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[Mods] Awesome Soundsets Mods Master Thread. Custom Soundsets for BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    So I guess now we need an instruction of what to do for those playes who want to read it simple.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    The only thing I did to Vol2 was add the SoD compatibility code in @Gynsburghe's post.

    No manual copying. I just installed the mod using the latest WeiDU.

    I note that @Gynsburghe and I are both on macOS. Is it possible this is a Windows platform issue?
  • GynsburgheGynsburghe Member Posts: 60
    @AstroBryGuy : Yeah, I'm definitely wondering the same thing. I'm going to try and have a crack at the other volumes of "Awesome" this week and *possibly* assemble my Elvira/Vincent Price soundset with a Weidu installer to see if it works for others. My goal is to eventually add them both as NPCs with small quests (I want to do a haunted house quest, recycling maps (or, if I'm gutsy, I might try to build some from a few assets I've acquired for RPGMaker MV - but that is a way off for a relative newb like me).
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    To be honest I always found the NWN1 voicesets to be incredibly annoying, and hammy, but the NWN2 voicesets were much more tolerable.
  • ElDiabloElDiablo Member Posts: 36
    Hello hopefully someone here can help me as i have been having an issue with custom voicesets.
    I have been working on my own and tried out a few downloaded ones. however the selection sounds never seem to play in game no matter how i select the character while the standard voicesets do not have this problem. also the voice set and selection sounds play just fine in the character creation area.

    This is the voiceset im making so far but all custom voicesets seem to have this problem.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    That's the Beamdog but that's been reported on previous pages of the thread.
  • ReddbaneReddbane Member Posts: 222

    I few months back I did find a workaround for this. Subtitles will still be of the old default soundset, but you can use whatever custom voice you want.
    Reddbane said:

    I have found a temporary solution to custom soundsets not playing properly in a BG 2.0 and Siege of Dragonspear: go to your Game Directory, then in the "lang" folder, then in "en_US" folder (or whatever language you are using), then into the "sounds" folder; then pick whatever default soundset you have no interest in using--for example I chose Male3--then a rename all the prefixes of the sound files of a copy of your desired custom soundset, for example Dakkon files PSTDakka, PSTDakkb, PSTDakkc, etc. become Male3a, Male3b, Male4c, etc.; then paste the rename files into you "sound" folder, allowing them to overwrite the old files; and success! Now your custom soundset will play perfectly in game. You just have to select the soundset you replaced's name, so that Dakkon's voice appears as "Male: Streetwise" (aka Male3)

  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited March 2017
    That solution plays the sounds but the subtitles won't match. I highly discourage using that method - at best its a temporary fix that will allow the sounds but won't match up the subtitles at the expense of manually modifying game files.

    Use at your own risk.
  • ElDiabloElDiablo Member Posts: 36
    Reddbane said:


    I few months back I did find a workaround for this. Subtitles will still be of the old default soundset, but you can use whatever custom voice you want.

    Reddbane said:

    I have found a temporary solution to custom soundsets not playing properly in a BG 2.0 and Siege of Dragonspear: go to your Game Directory, then in the "lang" folder, then in "en_US" folder (or whatever language you are using), then into the "sounds" folder; then pick whatever default soundset you have no interest in using--for example I chose Male3--then a rename all the prefixes of the sound files of a copy of your desired custom soundset, for example Dakkon files PSTDakka, PSTDakkb, PSTDakkc, etc. become Male3a, Male3b, Male4c, etc.; then paste the rename files into you "sound" folder, allowing them to overwrite the old files; and success! Now your custom soundset will play perfectly in game. You just have to select the soundset you replaced's name, so that Dakkon's voice appears as "Male: Streetwise" (aka Male3)

    ah thank you. i think i will try that out foe the near future and back up the original files.
    as for subtitles, that's no problem for me i always have them turned of as i find the VERY annoying.
    hope the bug is fixed for the future.

    if you guys have any comments or tips for my voiceset, i'd love to hear some feedback.
  • ReddbaneReddbane Member Posts: 222
    The more labor intensive solution would be to install BG(EE)trilogy, as it simply converts everything to the BG2 engine, which does not have the sound-set problem.
  • KennisKennis Member Posts: 124
    No Kagain on the soundsets?
  • swordNboredswordNbored Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2017
    Alright guys, I'm having trouble trying to get these sound packs to install. Whenever I try to install one, it fails, and at the end of the installer prompt it tells me "cannot append" and something along the lines of "not having enough lines to append."

    Other mods have worked beautifully for me, like BGEE Tweaks and a few others. I also have Modmerge installed already, as well.

    EDIT: Ahhh, I see, it's not me. It's the engine. I found another post a few pages back detailing my exact error - all thanks to SOD. I was just under the assumption that only when playing SOD itself they wouldn't work. Oh well. Hopefully we get a fix eventually. There aren't any good Half-Orc voice packs by default (except #6, but it's...average at best).
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    suggest trying to play SOD in EET (or BG1 with SOD installed natch).

    EET can play SOD or BG1 in the BG2 engine. No problems there.
  • swordNboredswordNbored Member Posts: 6
    So, I got the soundsets to work after cross referencing multiple threads to solve the problem - subtitles don't work still, but I just turned them off anyway. I'm blessed with hearing, and I can't read while casting fireballs at kobolds.

    That being said, I don't know if anyone has anymore NWN soundsets, or an idea of how to get them? I actually do have NWN Platinum so technically, I have all 3 games. I just need to find the soundsets and make them suitable for BGEE.
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    My main problem with the IWD soundsets is that due to some compatibility issue when you tell a character to do something sometimes instead of playing the affirm response ("righto", "watch me go", "done") it plays the annoyed response ("you don't have a clue do ya?" "I pray your childish mind will soon turn towards other amusements!") and so forth.

    Highly annoying. Any chance this can be fixed or has it been fixed? I downloaded the soundsets a few months back.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Do you have the latest patch installed? If I recall correctly, that was a Beamdog issue that was patched in the one of the first patches of iwdee.
  • Paradox_MakiParadox_Maki Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2017
    Can someone please post Baeloth's soundset from BGEE SOD? :s

    (Edit) Nevermind, I decided to make one myself (and also one for Sand from NWN2). Here you go
    Post edited by Paradox_Maki on
  • ShaunzyBombzyShaunzyBombzy Member Posts: 1
    Hey, @smeagolheart I've got the GOG version of the game, do soundsets just not work with that? I can't seem to find any information on the subject.
  • Vonbek777Vonbek777 Member Posts: 135
    Revisiting after a long hiatus, and was interested in adding the Torment soundsets to a BG playthru but the link in the first post isn't there another location I can download the files from? Thanks in advance!
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    Hey, @smeagolheart I've got the GOG version of the game, do soundsets just not work with that? I can't seem to find any information on the subject.

    I don't have the GOG version, it should work. It doesn't work in BG1EE due to a bug from beamdog mentioned in this thread but should work in IWDEE and BG2EE even GOG.
    Vonbek777 said:

    Revisiting after a long hiatus, and was interested in adding the Torment soundsets to a BG playthru but the link in the first post isn't there another location I can download the files from? Thanks in advance!

    I'll see about finding another hoster. A shame long time Baldur's Gate website Spellhold Studios isn't working.

  • BudvizerBudvizer Member Posts: 1
    So i made some custom audio files that are just like for Baldur's Gate enhanced edition (which worked) and the custom audio seems to work under the character creation screen but not during the actual game. Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there is another issue.

    The custom audio files are .wav files saved under [Program files (x86) -> Steam -> steamapps -> Common -> Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition -> lang -> en_us -> sounds] and are as listed but with X as a number

    CUSTOMX#.wav: IWD selected
    CUSTOMX_.wav: IWD selected
    CUSTOMXa.wav : Battle Cry
    CUSTOMXb.wav : Becoming Leader
    CUSTOMXc.wav : Tired
    CUSTOMXd.wav : Bored
    CUSTOMXe.wav : Badly Wounded
    CUSTOMXf.wav : Selected 1
    CUSTOMXg.wav : Selected 2
    CUSTOMXh.wav : Selected 3
    CUSTOMXi.wav : Action Acknowledgement 1
    CUSTOMXj.wav : Action Acknowledgement 2
    CUSTOMXk.wav : Action Acknowledgement 3
    CUSTOMXl.wav : Being Hit
    CUSTOMXm.wav : Dying
    CUSTOMXs.wav : Rare Selected 1
    CUSTOMXt.wav : Rare Selected 2
    CUSTOMXu.wav : Rare Selected 3
    CUSTOMXv.wav : Rare Selected 4
    CUSTOMXw.wav : Reaction to Party Member Death
    CUSTOMXx.wav: IWD selected
    CUSTOMXy.wav: IWD selected
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2017
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538

    Male, Violent Fighter

    "Rip yer to shreds!"

    Uncouth, uncivilized, gruff, rough. You can practically smell the mouldering yurt hides and poor regard for personal hygiene emanating from this voice set.
    So, after installing this sound set, I see the following during the character creation process (that is, when I am asked to choose a sound set): NWNM_4. It should read as follows: Violent Fighter. Is it possible to make it work as I suggested?

  • kittenykatkittenykat Member Posts: 1
    Trying to install the IWD sound sets but I can't find WeiDU anywhere, and can't figure out how to install without it. Every link to WeiDU I find is a 404 error. Help? D:
  • arielbrentarielbrent Member Posts: 2
    @smeagolheart First, thanks for your work here. I just purchased the games for Xmas, now starting Black Pits after playing through BGee (again, after some 15 years). Looking for voice sets, I found this thread but I do not understand how to install this. I downloaded the zip file, and the readme says "To install, first simply unzip the archive to your game's folder". Which folder? I ran the install in several folders, all I get is a message saying Fatal Error, "please run this in your Infinity Engine game directory" but I cannot find any directory named that.
    How does this work? Do I need this Weidu thingy separately?
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Great mod my man! Just installed. Love it, finally get to make a BG party for an Icewind Dale run!
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited February 2018

    @smeagolheart First, thanks for your work here. I just purchased the games for Xmas, now starting Black Pits after playing through BGee (again, after some 15 years). Looking for voice sets, I found this thread but I do not understand how to install this. I downloaded the zip file, and the readme says "To install, first simply unzip the archive to your game's folder". Which folder? I ran the install in several folders, all I get is a message saying Fatal Error, "please run this in your Infinity Engine game directory" but I cannot find any directory named that.
    How does this work? Do I need this Weidu thingy separately?

    Weidu thingy is setup-(mod name).exe that's the standard and what I use here.

    The folder to extract this to and run the setup file is the one where your Baldur gate executable is located.There is a difference depending on where you bought it from. Buying from GOG, the games are put in C:\GOG games\, from Steam, it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\. I don't recall where Beamdog puts them.

  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited February 2018
    Hey, is there a Kivan voiceset?

    Edit: No Kagain either, I got played twice in character creation!

    gonna go with my guy Yeslick
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    @smeagolheart First, thanks for your work here. I just purchased the games for Xmas, now starting Black Pits after playing through BGee (again, after some 15 years). Looking for voice sets, I found this thread but I do not understand how to install this. I downloaded the zip file, and the readme says "To install, first simply unzip the archive to your game's folder". Which folder? I ran the install in several folders, all I get is a message saying Fatal Error, "please run this in your Infinity Engine game directory" but I cannot find any directory named that.
    How does this work? Do I need this Weidu thingy separately?

    Weidu thingy is setup-(mod name).exe that's the standard and what I use here.

    The folder to extract this to and run the setup file is the one where your Baldur gate executable is located.There is a difference depending on where you bought it from. Buying from GOG, the games are put in C:\GOG games\, from Steam, it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\. I don't recall where Beamdog puts them.

    Search your drive for the file "chitin.key". That file is in your installation folder.
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