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[MOD] -Scales of Balance- a post-hac tweak mod



  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    Could you toss Coran BGII, Branwen BGII , and Tiax BGII in as well (made by Kulyok, same modder who created the Xan BGII mod)? You could give Coran and Branwen the same kits they have in BGI as well which would be cool. Thank you kindly.
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  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224

    All three are available for download on the right hand side of that page. Also out of curiosity, for mod NPCs like Isra who have an established backstory with a certain group (Sisters and Brothers of the Ruby Rose), will you try to acknowledge that within the kit? For instance, give Isra the basic "Paladin of Tyr" class but give her a uniquely named one (Paladin of the Ruby Rose or something like that)?
  • FYI, if you're having trouble locating creature files, Near Infinity has a pretty good search function for that that goes off the NPC's name (as opposed to the filename). It's how I located Hexxat's CRE files.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    Out of curiosity, what did you end up deciding to do with Aerie?

    Also definitely excited to see this coming ever closer to completion, things like this help spice up replays of BGI and BGII!
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    edited September 2014
    From Demihuman Deities

    Baervan Wildwanderer

    Specialty Priests Fastpaws

    REQUIREMENTS: Constitution 10, Wisdom 9
    PRIME REQ.: Constitution, Wisdom
    WEAPONS: Club, crossbow, dagger, hand/throwing axe, knife, sling, spear, short bow
    ARMOR: Padded, leather, or hide or any other nonmetallic armor; no shield
    MAJOR SPHERES: All, animal, charm, elemental (earth, water), healing, plant, sun, travelers, weather
    MINOR SPHERES: Combat, divination, necromantic
    MAGICAL ITEMS: As clerics
    REQ. PROFS: Spear, animal lore, set snares
    BONUS PROFS: Herbalism, survival (forest)

    Fastpaws must be gnomes. Most fastpaws are forest gnomes, but gnomes of every subrace except spriggans can be fastpaws.
    Fastpaws are not allowed to multiclass.
    Fastpaws may select nonweapon proficiencies from the rogue group without penalty.
    Fastpaws understand and use thieves' cant.
    Fastpaws have limited thieving skills as defined in the Limited Thieving Skills section of "Appendix 1: Demihuman Priests."
    Fastpaws cannot become entangled.
    Fastpaws can cast find familiar (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once per year. If the spellcasting is successful, the type of familiar acquired is always a raccoon (80%) or giant raccoon (20%), with all the attendant benefits and restrictions normally associated with the spell. Such creatures receive an extra +1 hp per Hit Die.
    Fastpaws can cast 'locate animals or plants' or pass without trace (as the 1st-level priest spells) once per day. (Forest gnomes can pass without trace at will in woodland settings.)
    At 3rd level, fastpaws can cast barkskin, but with a -2 bonus to Armor Class and a +2 bonus to saving throws, or warp wood (as the 2nd-level priest spells) once per day.
    At 5th level, fastpaws can cast messenger (as the 2nd-level priest spell) or tree (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
    At 7th level, fastpaws can cast call woodland beings or plant door (as the 4th-level priest spells) once per day.
    At 10th level, fastpaws can cast speak with plants (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
    At 10th level, fastpaws can cast commune with nature or pass plant (as the 5th-level priest spells) once per day.
    At 13th level, fastpaws can cast animal summoning III or speak with monsters (as the 6th-level priest spells) once per day.
    At 15th level, fastpaws can cast changestaff (as the 7th-level priest spell) or transport via plants (as the 6th-level priest spell) once per day.

    This is what I used for my NPC kits mod. Some modification is required obviously.

    I believe I gave her a Set Traps score and the necessary innate as well as some bonus Illusionist spells converted over to priest spells.
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    Looking over that explanation, I feel like she could have a Cleric kit that also has access to Druid spells as well, or gain certain innate abilities as mentioned above. Here is the page the above excerpt is from if you wanted to read anymore about it:

    I would say you could make her a Fastpaws of Baervan with something like this:
    - Must be NG or CG (obviously this would be skirted by Aerie, as NPCs have done with similar requirements before)
    - Cannot use shields
    - Cannot wear metal armors
    - Immune to entanglement and web
    - As Aquadrizzt mentioned, the ability to set snares
    - At level one, may use "Hide without trace" once per day (innate sanctuary)
    - At level three, may use Barkskin once per day.
    - At level five, may summon a wolf(either Dire or Dread, which ever is more reasonable) once a day. (Messenger and Tree don't translate well to BG)
    - At level 7, may Call Woodland Beings once per day.
    - At level 10, may cast Insect Plague once per day. (Spells like speak with plants again don't work well.)
    - At level 13, may cast Conjure Animals once per day.
    - At level 15, may cast Summon Earth Elemental once per day.

    So basically it would give her access to some innates that are normally Druid only, which is pretty cool. I am not sure if this could end up being OP though, since there is no downside really with regards to Aerie. I feel that as a kit, the restrictions to no shields as well as the weaker armors can somewhat balance the gaining of Druid innates, but with Aerie already being a mage she is not going to be affected by the lack of shields and armor wearing, while gaining some useful abilities. Either way I hope this helps out.
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    I just tried installing .8 onto my BGEEII install and, for the proficiency part, got this error: "ERROR locating resource for 'COPY' Resource [OHHFAK25.cre] not found in KEY file: [./chitin.key]

    I am playing this on a PC with Windows 8.

    The kits also have issues where it is not letting all of them being installed. I am using the EE version and I have it skipping parts it denotes as an EE-component along with skipping the non-EE components as it should be. Is this because I couldn't get the proficiency changes installed?


    [4c Add the Corsair (EE)]
    skipping EE component

    [4c Add the Corsair]
    skipping non-EE component

    It installs neither.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    So, just to clarify, until BGEEII is patched to 1.3, the proficiency overhaul is unavailable for use with it? You made it clear that not all of the kits are but not as clear with the proficiency error (sorry not trying to be a pain)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    I was just about to post in here after I realized that adding the // before OHHFAK25 would fix it, since that makes the line ignored... anyway I understand it all now. I am waiting to start a play through until 1.3 hits anyway, so not all the kits working is no big deal (I was mainly wanting to see the proficiency changes and such in game). Thanks for working on this mod!

    EDIT: Just as a heads up, everything installed as it should, but weird things happened. A ranger kit that had a sentence as it's name, and when chosen showing up on the character screen as "Shocking Grasp" (Made one, this is the Mage Hunter) or a Thief kit titled "Invalid" and some numbers after it. Imoen was a dual classed Thief to Illusionist, but her thief level was 0. Maybe it is the lack of 1.3 for BGIIEE? I do not believe it is anything I did, using a fresh install of BGIIEE and the .81 version, no other mods.
    Post edited by Dawglicious on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    I'm betting that when they made the patches, so while the originally left the values alone they changed up a lot of things since they wanted to make fixes and such. So yea hopefully it will work with 1.3
    Post edited by Dawglicious on
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    Is there anything I can check to verify things/fix things for you? If everything is there and I just have to rearrange some things I feel like I could manage. If nothing else maybe I can verify for you what exactly is going wrong.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • WithgilWithgil Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    Installed it on my BG1 EE installation an hour ago, profiency text is ok. So far I didnt find a bug but the weapon styles are not changed. Will create multiple chars and test the new kits this weekend. (test if description works, inniate skills work etc.)
    Love the new kits, one cant have enough role play options :)

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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • WithgilWithgil Member Posts: 39
    Did test some of the kits. Noticed two bugs:
    Elven Archers don't get profiencies. Only 2 Points in 2 weapon fighting
    The moon knight gets +3 charisma, which doesnt work. Should not get the bonus in the first place I think.
    I'll test the rest of the kits tomorrow.
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  • WithgilWithgil Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    Yup doesnt get applied with the Selune kit but works fine with the Sune kit. With the Sune kit I get my charisma score from character creation + the 3 charisma from the kit.

    EDIT: Ajantis gets the cavalier kit (should be the paragon kit?) but when he greets you he says he is a servant of helm. I think a kit change would be appropriate.
    Post edited by Withgil on
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    What do I need to do to locate the KITLIST.2da file? I have near infinity but I am not sure where to be looking. Also the proficiency part seems to be working a-ok.

    EDIT: nm
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014
    EDIT: nm ignore this, incorrectly read something.

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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2014

    Wait. On the 3rd page of this thread Kjeron told me that EE and 2EE have different string references - that's why I started using OGBG2 values for BG2:EE.

    Ah whatever, I can compare directly, I'll figure it out and fix it once and for all.

    Sorry I was looking at it incorrectly. As far as I can tell, what Kjeron posted for you before is the correct KITLIST.2DA for BG2EE. The values are different between BGEE and BG2EE, with the BG2EE values matching OG BG2.
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