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  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    deltago said:

    He looks like he is pouting.

    What are they suppose to be talking about?

    It was the easiest thing in the world. It was the wrap-up, photographers asked for a handshake, and he simply ignored her overture. ANYONE could get this part of being President right, except the one guy that was elected.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    No I meant what did the two leaders talk about during their meet and greet?
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited March 2017
    Trump, at a luncheon with the president of Ireland, just read his favorite Irish proverb (which he stumbled over despite claiming he'd been hearing it for years.) Turns out it was actually a quote from a Nigerian poet. Best response in this tweet:

    Stay tuned for Sean Spicer to angrily claim that Trump will be presenting evidence that it really is an Irish proverb real soon now.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,367
    I sincerely doubt there has been any president that is involved in all the minutia of a military raid. In the case of Yemen it is very likely that it was the fault of the generals or whoever planned it. Although, due to the 'fog of war' it's even more likely that nobody was to blame. Other than saying 'yea' what exactly did Trump do wrong?
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    ARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela this week arrested four bakers making illegal brownies and other pastries as President Nicolas Maduro's socialist government threatens to take over bakeries in Caracas as part of a new "bread war."

    When a country starves from economic collapse, the Government will fight the people for even the smallest scraps.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017

    I don't know about most presidents, but Obama liked to get into the minutiae and nitty-gritty details of military operations. He micromanaged them. And when the generals brought the Yemen plan to Obama, he turned it down.

    Trump, however, approved the plan. Which then failed. You can say he couldn't have known that the plan was a bad idea, but Obama apparently knew.

    Making the wrong decision is harder to forgive when somebody else already made the right decision.

    It's fairly obvious the Generals came to Trump and said "here is something we were working on Obama wouldn't approve". Given what we know of who Donald Trump is, his thought process on this was likely "Really, that pussy wouldn't go through with it?? Well I will. Launch."

    In addition, as a result of this, he has made one change. He has shifted all responsibility for deciding when are where to conduct these raids over to Mattis and the Generals, so he can be insulated from any blame even further.

    Conservatives have been whining and preaching about personal responsibility for DECADES and they now have someone in the Oval Office who wouldn't take responsibility for ANY mistake if the fate of the world depended on it.

    Kennedy manned-up for the Bay of Pigs. Hillary sat through an 11 hour hearing on Benghazi. George Bush, misguided moron that he was, never let it be forgot that he was, in fact, "the Decider". He never backed down from Iraq. It was a murderous disaster, but he never failed to OWN it. Trump will own nothing that goes wrong for him. Nothing.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited March 2017

    I don't know about most presidents, but Obama liked to get into the minutiae and nitty-gritty details of military operations. He micromanaged them. And when the generals brought the Yemen plan to Obama, he turned it down.


    Shame he didn't turn down destabilizing Libya and Syria.

    Presidents that advocate proxy warfare, aren't interested in minutiae detail.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    vanatos said:

    I don't know about most presidents, but Obama liked to get into the minutiae and nitty-gritty details of military operations. He micromanaged them. And when the generals brought the Yemen plan to Obama, he turned it down.


    Shame he didn't turn down destabilizing Libya and Syria.

    Presidents that advocate proxy warfare, aren't interested in minutiae detail.
    The destabilizing that was a direct result of the war George Bush started that Obama couldn't have prevented if he wanted to?? ISIS exists because the Bush Administration and Paul Bremer disbanded the Iraqi Army and turned them loose into a worn-torn hellhole with no means to support their families. I suggest anyone who hasn't to watch the documentary "No End in Sight", which is filled almost entirely with interviews with former Bush Administration officials who watched this disaster unfold in real-time. Predictably, Obama was going to get blamed for the destabilizing of the Middle East that George Bush forced us into. Everything that happened in the decade afterwards, up to and including a group like ISIS rising from the ashes, was predicted by liberal critics like Juan Cole all the way back in 2003.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,367

    I don't know about most presidents, but Obama liked to get into the minutiae and nitty-gritty details of military operations. He micromanaged them. And when the generals brought the Yemen plan to Obama, he turned it down.

    Trump, however, approved the plan. Which then failed. You can say he couldn't have known that the plan was a bad idea, but Obama apparently knew.

    Making the wrong decision is harder to forgive when somebody else already made the right decision.

    It's fairly obvious the Generals came to Trump and said "here is something we were working on Obama wouldn't approve". Given what we know of who Donald Trump is, his thought process on this was likely "Really, that pussy wouldn't go through with it?? Well I will. Launch."

    In addition, as a result of this, he has made one change. He has shifted all responsibility for deciding when are where to conduct these raids over to Mattis and the Generals, so he can be insulated from any blame even further.

    Conservatives have been whining and preaching about personal responsibility for DECADES and they now have someone in the Oval Office who wouldn't take responsibility for ANY mistake if the fate of the world depended on it.

    Kennedy manned-up for the Bay of Pigs. Hillary sat through an 11 hour hearing on Benghazi. George Bush, misguided moron that he was, never let it be forgot that he was, in fact, "the Decider". He never backed down from Iraq. It was a murderous disaster, but he never failed to OWN it. Trump will own nothing that goes wrong for him. Nothing.
    Unfortunately I think you may be right about Trump in this regard. That doesn't mean that he is truly responsible for it however. Many things can and do go wrong in these operations. Ultimately he should take responsibility but it's largely symbolic.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited March 2017

    The destabilizing that was a direct result of the war George Bush started that Obama couldn't have prevented if he wanted to?? ISIS exists because the Bush Administration and Paul Bremer disbanded the Iraqi Army and turned them loose into a worn-torn hellhole with no means to support their families. I suggest anyone who hasn't to watch the documentary "No End in Sight", which is filled almost entirely with interviews with former Bush Administration officials who watched this disaster unfold in real-time.

    Air striking an on-going civil war doesn't make things better, and isn't a justification.
    Obama is just adding to death and destruction, Even worse since it was a policy of destruction without control or rebuilding.

    "I am going to bomb the country into the ground, just to warn everyone to stop fighting' is one of the most retarded policies I have ever heard.

    Furthermore, it is a general principle of even International Law that a sovereign state cannot attack another Sovereign State unless acting in self-defense.

    Of course this is broken time and again, and Obama is just as guilty.

    Proxy wars have always been stupid and have never worked out.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    A lot of wars have been fought over oil. Tillerson anybody?
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,367

    A lot of wars have been fought over oil. Tillerson anybody?

    That is precisely the reason we should be using our own resources (U.S. I mean). The more we supply our own energy the less other oil countries have influence on us. The easier it is to access our own oil/shale/natural gas the better in my opinion.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    They will run out and then what
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    IBM to hire and train Veterans after meeting with Trump and Merkel.
    IBM CEO Ginni Rometty is among the tech leaders meeting Friday with President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Axios has learned. They'll discuss worker training. And IBM will announce plans to:

    Open 20 more of its P-TECH schools, which let students get a combined high school degree and associate degree in science and technology in as little as four and a half years. There are already 62 of the schools in six U.S. states and Australia. The 20 new schools are all slated to be in the U.S.
    Hire 2,000 U.S. military veterans over the next four years and expand a program that trains and certifies veterans in the use of the type of IBM software often used by law enforcement, cybersecurity and national security agencies.

    This seem's rather more important and beneficial then hand-shake stuff.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    Wow one meeting with a president who speaks at a third grade level and they decide to hire veterans. Veterans, one of the primary beneficiaries of meals on wheels are facing tough times.


    They had already planned that stuff Trump loves to take credit for other peoples stuff
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Even Arafat and Rabin shook hands for the love of god. The lengths this Administration will go to to just flat-out insult staunch allies who have done nothing to us is absolutely stunning. Today, since he seems to no longer be able to stick to his original claim, he said the BRITISH spy agencies are the ones who spied on him at the behest of Obama.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    I mean, I posted the damn video of what I'm talking about. At the end of their meeting, she asked him if he'd like a handshake and he just sat there like she was invisible, like a 5 year-old ignoring his parents. What would you say to a kid who skipped the post-game handshake line after a basketball game?? What do you think your chances of landing a job would be if your prospective employer offered to shake your hand after an interview and you simply ignored them?? It's just unfathomably rude.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Fukushima to host 2020 Olympic baseball and softball

    Can't say this sounds like a good idea.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    vanatos said:

    Fukushima to host 2020 Olympic baseball and softball

    Can't say this sounds like a good idea.

    I absolutely love watching the Olympics (especially the Summer games). Every two years is just the right amount of time to where you can get really interested in watching these niche sports. There was alot of worry about the water in Rio as well, but nothing much ever came of it as far as I heard. Aside from the rampant corruption that exists in the IOC, the Rio games were absolutely beautiful to watch in HD. I'm hoping Japan pulls of something just as eye-catching. But yeah, I can't imagine they'd do anything to put the athletes in harm's way.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Japan is a really beautiful country, It's my personal preference when i go travelling to Asian countries.

    One really cool thing about Japan is they don't really accept tipping, I left a tip once and the waiter chased after me to return it when i left the Restaurant.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    vanatos said:



    They shake hands BEFORE the meeting, but why didn't he shake her hand AFTER the meeting when asked by the press.

    Is it because a fake news outlet asked for it?

    Is it because he was pouting about something that was said in private?

    Is it him changing the discussion away from a budget even republicans are balking at to a no news slight?

    Why wouldnt he shake her hand when asked?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    My only explanation is that the talk went badly. That would explain why he shook her hand at the beginning, but not the end.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    I won't lose any sleep over handshakes.

    Migrant mental health crumbles in Greece: rights groups
    Refugees and migrants stuck in Greek camps, including children as young as nine, are cutting themselves, attempting suicide and using drugs to cope with the "endless misery", international charities said on Thursday.

    Refugee camps are hell.

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    Why is Ivanka sitting in on all these meetings with foreign leaders?? She is not part of the Administration, she took no oaths like the rest of the White House staff. Can you IMAGINE what the press would be saying if Chelsea Clinton was sitting in on every meeting her mother had with foreign heads of State?? Did we elect the Romanovs?? Are the Trumps now some sort of Royal Family?? You have the sons running around the world opening hotels and golf courses, Kushner is at his left or right hand (depending on what hand Bannon is at). And Ivanka, who I DISTINCTLY remember we were told was going to be staying out of all of this, has been at every single meeting with foreign leaders. There is nothing even remotely like this that has taken place in American history. I will leave Melania and Baron out of this for obvious reasons, but the other 4 have inserted themselves into this far beyond the point where they are immune from scrutiny.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2017
    Trump's relationship with the truth is becoming a national embarrassment

    White House officials apologized to the United Kingdom for smearing a British intelligence agency by making false statements . Then later they denied apologizing. Amateur hour in the White House.

    Trump's created needless incidents with Australia (the phone call where he decided to berate the PM of Australia). Trump has repeatedly blased NATO, the UN and Merkel and Germany. Now Spicer is causing conflict with the UK and Trump is of course doubling down instead of apologizing.

    I guess things went well with Shinzo Abe’s visit publicly anyway other than pretending to understand Japanese because he was too dumb to put in his translation headset the meeting with Trump and the leader of Japan went ok. Of course later Trump discussed classified matters with Abe in Florida in public at his estate so that was dumb but anyway at least the press briefing wasn't a public disgrace like most every other thing he does.

    Also, Tillerson is allowing only state media, Fox News, to accompany him while he's out puffing his chest beating the war drums in Korea. A sign of things to come? Trump is usually afraid to face the media so yeah he's going to pick only friendly outlets like Brietbart and Fox News to follow him around.

    Can we put up with 4 years of this?
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Brazile admits she forwarded town hall
    Former interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile admitted Friday that she forwarded Democratic primary town hall questions to members of Hillary Clinton's campaign – something she had previously denied.

    I know many Bernie Supporters still fuming how the DNC treated Bernie.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    During the press conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Trump said the White House wouldn’t apologize for the unfounded allegation and instead said any blame rested with the Fox News commentator, Andrew Napolitano, who first raised it.

    “We said nothing,” Trump said in response to a question from a German reporter. “All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didn’t make an opinion on it.”

    “You shouldn’t be talking to me,” Trump added. “You should be talking to Fox.”

    Deflector in chief should not be taking advice from Fox News. He can actually call the CIA, FBI whatever and get real answers but instead he keeps falling for Fake News. Sad.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2017
    vanatos said:

    Brazile admits she forwarded town hall
    Former interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile admitted Friday that she forwarded Democratic primary town hall questions to members of Hillary Clinton's campaign – something she had previously denied.

    I know many Bernie Supporters still fuming how the DNC treated Bernie.

    I don't know that anyone ever actually thought she didn't. I WAS a Bernie supporter. I found this entire story beyond meaningless. It had absolutely zero effect on the race. The idea that Hillary would have been stumped about a question about the death penalty at a debate without Donna Brazile telling them is preposterous. Hillary has probably had her debate answer on the death penalty honed for two decades.

    Now then, Brazile was NOT the head of the DNC when this happened. She was a pundit on CNN panels. She was fired for doing this. And again, the idea that anyone thinks this pushed Hillary over the top is just, well frankly, it's nuts. The DNC wanted Hillary to win. They did not CAUSE Hillary to win. What caused Hillary to win was the fact that (and I've said this at least a half a dozen times) Bernie got in the race at least 9 months too late. He had no support in the Southern primaries (he lost 3 of them by nearly 80-20 margins). The Brazile email was dated March 12th. Let me state again, that the Democratic primary was OVER on March 15th on the night of the Ohio primary. Anyone telling you differently has no idea how delegates or math works. And unless you think that Hillary maybe, kind-of having a slightly better answer on a question on the death penalty question swung 150,000 votes her way in Ohio (which is insane), then this is nothing more than a DC gossip story. It was meaningless.

    Alot of people in the left-leaning online media wanted people to believe this had some effect, and the hardcore Bernie supporters still do, but it didn't. Bernie wins that primary if it takes it as seriously as he should have. And by that I mean running a real campaign that didn't simply start out as a protest run because the field was so barren of any decent opponents for Hillary. If Bernie Sanders had spent 9 months to a year building at least some base of support among African-American primary voters, this race would have gone down to the wire. As it was, it was all being done by the seat of his pants against a Clinton operation that had worked these relationships for decades. It was a hell of an accomplishment Bernie even got as far as he did since the entire thing was basically done on a whim.
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