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  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    This is all about the AHCA abomination. You can say what you want about Obamacare, but there was 14 months of hearings, town halls and debate about it. No one knows what McConnell and his team in the shadows are concocting. There hasn't been a single hearing, almost no one knows what is in the bill. Now they are barring reporters from trying to find out. There is NO comparison to the Obamacare debate, which took over a year. This is an autocracy.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    In the midst of all the uproar over coal jobs (which are both dangerous to the workers and horrible for the environment), I saw an interesting stat. Coal employs roughly 76,000 people in this country. Arby's, one fast food chain, employs 80,000. But then I went further, and decided to look up another industry that is actually in worse shape than coal, because it doesn't exist anymore. Video rentals. And it turns out, at their peak, Blockbuster employed 60,000 people, in 2004. Roughly analagous to coal, and likely even far more if you add in Hollywood Video etc etc. This industry is GONE, yet I hear no one talking about how we need to "save" the video rental industry from Redbox and Netflix. So what, exactly, is so special about this relatively small number of workers who are also in an antiquated and dying industry??

    The major difference is the coal miner jobs were good jobs that included fairly high wages, medical insurance, pensions and what not. The Blockbuster jobs were minimum wage jobs for teenagers (back when teens used to work those jobs instead of their grandparents).
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Balrog99 said:

    In the midst of all the uproar over coal jobs (which are both dangerous to the workers and horrible for the environment), I saw an interesting stat. Coal employs roughly 76,000 people in this country. Arby's, one fast food chain, employs 80,000. But then I went further, and decided to look up another industry that is actually in worse shape than coal, because it doesn't exist anymore. Video rentals. And it turns out, at their peak, Blockbuster employed 60,000 people, in 2004. Roughly analagous to coal, and likely even far more if you add in Hollywood Video etc etc. This industry is GONE, yet I hear no one talking about how we need to "save" the video rental industry from Redbox and Netflix. So what, exactly, is so special about this relatively small number of workers who are also in an antiquated and dying industry??

    The major difference is the coal miner jobs were good jobs that included fairly high wages, medical insurance, pensions and what not. The Blockbuster jobs were minimum wage jobs for teenagers (back when teens used to work those jobs instead of their grandparents).
    The main point was that you can't save a antiquated and dying industry. There is as little future in coal as there is in VHS tapes. And they certainly needed that health insurance and pension given that there is a great chance you'd be dead by 50 due to black lung or a cave-in (which the owner of the mine would inevitably say wasn't his fault).
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    @jjstraka34 At this point I would flood the Senate building with as many camera-wielding reporters as I can fit and have them all film everything.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited June 2017
    So Sessions is saying he can't remember if he met with the Russian ambassador on numerous occasions, but that if he did, nothing improper happend. How the hell can you claim that is the case if you don't remember whether the meetings ever occured??

    Sessions is the 3rd or 4th Administration official in the last 10 days to refuse to answer questions (without invoking Executive Privilege) based on a non-existent reason. They are all committing contempt of Congress.

    @jjstraka34 At this point I would flood the Senate building with as many camera-wielding reporters as I can fit and have them all film everything.

    They reversed course this afternoon, due to intense social media coverage.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited June 2017
    Yep Sessions is up there physically but refusing to tell the truth.

    Why start now when he got away with perjury last time he was in front of Congress?

    His excuse for not telling the truth was that Trump might later invoke executive privilege. Sessions says he hasn't yet but he might later. Trump might retroactively invoke executive privilege (that likely will not stand up in court in this case). Seems legit as an excuse. Future proof even!

    Officer: Have you been drinking?
    Suspect: I am totally not pleading the 5th, but I might later, so I am not answering that.
    Officer: Ok gee, I guess you can go.

    Post edited by smeagolheart on
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    edited June 2017
    As I have said before, it is only a matter of time before Trump starts handing out preemptive pardons. Even though accepting a pardon is tantamount to an admission of guilt (I forget which Supreme Court case determined this but that is what the Interwebz is for) you still can't be charged with whatever the pardon is forgiving. Truthfully, I am surprised he hasn't done it already--I am uncertain why he is waiting. *shrug*

    Some Democrats really want to introduce measures to impeach Trump in the House but most other Democrats are telling them "do not do that" in no uncertain terms. I wouldn't recommend that, either, because a) your measure is doomed to fail, presuming you can even get it to a vote, b) you will put a target on your back, and c) you will encourage your opposition in the current majority party to close ranks and rally. Not a wise decision.

    edit to update: some guy just opened fire on a group of Congressmen while they were warming up for baseball practice. Steve Scalise (R, LA) was hit for certain as were two members of Capitol Hill police but apparently no one died, including the shooter, whom police have in custody at this time. No other details available as of yet.

    edit for second update: the shooter is dead. Police have identified him as James Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois. No clear indication yet as to motive other than mostly wild speculation. The conspiracy theories should be fairly well set within 6 hours from now.

    third update: It appears that the local newspaper for that town, The Belleville News-Democrat, knows who Mr. Hodgkinson was and just republished a collection of his letters to the editor (all from 2012). I have no indication of any bias which might be present in that local paper other than to note that local papers are typically less biased than national sources, usually because their focus is, logically, closer to home.
    Post edited by Mathsorcerer on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited June 2017
    This is bad. This guy had mental problems, maybe he should have had treatment? No? What would have been the answer here? More guns right? Willing to talk about Gun restrictions now? No? Of course not, that would affect some rich guys profits.

    Anyway, this might have happened anyway at any time due to the availability of guns. But this hostile environment Mr. Trump has created, he's pitted us against them, his policies to ignore or even attack democrats is suddenly deadly serious. It seems a "second amendment person did something" as Trump was saying. The comment by Eric Trump that Democrats are not even people must have went over well with this guy. Can't you guys see that this loose talk by Trump makes problems worse?

    Right wing media will absolutely make this worse: Fox News (the tamest of their echo chamber) headline says
    Shooter was a BERNIE supporter! Omg all Bernie Sanders, all liberals BAD!

    Sample comments:

    freedomfirst101 7 minutes ago
    A lunatic-Sanders supporter...

    Not a surprise.

    Democratic Socialists are the scourge of the nation.

    PicklesSweet 7 minutes ago
    Sick and demented liberal swine in full beastmode.

    TattooRose 5 minutes ago
    Can we put Democrats into internment camps....

    PRESTRUMPNOW 7 minutes ago
    Any "liberal" I come across.. who is in need of help.. will get nothing from me.

    Wookin_Po_Nub 7 minutes ago get back to Russian Collusion Investigation you pathetic Democraps!

    wolfen4h 7 minutes ago
    All the rhetoric by demorats and there Hollywood friends pushed this to happen,lets see if they continue to do it,demorats are responsible for this violence!!! The shooter was a bernie Sanders supporter

    How about creating a healthcare bill with 0 input from the other party? That's another marginalization. The majority of Americans are disenfranchised and ignored. So you get people pushed into a corner who feel like they have no choice. Couple that with the easy availability of guns and it's really a powder keg already.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited June 2017
    He apparently committed this attack with an assault rifle. There is one party that has been going to the mattresses to make it as easy as possible for lunatics like this guy to get their hands on one. They didn't give two shits when 20 6-year olds were mowed down in a school, but NOW it's a tragedy. As far as I'm concerned, they, quite literally, VOTED to allow this guy to shoot them today. There used to be an assault weapons ban in this country. One party got rid of it. Today, someone with an assault rifle attacked them. This is the country they have, time after time, said they want. Well, here it is. They don't give a shit when the rest of us are getting shot at, only now, when it hits home.

    And, it goes without saying, the suspect is being called a "shooter", not a terrorist, and no one has made the demand that white people denounce his actions. Go figure.

    Case in point, merely hours later, another workplace shooting, in San Francisco. We will NEVER do anything about our gun violence issue. I don't even know why we discuss it anymore. We jumped the shark when the country shrugged it's shoulders when a bunch of first-graders were slaughtered. We deserve what we get in this regard. In the meantime, on Sunday Night, NBC is running an interview in prime-time with a guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax. This country is a goddamn insane asylum where every batshit weirdo has access to high powered weapons that have one purpose: to kill people. Why in the hell anyone would continue to be shocked by this is beyond me.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited June 2017

    And, it goes without saying, the suspect is being called a "shooter", not a terrorist, and no one has made the demand that white people denounce his actions. Go figure.

    Democrats are being asked to denounce this guy, after all he WAS A BERNIE SANDERS SUPPORTER!! zomg, "all Bernie Sanders supporters are evil and should be shot!" is what is being posted on right wing sites right now.

    Here's what Bernie said denouncing him:

    I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values.

    My hopes and prayers are that Representative Scalise, congressional staff and the Capitol Police Officers who were wounded make a quick and full recovery. I also want to thank the Capitol Police for their heroic actions to prevent further harm.
    - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    I'm not surprised one bit that so shortly into Trump's election there has been an attempt to murder Republican legislators. When you constantly imply the elected President is a traitor to the U.S with supporters who are mostly neo nazis and white supremacists who deserve to be punched and who hacked the election and stole democracy despite winning every special election against democrats since Trump won (must be a lot of hacking), when you have mainstream media constantly celebrating artistic depictions of a murdered Trump, that is the message you are sending.

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    I'm not surprised one bit that so shortly into Trump's election there has been an attempt to murder Republican legislators. When you constantly imply the elected President is a traitor to the U.S with supporters who are mostly neo nazis and white supremacists who deserve to be punched and who hacked the election and stole democracy despite winning every special election against democrats since Trump won (must be a lot of hacking), when you have mainstream media constantly celebrating artistic depictions of a murdered Trump, that is the message you are sending.

    I believe Trump is most of those things. Now watch me not apologize for that, nor take responsibility for some nutcase domestic abuser from Illinois.

    This is a hell of a take from someone who believes anyone should be able to say anything on a college campus, but apparently in general society, the left needs to shut up lest we contribute to the attmepted murder of Congressmen. Screw that.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    I'm not surprised one bit that so shortly into Trump's election there has been an attempt to murder Republican legislators. When you constantly imply the elected President is a traitor to the U.S with supporters who are mostly neo nazis and white supremacists who deserve to be punched and who hacked the election and stole democracy despite winning every special election against democrats since Trump won (must be a lot of hacking), when you have mainstream media constantly celebrating artistic depictions of a murdered Trump, that is the message you are sending.

    Ooo, I want to play this game too. When you tell everyone that "second amendment people" should act if their party doesn't win... When you reward someone with a trip to the White House for saying the opposing president should "suck on his machine gun"... When you say that your political opposition "aren't really people"... When punching black people and little old ladies is a normal part of your political rallies... then this is the message you're sending.

    Wow that was fun.

    Of course, the more relevant one is: When you do everything in your power to make sure the mentally ill have access to assault rifles...
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited June 2017
    Trumps' been sending these messages from the jump.

    2nd ammendment people need to take care of a democratic politician. Eric Trump says Democrats not even people. Ted Nugent, honored white house guest, said Obama and Hillary should be lynched and shot. Trump saying he'll pay legal bills if his fans rough up some reporters.

    You can't have it both ways - be okay with those things and omg the left's so violent about this.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    Trumps' been sending these messages from the jump.

    2nd ammendment people need to take care of a democratic politician. Eric Trump says Democrats not even people. Ted Nugent, honored white house guest, said Obama and Hillary should be lynched and shot. Trump saying he'll pay legal bills if his fans rough up some reporters.

    You can't have it both ways - be okay with those things and omg the left's so violent about this.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    you have mainstream media constantly celebrating artistic depictions of a murdered Trump

    ...No. The exact opposite happened.

    The mainstream media didn't celebrate it. They fired her for it.

    When you constantly imply the elected President is a traitor to the U.S with supporters who are mostly neo nazis and white supremacists who deserve to be punched

    That's not what we believe. You can't generalize Democrats based on a minority viewpoint.

    despite winning every special election against democrats since Trump won (must be a lot of hacking)

    The Democratic party says the same thing as the intelligence community: the only interference occurred during the 2016 presidential campaign; not during any others. All the Democrats I've heard discuss the issue have never claimed hacking played a role in any other American elections. The only injustice they've alleged regarding other elections is gerrymandering, not hacking. Again, you're saying that the Democrats believe something they actually don't.

    I'm glad the Republican legislators in question survived the attack. I'm glad the would-be murderer is dead.

    Don't act like we wanted this to happen.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    edited June 2017
    The go-to site for information about death in the United States: the Center for Disease Control's National Vital Statistics System - Mortality Data. Click the link for "Death: Final Data for 2014" to open the .pdf file, then browse to Table 10 for "Number of deaths from 113 selected causes....", specifically jumping to page 44 so that you can find the "assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms" line item. Let's see...there were 11,008 deaths in 2014 as a result of "homicide by discharge of firearms" as opposed to nearly double that number--21,386--for "intentional self-harm (suicide) by discharge of firearms" and nearly triple that number--31,959--from "falls". Yes, that is correct--gravity killed nearly three times as many people as guns did in 2014. That isn't to say that people dying from being shot by others (or from shooting themselves) isn't a problem--it clearly is--but it also shows that "gun violence" isn't this massive, apocalyptic event that many portray it to be. I mean, more humans died from "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" than from "homicide by discharge of firearms" and this report doesn't even clarity what those conditions are aside from giving the ICD-10 code range of P00 - P96.

    disclaimer: I have had a gun pointed at me before. I have also been attacked by a person wielding a knife.

    If you don't like those numbers, complain to the CDC--they are the ones who collected the data, not me.

    That being said, since this guy's shoot-em-up was politically motivated we should quantify it as "terrorism"...but do Democrats/Progressives really want anyone politically aligned with them portrayed as a terrorist for the nightly news? I suspect not.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963

    The go-to site for information about death in the United States: the Center for Disease Control's National Vital Statistics System - Mortality Data. Click the link for "Death: Final Data for 2014" to open the .pdf file, then browse to Table 10 for "Number of deaths from 113 selected causes....", specifically jumping to page 44 so that you can find the "assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms" line item. Let's see...there were 11,008 deaths in 2014 as a result of "homicide by discharge of firearms" as opposed to nearly double that number--21,386--for "intentional self-harm (suicide) by discharge of firearms" and nearly triple that number--31,959--from "falls". Yes, that is correct--gravity killed nearly three times as many people as guns did in 2014. That isn't to say that people dying from being shot by others (or from shooting themselves) isn't a problem--it clearly is--but it also shows that "gun violence" isn't this massive, apocalyptic event that many portray it to be. I mean, more humans died from "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" than from "homicide by discharge of firearms" and this report doesn't even clarity what those conditions are aside from giving the ICD-10 code range of P00 - P96.

    disclaimer: I have had a gun pointed at me before. I have also been attacked by a person wielding a knife.

    If you don't like those numbers, complain to the CDC--they are the ones who collected the data, not me.

    That being said, since this guy's shoot-em-up was politically motivated we should quantify it as "terrorism"...but do Democrats/Progressives really want anyone politically aligned with them portrayed as a terrorist for the nightly news? I suspect not.

    Those gun homicide numbers are inaccurate. The NRA and gun lobby has a tainted those figures.

    "For 2014, when the CDC missed one-third of the 113 deaths documented by the media outlets."
    "The government isn’t doing more research into how to prevent them (gun violence against kids), in part because of a 1996 law that declared the CDC cannot use research funding to advocate or promote gun control."

    I also believe that categories are not accurate in that shootings by police officers and things of that nature are not included, though I could be wrong.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    I do not believe that the NRA keeps the CDC from correctly reporting gun-related deaths. Those media outlets have a vested interest in keeping people scared about guns. Does the automobile industry influence the CDC to under-report motor vehicle deaths? Does the AMA influence the CDC to under-report deaths as a result of medical mistakes/malpractice? As noted in that article, though, there was a law passed in 1996 which prevents the CDC from advocating gun control. That law is correct--it is not the function of the CDC to advocate gun control; rather, the CDC exists only to research disease, mitigate/prevent outbreaks, and to report on vital statistics.

    That being said, there are plenty of people who currently own guns who ought not own guns just like there are plenty of people driving who ought not be allowed to drive. Irresponsible people are irresponsible.

    For police-related deaths, see Killed By Police, which lists the person who died, basic vital statistics, and links the news story when available. Data goes back only to 2013, though--the site didn't exist before that.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Well yeah police shootings are not homicide
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655

    you have mainstream media constantly celebrating artistic depictions of a murdered Trump

    ...No. The exact opposite happened.

    The mainstream media didn't celebrate it. They fired her for it.

    When you constantly imply the elected President is a traitor to the U.S with supporters who are mostly neo nazis and white supremacists who deserve to be punched

    That's not what we believe. You can't generalize Democrats based on a minority viewpoint.

    despite winning every special election against democrats since Trump won (must be a lot of hacking)

    All the Democrats I've heard discuss the issue have never claimed hacking played a role in any other American elections. The only injustice they've alleged regarding other elections is gerrymandering, not hacking. Again, you're saying that the Democrats believe something they actually don't.
    The baseless and inflammatory conspiracy mongering went so far as to have democrats claiming the Russians even hacked the power grid.

    And Russiaphobia/Trump committing treason isn't a minority view among democrats, and how would it be, given their rhetoric. Nearly two thirds of Clinton voters believe this.

    I simply do not believe it's logical to assume these things are unconnected.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037

    Well yeah police shootings are not homicide

    That depends upon whom you ask or the circumstances of the individual case. Many of them are actually "suicide by cop" but some of them are definitely murder.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,440
    @Mathsorcerer the figures on gun deaths are more horrifying to me than they appear to be to you. That falls are a significant cause of death for the elderly is understandable to me and I'm not surprised that we have not yet managed to eliminate stillbirths (deaths in the perinatal period). What I really don't get though is what the benefits are to offset the 33,594 total deaths from firearms ...
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963

    Well yeah police shootings are not homicide

    gun related deaths.

    If the citizens weren't packing heat maybe we wouldn't need cops carrying around an arsenal while stressed the hell out with itchy triggers fingers. Maybe most cops could carry nightsticks or something.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    I think we've seen well enough in Europe that taking away guns doesn't stop violence when the conditons for violence are still present. You can't carry a gun, fine, get your hands on a car and run people down. Sometimes that's arguably worse. We can't blame guns for everything when there is a lot more that goes into what motivates people to commit violence in the first place.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963

    I think we've seen well enough in Europe that taking away guns doesn't stop violence when the conditons for violence are still present. You can't carry a gun, fine, get your hands on a car and run people down. Sometimes that's arguably worse. We can't blame guns for everything when there is a lot more that goes into what motivates people to commit violence in the first place.

    "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. " -Stalin

    Would you agree? I'd say 4 people or a dozen even mowed down in one incident with a car is not worse than the low number being reported of 35K annually killed with guns.

    I'd agree we need more "what motivates people to commit violence in the first place" research and treatment. Perhaps it may lead to data that that you don't want to hear though. That a large portion of society should not be near guns. Maybe we shouldn't be pushing a healthcare bill that cuts funding for the mentally ill and other bills that make it easier for the mentally ill to buy guns.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Well yeah police shootings are not homicide

    gun related deaths.

    If the citizens weren't packing heat maybe we wouldn't need cops carrying around an arsenal while stressed the hell out with itchy triggers fingers. Maybe most cops could carry nightsticks or something.
    Ya no.

    However having other less lethal means to subdue people maybe an option, however, thay may actually increase police violence because the officer wouldn't second guess using something that will quickly subdue a suspect without killing them (such as a stun gun/rubber bullets).
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited June 2017
    If we are going to continue this endless loop everytime a shooting happens, we'll need a whiteboard to keep track. If the left is forced to own the Dallas shooter and this guy, is the right willing to take responsibility for Dylan Roof, the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter, Portland, and Tim Mcveigh?? Somehow I doubt it......

    It's time everyone wake up to the facts: that we live in America and we've decided, as a country, that having a metric shit-ton of guns available to nearly ANYONE who wants one almost instantaneously is just peachy. And until we decide we want to do something about that, I have very little patience for indignation about any mass shooting. OF COURSE it is going to keep happening. And again, as I've said a half a dozen times, 20 dead six year-old children in their classroom didn't change anything. That means nothing ever will. If you want a society awash in guns, this is what you get. Deal with it.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    Grond0 said:

    @Mathsorcerer the figures on gun deaths are more horrifying to me than they appear to be to you.

    Not a problem--not everyone has to be on the same page all the time.

    As @smeagolheart notes, there are many people who own guns right now who ought not own them. Just like a printing press made copying books more efficient, a gun is merely a piece of technology which makes killing things more efficient. The root cause as to why people resort to violence so quickly needs to be addressed--solve that and guns cease to be a problem.

    No, guns don't upset or bother me. People politicizing events in an effort to advance their agenda of limiting other people's freedoms bothers me.
This discussion has been closed.