@Cr4zyJ thanks for the suggestion, but I am really a pc gamer, and have pre-ordered for pc. Also, money is a bit tight, and for the price of a new Nexus 7 (a quick google told me €300) I can get both a new video card and a PSU, only one of which is the likely culprit.
Egads! A war ogre! Quick! Bard, start singing! Amras, Hide in Plain Sight! Aenlen, use your Aura! Leona, DUHM! Casters! Oh, wait, that's just a Half Orc battleguard. Sup?
Best D n D mocumentary ever
Dungeons and Dragons Gamer's Club
Oh... And for any mummified peeps out there...
*Anduin runs away*
1. Make a new party :P
2. change one of you correct character to one of the cleric and play it
3. make a new game with the other cleric in the party
No need to open all the new gifts at once, enjoy each of them to it full extent
And in hieroglyphics...
For those wondering. Pretty easy to decipher. A sun, and the line tracks it's movement through the heavens.
Don't forget to participate in this poll on choosing a baldurized portrait of Alveus : http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/36125/which-alveus-would-you-like#latest
Note: in IWDEE an Abjurer has not one but two opposing schools: Alteration and Illusion.