Pepe were people being amazed that he was classified as a hate symbol. None of the left-wing outlets I often read, or any Democratic politician I know of, ever made a big deal about Pepe.
The only comments I ever heard about Pepe were people being amazed that he was classified as a hate symbol. None of the left-wing outlets I often read, or any Democratic politician I know of, ever made a big deal about Pepe.
Uh oh - Donald Trump's speech to Congress just leaked:
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Ivanka — isn’t she terrific? Where’s Ivanka. Where’s… there she is. So beautiful. If I wasn’t a happily married man and if she wasn’t my daughter… she’s such a great woman. Very classy. Very elegant. A perfect ten. Nordstrom, such an embarrassment. They’re pathetic. Terrible. Such a terrible mistake they made. I mean, look at her. Look at them. We all see whose better, don’t we?
I’m here tonight to tell you that the State of our union is terrible. Very sad. Very low-energy. We had Obama, we had Hillary Clinton, and it was bad. It was really, really, really, really, really bad. Unemployment is at seventy percent. That’s what I read, can you believe it? Seventy percent. Four-hundred million Americans are out of work because of Obama. four-hundred million, out of work because of Hillary Clinton. It’s terrible. Just terrible.
And people, they are not happy, okay? They are very upset. Our jobs are going to Mexico. They’re going to China. And we have Mexicans, we have Muslim Islamic terrorist refugees, they’re coming into this country, and we don’t know what they’re trying to do here. They’re taking our jobs. They’re killing our people. They’re bad dudes. Very bad. Obama was the worst.
But that’s why the people voted for me, okay? I won in a landslide because I’m going to make America Great Again. The fake news people say Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but it was rigged. And she still lost, terrible. Didn’t she lose so badly? Such an embarrassment. I mean, she was such an embarrassment. She had no chance. Very low energy. Just terrible.
The fake news, they’re saying all of these things, and they’re not true, okay? They say I’m not doing well, they say my polling numbers are bad, but we all know it’s rigged. They’re fake news. They’re trying to make me look bad. They’re in the tank for Hillary, in the tank for Obama. Nobody reads the New York Times. They’re a fake paper, and they’re doing so badly. Very poor numbers. And it’s because they lie, they’re fake news. I mean, they’re fake news.
The fake news people, they say I’m close with Russia. Is that a bad thing? Putin is a strong leader, okay? We can learn a lot from Putin. He knows how to do things. He knows how to do running a country. He knows it so good. Look at Russia. Putin made Russia great again, okay? Russia is doing great. We can be more like Russia. I want us to be more like Russia. And the fake news, they say I’m doing so badly, but they’re fake, okay? Very poor ratings. So bad. So very bad.
But I’m doing great. I’m doing really great. I read that I might be the greatest president of all time, okay? That’s not me saying that. Other people are saying that about me. Not the fake news people, but the real news, they are saying I’m one of the best, and I’m not going to argue with them. They know. They know what they’re doing. They are very good. They get it. They get what we’re trying to do here. Fox News, very great company. And Breitbart, one of the very best, okay? They’re one of the very best.
Do you know what else is great? We’re opening a world-class resort in Scotland. It’s beautiful. Have I told you all how beautiful it is? Very classy. The best, I’m telling you. This resort, it’s going to be someplace you all want to visit. Do you know how many world-class resorts Obama owns? None. He wouldn’t know how to do it. Very sad. But this place, I hope you’ll all come and visit. You should visit. Bring your families. You’ll love it, okay? It’s the best.
When George Washington came here and he spoke to this Congress, he said ‘don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country,’ and I think, what he really meant there, was that you shouldn’t ask for handouts, okay?
Education, that’s a handout. We’re taking care of that. Betsy DeVos — where is Betsy? There’s Betsy, stand up. Stand up, take a bow — There won’t be handouts, okay? We’re going to fix it. Our people will be smarter, okay? They’re gonna be so smart. The smartest.
And Washington, he was one of our best people. He said ‘Ask what you can do for your country.’ You can make it great again. That’s what we’re doing, okay? We’re making America great again. That’s what Washington wants us to do, okay? And I know how to get it done, believe me.
You’re welcome, America. You’re welcome, Congress. It was great to be here. You’ve been terrific. I’ve been terrific. You’re welcome.
Pepe has absolutely become the mascot of the Milo/Gamergate/anti-PC brigade. If I see a cartoon frog avatar, I can be guaranteed I'm going to see the phrase "SJW" at least once every sentence.
Apparently the Pepe article was written by Elizabeth Chan, a Clinton supporter... did the Clinton campaign actually make this part of their campaign platform?
Apparently the Pepe article was written by Elizabeth Chan, a Clinton supporter... did the Clinton campaign actually make this part of their campaign platform?
She gave a speech about the alt-right and how they had appropriated him as a symbol. A cursory glance of the comment section of any Youtube video will confirm this is correct.
support business programs for women and to encourage them to pursue careers in math and science The bills plan to support business programs for women and to encourage them to pursue careers in math and science, reports CBS News.
The first bill, the Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers and Innovators and Explorers Act (INSPIRE), directs NASA to encourage women to pursue careers in science, mathematics and engineering.
Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA) first introduced the bill in March, 2016. The bill also tasks NASA with promoting careers in aerospace with women.
“The INSPIRE Women Act will help create a climate for young girls and women to be successful in STEM and competitive on the world stage, and be great assets to growing the 21st Century economy,” Comstock said of her bill previously.
The second bill, Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, permits the National Science Foundation to “encourage its existing entrepreneurial programs to recruit and support women to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and into the commercial world.” -
I wonder if he took inspiration from Jimmy Carter, that did something similar if i recall.
@smeagolheart: We should probably make it clear that that speech was a satirical prediction of Trump's speech, lest somebody get the idea that those were actually Trump's words.
I remember when the Democrat party and the mainstream media went after Pepe.
Probably why Hillary lost, she drew the ire of Kek.
The democrat party and the Mainstream media actually made some retarded internet meme the big existential threat and the coming symbol of Le Nazi's.
This election will never be surpassed.
Trump was meme'd into the presidency by the faithful of Kek. He shows little mercy to His enemies, but the Meme Magic that He bestows upon those who truly believe has the power to shape reality itself.
Unfortunately I have a bad feeling that a lot of the chaos going on right now in the Trump administration is directly caused by Trump himself not thinking he would win. Call it a feeling I guess since I don't have anything concrete to back it up. That point in the debate (I can't remember which one, but I think it was the 2nd) where he said he would only accept the results of the election when he had time to examine all the details led me to believe at the time that he 'knew' he was going to lose but wasn't going to concede without a fight.
Again I can't back it up with facts but if he had thought he could win I believe he would have at least had people in mind for the lower level cabinet positions. He's really having to rely on Obama appointees to this point. There are so many lower level positions that it'll probably take months to years to flesh everything out. The antagonism of his own party probably hasn't helped either since I'm betting if he was more of a mainstream politician the Republican party would have helped him pick the lower level staff by now.
I think there was much more to being President than he bargained for. I don't feel sorry for him since he made his own bed, but I'm willing to give him a few months before I throw him under the bus...
Regulations wouldn't have done much for the financial industry, the banks collapsed during the Great depression too.
There were less regulations in that era, so it is hardly a good example.
It is better to look at other countries like Canada who weathered the banking collapse due to the regulations they had in place prior to the collapse. The banks here were regulated better and were unable to use the same get rich quick fixes American banks did.
Unfortunately I have a bad feeling that a lot of the chaos going on right now in the Trump administration is directly caused by Trump himself not thinking he would win. Call it a feeling I guess since I don't have anything concrete to back it up. That point in the debate (I can't remember which one, but I think it was the 2nd) where he said he would only accept the results of the election when he had time to examine all the details led me to believe at the time that he 'knew' he was going to lose but wasn't going to concede without a fight.
Again I can't back it up with facts but if he had thought he could win I believe he would have at least had people in mind for the lower level cabinet positions. He's really having to rely on Obama appointees to this point. There are so many lower level positions that it'll probably take months to years to flesh everything out. The antagonism of his own party probably hasn't helped either since I'm betting if he was more of a mainstream politician the Republican party would have helped him pick the lower level staff by now.
I think there was much more to being President than he bargained for. I don't feel sorry for him since he made his own bed, but I'm willing to give him a few months before I throw him under the bus...
Yeah, maybe that's part of it. But let's take a minute and try fathom how utterly irresponsible that is. Say what you want about her (and we'll use a school analogy), Hillary Clinton did her homework and was prepared for the test. I get it, everyone hates Tracy Flick, but she would have had names for all these spots on day one. Instead we elected the guy who decided to bullshit his way through the final exam.
Trump was meme'd into the presidency by the faithful of Kek. He shows little mercy to His enemies, but the Meme Magic that He bestows upon those who truly believe has the power to shape reality itself.
I truly pity those who live in the Hillary Timeline.
@jjstraka34 While I agree with you that Hillary was much better prepared, it didn't make me like her any better. Sorry...
While I won't futility try disuade you of that opinion, I will pretty much guarantee that Trump is who he is. He's a 70-year old megalomaniac who has proven time and again throughout his public life and especially the last year and a half who he is. He's fundamentally incapable of change at this point in his life.
I'm still hoping that won't automatically make him a bad President but time will tell. If the Dems put forward a better candidate next time I might even vote for him/her. I voted for Jennifer Granholm over Amway Boy for governor here in Michigan a few elections back so it's not unheard of for me...
I have to admit, I'm pleasantly surprised by his address. This may sound incredibly strange, but he almost seemed presidential, if only for a fleeting moment.
I must admit that I do not agree with everything he said, nor to the amount of attention some things received, nor all of his proposals. But he did go left of GOP orthodoxy a couple of times, and the fact he wasn't booed out of the capitol the times he did is somewhat encouraging.
I do caution you all not to put too much stock in it, though. He flip flops like crazy. He's likely to be back to his old snark and vinegar self tomorrow.
I have to admit, I'm pleasantly surprised by his address. This may sound incredibly strange, but he almost seemed presidential, if only for a fleeting moment.
I must admit that I do not agree with everything he said, nor to the amount of attention some things received, nor all of his proposals. But he did go left of GOP orthodoxy a couple of times, and the fact he wasn't booed out of the capitol the times he did is somewhat encouraging.
I do caution you all not to put too much stock in it, though. He flip flops like crazy. He's likely to be back to his old snark and vinegar self tomorrow.
Watching Ryan's wife cry was pretty sad.
Glad Trump addressed that.
It's good that Trump stated he is keeping some of the things in Obamacare that worked, maybe that can be an olive branch for a bipartisan solution.
The address (and response) deserve being given the same weight of importance as every State of the Union. In other words, none. I can't think of a night in politics each year that is hyped so much and means so little. Every single one of them is nothing but platitudes and pablum, no matter who is in office.
Trump was able to read off the teleprompter and not offer his true thoughts and took advantage of a widow that he created when he authorized the botched raid that did not net any usefuly intellegence. The fallen seal's dad wants an investigation into the raid.
Who the hell is Dan Grilo?? Maybe I should get the opinion of Earl down the street or Betty over on 52nd Ave.
I myself also think it's tragedy porn. Parading the wife of a soldier he got killed in a useless raid (that he was both not in the Sit Room for and he reportedly OKd over dinner because the Generals told him Obama wouldn't sign off on it). It's using a war widow as a shield to inoculate himself from criticism of a botched raid. It's actually fairly disgusting, but if the Bush Administration is pretense, we are going to see alot of hiding behind dead soldiers. Republicans made an art of it during the Iraq War.
Unfortunately I have a bad feeling that a lot of the chaos going on right now in the Trump administration is directly caused by Trump himself not thinking he would win. Call it a feeling I guess since I don't have anything concrete to back it up. That point in the debate (I can't remember which one, but I think it was the 2nd) where he said he would only accept the results of the election when he had time to examine all the details led me to believe at the time that he 'knew' he was going to lose but wasn't going to concede without a fight.
Again I can't back it up with facts but if he had thought he could win I believe he would have at least had people in mind for the lower level cabinet positions. He's really having to rely on Obama appointees to this point. There are so many lower level positions that it'll probably take months to years to flesh everything out. The antagonism of his own party probably hasn't helped either since I'm betting if he was more of a mainstream politician the Republican party would have helped him pick the lower level staff by now.
I think there was much more to being President than he bargained for. I don't feel sorry for him since he made his own bed, but I'm willing to give him a few months before I throw him under the bus...
Yeah, maybe that's part of it. But let's take a minute and try fathom how utterly irresponsible that is. Say what you want about her (and we'll use a school analogy), Hillary Clinton did her homework and was prepared for the test. I get it, everyone hates Tracy Flick, but she would have had names for all these spots on day one. Instead we elected the guy who decided to bullshit his way through the final exam.
That's what Howard Stern said. He said that his feelings from his conversations with Trump were that whole campaign a marketing campaign. Trump was hoping he'd lose the race so that he could profit by complaining that it was rigged and you, true believer, could fight back by spending a night at Trump resort or by buying a Trump steak or enrolling in Trump University.
Seems like there is pretty strong positive reaction from America, even from CNN survey.
CNN is fake news, Trump told me so. He also says not to trust polls. Those polls are rigged. Am I doing it right? Are those polls celebrating the enemy of the american people?
First of all, instant polls of State of the Union Addresses historically mean nothing. Secondly, no offense, but you take every opportunity to deligitimize CNN and mainstream media outlets. I'm confused as to why you'd want to source them for anything. Finally, these numbers don't surprise me. There isn't a bigger group of marks in the world than the collective American voter. This guy may very well get reelected. My opinion of my fellow citizens has already reached it's basement, so nothing much surprises me anymore. I'm in a constant state of bemused disgust.
Probably why Hillary lost, she drew the ire of Kek.
The democrat party and the Mainstream media actually made some retarded internet meme the big existential threat and the coming symbol of Le Nazi's.
This election will never be surpassed.
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Ivanka — isn’t she terrific? Where’s Ivanka. Where’s… there she is. So beautiful. If I wasn’t a happily married man and if she wasn’t my daughter… she’s such a great woman. Very classy. Very elegant. A perfect ten. Nordstrom, such an embarrassment. They’re pathetic. Terrible. Such a terrible mistake they made. I mean, look at her. Look at them. We all see whose better, don’t we?
I’m here tonight to tell you that the State of our union is terrible. Very sad. Very low-energy. We had Obama, we had Hillary Clinton, and it was bad. It was really, really, really, really, really bad. Unemployment is at seventy percent. That’s what I read, can you believe it? Seventy percent. Four-hundred million Americans are out of work because of Obama. four-hundred million, out of work because of Hillary Clinton. It’s terrible. Just terrible.
And people, they are not happy, okay? They are very upset. Our jobs are going to Mexico. They’re going to China. And we have Mexicans, we have Muslim Islamic terrorist refugees, they’re coming into this country, and we don’t know what they’re trying to do here. They’re taking our jobs. They’re killing our people. They’re bad dudes. Very bad. Obama was the worst.
But that’s why the people voted for me, okay? I won in a landslide because I’m going to make America Great Again. The fake news people say Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but it was rigged. And she still lost, terrible. Didn’t she lose so badly? Such an embarrassment. I mean, she was such an embarrassment. She had no chance. Very low energy. Just terrible.
The fake news, they’re saying all of these things, and they’re not true, okay? They say I’m not doing well, they say my polling numbers are bad, but we all know it’s rigged. They’re fake news. They’re trying to make me look bad. They’re in the tank for Hillary, in the tank for Obama. Nobody reads the New York Times. They’re a fake paper, and they’re doing so badly. Very poor numbers. And it’s because they lie, they’re fake news. I mean, they’re fake news.
The fake news people, they say I’m close with Russia. Is that a bad thing? Putin is a strong leader, okay? We can learn a lot from Putin. He knows how to do things. He knows how to do running a country. He knows it so good. Look at Russia. Putin made Russia great again, okay? Russia is doing great. We can be more like Russia. I want us to be more like Russia. And the fake news, they say I’m doing so badly, but they’re fake, okay? Very poor ratings. So bad. So very bad.
But I’m doing great. I’m doing really great. I read that I might be the greatest president of all time, okay? That’s not me saying that. Other people are saying that about me. Not the fake news people, but the real news, they are saying I’m one of the best, and I’m not going to argue with them. They know. They know what they’re doing. They are very good. They get it. They get what we’re trying to do here. Fox News, very great company. And Breitbart, one of the very best, okay? They’re one of the very best.
Do you know what else is great? We’re opening a world-class resort in Scotland. It’s beautiful. Have I told you all how beautiful it is? Very classy. The best, I’m telling you. This resort, it’s going to be someplace you all want to visit. Do you know how many world-class resorts Obama owns? None. He wouldn’t know how to do it. Very sad. But this place, I hope you’ll all come and visit. You should visit. Bring your families. You’ll love it, okay? It’s the best.
When George Washington came here and he spoke to this Congress, he said ‘don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country,’ and I think, what he really meant there, was that you shouldn’t ask for handouts, okay?
Education, that’s a handout. We’re taking care of that. Betsy DeVos — where is Betsy? There’s Betsy, stand up. Stand up, take a bow — There won’t be handouts, okay? We’re going to fix it. Our people will be smarter, okay? They’re gonna be so smart. The smartest.
And Washington, he was one of our best people. He said ‘Ask what you can do for your country.’ You can make it great again. That’s what we’re doing, okay? We’re making America great again. That’s what Washington wants us to do, okay? And I know how to get it done, believe me.
You’re welcome, America. You’re welcome, Congress. It was great to be here. You’ve been terrific. I’ve been terrific. You’re welcome.
The bills plan to support business programs for women and to encourage them to pursue careers in math and science, reports CBS News.
The first bill, the Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers and Innovators and Explorers Act (INSPIRE), directs NASA to encourage women to pursue careers in science, mathematics and engineering.
Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA) first introduced the bill in March, 2016. The bill also tasks NASA with promoting careers in aerospace with women.
“The INSPIRE Women Act will help create a climate for young girls and women to be successful in STEM and competitive on the world stage, and be great assets to growing the 21st Century economy,” Comstock said of her bill previously.
The second bill, Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, permits the National Science Foundation to “encourage its existing entrepreneurial programs to recruit and support women to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and into the commercial world.”
I wonder if he took inspiration from Jimmy Carter, that did something similar if i recall.
I heard it's his real speech.
Many people are telling me, it's his speech.
I guess what I'm saying is it's as well sourced as the claims Trump makes.
It's well sourced satire
Again I can't back it up with facts but if he had thought he could win I believe he would have at least had people in mind for the lower level cabinet positions. He's really having to rely on Obama appointees to this point. There are so many lower level positions that it'll probably take months to years to flesh everything out. The antagonism of his own party probably hasn't helped either since I'm betting if he was more of a mainstream politician the Republican party would have helped him pick the lower level staff by now.
I think there was much more to being President than he bargained for. I don't feel sorry for him since he made his own bed, but I'm willing to give him a few months before I throw him under the bus...
It is better to look at other countries like Canada who weathered the banking collapse due to the regulations they had in place prior to the collapse. The banks here were regulated better and were unable to use the same get rich quick fixes American banks did.
While I agree with you that Hillary was much better prepared, it didn't make me like her any better. Sorry...
I must admit that I do not agree with everything he said, nor to the amount of attention some things received, nor all of his proposals. But he did go left of GOP orthodoxy a couple of times, and the fact he wasn't booed out of the capitol the times he did is somewhat encouraging.
I do caution you all not to put too much stock in it, though. He flip flops like crazy. He's likely to be back to his old snark and vinegar self tomorrow.
Glad Trump addressed that.
It's good that Trump stated he is keeping some of the things in Obamacare that worked, maybe that can be an olive branch for a bipartisan solution.
I'm glad some in the media can drop their partisan hatred for Trump when a dead soldier is being honored.
Pretty sad thing to see someone denigrate the wife of the dead soldier.
I myself also think it's tragedy porn. Parading the wife of a soldier he got killed in a useless raid (that he was both not in the Sit Room for and he reportedly OKd over dinner because the Generals told him Obama wouldn't sign off on it). It's using a war widow as a shield to inoculate himself from criticism of a botched raid. It's actually fairly disgusting, but if the Bush Administration is pretense, we are going to see alot of hiding behind dead soldiers. Republicans made an art of it during the Iraq War.
LIVE: Embarrassing Trump Address Analysis & Reaction