Elminster is the real monster
I can get behind the 29th-level mage not wanting to throw down against Irenicus or the Five, but not tossing a finger of death at Sarevok was downright negligent.
He wants to remain neutral, so he sits around until Sarevok has killed one of his friends. But he doesn't seem to mind trying to leave a trail of breadcrumbs that the PC can follow to save the day.
If the PC failed and Sarevok wound up killing thousands of Sword Coast citizens and/or becoming the new Lord of Murder, Elminster would deserve much of the blame. The dude was basically willing to sit back and let friends, allies, and innocents die horribly just so he could "remain neutral" (while not actually remaining neutral).
He wants to remain neutral, so he sits around until Sarevok has killed one of his friends. But he doesn't seem to mind trying to leave a trail of breadcrumbs that the PC can follow to save the day.
If the PC failed and Sarevok wound up killing thousands of Sword Coast citizens and/or becoming the new Lord of Murder, Elminster would deserve much of the blame. The dude was basically willing to sit back and let friends, allies, and innocents die horribly just so he could "remain neutral" (while not actually remaining neutral).
I once made a post like this... hating on the old guy. But I realised that it would ruin the game if he ever got involved, because he can kill Sarevok just by thinking about it.
His timing is weird and he doesn't serve much purpose. It would be better if he only showed up at Sarevok's Coronation as a guest. He could then save Belt and Liia and be the one to teleport you to the maze... while he stays behind to protect the dukes.
IIRC even gods were not allowed to interfere with the Bhaalspawn business. In ToB tests the mad god Cyric himself (who now holds Bhaal's portfolio) says so, and only has an opportunity to attack you to 'test' you. Otherwise he would like nothing more than to crush the dangerous usurpers to his throne like the pc, but he fears retribution from other gods. Elminster himself can not touch Sarevok directly for the same reason, I guess. It is Bhaalspawn business and powers want it to play it out by itself. Otherwise, I agree Elminster can crush Sarevok by himself easily enough. However I guess Mystra warned him not to interfere, so he actually does his best to help the pc indirectly, as best as he can. Judging from how many times he appears to give vauge advice I can say he was pretty worried and wanted the pc to succeed in thwarting Sarevok and his plans.
So he is a) not allowed b) certain he could not make a difference (prophecy)
Gorion was right. His ward was the "heir". Elminster didnt believe like Gorion but hoped his friend was right
What do you have to say?
"During the days of the Avatars, the Lord of Murder will spawn a score of mortal progeny. These
offspring will be aligned good and evil, but chaos will flow through them all. When the Beast's
bastard children come of age, they will bring havoc to the lands of the Sword Coast. One of these
children must rise above the rest and claim their father's legacy. This inheritor will shape the
history of the Sword Coast for centuries to come."
"The spawn of the Lord of Murder are fated to come into their inheritance through bloodshed and misery. It is the hope of their father that only one shall remain alive to inherit his legacy. I foresee that the children of Bhaal shall kill each other in a bloody massacre."
He knows Gorion raised you and he knows about your heritage, you yourself really haven't defined yourself well during your initial encounters for him to really say who you are going to turn out to be. Elminster is also enemies of the Zhentarim, Red Wizards of Thay, and probably more than a few other spellcasters, so interfering too much here could put you in more harms way than not doing so. I think its probably a stretch to say that he is sitting back. He is taking an active interest in you. For a Chosen of Mystra to do this at all is pretty unusual as I understand. He's not holding your hand but he has taken an interest in you and in the situation along the Sword Coast.
Also Halbazzer Drin, Thalantyr, and Shandalar were all in the region and are all high level (level 18+) mages (Thalantyr and Shandalar are good-aligned, Halbazzer Drin is Lawful Neutral). You might as well blame them as well for disinterest/negligence. Also blame Drizzt for not getting involved enough.
Sarevok is certainly a very capable level 15 fighter/deathbringer, but he would be no match against Elminster. Elminster not only has a continguency that upon death returns him (and all his items) to his stronghold for healing (Sarevok by comparison took a year to regain life) but he also has access to pretty much every arcane spell in the realms, any item he needs, and if psionics are included Elminster also has access to all offensive and defensive forms of psionics. He is pretty much the definition of OP.
Since when was Shandalar good-aligned? Isn't he neutral? I thought I remembered him having a neutral archmagi robe.
Also, I feel like Elminster is so neutral because he just wants to watch the whole story play out. It can feel like a weird thing for a good guy to do, but it can be difficult to be so powerful and not be a little sick in the head. When you live for as long as Elminster does, you kind of need a source of amusement. Also, he knows that if Sarevok gets TOO out of hand, he can defeat Sarevok and save the day.
Who could possibly so unhinged as to found an organization on the absurd premise not doing anything, in order to preserve 'the balance'. Harpers = Really Lazy CIA?
What the hell @elminster !