Now when the weapon transfer is available, what would your choice be?

With the 1.3 patch (currently the beta) for BG2:EE Malaaq grants you imported weapons. This replaces the Sword of Chaos +2 that the genie previously possessed, which has been moved to the Cambion just southeast of the genie’s planar prison.
This poll is relevant only for imported characters. If you start with a new character, the genie will still give you a weapon appropriate for your character based on your class and weapon proficiencies.
So, what weapon do you think is the better choice generally (for a not solo run, with a party in BG2 consisting of different class/kit combinations)?
Note: I've combined a Staff Spear and a Staff Mace because there can be only 10 poll options and something had to be combined anyway, while these particular variants are more alike than other options:
This poll is relevant only for imported characters. If you start with a new character, the genie will still give you a weapon appropriate for your character based on your class and weapon proficiencies.
So, what weapon do you think is the better choice generally (for a not solo run, with a party in BG2 consisting of different class/kit combinations)?
Note: I've combined a Staff Spear and a Staff Mace because there can be only 10 poll options and something had to be combined anyway, while these particular variants are more alike than other options:
- Now when the weapon transfer is available, what would your choice be?145 votes
- The Burning Earth +118.62%
- Ashideena +211.72%
- Bala’s Axe15.86%
- Suryris’s Blade +2  2.07%
- The Grave Binder +2  4.83%
- Staff Spear +2 / Staff Mace +2  4.83%
- Sling +3  8.28%
- Varscona +231.72%
- Krotan’s Skullcrusher +2  0.69%
- Kiel’s Morning Star  1.38%
They'll all be replaced in time.
As for the rest, I'll likely change depending on what Charname I'm playing at the time. My cleric/mage is already eyeing that sling +3.
It basically gives any character who wields it the Wizard Slayer's main ability, no, even the better: Any spellcaster that is affected by this axe has its casting ability severely disabled. When the spellcaster attempts to cast a spell it has a chance of failure.
This is an awesome weapon against magic users, and SoA is full of magic users. I've always wanted to have this item in BG2 and it had been a real shame it hadn't been anywhere in the game up until now.
Bala’s Axe can be helpful even on higher levels. As a side note, I would like to notice that Bala’s Axe is still considered a magical weapon (although it doesn't have any + to hit and damage bonuses) and doesn't go through PFMW. But it's a long way till enemies get PFMW and even if they do as soon as you take that off, Bala’s Axe will finish the job.
Because now it burns! (anyone running the beta patch can see that it now causes +1 fire damage).
A new weapon in the fight against trolls
(Plus in terms of determining what it can hit it is counted as a +4 weapon).
On a serious note, I voted for Varscona, not a real reason beside I am grown fond of it.
too bad it'll likely make my next run easier though. SCS makes +1 weapons count as normal weapons just with +1 thaco, so my early game problem was in finding +2 weapons. having another +2 weapon I could get immediately would be a huge help. however, there is too much nostalgia in that weapon to refuse it. it won't take too long for it to not matter anymore in terms of difficulty anyway
Just think of the sparkly crystals! Think of the frostbite! Think of all the potential Frozen jokes!
(Actually, don't think of that last one. That's dangerous territory, my friend.)
Does anyone know what happens to the item that is already in the game? For example Ashideena is usually at the unseeing eye place. Does the import copy replace that one or are there now 2 available?
Better equip Varscona and they can keep it in there rucksack and the cold effect will keep the packed lunch refrigerated...