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General questions. IWD for newbies and semiprofs



  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    @moflahfe Since you're in the beginnning of the game it does sound more like a bug (no pun intended)...

    Your best bet would probably be in the dedicated bug topics around here.
  • IamdorfIamdorf Member Posts: 60
    moflahfe said:

    Beetle bugs, basically anything that I have fought so far. Thankfully for quick saves where I can go back and start over. I'm right at the beginning of the game. I went down into the cellar and got stuck. Then I started over and went a different way and was tricked by a man in a bar to go to a castle and was attacked. Each battle, as soon as I took hits I went yellow and couldn't move.

    I'm confused by the problem. You fight bugs in town in the main game. The man who tricks you to going to the castle is in the expansion HoW (more specifically the trials of the Luremaster). Perhaps your characters are getting stunned by the blows. Check the difficulty settings. Also you shouldn't do HoW until you have a higher level group.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    If you're fighting Harpys you'll probably end up losing control over your party. It happens due to one of the creature's special abilities.

    Protect your party with Remove Fear and you should be fine.
  • moflahfemoflahfe Member Posts: 3
    Thank you for all of your suggestions. I will try them.
  • SacerdorSacerdor Member Posts: 16
    I'm new To IWD, but have played bg. Although i have some questions.

    1.) Do i dual-class a Berserker into a Cleric at level 7 or 9 ? I've read different things.

    2.) What would be a good addition to: Skald + Archer + Bers/Cleric Dual + Sorc + Fighter/Thief/Mage Multi ? I was thinking of something with priest spells until by Bers/Cleric levels up. So Maybe Fighter/Druid Multi ? Or Fighter/Cleric Multi ?

    3.) I guess having those "fraction Points" of Strength (like 18/85) is more important as dump stats ? Is the second number completely random ?

    4.) As i never played a Sorcerer, what spells should i prioritize learning ?

    5.) Should my archer concentrate on longbows while having one melee proficiency or should i put points in longbows + crossbows to be more flexible ?

    6.) Is my "frontline" strong enough ? Because for me it looks like i'm a little on the squishy side.

    I hope somebody can answer my questions so that i'm no longer stuck in character creation. Thank you in advance.
  • SacerdorSacerdor Member Posts: 16
    First off all thank you a lot for your time and effort. Especially your magazine article helped a lot. Otherwise i would have taken sleep and breach for sure. But some have raised some additional questions.

    1.) I think i've read the advantage of Dualclass Fighter->Mage besides being able to chose a kit is that they are able to earn grandmastery in IWD, while a Multiclass can't. Is this right and is a big deal ?

    2.) Who ends up with a better THAC0 ? Will the Dualclass end up with the Clerics THAC0-Table? Does the Multiclass geht the Fighters bonus APR ?

    3.) What would be the advantage of a "pure" bard over a Skald ? I thought the Boni to your songs, that the Skald gets, would be kind of nice.

    4.) Changing the Fighter/Cleric from Dual to Multiclass will ensure, that i always have 1 good melee char but it still looks squishy since F/M/T probably takes some time until it's a fully reliable melee char. What about exchanging the Archer for something else ? Or take a Paladin Kit instead of the Fighter/Druid and Multiclass the Cleric like you said ?

    I'm really looking forward to play the game. I think i played a demo version of the game, which only included the prologue back in the days and it was rather challenging. That's why i'm trying to prepare before making to many rookie mistakes.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    edited January 2019

    1. True, that's right. Whether it's a big deal or not depends on what you want. Grandmastery in IWD gives you an extra 1 APR over specialization (compared to just an extra 1/2 APR in BG), besides the to hit and damage bonuses. However, whether you get the maximum bonuses depends on when you dual from fighter to mage. Since fighters get extra 1/2 APRs at levels 7 and 13 (an extra 1 APR in total), you might miss them if you do an early dual, but with a multi-class, you'll always be getting those when your classes reach the said levels.

    What I mean is:

    * Fighter (less than 7) dual + Grandmastery (which includes specialization) = 1 (base) + 1 (+1/2 ) = 2.5 APR

    * Fighter (7) dual + Grandmastery (which includes specialization) = 1 (base) + 1/2 (level bonus) + 1 (+1/2 ) = 3 APR

    * Fighter (13) dual + Grandmastery (which includes specialization) = 1 (base) + 1 (level bonus) + 1 + (+1/2) = 3.5 APR

    * Fighter multi + specialization only = 1 (base) + 1 (level bonus) + 1/2 = 2.5 APR

    So a multi-class fighter has only .5 less APR than a level 7 dual and 1 APR less than a level 13 dual. So, as you see, only late duals (level 13+) make a more significant difference. Do note that the multi-class still has the better THAC0 of the two. However, Tenser's Transformation with the dual class will give you the necessary THAC0 trading your ability to cast spells for the duration of effect. (Note that you get the scroll of Tenser's Transformation very late in the game, until which point your dual can be crippled as a frontliner against high AC mobs). You can now judge and see which one you want. :)

    Do keep in mind, however, that the Grandmastery will cause you to be powerful in only one type of weapon. In other words, you'll lose the versatility and alternate weapon choices.

    2. The multi-class ends up with a better THAC0. The dual class will end up with the second class's (in this case, the Cleric's) THAC0 table. The multi-class does get the Fighter's bonus APR at levels 7 and 13.

    3. The plain Bard:

    1st level: Can play “The Ballad of Three Heroes.”
    All allies within 30 ft. gain +1 to hit, +1 to damage, and +1 to all their Saving Throws.

    3rd level: Can play “The Tale of Curran Strongheart.”
    All allies within 30 ft. gain immunity to fear effects for as long as the song lasts, and any fear effects currently on them are removed.

    5th level: Can play “Tymora’s Melody.”
    All allies within 30 ft. gain +1 to luck, +3 to Saving Throws, +10 to lore, and a +10% bonus to all of their thieving skills.

    7th level: Can play “The Song of Kaudies.”
    All allies within 30 ft. have a 50% chance to shrug off the effects of spells such as Silence, Shout, Great Shout, Command, Greater Command, or any other sound-based attack.

    9th level: Can play “The Siren’s Yearning.”
    All enemies within 30 ft. must save vs. Spell or become enthralled, unable to take action until 1 round passes or they take damage.

    11th level: Can play “War Chant of Sith.”
    All allies within 30 ft. gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class, +10% resistance to slashing, piercing, crushing, and missile damage, and the ability to regenerate 2 Hit Points per round.

    The Skald’s song, however, has the following effects:

    1st level: Grants allies a +2 bonus to hit and damage rolls and a +2 bonus to AC.

    15th level: Grants allies a +4 bonus to hit and damage rolls, a +4 bonus to AC, and immunity to fear.

    20th level: Grants allies a +4 bonus to hit and damage rolls, a +4 bonus to AC, and immunity to fear, stun, and confusion.

    The Skald cannot play “The Ballad of Three Heroes,” “The Tale of Curran Strongheart,” “Tymora’s Melody,” “The Song of Kaudies,” “The Siren’s Yearning,” and “War Chant of Sith.”

    The plain bard's songs are obviously superior (especially see the “War Chant of Sith.”), which makes it a more popular choice for players. You can now compare and judge which one is more suitable for your party. :)

    4. Paladins are nice, especially the Cavalier and Blackguard. Fighter/Druids (and the "unfixed" Ranger/Cleric) get a lot of cool Druid spells besides being tough in combat. The Archer will do great amounts of damage, but needs to be protected. Shadowdancer is also a fun addition, which needs some micromanagement but is great, since only a very few enemies can see through invisibility. (IWD is the backstabber's paradise, just be sure to turn off 3E sneak attacks in the game settings.) Besides it will take the load off your F/M/T whom you can turn to just F/M for quicker leveling if you want.

    In the end, it all depends on how you want to play. So then, gather your party before venturing forth and enjoy!

    EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to tell something. Arcane spell scrolls are much much rarer in IWD than in BG. So whenever you get them, use them carefully. Also, when using more than one non-spontaneous arcane caster (like the Bard and F/M/T), don't scribe all the spells on one of them, but divide important spells among the two. Like for example, give one of them Lightning Bolt and the other one Fireball, because you aren't getting more than one of each scroll in most cases.
    Post edited by Rik_Kirtaniya on
  • DragonOfShadesDragonOfShades Member Posts: 56
    Is there a way to find the names for the quest variables? Or if someone could tell me, what's the name for the variable for
    destroying the lich in Dorn's Deep?
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    edited January 2019
    Advice for my newbie friends! Listen to Alveus Malcanter and don't be a James!
  • Chronos371Chronos371 Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2019
    Can I dual class a Ranger with a Shifter? Or does it have tobe a neutral fighter?
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,432
    You can only dualclass into combinations that are valid two class multiclass combinations.

    Valid multiclass combinations are any combination of Fighter, Mage, Cleric and Thief, as well as Ranger/Cleric and Fighter/Druid.

    There are also Fighter/Mage/Cleric and Fighter/Mage/Thief multiclass combinations, but dualclass cannot have three classes, only two.

    Your first class can be kitted, but your second class will always be a trueclass. Note that despite your first class being kitted, once you've dualclassed, your class is displayed as trueclass/trueclass. This is a text issue only, and you still retain your kit abilities.

    Note that there are mods that allow you to pick a kit for dualclass and multiclass combinations, including kits unique for certain multiclass combinations. Regardless, you cannot have more than one kit.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    Thels said:
    Your first class can be kitted, but your second class will always be a trueclass.
    Sidenote: it is technically possible to use EEKeeper to give a kit to your second class, however upon level-up the game does not grant the kit-specific abilities. You'd have to use EEKeeper after every level-up to manually add those.

    However, using EEKeeper you can also add a kit to any multi-class, and those do actually level normally.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    You can also use Kjeron's awesome Dual-Into-Kits mod to, well, dual class into a kit.

    This is only possible if you're a kitless character, though.
  • Chronos371Chronos371 Member Posts: 16
    Maybe the first game I have to mod, because I want to do a Half Elf Ranger/Druid...  Shadoweir with two longswords and a bow!
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,432
    Ranger/Druid is NOT a possible combination, though...

    There is an option to give Ranger/Clerics access to the full Druid spells, but then you're stuck with Cleric restricted spells, so you'd have to mod those away as well.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    Thels said:
    Ranger/Druid is NOT a possible combination, though...

    There is an option to give Ranger/Clerics access to the full Druid spells, but then you're stuck with Cleric restricted spells, so you'd have to mod those away as well.
    At the risk of going a little off-topic, it might be easier to make a custom ranger kit that has a wider range (no pun intended) of druid abilities and/or restrictions. Giving ranger abilities to a druid kit might be more working, given the latter's restrictions.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Sjerrie said:

    Thels said:

    Ranger/Druid is NOT a possible combination, though...

    There is an option to give Ranger/Clerics access to the full Druid spells, but then you're stuck with Cleric restricted spells, so you'd have to mod those away as well.

    At the risk of going a little off-topic, it might be easier to make a custom ranger kit that has a wider range (no pun intended) of druid abilities and/or restrictions. Giving ranger abilities to a druid kit might be more working, given the latter's restrictions.

    Except for the Saving Throws it is quite easy indeed.

    Giving Ranger abilities to a Druid would be way harder as the Druid action bar doesn't have a Stealth button.
  • enhancedgamerxenhancedgamerx Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2019
    Is the Heart of Fury difficulty mode possible to beat with any of the game's own pre-made level 1 parties without too much crazy cheese, or do you just have to make a custom min-maxed-to-boot party of your own to do that?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited December 2024
    Is the Heart of Fury difficulty mode possible to beat with any of the game's own pre-made level 1 parties without too much crazy cheese, or do you just have to make a custom min-maxed-to-boot party of your own to do that?
    At level 1, you're basically forced to kite enemies with ranged weapons until you get enough XP to cast summoning spells. So it's doable, but there's not a whole lot of ways to do it.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,462
    With a party, spells are also a way to make quick early progress. Sleep is useless against the higher levels in HoF, but things like command, charm person and hold person still work well.
  • enhancedgamerxenhancedgamerx Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2019
    Grond0 wrote: »
    With a party, spells are also a way to make quick early progress. Sleep is useless against the higher levels in HoF, but things like command, charm person and hold person still work well.

    Alrighty, gotcha. I think I'm going to go with a higher level party to begin with then. IIRC, there was an option to use one of the game's own pre-made parties starting out with all of them at level 8 instead of level 1, or something like that? Which of those pre-made parties would you consider the best choice for a HoF playthrough?
  • enhancedgamerxenhancedgamerx Member Posts: 90
    edited December 2024
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Is the Heart of Fury difficulty mode possible to beat with any of the game's own pre-made level 1 parties without too much crazy cheese, or do you just have to make a custom min-maxed-to-boot party of your own to do that?
    At level 1, you're basically forced to kite enemies with ranged weapons until you get enough XP to cast summoning spells. So it's doable, but there's not a whole lot of ways to do it.

    What about doom+charm/blind and summon familiar?
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • ParasolsyndicateParasolsyndicate Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2019
    I have a general question for anyone that wants to stab at it:

    Why does Kirika, the default fighter/thief have a hooded rogue model if you start up a game with the default party, but if you make a female halfling F/T you get the 'correct' hoodless model? This extends to her paper doll in inventory as well.

    Is this a bug that predated the EE? is it a bug at all?
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    edited April 2019
    @Parasolsyndicate interesting question. Afaik, for a player-generated PC, when dual-classing you keep your original model, e.g. fighter model stays when dual'd to mage. When it comes to multi-class however I'm not sure what the trigger would be.

    I wouldn't say however that one way is more correct than the other. Furthermore when it comes to characters pre-generated by devs, they seem to do what fits the character. In BG Imoen always keeps her hood, but Nalia wears a mage's dress. Montaron has no hood either.

    Edit: If you'd want to pick your own preferred model/paperdoll, EEKeeper can help you with that. :)
  • ParasolsyndicateParasolsyndicate Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2019
    Maybe correct is the wrong word.
    It seems like as far as character creation goes, it defaults to the highest HD class for paperdoll and model.
    There's a certain amount of method to this madness- clerics and fighters can use armor that other classes cannot.

    Monty and Imoen appear to be in line with those guidelines. Only Nalia and Kirika are left out. Kirika has a number of interesting side effects too- she can equip, but will never show helmets, and wearing splint mail leads to a weird mesh texture over her cloak. I haven't imported someone will plate mail for her to try on, but will soon. EDIT: her paperdoll becomes a fighter wearing plate, but she continues not to display helmets.

    I'll look into EE keeper. But what I'm really curious about is why code a default PC that way, and no one else?
    Post edited by Parasolsyndicate on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited December 2024
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Is the Heart of Fury difficulty mode possible to beat with any of the game's own pre-made level 1 parties without too much crazy cheese, or do you just have to make a custom min-maxed-to-boot party of your own to do that?
    At level 1, you're basically forced to kite enemies with ranged weapons until you get enough XP to cast summoning spells. So it's doable, but there's not a whole lot of ways to do it.

    What about doom+charm/blind and summon familiar?
    Excellent ideas. Familiars might not be safe, but Charm Person would ne great against the goblins and orcs.

    Now that I think about it, my solo Dragon Disciple run involved a lot of Charm Person spells until Chromatic Orb started stunning and paralyzing.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @CamDawg (or anyone who know that for sure):

    Was everything from Unfinished Business being ported into IWDEE?

    More specifically the restored random drops, the minor items restoration and the book that
    allows us to turn Malavon's golem against him.

  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    UB was included with a few caveats--the (spoiler) you ask about is still there.

    Marketh's Ring was excluded at my request. It alters Ginafae's personality too much and can really slow down the game as it inserts a couple of day-long waits (e.g. for the ring). It can still be installed from the mod for IWDEE.

    The Voice was basically rewritten from the original quest notes, so it differs slightly from the current UB implementation. The EE version has been backported in part, and will eventually be fully backported to the mod.

    Restored Minor Items was brought in with, IIRC, maybe one change.

    Restored Random Drops was reworked a bit. Some items had been excluded for a good reason, whereas others we moved around to better suit their power vs. party level.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited May 2019

    Thanks. I'm doing a solo no reload run and I was worried about the golems.
    Post edited by Raduziel on
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