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If BG came out today...



  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    ...damn, too late to the fray. Most of the things I would have suggested were already said. But I'll try to add some more and you can guess the game

    66. After you finish the game, you unlock the Nightmare difficulty, where the drops are better, but everyone's got 50% more HP and ATK.
    67. You can do Paragon levels on the Nightmare difficulty.
    68. After finishing the game, the bosses would be farm-able for epic random drops.
    69. During your single-player game, your Steam friend can just drop in with his over-leveled lvl 20 Berserker and kill everything in sight. While you are level 1. In Candlekeep.
    70. There would be an achievement to kill Drizzt
    71. There would be an achievement to kill Gorion
    72. Out of 100 mods, 92 will be nude/lingerie-mods
    73. The remaining 8 ones would be bringing Final Fantasy or Anime NPCs into Faerun.
    74. First DLC- alchemy/blacksmithing skills available
    75. EVERYONE will be romanceable. Even Alora. Plus, with the right DLC, Wilson as well.

    games: 66+68 - Diablo3, 68+69-Borderlands, 70+71-all games, 72-74-Skyrim, 75-Mass Effect?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    66. There would be at least three mods adding naked 3d female bodies. No male mod would be found.
    67. There would be at least 3 high res texture packs released by modders even if the game already looked gorgeous without them.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    edited July 2014
    68. You will be able to stealth through the entire game as a fighter, in full plate, and 6 dex by taking alternate routes through bad guys.

    69. You will always one hit kill everything you sneak up on.

    70. Players would complain that certain spells make the game too easy and doesn't give enough balance for the other classes IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME. Those spells will be nerfed at the next patch.

    71. There will be atleast 20 different minigames that your character can play. Ranging from knife throwing, cart racing, poker, blackjack, magical slot machines, and sky diving.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    deltago said:

    70. Players would complain that certain spells make the game too easy and doesn't give enough balance for the other classes IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME. Those spells will be nerfed at the next patch.


    Well people already complain about that in the current release of the game... And let's not forget about the complaints that item x is overpowered...
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited July 2014
    BG is is already out. What do you mean by "if it came out today..."? Do you mean the patch? I don't get it...
  • terzaerianterzaerian Member Posts: 232
    i.e. if it is was a contemporary game as opposed to a rerelease of a classic. Not rocket science
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    74. Kivan and Cernd will have a intimate relationship with each other if Abdel/Abdella do not choose them as their LI. However, this will be irrelevant due to number 65.
    75. Imoen now dies at Spellhold as per her original purpose.
    76. Nalia will now be an 8th level thief dualed into a 9th level mage to replace Imoen.
    77. Edwin no longer shows up in Baldur's Gate II and has been replaced by a monkey mage. Quite literally a monkey as a mage.
    78. Cernd is now a totemic druid instead of a shapeshifter.
  • terzaerianterzaerian Member Posts: 232
    79. Demogorgon's role as a villain is greatly expanded; however he has also been made softer and more cartoonish to appeal to the minor and tween audience. Watcher's Keep is done over as a sort of combination zoo/funhouse.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    Dazzu said:

    72. Cernd is no longer a deadbeat old dad. Well, he's still a bad parent, but he's no longer old. He's young, handsome, and most likely shirtless. He becomes one of the most common victims of slashfics and the most common fanon reason that mouthbreathing fangirls do as such is because "he was gay all along!"

    Bloody hell, that just hits too close to reality!
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    Well, Pillars of Eternity is coming out this year and it's done exactly in the style of the Baldur's Gate games.
    Though it's made as a true spiritual successor to the games.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Maybe you don't care, but

    80. I would never play with BG, because i don't care with video games these days. I would play with Heroes of Might and Magic and StarCraft in my free time.
  • Minsc_and_BooMinsc_and_Boo Member Posts: 2
    Seems to be a lot of hate between the female slashfic writers and the "Lez mod only!" bros around here. . .

    To be fair, I think if it were released today, especially by BioWare, all love interests would be "bisexual", at least in the case of the main character. Except Viconia, who would probably be rewritten canonically as an aggressive bisexual that attempts to seduce every member of the party.

    81. (Dullest, but probably the most obvious.) It would be Dragon Age set in Faerun.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    82. In an interview, Bioware would say that it was inspired by A Song of Fire and Ice aka Game of Thrones, for people that have never read the books.
    83. There would be whining about how a patch hasn't came out seven months after the last patch.
    84. Due to the whining the patch would be canceled in favor of creating a whole new sequel!
    85. The sequel will force you to play as a protagonist that can close demon portals, and the only way to close them is through magic in your hand.
    86. In order to combat the demon portals, PC will need allies.
    87. The first two people announced are: Kivan, he's going to be an advisor, and Jaheira, because she needs to be your meddling Harper.
    88. In the sequel, Jaheira will hit on your new PC, even if she was the Bhaalspawn's LI.
    89. Imoen's Spirit will be the bad guy of this Sequel.
    90. Imoen's alignment will be changed to Chaotic Evil for the sequel.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    91. Upon the release of patch 1.3, all hell would break loose, e.g. "Patch broke my game, Bards are OP, Devs pls nerf!!1one!"
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    92. In this new sequel it is promised that you can have multiple strongholds in each region of the game!
    93. In this new sequel there are only two regions you can travel between, the Baldur's Gate Region, and the Amnish Region.
    94. You only get one stronghold in the Baldur's Gate region, and that is Beregost.
    95. New character is announced! Meet Drizzt Do'Urden! He will help you fight against Imoen's Spirit! He is only romancible by a female human, but will sleep with elven females just for funsies.
    96. New character announced! @elminster‌ ! He's your magic advisor, and tells you where to find the demon portals!
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited July 2014
    @Loremaster - Most of the things I've written come from other games...for instance, most of my last post is basically making fun of Dragon Age: Inquisition. lol

    98. There are now 200+ spells, and feats. Some of which you can create yourself!
    99. There is now a create item function where you can use blacksmithing, alchemy, inscription, and many more!
    100. Great Weapon Fighters/Guardian Fighters start out strong at the start of the game, but towards the end game, they are really lack luster.
    101. Control Wizards start out weak, but towards the end game, they become really OP.
    102. The most OP Hybrid combination will be Devout Cleric/Hunter Ranger.

    Note: I don't know much about 4e, except from what I've played with the Neverwinter MMO.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Deefje said:

    103. Firkraag would only have a 0.01% chance of generating Carsomyr as loot.

    Reminds me of Planescape: Torment, and certain area with Glabrezus whom could drop a nice Mace.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    I think I'd never have played it - I'm too old to start playing anything other than point and click mystery type games from scratch, and I've never played anything other than BG + NWN.

    104. Just as you'd got used to playing the current version, and bought all the neat little accessories they'd suddenly bring out BG EE 1.5 - and all your purchases would be rendered useless.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    105. There would be an expansion/DLC every ten minutes that you would just HAVE to have to get that new sword. Which is in fact just a re-skin you could make your self in MS Paint. * I'm looking at YOU E.A. *

    106. You start with two NPC slots, additional companions cost money.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    107. The only free companion is Tiax, you have to buy the rest along with the slots from 106.
    108. Tiax only joins up with Chaotic Evil characters, so if you play a good aligned character you have to buy Imoen, or any other good aligned character you want.
    109. Clara is made into a full-fledged NPC! However, when you get to the Slayer Transformation part of the game she gets chunked instantly.
    110. There will be no bringing back Clara via cheat console, or mod.
    111. There won't be a tool set for the game.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    112. Clara will never return, as the game is not mod friendly.
    113. Mods interfere with expansion content, no tool sets. Not now, not ever.
  • waehuunwaehuun Member Posts: 26
    114. It would be possible to swap sword/shield and bow.
    115. There would be a difference between armor and evasion
    116. Party members would automatically follow the controlled character without getting stuck
    117. You could swap party members, still have the same XP distribution in your party and not break romances or quests
    118. The inventory would always be sorted
    119. The party would only draw their weapons in a fight
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