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Baldurs Gate 3 (spoilers!)



  • ballsackattackballsackattack Member Posts: 27
    my bad *14
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    What... why are you making ANOTHER thread about BG3?! Your old one's still going.
  • ballsackattackballsackattack Member Posts: 27
    I want to hear plot ideas(:
  • Just another bg3 treat. We just need a whole bg3 speculation category @Dee‌
  • TvrtkoSvrdlarTvrtkoSvrdlar Member Posts: 353
    edited September 2014
    The Black Pudding, you say? Hmmm, is there any justifiable reason why we still don't have a CRPG about a heroic ooze making its way through the dank world of subterranean caverns? I say we make a Kickstarter, and take it from there - it's bound to be a hit! :P

    It's a shame both Fallout 3 and BG3 died. I'll never get over Black Isle being force to shut its doors due to Interplay's criminally negligent management. If only Brian Fargo could've stayed on board instead of having to quit his job. Shame, really.

    On the bright side, inXile and Obsidian are making some pretty awesome RPGs these days! :)

  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    edited September 2014

    I never was fond of "the Black Hound" codename for BG3. Dog allergy and all that. Can't they just rename it into "the Black Pudding" or something? At least that name sounds delicious!

    Doesn't it sound like cannibalism to eat pudding when you're a jelly?
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Nimran said:

    I never was fond of "the Black Hound" codename for BG3. Dog allergy and all that. Can't they just rename it into "the Black Pudding" or something? At least that name sounds delicious!

    Doesn't it sound like cannibalism to eat pudding when you're a jelly?
    What makes you think that I talked about "eating"? :p
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745


    Here we go again...

    BG3 Boo and the Headache.

    You are just about to ascend to heaven (or not depending on your choices) when you are attacked. You awake an unknown span of time later to find yourself eyeball-less at the bottom of well. Blinded and desperate, you piece together what must have happened... After aiding you in all your battles, after believing in him, when others didn't, Boo, Yes Boo, decided it was time to reveal that he is in fact... The last Bhaalspawn.

    You are recovered from the well. Given new eyes by a mad necromancer, who is also most interested in Minsc's head injury, informs you said new eyes will explode, along with your head if you don't do some other quests for him first... You know the score by now with this... Anyway, Boo it appears, could not get rid of you that easily with your friends around, but neither can you get Boo. Minsc, guards him and your friends seem to look at you askance for pinning the blame on Boo...

    Anyway Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, grisly murders and stuff and the Castle explodes! But not before the skyship heads out into space...

    Boo has escaped in a Halruan skyship, powering it himself as a Giant Hamster! And he has furry giant friends!

    Battling the giant hamsters you kill everyone... Apart from Boo who leaps on a paper airoplane to escape your wrath and leaving you to die on a Halruan skyship plummeting out of the sky... (You did just kill the engines and hamster feed is highly explosive...)

    Anyway, EPIC CRASH! Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, You kill Boo with a knitting needle! But not before he reveals that he was a twin...

    You turn to see Minsc, his head injury, a worry all the way through this game collapse... You think from grief, but no, his skull opens, revealing Boo's evil twin sister BEE! And then its the start of BG4 The Headache of Bee...
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875

    Nimran said:

    I never was fond of "the Black Hound" codename for BG3. Dog allergy and all that. Can't they just rename it into "the Black Pudding" or something? At least that name sounds delicious!

    Doesn't it sound like cannibalism to eat pudding when you're a jelly?
    What makes you think that I talked about "eating"? :p
    Fine, absorbing then. ;)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    The original thread has consumed another one topic about BG3 xD With this pace, it's interesting to know how many pages will we have here in a year's time:)
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I was interested in the ideas for budget. BG3 could be made on a tight budget, as the main componens, the infinity engine can be reused.

    What you would need is artists. To draw new areas. And maybe one or two animated sprites (you may need a new one for a villian for example, Savoursock and Jon Irunnickerless, both got custom animations for example. And then the bits and bobs to go with new equipment.

    Then you just need a concept, plot and a writer. I trust @AndrewFoley‌ or @LiamEsler‌ ...

    I could do it... But I would inadverdently break hundreds of Forgotten Realm lore and canon in a blaze of written wreckage... You really need to know your stuff.

    I've done it already anyway. I've written BG3 at least 20 times in note form.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Because Trent has always emphasized the importance of the "BGEE and BG2EE selling well", it's important to actually read a post-BG2EE release interview where he still states Beamdog are interested in BG3. No matter what people's views on this subject are, it's useful to hear it's still in the air.

    "We are still interested in Baldur's Gate III. As to what a Baldur's Gate III would be, wow, that is a terrifying premise. I think every Baldur's Gate fan has a different image in their head as to what it would be, and making all of those fans happy would be a monumental challenge. For now, we haven't started any work on a Baldur's Gate III, but we do discuss the concept on a pretty regular basis."
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I'm now prepared to say that I personally feel BG3 can be 3D if it is of this quality. ;-)

  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @Lemernis‌ I don't think my house has enough space for the computer cluster necessary to run a game with that graphic detail level ;)
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Just start a new IP! Or yank the rights to a different IP. There're a few goldbox games to mix it up with something... newish. If we go serially, there's Poolof Radiance, Azure Bonds, Silver Shield and Pools of Darkness.

    Then there's Gateway and Treasures of the Savage Fronteir. That's 6 games right there to mix things up. The story is written for you, as is the dialogue and the nostalgia is huge, but now we can use druids and bards and such.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    Earlier tweet confirms that the infinity engine will be retired --

    If WotC plans to allow a BG3 I'd rather someone else get the contract. BD did somethings well but waiting a year for patches and watching for new content that never arrives isn't much fun.
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    To tell truth I'm perfectly okay if BeamDog makes completely another, not-BG3 game, just interesting to play and with my favorite FR setting+AD&D mechanics+Infinity Engine graphics.
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    If Baldurs Gate 3 goes through... please... let it use the same engine and material of BGEE1&BG2EE. I want added new paperdoll armor and sprite sets like the missing wing helmet from the sprites.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited November 2014
    Although I share the sentiments, @Vasculio‌ , I doubt it (if ever) will be done that way.

    I love BGEE1&BG2EE engine but I don't think the next game could have it.

    The times are changing, the new engines are developed each year.

    It seems Beamgog are interested in the Pillars of Eternity's engine, which by the way looks good.


    macbalance: So I heard a rumor you were doing your 'own' Baldur's Gate game in the engine?

    DaigleDopple: After we've finished up with the Infinity Engine we intend to produce something akin to a next generation isometric CRPG.
    So... kinda. But in a different engine.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    Eh... i guess im in the minority then... to this day i won't touch anything past Baldurs Gate/Icewind Dale. I played Neverwinter Night's 1&2. They were okay... im just not a fan the 3d games. I still refuse to play Dragon Age or Mass Effect. No offense to the Bioware Team.

    I'll keep open mind until i see what they have to offer... hopefully it would be like Pillars of Eternity *fingers crossed*
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