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Icewind Dale Meme & GiF Thread: Enhanced Edition (Careful, everyone, SPOILERS!)



  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Adul said:

    I just want to point out that this conversation is rather one-sided in its focus:


    Boys get cold too.

    This nicely illustrates why I'm not the world's biggest fan of the "it's impractical" argument against women in skimpy outfits. Without going on a detailed feminist rant that I suspect few of you would be interested in, impractically in fantasy art is near-universal. The gender difference is sexualization, not whether a sane person would wear the outfit in question into combat/snow (hint: probably not).
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    @Jarrakul the impracticality of your example armors is astonishing. Except perhaps the second one. Apart from the cleavage, I always thought she was dressed remarkably chaste for a female character in fantasy gaming.

    I would like to put forward the Dragon Age series as an example of games that "did it right". Or at least better.

    By the way, the huge swords I've never understood either...
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I don't have any great dislike for example 2, honestly. She's certainly a comparatively conservative example. But the cleavage doesn't make a lot of sense, and I was looking for IWD examples for the first pair. Most of the women in IWD are either not wearing armor at all or are wearing more practical armor than that, so I took what I can get. It's certainly nothing on Red Sonja down at the bottom.

    Dragon Age did a very good job overall, although the female light armor in the first game was a definitely less practical than its male counterpart. Morrigan was a little ridiculous, though, and it didn't really seem to fit her character. DA2 did an even better job, but this time Isabella stands out as the weird example. I actually think, writing-wise, she's a great example of sexuality rather than sexualization, but I have a lot of trouble believing her lack of pants.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
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