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  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    vanatos said:


    Ben Carson passed approval for HUD.

    He was one of the nicer candidates, I'm glad he is serving a role.

    When I think of people I want in charge of national housing policy, the first person I always think of is my neurosurgeon. I mean, really. Would you hire a podiatrist to fix your sink?? Would you enlist your child's pediatrician to fix the brakes on your car?? Of course not. The funny thing is, Carson himself said he was wholly unqualified for ANY cabinet position prior to being chosen for this one.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    vanatos said:

    I doubt Russia has such power they can interfere with American elections, Brexit referendum and Le Pen.

    It mainly just takes one cyber warfare group apparently.

    A couple of strategic hacks and leaks to WikiLeaks, then push out some fake news propaganda on Facebook and you are good.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    Ummm, here is Carter Page, one of Trump's campaign aides with the closest ties to Russia that have thus far been established. First off, I have no idea why he agreed to do this interview if these were going to be his responses. And again, what the hell is with these people feeling the need to CONSTANTLY lie and equivocate about these meetings?? If there was nothing to hide, reason would dictate they would simply admit to them and move on from there. Instead, in every case, Trump and those closest to him deliberately lie about Russian contacts until they are caught in the lie by the media, THEN turn to the excuse that "yeah, we may have met, but it was no big deal." Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited March 2017
    US Jewish Groups Welcome Trump’s Condemnation of Antisemitism in Congress Address, Call for Strong Government Response to Fight Phenomenon
    Greenblatt’s predecessor at the ADL, Abraham Foxman, told Jewish Insider, “Trump said what needed to be said. It was clear and unequivocal. Now our community should move forward and work with local and national law enforcement to apprehend the culprits and design strategies to protect our community from antisemitic attacks and threats. And we should all stop politicizing US antisemitism here and in Israel.”

    I agree with this.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    There is a fairly reasonable Cracked article about 5 Ways to Stay Sane in an Era of Non-Stop Outrage.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    It's becoming increasingly clear to me, based simply on the pattern and behavior of the Administration every time these Russian stories come up, that the endgame here is actually far more monumental than we are even perceiving right now. And the reason is because you have a bunch of bumbling idiots who think they are geniuses who have pulled off some sort of grand scheme.

    The stories being leaked right now are not the hammer. This is, relatively, piddly stuff. Whoever is pushing this stuff out of the intelligence community right now is not showing their full hand by a long shot. This is being strategically disseminated. But what we see is a group of people who honestly thought they'd never get caught lying about their meetings with Sergei Kislyak. Jared Kushner and Flynn met with him IN Trump Tower. Jeff Sessions met with him at the GOP Convention, twice. There is no fathomable reason to lie about this unless you are utterly convinced you won't get caught and whatever happened is behind you. Yet they keep getting caught. Repeatedly. And the denials keep coming right up to the point that they don't. At which time Trump goes into full attack mode on the media.

    Trump and the people around him honestly didn't think the Intelligence agencies and the media were going to find out about this stuff. It seems to have barely crossed their mind that whatever happened could actually come to light. Trump's ego is so out of proportion to his actual intelligence that it's going to, without question, be the thing that brings him down. He thinks he can bluster his way out of this. He thinks he's already escaped it.

    The New York Times and the Washington Post are where this story will unfold. These papers are quite clearly working this angle as hard as possible, as much in competition with each other as anything else. The intelligence community is sitting on the bombshells, and when they hit, this entire house of cards is going to collapse.

    This is why the tax returns were important, this is why Hillary was right when she said he was hiding something terrible in them. This is going to come down to what stuff like this always comes down to, and what Trump cares about even more than being President. Money. In the end, wherever this goes, it will come down to the old axiom: Follow the money.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited March 2017
    Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Implicated in recent controversy spotted
    The Russian Ambassador that has been widely implicated in recent news, was spotted seated with Democrats in Trump's State of the Union and conversing with them.

    Lol narrative falling apart.

    His travel history in the White House is interesting.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    First of all, the entire diplomatic corps is invited, as if the Democrats can prevent that from happening. He was also at the Inauguration. "Conversing with Democrats" is a nice spin on that photo, since all visual evidence points to not a single person speaking to him in that shot. This also doesn't address a single point I made. As was stated, there may no doubt be legitimate reasons to meet with the Russian Ambassador. So why, pray tell, in every case, are they lying about the meetings taking place when a simple truthful answer will suffice?? Do people typically lie to cover up legitimate activities?? Wait, wait, don't tell me.....the Democrats and the media are being mean, so Sessions, Flynn and the Administration have been FORCED to lie about them. If they would just back off they wouldn't HAVE to lie about them and could get back to business.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Apparently no one gets to see the text of the proposed ACA replacement which Republicans have in a couple of committees at this time, including other Republicans such as Rand Paul. On the one hand, if your proposed legislation is the greatest thing since sliced bread you should be making it available for anyone to see at any time. On the other hand, if "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it" (thank you, Ms. Pelosi) was good enough for the ACA then it is good enough for the Republican replacement, as well.

    The sad truth is that many pieces of legislation are pre-drafted by deep-pocketed corporate interests, who then send lobbyists to shop the bill, looking for someone to sponsor it.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    Apparently no one gets to see the text of the proposed ACA replacement which Republicans have in a couple of committees at this time, including other Republicans such as Rand Paul. On the one hand, if your proposed legislation is the greatest thing since sliced bread you should be making it available for anyone to see at any time. On the other hand, if "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it" (thank you, Ms. Pelosi) was good enough for the ACA then it is good enough for the Republican replacement, as well.

    The sad truth is that many pieces of legislation are pre-drafted by deep-pocketed corporate interests, who then send lobbyists to shop the bill, looking for someone to sponsor it.

    Sorry, but the ACA was not hidden from anyone. This is not what happened during the passage of that bill. Not even close. This is likely to be put up for a vote before it's even been scored by the Congressional Budget Office. The ACA had eight days in the Senate where it was publicly marked up in the Finance Committee and was subject to hundreds of Amendments. The idea that the Democrats were hiding the bill in a basement room until the last minute is just flat-out not true.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    First of all, the entire diplomatic corps is invited, as if the Democrats can prevent that from happening. He was also at the Inauguration. "Conversing with Democrats" is a nice spin on that photo, since all visual evidence points to not a single person speaking to him in that shot. This also doesn't address a single point I made. As was stated, there may no doubt be legitimate reasons to meet with the Russian Ambassador. So why, pray tell, in every case, are they lying about the meetings taking place when a simple truthful answer will suffice?? Do people typically lie to cover up legitimate activities?? Wait, wait, don't tell me.....the Democrats and the media are being mean, so Sessions, Flynn and the Administration have been FORCED to lie about them. If they would just back off they wouldn't HAVE to lie about them and could get back to business.

    This is the Republican morality: If you commit perjury about where you wet your willie, you're the second most horrible person in the world and unfit to hold office. If you commit perjury about chatting with representatives of a hostile foreign power, then you're an OK guy and anyone who questions that is engaging in a "witch hunt".
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    Sorry, but the ACA was not hidden from anyone. This is not what happened during the passage of that bill. Not even close. This is likely to be put up for a vote before it's even been scored by the Congressional Budget Office. The ACA had eight days in the Senate where it was publicly marked up in the Finance Committee and was subject to hundreds of Amendments. The idea that the Democrats were hiding the bill in a basement room until the last minute is just flat-out not true.

    I didn't say that the ACA was hidden, only that the logic of "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill" set a pretty bad precedent. Yes, that quote is actually Ms. Pelosi trying yet failing to describe the situation which normally exists for pieces of legislation these days--it is rare that a piece of legislation gets read in its entirety by the people who are actually voting for it. Typically, their staff reads it and gives them a one-page synopsis. If I recall, the ACA was a couple of thousand pages long--did any person manage to read the entire thing?

    Any piece of proposed legislation which is not posted online for anyone to view or download at any time is a piece of legislation which ought not pass. Of course, I would also like to stop the practice of adding amendments onto bills which have no business being added to the bill in question, unless the amendment pertains directly to the bill in question. Of course, if an amendment pertains directly to the bill then it should have been in the main text of the bill, but that is just me thinking logically and I know that logic has nothing to do with politics.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    Sorry, but the ACA was not hidden from anyone. This is not what happened during the passage of that bill. Not even close. This is likely to be put up for a vote before it's even been scored by the Congressional Budget Office. The ACA had eight days in the Senate where it was publicly marked up in the Finance Committee and was subject to hundreds of Amendments. The idea that the Democrats were hiding the bill in a basement room until the last minute is just flat-out not true.

    I didn't say that the ACA was hidden, only that the logic of "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill" set a pretty bad precedent. Yes, that quote is actually Ms. Pelosi trying yet failing to describe the situation which normally exists for pieces of legislation these days--it is rare that a piece of legislation gets read in its entirety by the people who are actually voting for it. Typically, their staff reads it and gives them a one-page synopsis. If I recall, the ACA was a couple of thousand pages long--did any person manage to read the entire thing?

    Any piece of proposed legislation which is not posted online for anyone to view or download at any time is a piece of legislation which ought not pass. Of course, I would also like to stop the practice of adding amendments onto bills which have no business being added to the bill in question, unless the amendment pertains directly to the bill in question. Of course, if an amendment pertains directly to the bill then it should have been in the main text of the bill, but that is just me thinking logically and I know that logic has nothing to do with politics.
    Certainly not saying the ACA wasn't a fine example of what happens when you see sausage getting made. I'm on record as saying it's profoundly flawed bill that also happened to get 20 million more people covered, and view it as a net positive. But even if you hate it, and can't stand the way it was brought about, it was done in the light of day, which is leagues better than the Republicans literally hiding their proposal in a basement because they are so ashamed of what is in it.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017

    All but two of his Cabinet appointments have been confirmed, and HIS Party is in control of the Senate. Democrats do not even have the ABILITY to do what he is saying. Meanwhile, he has left THOUSANDS of posts that do not require Senate confirmation unfilled up to this point.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited March 2017
    to be fair to republicans, I think / hope that they are hiding it because they are still negotiating what will be in it. It's a work in progress - so rather than show the rand pauls of the world what's in it now and get him all worked up about it and have to deal with his inputs they are keeping it out of sight while still negotiating what will or will not be actually in it. I believe he's on record saying he's against the whole thing anyway - coverage for people that have preexisting conditions, subsidies, etc so anything that might cover anybody would be something he's against anyway.

    Anyway, the group that's working on the bill doesn't need more chiefs is my take on it.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Actor Patrick Stewart applying for U.S. citizenship to fight Trump


    “I’m not a [U.S.] citizen,” Stewart said. “However, there is, maybe it’s the only good thing, as the result of this election: I am now applying for citizenship. Because I want to be an American too.”

    “All of my friends in Washington said, ‘There is one thing you can do. Fight, fight, oppose, oppose,’” Stewart said.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    It seems at least one culprit in the threats against Jewish schools and community centers has been caught. Though authorities suspect he is responsible for less than 10% of the recent threats. He appears to be a copycat who was using the recent wave of anti-antisemitic crimes to frame his GF in a revenge plot (which is not the same as a false flag, btw). Though this doesn't account for any of the cemetery vandalism nor the vast majority of the threats, at least this guy has been dealt with.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    It's funny how things go, the TPP which was such a major issue this election was at first treated much the same way with a huge veil of secrecy, gag orders and the like and look how that turned out for it. New advisors maybe?

    They're clearly doing this because the media is frenzied and united as a class clearly with the intent to discredit him, but it's a dumb move. He should put it out in the open and use his own platform to defend it if necessary. Trying to be secretive only feeds the conspiratorial counter narrative against him and goes against his own populist persona.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017

    It's funny how things go, the TPP which was such a major issue this election was at first treated much the same way with a huge veil of secrecy, gag orders and the like and look how that turned out for it. New advisors maybe?

    They're clearly doing this because the media is frenzied and united as a class clearly with the intent to discredit him, but it's a dumb move. He should put it out in the open and use his own platform to defend it if necessary. Trying to be secretive only feeds the conspiratorial counter narrative against him and goes against his own populist persona.

    Except if you can't be open about it because of the nature of the conversations. Otherwise, why keep lying and only admitting to them after you're caught?? We've all lied in our lives. How often did you do it when you didn't have something to hide or an ulterior motive??
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited March 2017
    The suspect for the Jewish threats is Juan Thompson.

    He was a bernie Sanders supporter and virulently anti-Trump.

    Fired from The Intercept for making up quotes for stories.

    His Twitter account is full of racist attacks against white people, I suspect he is one of the more extreme far-left individuals whom have twisted civil rights to hate-filled grievance against another group.

    Unfortunate, but identity politics taken to the extreme can lead to such attitudes.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    I don't care what your views on illegal immigration are, this is simiply sinister and evil:

    I'm absolutely positive I've read about this being done, but I can't quite remember where. Oh yeah. When people got off the train at Treblinka and Auschwitz.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    vanatos said:

    ..Fired from The Intercept for making up quotes for stories.

    Wow they fire people for making up news at The Intercept? That must be a news outlet with integrity and principles. I wonder who got fired at Fox News or Breitbart for the phony stories on Obama or the fake Swedish Defense guy. Oh right, those outlets don't have integrity or principles.

    Or who's going to fire our President who's constantly pushing fake news such as winning the popular vote, the rain stopping during his inauguration speech, or making up terror attacks in Sweden.

    But anyway, that guy sounds like a bad guy but it says he's not the only one and a small fraction of the total threats and the FBI is still investigating the issue along with Russia and Trump.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Pelosi denies meeting Russian Ambassador implicated, Photo contradicts her statement.
    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that she's never met with the current Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.

    "Not with this Russian ambassador, no," Pelosi told POLITICO's Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer during a Playbook interview, when asked whether she had ever met with the Russian envoy.

    But a file photo from Pelosi's 2010 meeting with Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev shows Kislyak at the table across from Pelosi — then House speaker — and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). Medvedev had been in the country for a meeting with President Barack Obama a day earlier and stopped in on Capitol Hill to meet with congressional leaders as well.


  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    vanatos said:

    Pelosi denies meeting Russian Ambassador implicated, Photo contradicts her statement.
    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that she's never met with the current Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.

    "Not with this Russian ambassador, no," Pelosi told POLITICO's Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer during a Playbook interview, when asked whether she had ever met with the Russian envoy.

    But a file photo from Pelosi's 2010 meeting with Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev shows Kislyak at the table across from Pelosi — then House speaker — and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). Medvedev had been in the country for a meeting with President Barack Obama a day earlier and stopped in on Capitol Hill to meet with congressional leaders as well.


    I was actually waiting for this one. That is a dinner in 2010 with what could be roughly 20 people in the room. And both you and Donald Trump know that isn't the issue. The issue is, in 2016, during and after the election, having individual meetings with Kislyak WHILE Russia was trying to subvert our elections. This story is, at best, completely ignoring the underlying context of why the Russian contacts are important, and completely disingenuous at best. And again, as soon as I saw Trump's tweet about it I knew this exact story was going to be posted here within the hour.

    Even IF Nancy Pelosi lied (and she didn't, Kislyak might as well be some guy at the end of the table), she DID NOT do so under oath like Jeff Sessions. And in 2010, Russia wasn't engaged in a massive intelligence operation to get one candidate elected President. The fact that Trump is taking this line of attack (by the way, after his "inclusive", olive-branch Address to Congress that was so praised in this thread) shows what has been evident all along. Trump is scared of one issue. Russia. Why??

    With Trump we are talking about Kislyak literally being taken into the back entrance of Trump Tower so he couldn't be seen by C-SPAN cameras to meet with Kushner and Flynn. Flynn possibly violating the Logan Act trying to undermine the sanctions of the sitting President, and the Attorney General of the United States committing perjury for no apparent reason to cover up two meetings. And you're going to counter with "he was in a room with Nancy Pelosi once 7 years ago"??
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited March 2017
    Photo's emerge of suspect in Jewish bomb threat with Hillary Clinton
    More details emerge of suspect on Jewish threats, photo'd with Hillary Clinton.

  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    she forgot from 7 yrs ago some guy at the table.

    It's not like in 2010 she was attempting to make secret deals negotiating with a foreign power to influence the election.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    vanatos said:

    Pelosi denies meeting Russian Ambassador implicated, Photo contradicts her statement.
    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that she's never met with the current Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.

    "Not with this Russian ambassador, no," Pelosi told POLITICO's Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer during a Playbook interview, when asked whether she had ever met with the Russian envoy.

    But a file photo from Pelosi's 2010 meeting with Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev shows Kislyak at the table across from Pelosi — then House speaker — and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). Medvedev had been in the country for a meeting with President Barack Obama a day earlier and stopped in on Capitol Hill to meet with congressional leaders as well.


    So she met the guy, while she was in office during a formal meeting 7 years ago.

    Opposed to:

    They met diplomats while not in office, for informal meetings, less than a year ago.

    Do you see the difference?

    I see the difference.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    And a former President was in a photo with Saddam Hussein.

    Trump was once photographed next to Clinton.

    Context determines the meaning of a photo.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    vanatos said:

    Photo's emerge of suspect in Jewish bomb threat with Hillary Clinton
    More details emerge of suspect on Jewish threats, photo'd with Hillary Clinton.

    I don't even know how to respond to this. How about John Wayne Gacy and Rosalyn Carter from 1978?? Maybe she should be brought up on charges as an accessory to a serial killer.

    What is your point on this one?? That Hillary Clinton is personally responsible for the actions (as a Former First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, Senator from New York and Secretary of State) of EVERY person she has ever posed for a photograph with?? And if the date of that photo is any indication, that she is responsible for what they do possibly 15 or 20 years down the line??
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Time for another investigation.
This discussion has been closed.