Trump did not Trump in that speech. Not many porkies, no rambling... it's like when one of my more troubled students doesn't disrupt lessons and I have to be careful not to overpraise them. Let's see how long this domination spell / medication / mind transfer/ new leaf lasts .
One thing I had reaffirmed about Republicans is how they present things as if they're intended to accomplish one goal, but with an entirely hidden goal. Yes, it's common among politicians of all stripes, and we all know they do it, but it's never more obvious than it is when Republicans do it. A good example of this is in calling education "the civil rights issue of our time" and advocating school choice as a solution for "African American and Latino communities". Anyone with a little bit of common sense can tell you that it's true purpose is in allowing white families to be discriminatory in a sort of "white flight" type of way. This is but one of many examples.
I am concerned about our country. I feel that a two-party system is absolutely vital for the functioning of our republic, so in this sense, I want the GOP to do the right thing by the American people, and if not for the American people, then for themselves. The fact ever remains: while the GOP may have won a decisive victory on Nov 8, the long term prognosis for their party remains bleak. People under 40 are vastly more open to left-wing ideas, Christianity is declining as a social institution, and Americans of European ancestry are in decline. The Republicans are in control...and the Republicans are dead lost. DEAD. LOST.
They must embrace the center, moving from far-right to center-right. The political market is drying up for the GOP's main selling points. I, for one, hope that they will. I saw a few encouraging signs last night but by no means am I ready to trust them. Some of their focus is a bit off.
But it's a start.
I know it's not easy, when you dislike someone, or when you dislike a party. One thing the GOP cannot expect is for the democrats to work with them if doing so equals the destruction of their own brand. They simply will not assist the GOP is showing up their party, with the GOP being declared saviors and riding off into the sunset. If President Trump is serious about unifying all Americans, including republicans and democrats, then it must be done in a non-condescending fashion, and in such a way that assures the GOP won't be alone when they come out smelling like roses. And while it's unfortunate that such a thing should be required (i.e America before party), the fact is that they are human beings and you can't expect them to react in any other way.
That said, I'm going to put my dislike of Trump (as a man) aside, and give Trump (the president), a chance. I might not agree entirely with his policies, and while I may have issues with what I perceived last night as faulty logic, the truth is that he shown me something.
I don't know. Maybe the bar was set so low that the direction to go was up; maybe I was so starved for sanity in the WH that a tossed bone looks appealing. But I do know that from now on I'm going to do my best to lay any personal sentiment aside and buy into the idea of unity and harmony if the president truly meant what he said, and truly follows through on the parts of his agenda that I agree with. I will still disagree and criticize when it's warranted, but I will not just oppose and resist every step of the way no matter what, not anymore. Not if he sticks to an inclusive and tolerant attitude.
Yet somehow I doubt that he will stick to an inclusive and tolerant attitude.
There is no pivot coming. This is about the 30th time I've been told a pivot is coming. Lucy told Charlie Brown the pivot was coming every time she held the football for him. The media is buying it because it's the one time since the Election he didn't attack them. Give it 48 hours.
The problem with wishing the GOP would move towards the center is gerrymandering. They have no incentive to moderate their candidates. Democrats gerrymander too but 80% of the problem of gerrymandering is the Republicans.
They have no incentive to go towards the mainstream because their districts are so gerrymandered that there is no way for them to lose. So what you have are competitions between Republicans primaries and the most extreme one wins.
You would think if Democrats won half the votes for the house they would get half the seats but because of gerrymandering they'd need to win way more than 50% of the vote. The maps are drawn by computers that can calculate the best way to rig the system by shenanigans such as drawing lines around individual houses.
The Republican plan is thus: Paul Ryan's dream is to dismantle Medicare and Medicaid and replace them with voucher programs, and to destroy the foundation of the social safety net, Social Security. In the meantime (because this is what it all boils down to) the richest people and corporations in the country get massive tax breaks. They want to make impotent federal regulatory agencies that make sure the food you eat is safe and the air you breath isn't toxic. For the social conservatives, they want total control over woman's bodies, to regulate LGBT citizens to second-class citizenship, and to go into hyper-drive in the war on drugs (including States with recreational pot). Oh, and the one major bill Trump has signed?? It makes it easier for people who are mentally ill to buy firearms. And when the next Newtown hits, we'll pretend they didn't do so and wonder why it happened. That's your conservative agenda, boiled down to a paragraph.
Oh, and the one major bill Trump has signed?? It makes it easier for people who are mentally ill to buy firearms. And when the next Newtown hits, we'll pretend they didn't do so and wonder why it happened.
No they won't even pretend that they didn't advocate for more guns. Instead they will go out and say the only defense against a mentally ill person with a gun is another mentally ill person with a gun. It's all about moar gun sales.
Some pictures of Carryn Owens, wife of the soldier Trump honored in his speech.
If he really wanted to honor our fallen soldier, he should have admitted the raid was a bad call and taken responsibility.
But of course he wouldn't do that because Trump is never wrong about anything.
Meanwhile, people still think Clinton was unqualified because of how she handled Benghazi and screamed "LOCK HER UP!!" for the American deaths that occured as a result.
Funny how those same people are keeping quiet about this raid...
We simply aren't serious about addresing gun violence as a country. If the slaughter of 19 innocent 6-year olds in their classroom isn't enough, then nothing ever will be. Obama and Biden tried to push for even the most basic of background checks and Republicans killed it in the crib. The fact is, we, as a society, value not having to wait 36 or 48 hrs to purchase a gun more than children's lives. How shameful.
I actually left Facebook over an argument about this. People were parroting the usual "guns don't kill people....." line, and I said "Fine, but let's agree guns make it infinitely EASIER to kill people" and even that was met with bullheaded denial. Of course, an attack in Japan on the very same day as the Newtown shootings proved my point. A man walked into a classroom that day in Japan and also attacked young students. But, as horrific as that was, he was only armed with the crude instrument of a knive to stab them. Horrible, but those kids all survived. Newton was a wholesale slaughter with almost no survivors. Don't tell me guns don't make the difference in the body count. Of course they do.
The solution on the right is always more guns. Because everyone seems to be under the delusional assumption that in the unlikely event of a crisis, they're going to start channeling Wyatt Earp. The far greater likelihood is you'll piss your pants and get someone else killed thanks to these bullshit, macho fantasies.
Agreed, both Parties would do well to pursue this.
Both the democrat party and republican party have been losing the Trust of the American people for a long time as the amount of Independants has grown over the years proves.
The Republicans under Bush became war-hawks and made religious wedge issues their prime focus over economics.
Democrats also alienated Americans over time as they moved from economics issues to almost purely identity politics under Obama's administration.
Both parties were considered the Uniparty (ie Establishment corporate controlled) for many Americans too since their actions in terms of corporations, banks, wars, privacy were all identical anyway.
This is proven in this election because of the astounding success of outsider candidates. Unfortunate for Bernie Sanders that he did not beat Hillary.
With Trump's win, the Republicans have sharply veered to center-right as Economics is again their prime focus.
Democrat party is in my opinion, leaderless, Identity politics is increasingly losing power as a political issue but they are focusing on it even harder.
In terms of the future, it seems there is strong evidence that the West is going to move towards economic nationalism for at least an entire Generation. There is already mounting evidence that the next generation is going to be almost as conservative as the WW2 Generation and not as focused on identity politics as our current adult generations.
Who would have thought that 5 years ago, but i never expected Brexit to be possible 5 years ago.
I will say that it is imperative that the Democrat party move to the center, far more then the Republicans, because they've lost so much state legislatures the entire country is almost Republican controlled as most people have voted for Republicans in the mid-term leadership.
America was founded on a two-party system, with the purpose that they act as a hard-check against each other, with the Democrats weaker then they've been in almost 100 years the Republican party has more power then i think healthy.
The Republicans control Congress, The Senate and have a massive majority in State Legislatures.
Move to the center on what?? They're already so far in the center that Obamacare was based wholesale on a conservative plan from the Heritage Foundation.
Obamacare is not a Centrist ideal, it is a severely gutted universal health care plan that was made favourable to large corporations (Big Pharma) to the detriment of the Average American and small businesses, all the while further restricting any competition by expanding Government control.
A centrist Health Care system would be one where there is vastly more competition so you can have reasonable Government options or private options, Centrism (in this case not severely socialist and not severely capitalist).
Centrism isn't about simply one parties policy looking similar to the other party, otherwise we'd start saying destroying other countries is centrism since Obama and George Bush have destroyed countries.
Or that unethical and illegal invasion to privacy is a centrist ideal (patriot act under Bush, NSA under Obama).
The Democrats are suffering from a structural disadvantage in the way the House and Presidency is elected. They got more votes for both and lost. As for their positions, if anything they need to move to the left. Hillary lost because of disaffected Bernie supporters staying home as much as any other reason. Democrats, on a person to person basis, have been more popular going back nearly 20 years. But in our country, some people's votes count far more than other's.
agreed that the Democrats are too far to the center. The problem is not that the Democrats won't compromise it's that they compromised too much already. Fuch that. The USA is so far right of most Euro and first world nations it's ridiculous.
Unfortunately, the status quo loves much of the same pro-corporate policies that republicans long ago sold out to. Citizens United has really screwed things up. Democrats are funded by multinational corporations lobbying for tax cuts and so forth that are also lobbying the right. They just have a bit more of a concience when it comes to the racism and social issues but otherwise they like the same pro-wall street policies.
Neither party is out for the middle class or the lower classes. Democrats need to go left. Bernie was to the left and was strongly embraced by a lot of folks who later were disenchanted with the status-quo. The corporate democrats couldn't let him win.
Trump's presidency, when if you listen to him, the land shook and the heavens opened up or whatever lol was due to about 11,000 voters in 3 states or something like that who were really concerned about Hillary Clinton's emails or believed Trump was going to bring back their manufacturing jobs and drain the swamp.
Coal mining begins seeing revival as Trump gives industry hope Wise County, Virginia – A long-awaited revival is under way in this beleaguered Central Appalachia community where residents see coal as the once and future king.
Trucks are running again. Miners working seven days a week cannot keep up with current demand. Coal mines, long dormant after the industry’s collapse, are now buzzing again with antlike activity.
“We load coal every day for the power plant in Virginia City,” explained Rick, a long-time supervisor for a major local operation who did not want to give his last name. “There's one shipment a week for Georgia Power, and one for Tennessee Eastman.”
What exactly did Trump do to jumpstart the coal industry?
Things don't happen because the President wants something or advocates something. They happen because the President does something.
I've discussed this phenomena before. Merely days after the election, there was a poll taken of Trump voters that showed a 20-30 point swing upwards in how they thought the economy was doing, even though absolutely nothing had changed and Obama was still in office for 2 1/2 more months. It was stunning.
Wow, now Sessions has been revealed to have met with the Russian Ambassador during the GOP convention and straight up lied about it in his confirmation hearing under questioning from Al Franken. The Attorney General lied under oath during his hearing and there is absolutely no way to deny that's the case if you watch the tape. The question is, Sessions, as a Senator, did nothing illegal by doing so. So WHY does he (and nearly everyone around Trump) feel the need to lie about these contacts, at the risk of perjury??
Shadowy Slush fund used to funnel Government money to non-profit activist groups The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.
“It’s clear partisan politics played a role in the illicit actions that were made,” Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, told Fox News. “The DOJ is the last place this should have occurred.”
Shadowy Slush fund used to funnel Government money to non-profit activist groups The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.
“It’s clear partisan politics played a role in the illicit actions that were made,” Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, told Fox News. “The DOJ is the last place this should have occurred.”
There needs to be a concerted effort to examine where money is going in the Government.
The article itself is trash, seems like it was written on the back of a napkin, and seems to, as far as I can tell, reveal absolutely nothing about anything. What you have here is a bunch of random amorphous nonsense that is parading as an article meant to further the idea (given away by the final paragraph) that protests going on around the country are "fake". The only people quoted in this article are Republican Congressmen and a member of Judicial Watch. But I absolutely encourage everyone to read the comment section to get a good idea of the mindset of your average FOX News viewer. So, by all means, check this out.
I will mention that I go out of my way to almost never post articles from left-wing sites I frequent (The Nation, Mother Jones, various blogs, etc), because I am fairly certain they will be dismissed sight unseen by posters of a more conservative bent. By all means, feel free to post things from FOX News, or Breitbart, or Town Hall. But you also have to be aware that many posters here (like myself) view those sources as little more than right-wing propaganda. Much as you view mainstream media the same way.
whos handing out the checks? They must be doing more for the economy than Donald Trump. So many millions of people. Most people I know have been protesting pro bono.
whos handing out the checks? They must be doing more for the economy than Donald Trump. So many millions of people. Most people I know have been protesting pro bono.
Ever liberal media personality I know of (and I have personally corresponded and donated to many of them) has been waiting for their Soros check for over a decade.
I will mention that I go out of my way to almost never post articles from left-wing sites I frequent (The Nation, Mother Jones, various blogs, etc), because I am fairly certain they will be dismissed sight unseen by posters of a more conservative bent. By all means, feel free to post things from FOX News, or Breitbart, or Town Hall. But you also have to be aware that many posters here (like myself) view those sources as little more than right-wing propaganda. Much as you view mainstream media the same way.
Most of my citations in this thread have been from 'left' news media sites such as CNN, CNBC etc.
I have no discrimination on what news sites i read, i read from them all and judge the subject matter accordingly.
If you have a media posting bias, thats your problem, i have been posting from left news organizations more then 'right'.
How very odd that the one time i post from FOX, your up in arms, all my previous left-news citations didn't seem to generate any outrage response.
The idea that CNBC could in any way be construed as liberal is just flabbergasting to me. It's like Gordon Gecko got to run his own cable channel. And again, CNN is not a liberal network. It's almost painful the lengths they go to to give conservatives a voice.
And yes, the reason I dispute nearly anything coming from FOX News is because I've been watching and discerning their tactics for damn near 20 years, and don't believe a single thing they say. I don't actually believe they are a news organization at all.
And yes, the reason I dispute nearly anything coming from FOX News is because I've been watching and discerning their tactics for damn near 20 years, and don't believe a single thing they say. I don't actually believe they are a news organization at all.
If you didn't make an outcry when i posted links all the previous times from CNN, TheHill, I don't expect any complaint when i post the one time from Fox.
Pertaining to this slush fund, it seems that this has been a problem for a good while.
Justice’s Liberal Slush Fund Legal settlements are being used to funnel millions to left-wing activists like La Raza. This scandal comes courtesy of the Justice Department, which for 16 months has engaged in a scheme to undermine Congress's spending authority by independently transferring dollars to President Obama's political allies. The department is in the process of funneling more than half-a-billion dollars to liberal activist groups, at least some of which will actively support Democrats in the coming election.
Wall Street Journal article dated end of 2015, how unfortunate that the Obama administration did nothing about this all the way up till now.
The idea that CNBC could in any way be construed as liberal is just flabbergasting to me. It's like Gordon Gecko got to run his own cable channel. And again, CNN is not a liberal network. It's almost painful the lengths they go to to give conservatives a voice.
And yes, the reason I dispute nearly anything coming from FOX News is because I've been watching and discerning their tactics for damn near 20 years, and don't believe a single thing they say. I don't actually believe they are a news organization at all.
Fox News has never been a news organization. When you watch it it's 45 minutes out of every hour with opinion pieces bashing Democrats. You get O'Reilly to tell you what to think about whatever the Republican agenda is - such as "obamacare bad!" or "war on christmas!" or some other fear mongering or hate mongering.
How is that news? That's just some asshole telling you his opinion. But that's what you get on Fox News. If there is some major news going on it will show it, then get back to the regular propoganda to tell you how to think about it.
Fox News has never been a news organization. When you watch it it's 45 minutes out of every hour with opinion pieces bashing Democrats. You get O'Reilly to tell you what to think about whatever the Republican agenda is - such as "obamacare bad!" or "war on christmas!" or some other fear mongering or hate mongering.
How is that news? That's just some asshole telling you his opinion. But that's what you get on Fox News. If there is some major news going on it will show it, then get back to the regular propoganda to tell you how to think about it.
What you described is what all the mainstream media outlets are guilty of.
We should be basing our opinions of articles on the quality of the article, not the reputation of the group that posted it. If an article is unreliable, the proof would be in the form of its sources, its reasoning, or another article that makes a stronger case.
We can be skeptical of certain news sources, but we can't dismiss things out of hand. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I am concerned about our country. I feel that a two-party system is absolutely vital for the functioning of our republic, so in this sense, I want the GOP to do the right thing by the American people, and if not for the American people, then for themselves. The fact ever remains: while the GOP may have won a decisive victory on Nov 8, the long term prognosis for their party remains bleak. People under 40 are vastly more open to left-wing ideas, Christianity is declining as a social institution, and Americans of European ancestry are in decline. The Republicans are in control...and the Republicans are dead lost. DEAD. LOST.
They must embrace the center, moving from far-right to center-right. The political market is drying up for the GOP's main selling points. I, for one, hope that they will. I saw a few encouraging signs last night but by no means am I ready to trust them. Some of their focus is a bit off.
But it's a start.
I know it's not easy, when you dislike someone, or when you dislike a party. One thing the GOP cannot expect is for the democrats to work with them if doing so equals the destruction of their own brand. They simply will not assist the GOP is showing up their party, with the GOP being declared saviors and riding off into the sunset. If President Trump is serious about unifying all Americans, including republicans and democrats, then it must be done in a non-condescending fashion, and in such a way that assures the GOP won't be alone when they come out smelling like roses. And while it's unfortunate that such a thing should be required (i.e America before party), the fact is that they are human beings and you can't expect them to react in any other way.
That said, I'm going to put my dislike of Trump (as a man) aside, and give Trump (the president), a chance. I might not agree entirely with his policies, and while I may have issues with what I perceived last night as faulty logic, the truth is that he shown me something.
I don't know. Maybe the bar was set so low that the direction to go was up; maybe I was so starved for sanity in the WH that a tossed bone looks appealing. But I do know that from now on I'm going to do my best to lay any personal sentiment aside and buy into the idea of unity and harmony if the president truly meant what he said, and truly follows through on the parts of his agenda that I agree with. I will still disagree and criticize when it's warranted, but I will not just oppose and resist every step of the way no matter what, not anymore. Not if he sticks to an inclusive and tolerant attitude.
Yet somehow I doubt that he will stick to an inclusive and tolerant attitude.
They have no incentive to go towards the mainstream because their districts are so gerrymandered that there is no way for them to lose. So what you have are competitions between Republicans primaries and the most extreme one wins.
You would think if Democrats won half the votes for the house they would get half the seats but because of gerrymandering they'd need to win way more than 50% of the vote. The maps are drawn by computers that can calculate the best way to rig the system by shenanigans such as drawing lines around individual houses.
The House of Representatives is rigged.
But of course he wouldn't do that because Trump is never wrong about anything.
Meanwhile, people still think Clinton was unqualified because of how she handled Benghazi and screamed "LOCK HER UP!!" for the American deaths that occured as a result.
Funny how those same people are keeping quiet about this raid...
I actually left Facebook over an argument about this. People were parroting the usual "guns don't kill people....." line, and I said "Fine, but let's agree guns make it infinitely EASIER to kill people" and even that was met with bullheaded denial. Of course, an attack in Japan on the very same day as the Newtown shootings proved my point. A man walked into a classroom that day in Japan and also attacked young students. But, as horrific as that was, he was only armed with the crude instrument of a knive to stab them. Horrible, but those kids all survived. Newton was a wholesale slaughter with almost no survivors. Don't tell me guns don't make the difference in the body count. Of course they do.
The solution on the right is always more guns. Because everyone seems to be under the delusional assumption that in the unlikely event of a crisis, they're going to start channeling Wyatt Earp. The far greater likelihood is you'll piss your pants and get someone else killed thanks to these bullshit, macho fantasies.
Both the democrat party and republican party have been losing the Trust of the American people for a long time as the amount of Independants has grown over the years proves.
The Republicans under Bush became war-hawks and made religious wedge issues their prime focus over economics.
Democrats also alienated Americans over time as they moved from economics issues to almost purely identity politics under Obama's administration.
Both parties were considered the Uniparty (ie Establishment corporate controlled) for many Americans too since their actions in terms of corporations, banks, wars, privacy were all identical anyway.
This is proven in this election because of the astounding success of outsider candidates. Unfortunate for Bernie Sanders that he did not beat Hillary.
With Trump's win, the Republicans have sharply veered to center-right as Economics is again their prime focus.
Democrat party is in my opinion, leaderless, Identity politics is increasingly losing power as a political issue but they are focusing on it even harder.
In terms of the future, it seems there is strong evidence that the West is going to move towards economic nationalism for at least an entire Generation. There is already mounting evidence that the next generation is going to be almost as conservative as the WW2 Generation and not as focused on identity politics as our current adult generations.
Who would have thought that 5 years ago, but i never expected Brexit to be possible 5 years ago.
I will say that it is imperative that the Democrat party move to the center, far more then the Republicans, because they've lost so much state legislatures the entire country is almost Republican controlled as most people have voted for Republicans in the mid-term leadership.
America was founded on a two-party system, with the purpose that they act as a hard-check against each other, with the Democrats weaker then they've been in almost 100 years the Republican party has more power then i think healthy.
The Republicans control Congress, The Senate and have a massive majority in State Legislatures.
A centrist Health Care system would be one where there is vastly more competition so you can have reasonable Government options or private options, Centrism (in this case not severely socialist and not severely capitalist).
Centrism isn't about simply one parties policy looking similar to the other party, otherwise we'd start saying destroying other countries is centrism since Obama and George Bush have destroyed countries.
Or that unethical and illegal invasion to privacy is a centrist ideal (patriot act under Bush, NSA under Obama).
Trump had to flip 5 states from blue to red, which he did.
What really won the day for Donald Trump were five states that had helped elect Barack Obama in the 2008 and 2012 elections, but which Mr Trump managed to flip into the red column.
In other words, if Democrats simply kept their blue states they would have won easily.
Trump had to flip everything from blue to red.
Stock market roars to records after Trump speech
U.S. stock-market indexes set a new round of records Wednesday as investors welcomed President Donald Trump’s conciliatory tone during his address to a joint session of Congress, despite a lack of details on his economic plan
Seems the market is reacting with enthusiasm over Trump's speech.
Unfortunately, the status quo loves much of the same pro-corporate policies that republicans long ago sold out to. Citizens United has really screwed things up. Democrats are funded by multinational corporations lobbying for tax cuts and so forth that are also lobbying the right. They just have a bit more of a concience when it comes to the racism and social issues but otherwise they like the same pro-wall street policies.
Neither party is out for the middle class or the lower classes. Democrats need to go left. Bernie was to the left and was strongly embraced by a lot of folks who later were disenchanted with the status-quo. The corporate democrats couldn't let him win.
Trump's presidency, when if you listen to him, the land shook and the heavens opened up or whatever lol was due to about 11,000 voters in 3 states or something like that who were really concerned about Hillary Clinton's emails or believed Trump was going to bring back their manufacturing jobs and drain the swamp.
Wise County, Virginia – A long-awaited revival is under way in this beleaguered Central Appalachia community where residents see coal as the once and future king.
Trucks are running again. Miners working seven days a week cannot keep up with current demand. Coal mines, long dormant after the industry’s collapse, are now buzzing again with antlike activity.
“We load coal every day for the power plant in Virginia City,” explained Rick, a long-time supervisor for a major local operation who did not want to give his last name. “There's one shipment a week for Georgia Power, and one for Tennessee Eastman.”
The past month has seen a resurgence of the coal industry that once formed the backbone of the region's economy, and locals credit President Trump's aggressive, pro-energy agenda.
If this phenomena continues, Trump will probably retain the rust-belt come the 2020 elections.
Things don't happen because the President wants something or advocates something. They happen because the President does something.
Donald Trump is a Hilariously Weak President. Sad!
The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.
“It’s clear partisan politics played a role in the illicit actions that were made,” Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, told Fox News. “The DOJ is the last place this should have occurred.”
Findings spearheaded by the House Judiciary Committee point to a process shrouded in secrecy whereby monies were distributed to a labyrinth of nonprofit organizations involved with grass-roots activism.
There needs to be a concerted effort to examine where money is going in the Government.
I will mention that I go out of my way to almost never post articles from left-wing sites I frequent (The Nation, Mother Jones, various blogs, etc), because I am fairly certain they will be dismissed sight unseen by posters of a more conservative bent. By all means, feel free to post things from FOX News, or Breitbart, or Town Hall. But you also have to be aware that many posters here (like myself) view those sources as little more than right-wing propaganda. Much as you view mainstream media the same way.
I have no discrimination on what news sites i read, i read from them all and judge the subject matter accordingly.
If you have a media posting bias, thats your problem, i have been posting from left news organizations more then 'right'.
How very odd that the one time i post from FOX, your up in arms, all my previous left-news citations didn't seem to generate any outrage response.
And yes, the reason I dispute nearly anything coming from FOX News is because I've been watching and discerning their tactics for damn near 20 years, and don't believe a single thing they say. I don't actually believe they are a news organization at all.
Pertaining to this slush fund, it seems that this has been a problem for a good while.
Justice’s Liberal Slush Fund
Legal settlements are being used to funnel millions to left-wing activists like La Raza.
This scandal comes courtesy of the Justice Department, which for 16 months has engaged in a scheme to undermine Congress's spending authority by independently transferring dollars to President Obama's political allies. The department is in the process of funneling more than half-a-billion dollars to liberal activist groups, at least some of which will actively support Democrats in the coming election.
Wall Street Journal article dated end of 2015, how unfortunate that the Obama administration did nothing about this all the way up till now.
How is that news? That's just some asshole telling you his opinion. But that's what you get on Fox News. If there is some major news going on it will show it, then get back to the regular propoganda to tell you how to think about it.
Which is why they are all biased.
We can be skeptical of certain news sources, but we can't dismiss things out of hand. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.