@Gutbuster GoG & Steam handle things differently than Beamdog's own launchers, hence the confusion. SoD's DLC files are packaged in an archive of sorts within BG:EE's directory. You might want to look here if you want to learn more.
@Gutbuster GoG & Steam handle things differently than Beamdog's own launchers, hence the confusion. SoD's DLC files are packaged in an archive of sorts within BG:EE's directory. You might want to look here if you want to learn more.
Thank you kindly Sir, that was exactly what I was looking for. I had completely missed the blatantly obvious zip container called SoD-DLC in the root of the installation.
@smeagolheart Do you think we should edit the first page to contain a master list of all the confirmed working soundsets contained within this thread (with links), à la the BG 1 & 2 master threads? As most of the soundsets in this thread are sort of hard for a newcomer to find, having to essentially read through 10+ pages to discover what soundsets are contained, and moreover is rather daunting for a newcomer to post their own work as it will likely be lost forever in the huge thread. If not should a new thread be created for this purpose and/or should it be combined with the BG2EE Compatible Mods thread as it now contains a section for soundsets?
I provided the tools so that people could make their own soundsets. I can't keep track and manage mods that people make independently. If their link dies I'd have no way to restore it and I have no say in the quality or anything else of another person's efforts for example.
Feel free to use this as you'd like and create a different thread or plug it in existing threads like the one you linked.
I keep the first thread up to date with soundsets I've worked on, if you (or someone else) wanted to link to another thread or something let me know.
I tried installing my soundset on BG:EE instead of BG2:EE, but the thing no longer works, apparently because CHARSND.2da has 48 lines instead of 32-33. I have SOD installed and am using Modmerge. How do I resolve this? Do I need to tweak the TP2 or TPA or something else to make sure WeiDu can handle the BG:EE CHARSND.2da?
I tried installing my soundset on BG:EE instead of BG2:EE, but the thing no longer works, apparently because CHARSND.2da has 48 lines instead of 32-33. I have SOD installed and am using Modmerge. How do I resolve this? Do I need to tweak the TP2 or TPA or something else to make sure WeiDu can handle the BG:EE CHARSND.2da?
@semiticgod There's a bug in BGEE (SOD) that makes it not work. I have posted compatibility earlier in the thread for at least one of the soundsets but even if you do install them, the soundsets will not play as expected until an engine bug has been resolved by beamdog. Here's the ticket for it: http://support.baldursgate.com/issues/23231 The bug tracker reports that the bug has been reported for over 10 months.
@smeagolheart: I guess I'll wait until then. I can still get the mod to mostly work, it seems, by copying over the sound files manually. Just means there are no subtitles.
@smeagolheart: I guess I'll wait until then. I can still get the mod to mostly work, it seems, by copying over the sound files manually. Just means there are no subtitles.
might want to try to run EET and then they would work because it's in the BG2EE engine I believe.
There's a custom soundset for IWD2 at Sorcerer's Place that includes Kresselack's voice, but no one ever seems to have created a Kresselack soundset for the other games. Since I always loved his voice, I took the audio files from Baezlebub's mod and created a Kresselack soundset for EE.
There's a custom soundset for IWD2 at Sorcerer's Place that includes Kresselack's voice, but no one ever seems to have created a Kresselack soundset for the other games. Since I always loved his voice, I took the audio files from Baezlebub's mod and created a Kresselack soundset for EE.
Good old Tony Jay: He has magnificent singing voice too.
There's a custom soundset for IWD2 at Sorcerer's Place that includes Kresselack's voice, but no one ever seems to have created a Kresselack soundset for the other games. Since I always loved his voice, I took the audio files from Baezlebub's mod and created a Kresselack soundset for EE.
Good old Tony Jay: He has magnificent singing voice too.
So, after I had my success with getting all sounds and subtitles to work, I lost the finalized mod files in an update (assuming I had them backed up, which I didn't). I messed around with rebuilding the Elvira soundset the other day and I have it, once again through WEIDU, working flawlessly in BGEE/SoD. No matter how many times you click on Elvira, she says something and the subtitles appear.
Wondering if I could find what stops the other premade soundsets from working I went into Volume 4 (Monkey Island) and extracted Mort's files. I copied the files from Volume 0 to the Volume 4 folder, using MIMort as the custom and tweaked all the file names and source folder stuff. I managed to get the selection sounds to play, each of them with subtitles, once, and then nothing (as per everyone's problem). I made sure that I was using a consistent name for all the files in the soundset - creating it just like my homemade one without having to do the WAV conversions (which, honestly, I did try for Mort as well after I found the same problem cropping up).
I've compared what I've done with Elvira to MIMort, and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why those sounds that I converted to WAV work for all responses, with subtitles, and Mort's don't (except for the first time I accessed it).
I encourage anyone wanting custom sounds to try using the v1.5 of Volume 0 and plugging WAV files into the template and trying it. The fact this worked for me makes me really wonder what the bug is caused by...
The only silly thing I could come up with is that "ELVIRA" is alphabetically before any of the other soundsets natively in the program - which could (?) conceivably mean that it gets loaded before anything coming after the Female/Male sets. That, of course, would make me think that changing the generic sets to custom WAV files would work, which they don't seem to.
Very weird, but I figured I'd mention this. I'm on a Mac, running OS Sierra, and I've had to do some backflips to get BGEE/SoD running correctly with the last installer (I discussed this elsewhere).
I really became attached to customizing sounds as the included sets get very stale, very quickly to me. Once I have the patience, I will finish my Vincent Price one (I've been cutting up MP3 files and converting them to mono WAV). I've been wanting to write a mod with Elvira as an NPC (I'm currently messing around with her as a PC) with some additional quests. I'm still pretty new to modding BGEE, but I enjoy messing around.
I tried making a copy of a default soundset and renamed it (male4 -> yale4 or something) and it wouldn't play selection sounds. I have no idea what broke with the latest patch.
I made this about two years ago when I was on a sound mod bender. This voice set works for BG1EE and BG2EE. Here's Krieg from Borderlands 2, suited for any insane barbarian or Chaotic Neutral/Evil warrior.
This one's more quick-and-dirty than the others because it doesn't have subtitling (since I don't play with subtitles so why bother) nor does it have a fancy Weidu installer, so just throw it in your BG(2)EE directory/lang/en_US/sounds folder.
Also take a look at @semiticgod's War Hulk kit, which is what inspired me to post this here because I think Krieg fits it perfectly.
Krieg0.wav Selected 6 (Fun time!) Krieg1.wav Critical Miss (No! Nonononono!) Krieg2.wav Target Immune (Arrrrghh!!) Krieg3.wav Inventory Full (Too...many...icons...) Krieg4.wav Successfully Picked A Pocket (I'll keep it all inside me.) Krieg5.wav Successfully Hid In Shadows (Ssshhhh, quiiieeettt...) Krieg6.wav Spell Disrupted (Never interrupt me!) Krieg7.wav Set A Trap (Heads up, Seven-up!) Krieg8.wav Battle Cry 2 (POUNDS! OF! FLEEESSH!) Krieg9.wav Battle Cry 3 (I'll show you what a badass is!) Kriega.wav Battle Cry 1 (Hraaauuwrrrrr!!) Kriegb.wav Becoming Leader (That's more like it!) Kriegc.wav Tired (I've gotta stop...) Kriegd.wav Bored (The silence! Kill it! I'll find you, quiet noises, and I'll strangle the whispers out of you with a bonesaw!) Kriege.wav Badly Wounded (I'm losing blood, gimmie yours!) Kriegf.wav Selected 1 (Ohh, yes?) Kriegg.wav Selected 2 (I can taste the screaming already...) Kriegh.wav Selected 3 (What sweet meats do you have today?) Kriegi.wav Action Acknowledgement 1 (It feels perfect.) Kriegj.wav Action Acknowledgement 2 (Yes, I knew it.) Kriegk.wav Action Acknowledgement 3 (Meeeaaatttt...) Kriegl.wav Being Hit (Ugh!) Kriegm.wav Death (Garrrraarrrararlagh!) Kriegn.wav In Forest (An unending landscape of BLOOD SAUSAGE...) Kriego.wav In City (Where are they keeping the meat?...) Kriegp.wav In Dungeon (I wanna see sunset colors...) Kriegq.wav Daytime (I wanna crush something!) Kriegr.wav Nighttime (Hrnnn... I looked into the heart of darkness, and I ATE IT ALL!) Kriegs.wav Action Acknowledgement 4 (Feels so right!) Kriegt.wav Action Acknowledgement 5 (Don't make this weird.) Kriegu.wav Action Acknowledgement 6 (I feel the crimson.) Kriegv.wav Action Acknowledgement 7 (Raugh, its a bloody business, Bates!) Kriegw.wav Reaction to Party Member Death (I will murder your death.) Kriegx.wav Rare Select 1 (While there's life, there's meat!) Kriegy.wav Rare Select 2 (Salt... Good God, where's my salt!?) Kriegz.wav Critical Hit Given (Get styled upon!)
I DID IT! I think I got to the bottom of the problems. I took an old soundset called "Rhett" and modified the Volume0 to be a different number (in my case "1") and edited the installer files to reflect this, moving all the soundfiles from the old "drag and drop" folder I downloaded. I entered all the dialogue text into the TRA and used "ARHETT" as my soundfile names. It didn't work right - it was doing the play each of the selection sounds once and not again (as per my response several months ago).
Rather than taking that for an answer, I decided to see what exactly was making the "Elvira" soundset different in the Lang folder. There were more files for Elvira than ARHETT, so I copied all of those (even the IWD and BG2 ones) to the EN_US folder along with a copy of the .tra for the set.
It worked, consistently.
edit: I should note that I might have also predropped the Elvira soundset into EN_LANG sounds before I made the installer, because I was probably being lazy and not wanting to do the whole WEIDU thing, but I had the .tra in the same folder too... I also found a difference in the "backup" folder between the Elvira and Rhett folders, I deleted what might have been an extraneous file (CHARSND.2da) which didn't have ARHETT listed on it, though ELVIRA was.
Edit: I think just dropping the .tra and .wav files into the EN_US sound folder works after installation. I did a 'volume0' installation of Mort a few days ago, and I copied the above files and manually placed them. The soundset now works completely.
It's working, I run the WEIDU first and then manually copy. The .tra isn't appearing in the sounds folder of EN_US, and only the 'pertinent' files to the game (BGEE in this case) are copied. Adding both of those, manually, seems to fix everything.
Edit: I leave the original files in place and copy them and manually add them, I am not moving them.
I used Text Wrangler (I'm on a Mac) and went into the .tp2 file for Volume 2 with the Volume 0 .tp2 open in the comparison mode and copied the code for SoD compatibility (as the zippyshare isn't available anymore). I got a parse error, then I deleted an "End" and repositioned the remaining one to be similar to Volume 0's, which as I noted above was working for me. With this change, everything is working for me...
Edit: I didn't copy files to the lang folder, the WEIDU alone took care of it. I did change the specified file name as can be seen in the pasted code. Any ideas about why this works now?
Edit II: I have tried the same procedure with sets 3 & 4, to no avail. The only difference I really noticed upon investigation was the "OUTER_SPRINT soundName" is set one higher than the "BEGIN @" designation for both of these sets, unlike volume 2 which shares the same number. I tried changing this but it simply didn't work at all after that... I will dig deeper as time presents itself. Nonetheless, Volume 2 is still working consistently on all sounds.
// The "ALWAYS" section sets up different settings needed for BG1EE, BG2EE, and IWDEE // IWDEE, BGEE and BG2EE have different columns in charsnd.2da // so each game gets different sounds with subs // -> Skip to line 225 for actual soundset information or search for s9_soundsetBEGIN
ALWAYS // ----------------BGEE SPECIFIC SETTINGS---------------- ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bgee~ BEGIN PRINT @3 OUTER_SPRINT "s9columntype" "soundNamea soundNameb soundNamec soundNamed soundNamee soundNamef soundNameg soundNameh soundNamei soundNamej soundNamek soundNamel soundNamem soundName8 soundName9 soundNamex soundNamey soundNamez soundName1 soundName2 soundName3 soundName4 soundName5 soundName6 soundName7" DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION s9copy BEGIN PRINT @10 ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%a.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%a.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%b.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%b.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%c.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%c.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%d.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%d.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%e.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%e.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%f.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%f.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%g.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%g.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%h.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%h.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%i.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%i.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%j.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%j.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%k.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%k.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%l.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%l.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%m.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%m.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%8.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%8.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%9.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%9.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%x.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%x.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%y.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%y.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%z.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%z.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%1.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%1.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%2.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%2.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%3.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%3.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%4.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%4.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%5.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%5.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%6.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%6.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%7.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%7.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END END // ----------------SOD Compatibility---------------- ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~BD0120.ARE~) BEGIN PRINT ~Adjusting for SOD version of soundset.~ ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%s.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%s.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%t.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%t.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%u.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%u.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%v.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%v.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%0.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%0.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%w.wav~ THEN BEGIN COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%w.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
Maybe I missed it or maybe I'm the only one looking for it, but where is the naming convention for wave files? If its charsounds.2a I don't understand it.
I'm just trying to extract baeloths sound files to BG2. I just want to do it quickly, don't want to use a tool or weidu. I just drop the files in the sound folder. Thats good enough for me, don't need subtitles and all that jazz.
While extracting the wavs in NI, I can see what the sound is in the .cre file, happy, tired , whatever. But the default name of the files doesn't look like the others in the sound folder (BD78616.WAV), so I assume there is a naming convention I need to follow. Thats what I can't find. Should look something like
I can probably extrapolate what I need from the translation files . I'm just hoping someone already has it in a column form with a little bit more detail. is it just the last letter of the filename that matters?
@0 = ~[NWNF_2a] To the fight! Give no quarter!~ [NWNF_2a] //Battle Cry 1 @1 = ~[NWNF_2b] I am most appreciative.~ [NWNF_2b] //Becoming Leader @2 = ~[NWNF_2c] I require rest. I am not at my best.~ [NWNF_2c] //Tired @3 = ~[NWNF_2d] There is no such thing as fashionably idle. Get moving.~ [NWNF_2d] //Bored @4 = ~[NWNF_2e] I need a healer most immediately. Come here!~ [NWNF_2e] //Badly Wounded @5 = ~[NWNF_2f] Well hello.~ [NWNF_2f] //Selected 1 @6 = ~[NWNF_2g] What is it that you want?~ [NWNF_2g] //Selected 2 @7 = ~[NWNF_2h] Here, come listen to what I have to say.~ [NWNF_2h] //Selected 3 @8 = ~[NWNF_20] You are not worthy!~ [NWNF_20] //Selected 4 (IWDEE) @9 = ~[NWNF_2i] I would say...yes.~ [NWNF_2i] //Action Acknowledgement 1 @10 = ~[NWNF_2j] I will see that it is done.~ [NWNF_2j] //Action Acknowledgement 2 @11 = ~[NWNF_2k] A fine idea, I would think.~ [NWNF_2k] //Action Acknowledgement 3 @12 = ~[NWNF_2s] Fall in step, as you should. Follow!~ [NWNF_2s] //Action Acknowledgement 4 @13 = ~[NWNF_2t] Search carefully in this place.~ [NWNF_2t] //Action Acknowledgement 5 @14 = ~[NWNF_2u] I doubt that this idea will prove fruitful.~ [NWNF_2u] //Action Acknowledgement 6 @15 = ~[NWNF_2v] Ahahahahahaha!~ [NWNF_2v] //Action Acknowledgement 7 @16 = ~[NWNF_2l] Uhh-huh.~ [NWNF_2l] //Being Hit @17 = ~[NWNF_2m] Eurgh!~ [NWNF_2m] //Dying @18 = ~[NWNF_28] Back with you!~ [NWNF_28] //Battle Cry 2 @19 = ~[NWNF_29] I see them. There are enemies here!~ [NWNF_29] //Battle Cry 3 @20 = ~[NWNF_2x] No.~ [NWNF_2x] //Rare Select 1 @21 = ~[NWNF_2y] I assure you; I will act with deadly interest should you persist.~ [NWNF_2y] //Rare Select 2 @22 = ~[NWNF_2_] Watch over me, please. Guard well.~ [NWNF_2_] //Rare Select 3 (IWDEE) @23 = ~[NWNF_2#] Reinforcements, to me! Lend me your aid.~ [NWNF_2#] //Rare Select 4 (IWDEE) @24 = ~[NWNF_2z] Oh, grand!~ [NWNF_2z] //Critical Hit Given @25 = ~[NWNF_21] By all that's right!~ [NWNF_21] //Critical Miss @26 = ~[NWNF_22] My attack...does nothing!~ [NWNF_22] //Target Immune @27 = ~[NWNF_23] I...I shouldn't be carrying this much.~ [NWNF_23] //Inventory Full @28 = ~[NWNF_24] Here is something worth a second look.~ [NWNF_24] //Successfully Picked A Pocket @29 = ~[NWNF_25] Into the shadows, hide!~ [NWNF_25] //Successfully Hid In Shadows @30 = ~[NWNF_26] My elegant spell...ruined!~ [NWNF_26] //Spell Disrupted @31 = ~[NWNF_27] The task is done and taken care of.~ [NWNF_27] //Set A Trap @32 = ~[NWNF_2w] This cause is lost. Withdraw!~ [NWNF_2w] //Reaction to Party Member Death
so you believe the fix is something to do with manually copying the files into the folder as opposed to using weidu to copy the files?
I also installed vol 2 on BGEE 2.3 (with and without SoD). It works just fine. Here's screencap of good old Abdel with the Female Drow voiceset from IWD2. The sounds work as well as the subtitles.
Forgot to mention in the post as it was originally in the title, this is the GOG version of the game. Should that make a difference.
GoG & Steam handle things differently than Beamdog's own launchers, hence the confusion. SoD's DLC files are packaged in an archive of sorts within BG:EE's directory.
You might want to look here if you want to learn more.
I had completely missed the blatantly obvious zip container called SoD-DLC in the root of the installation.
For Carl, the genocidal llama from Llamas with Hats.
Can you please upload your SOD installer again, zippyshare link is dead; and thanks for the great mod!
Do you think we should edit the first page to contain a master list of all the confirmed working soundsets contained within this thread (with links), à la the BG 1 & 2 master threads? As most of the soundsets in this thread are sort of hard for a newcomer to find, having to essentially read through 10+ pages to discover what soundsets are contained, and moreover is rather daunting for a newcomer to post their own work as it will likely be lost forever in the huge thread. If not should a new thread be created for this purpose and/or should it be combined with the BG2EE Compatible Mods thread as it now contains a section for soundsets?
I provided the tools so that people could make their own soundsets. I can't keep track and manage mods that people make independently. If their link dies I'd have no way to restore it and I have no say in the quality or anything else of another person's efforts for example.
Feel free to use this as you'd like and create a different thread or plug it in existing threads like the one you linked.
I keep the first thread up to date with soundsets I've worked on, if you (or someone else) wanted to link to another thread or something let me know.
How do I resolve this? Do I need to tweak the TP2 or TPA or something else to make sure WeiDu can handle the BG:EE CHARSND.2da?
There's a bug in BGEE (SOD) that makes it not work. I have posted compatibility earlier in the thread for at least one of the soundsets but even if you do install them, the soundsets will not play as expected until an engine bug has been resolved by beamdog.
Here's the ticket for it:
The bug tracker reports that the bug has been reported for over 10 months.
Wondering if I could find what stops the other premade soundsets from working I went into Volume 4 (Monkey Island) and extracted Mort's files. I copied the files from Volume 0 to the Volume 4 folder, using MIMort as the custom and tweaked all the file names and source folder stuff. I managed to get the selection sounds to play, each of them with subtitles, once, and then nothing (as per everyone's problem). I made sure that I was using a consistent name for all the files in the soundset - creating it just like my homemade one without having to do the WAV conversions (which, honestly, I did try for Mort as well after I found the same problem cropping up).
I've compared what I've done with Elvira to MIMort, and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why those sounds that I converted to WAV work for all responses, with subtitles, and Mort's don't (except for the first time I accessed it).
I encourage anyone wanting custom sounds to try using the v1.5 of Volume 0 and plugging WAV files into the template and trying it. The fact this worked for me makes me really wonder what the bug is caused by...
The only silly thing I could come up with is that "ELVIRA" is alphabetically before any of the other soundsets natively in the program - which could (?) conceivably mean that it gets loaded before anything coming after the Female/Male sets. That, of course, would make me think that changing the generic sets to custom WAV files would work, which they don't seem to.
Very weird, but I figured I'd mention this. I'm on a Mac, running OS Sierra, and I've had to do some backflips to get BGEE/SoD running correctly with the last installer (I discussed this elsewhere).
I really became attached to customizing sounds as the included sets get very stale, very quickly to me. Once I have the patience, I will finish my Vincent Price one (I've been cutting up MP3 files and converting them to mono WAV). I've been wanting to write a mod with Elvira as an NPC (I'm currently messing around with her as a PC) with some additional quests. I'm still pretty new to modding BGEE, but I enjoy messing around.
I tried making a copy of a default soundset and renamed it (male4 -> yale4 or something) and it wouldn't play selection sounds. I have no idea what broke with the latest patch.
This one's more quick-and-dirty than the others because it doesn't have subtitling (since I don't play with subtitles so why bother) nor does it have a fancy Weidu installer, so just throw it in your BG(2)EE directory/lang/en_US/sounds folder.
Also take a look at @semiticgod's War Hulk kit, which is what inspired me to post this here because I think Krieg fits it perfectly.
Krieg0.wav Selected 6 (Fun time!)
Krieg1.wav Critical Miss (No! Nonononono!)
Krieg2.wav Target Immune (Arrrrghh!!)
Krieg3.wav Inventory Full (Too...many...icons...)
Krieg4.wav Successfully Picked A Pocket (I'll keep it all inside me.)
Krieg5.wav Successfully Hid In Shadows (Ssshhhh, quiiieeettt...)
Krieg6.wav Spell Disrupted (Never interrupt me!)
Krieg7.wav Set A Trap (Heads up, Seven-up!)
Krieg8.wav Battle Cry 2 (POUNDS! OF! FLEEESSH!)
Krieg9.wav Battle Cry 3 (I'll show you what a badass is!)
Kriega.wav Battle Cry 1 (Hraaauuwrrrrr!!)
Kriegb.wav Becoming Leader (That's more like it!)
Kriegc.wav Tired (I've gotta stop...)
Kriegd.wav Bored (The silence! Kill it! I'll find you, quiet noises, and I'll strangle the whispers out of you with a bonesaw!)
Kriege.wav Badly Wounded (I'm losing blood, gimmie yours!)
Kriegf.wav Selected 1 (Ohh, yes?)
Kriegg.wav Selected 2 (I can taste the screaming already...)
Kriegh.wav Selected 3 (What sweet meats do you have today?)
Kriegi.wav Action Acknowledgement 1 (It feels perfect.)
Kriegj.wav Action Acknowledgement 2 (Yes, I knew it.)
Kriegk.wav Action Acknowledgement 3 (Meeeaaatttt...)
Kriegl.wav Being Hit (Ugh!)
Kriegm.wav Death (Garrrraarrrararlagh!)
Kriegn.wav In Forest (An unending landscape of BLOOD SAUSAGE...)
Kriego.wav In City (Where are they keeping the meat?...)
Kriegp.wav In Dungeon (I wanna see sunset colors...)
Kriegq.wav Daytime (I wanna crush something!)
Kriegr.wav Nighttime (Hrnnn... I looked into the heart of darkness, and I ATE IT ALL!)
Kriegs.wav Action Acknowledgement 4 (Feels so right!)
Kriegt.wav Action Acknowledgement 5 (Don't make this weird.)
Kriegu.wav Action Acknowledgement 6 (I feel the crimson.)
Kriegv.wav Action Acknowledgement 7 (Raugh, its a bloody business, Bates!)
Kriegw.wav Reaction to Party Member Death (I will murder your death.)
Kriegx.wav Rare Select 1 (While there's life, there's meat!)
Kriegy.wav Rare Select 2 (Salt... Good God, where's my salt!?)
Kriegz.wav Critical Hit Given (Get styled upon!)
Voice Actor: Jason Douglas
I DID IT! I think I got to the bottom of the problems. I took an old soundset called "Rhett" and modified the Volume0 to be a different number (in my case "1") and edited the installer files to reflect this, moving all the soundfiles from the old "drag and drop" folder I downloaded. I entered all the dialogue text into the TRA and used "ARHETT" as my soundfile names. It didn't work right - it was doing the play each of the selection sounds once and not again (as per my response several months ago).
Rather than taking that for an answer, I decided to see what exactly was making the "Elvira" soundset different in the Lang folder. There were more files for Elvira than ARHETT, so I copied all of those (even the IWD and BG2 ones) to the EN_US folder along with a copy of the .tra for the set.
It worked, consistently.
edit: I should note that I might have also predropped the Elvira soundset into EN_LANG sounds before I made the installer, because I was probably being lazy and not wanting to do the whole WEIDU thing, but I had the .tra in the same folder too... I also found a difference in the "backup" folder between the Elvira and Rhett folders, I deleted what might have been an extraneous file (CHARSND.2da) which didn't have ARHETT listed on it, though ELVIRA was.
Edit: I think just dropping the .tra and .wav files into the EN_US sound folder works after installation. I did a 'volume0' installation of Mort a few days ago, and I copied the above files and manually placed them. The soundset now works completely.
Edit: I leave the original files in place and copy them and manually add them, I am not moving them.
Edit: I didn't copy files to the lang folder, the WEIDU alone took care of it. I did change the specified file name as can be seen in the pasted code. Any ideas about why this works now?
Edit II: I have tried the same procedure with sets 3 & 4, to no avail. The only difference I really noticed upon investigation was the "OUTER_SPRINT soundName" is set one higher than the "BEGIN @" designation for both of these sets, unlike volume 2 which shares the same number. I tried changing this but it simply didn't work at all after that... I will dig deeper as time presents itself. Nonetheless, Volume 2 is still working consistently on all sounds.
BACKUP ~S9SoundsetsVol2/backup~
AUTHOR ~Smeagolheart@forum.baldursgate.com~
// The "ALWAYS" section sets up different settings needed for BG1EE, BG2EE, and IWDEE
// IWDEE, BGEE and BG2EE have different columns in charsnd.2da
// so each game gets different sounds with subs
// -> Skip to line 225 for actual soundset information or search for s9_soundsetBEGIN
// ----------------BGEE SPECIFIC SETTINGS----------------
OUTER_SPRINT "s9columntype" "soundNamea soundNameb soundNamec soundNamed soundNamee soundNamef soundNameg soundNameh soundNamei soundNamej soundNamek soundNamel soundNamem soundName8 soundName9 soundNamex soundNamey soundNamez soundName1 soundName2 soundName3 soundName4 soundName5 soundName6 soundName7"
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%a.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%a.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%b.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%b.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%c.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%c.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%d.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%d.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%e.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%e.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%f.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%f.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%g.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%g.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%h.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%h.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%i.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%i.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%j.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%j.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%k.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%k.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%l.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%l.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%m.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%m.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%8.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%8.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%9.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%9.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%x.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%x.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%y.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%y.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%z.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%z.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%1.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%1.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%2.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%2.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%3.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%3.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%4.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%4.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%5.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%5.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%6.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%6.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%7.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%7.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
// ----------------SOD Compatibility----------------
PRINT ~Adjusting for SOD version of soundset.~
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%s.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%s.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%t.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%t.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%u.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%u.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%v.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%v.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%0.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%0.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%w.wav~ THEN BEGIN
COPY ~S9SoundsetsVol2/SND/%soundName%/sounds/%soundName%w.wav~ ~lang/en_US/sounds~ END
OUTER_SPRINT "s9columntype" "-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 soundNameb soundNamec soundNamed soundNamea soundName8 soundName9 -1 -1 soundNamel soundNamem soundNamee -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 soundNamef soundNameg soundNameh soundName0 -1 -1 soundNamei soundNamej soundNamek soundNames soundNamet soundNameu soundNamev soundNamew soundNamex soundNamey soundNamez soundName1 soundName2 soundName3 soundName4 soundName5 soundName6 soundName7"
// ----------------BG2EE SPECIFIC SETTINGS----------------
I've read the readme here:
and don't see it.
I'm just trying to extract baeloths sound files to BG2. I just want to do it quickly, don't want to use a tool or weidu. I just drop the files in the sound folder. Thats good enough for me, don't need subtitles and all that jazz.
While extracting the wavs in NI, I can see what the sound is in the .cre file, happy, tired , whatever. But the default name of the files doesn't look like the others in the sound folder (BD78616.WAV), so I assume there is a naming convention I need to follow. Thats what I can't find. Should look something like
xxxxxxL.wav: DAMAGE
xxxxxxM.wav: DYING
xxxxxxE.wav: HURT
Does that make sense? Or is there some other required major step I'm missing? Maybe it's not that simple?
@0 = ~[NWNF_2a] To the fight! Give no quarter!~ [NWNF_2a] //Battle Cry 1
@1 = ~[NWNF_2b] I am most appreciative.~ [NWNF_2b] //Becoming Leader
@2 = ~[NWNF_2c] I require rest. I am not at my best.~ [NWNF_2c] //Tired
@3 = ~[NWNF_2d] There is no such thing as fashionably idle. Get moving.~ [NWNF_2d] //Bored
@4 = ~[NWNF_2e] I need a healer most immediately. Come here!~ [NWNF_2e] //Badly Wounded
@5 = ~[NWNF_2f] Well hello.~ [NWNF_2f] //Selected 1
@6 = ~[NWNF_2g] What is it that you want?~ [NWNF_2g] //Selected 2
@7 = ~[NWNF_2h] Here, come listen to what I have to say.~ [NWNF_2h] //Selected 3
@8 = ~[NWNF_20] You are not worthy!~ [NWNF_20] //Selected 4 (IWDEE)
@9 = ~[NWNF_2i] I would say...yes.~ [NWNF_2i] //Action Acknowledgement 1
@10 = ~[NWNF_2j] I will see that it is done.~ [NWNF_2j] //Action Acknowledgement 2
@11 = ~[NWNF_2k] A fine idea, I would think.~ [NWNF_2k] //Action Acknowledgement 3
@12 = ~[NWNF_2s] Fall in step, as you should. Follow!~ [NWNF_2s] //Action Acknowledgement 4
@13 = ~[NWNF_2t] Search carefully in this place.~ [NWNF_2t] //Action Acknowledgement 5
@14 = ~[NWNF_2u] I doubt that this idea will prove fruitful.~ [NWNF_2u] //Action Acknowledgement 6
@15 = ~[NWNF_2v] Ahahahahahaha!~ [NWNF_2v] //Action Acknowledgement 7
@16 = ~[NWNF_2l] Uhh-huh.~ [NWNF_2l] //Being Hit
@17 = ~[NWNF_2m] Eurgh!~ [NWNF_2m] //Dying
@18 = ~[NWNF_28] Back with you!~ [NWNF_28] //Battle Cry 2
@19 = ~[NWNF_29] I see them. There are enemies here!~ [NWNF_29] //Battle Cry 3
@20 = ~[NWNF_2x] No.~ [NWNF_2x] //Rare Select 1
@21 = ~[NWNF_2y] I assure you; I will act with deadly interest should you persist.~ [NWNF_2y] //Rare Select 2
@22 = ~[NWNF_2_] Watch over me, please. Guard well.~ [NWNF_2_] //Rare Select 3 (IWDEE)
@23 = ~[NWNF_2#] Reinforcements, to me! Lend me your aid.~ [NWNF_2#] //Rare Select 4 (IWDEE)
@24 = ~[NWNF_2z] Oh, grand!~ [NWNF_2z] //Critical Hit Given
@25 = ~[NWNF_21] By all that's right!~ [NWNF_21] //Critical Miss
@26 = ~[NWNF_22] My attack...does nothing!~ [NWNF_22] //Target Immune
@27 = ~[NWNF_23] I...I shouldn't be carrying this much.~ [NWNF_23] //Inventory Full
@28 = ~[NWNF_24] Here is something worth a second look.~ [NWNF_24] //Successfully Picked A Pocket
@29 = ~[NWNF_25] Into the shadows, hide!~ [NWNF_25] //Successfully Hid In Shadows
@30 = ~[NWNF_26] My elegant spell...ruined!~ [NWNF_26] //Spell Disrupted
@31 = ~[NWNF_27] The task is done and taken care of.~ [NWNF_27] //Set A Trap
@32 = ~[NWNF_2w] This cause is lost. Withdraw!~ [NWNF_2w] //Reaction to Party Member Death