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Pillars of Eternity MEGATHREAD (caution: SPOILERS)



  • toolargtoolarg Member Posts: 182
    I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already, but the PoE portraits are exactly the same size as those of BGEE and look awesome, all you need to do is convert them from png to bmp to use them.
  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 195
    oh man the fight at the end of Raedrics hold is the toughest so far. Like @bengoshi i am playing blind on hard difficulty, and it is quite difficult overall, but this one takes the cake. I've only tried once and confidently thought i was winning until the enemy popped one spell that burned every one of my party members and healed all the opponents, while other opponents ran around giving single character heals to any who needed more. Within two "rounds" my casters were knocked out and the opponents were all fully healed minus the one or two i managed to kill.

    I'll have to try a new strategy tonight. I only have Cipher PC, Monk (adventurer), Aloth, Durance, and Eder in my party. I get the feeling having a Chanter or a Rogue would help as i seem to have trouble dealing enough damage in this battle. After one or two more tries i will probably come back and try again later with more exp. and/or companions.

    I've also been relatively free of bugs but i am crossing my fingers the Raedrics hold bug doesn't get me. The sliding character slicken bug has made me laugh a few times. other than that just minor stuttering/teleporting characters and sound issues.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207

    The NPCs who are simply in place to have you read their soul....some of the most evocative writing I've seen in a video game. As soon as you click on the yellow NPCs, the game transfers from the screen to your head. They aren't necessary to complete anything, but they are EVERYWHERE if you want flavor.

    Heh. Those are from Kickstarter backers. So if there's good writing in them, that's actually quite surprising. I read a few but found them to be really out of place.
    toolarg said:

    I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already, but the PoE portraits are exactly the same size as those of BGEE and look awesome, all you need to do is convert them from png to bmp to use them.

    The big portraits, yes. The small ones however are 76x96.
    Qbert said:

    oh man the fight at the end of Raedrics hold is the toughest so far. Like bengoshi i am playing blind on hard difficulty, and it is quite difficult overall, but this one takes the cake. I've only tried once

    I got to that part, looked around me to see several knights, wizards and priests and thought "Yeaaaah... You know, maybe Raedric isn't such a bad guy. Maybe we should try talking this through...". Went to fight his rival instead, which was easier (I assume) but not an easy fight either. It didn't help matters any that there were like 3 extra people there only because I had previously helped them...
  • toolargtoolarg Member Posts: 182
    edited March 2015

    toolarg said:

    I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already, but the PoE portraits are exactly the same size as those of BGEE and look awesome, all you need to do is convert them from png to bmp to use them.

    The big portraits, yes. The small ones however are 76x96.
    Yeah but since BGEE resizes the big portraits to fit into every portrait slot (unlike vanilla BG and BG2 where you needed multiple versions of the same image in different sizes) it doesnt matter.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I have now completed most quests in and around GV, found 3 companions and recruited another 2 from the inn. Some (optional) fights were quite tough, especially in the Temple of Eothas. I left them until later and just finished them with a full party. Looking forward to Caed nau.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2015

    I have now completed most quests in and around GV, found 3 companions and recruited another 2 from the inn. Some (optional) fights were quite tough, especially in the Temple of Eothas. I left them until later and just finished them with a full party. Looking forward to Caed nau.

    I'm progressing through the Temple myself, and have nearly cleared the second level. The shadows are annoying, but I find it useful to have my fighter immediately engage with his charge skill on one of them, have the mage put the Fetid paralyze spell on another, and, if necessary, the Priest can also do a CC. It allows my character (Druid) to either go in guns blazing in wolf form, or throw some nasty AoE in there, followed by some single target mage spells and some buffs from the Priest (playing with just the 4 right now). I haven't lost a fight yet, though I have been down to my Fighter a couple times, and I've definitely used a couple of tents.

    The key in this game, much more so than even BG2 or IWD, is that you HAVE to pause nearly every 2 seconds and micromanage every party member, if for no other reason than the attacks of opportunity that will rip you to shreds if you try to run away. I find it best to position and plan out the first commands with the idea of establishing as much intercept and CC as possible to avoid putting ranged characters in harms way.

  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    I equip both my fighters with a crossbow/arblest, at the start of combat they fire off a round and then switch to melee weapons, my first volley can easily kill mages and other weaker opponents.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Update: My druid is SO much better than my poorly constructed paladin. I'm gonna go back and remake the paladin later, but I will be smarter about it!

    I really want to add the paladin NPC to my party but I haven't gotten to the Bay yet... I went to the bridge and it was cut off. I want to get her early so she isn't too high level when I get her, but it seems like I gotta go through the giant temple with Kana.

    So guys... I could use some advice
    Gonna have:
    Wood Elf Female- Druid who does damage and shapeshifts
    Aloth- wizard. who does crowd control stuff
    Eder- fighter. main tank. Point and punch, and most importantly, take punches (yo Adrian, I did it!)
    Durance- priest. healing and buffing guy
    Pallegina- paladin. buffing/leadership and tanking/fighting

    Leaves me one spot. I'm between Kana the chanter and the dwarven ranger (she looks awesome!) Don' t know which one I should take. Just got Kana, and he seems really interesting, but I think I'm gonna take him in my next game along with the halfling druid and the cipher.

    Which should I take:
    A. Kana, navi avatar amaua chanter or
    B. Sagani, dwarven ranger with awesome wolf animal companion (can't wait to meet her)
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Does the game stop giving you free camping supplies after the beginning? I haven't found any in ages.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207

    Does the game stop giving you free camping supplies after the beginning? I haven't found any in ages.

    You find them in crates here and there, but they can also be bought for ~75 copper at various vendors.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    Does the game stop giving you free camping supplies after the beginning? I haven't found any in ages.

    You find them in crates here and there, but they can also be bought for ~75 copper at various vendors.
    Yes, I confirm that there're camping supplies on many maps. I've actually made a habit that as soon as I find one, I rest - either the moment I take the supplies or a little bit later when an area is better explored.

    By the way, the price for camping supplies can be lower than ~75 copper (~64) if you complete a task for a seller:)
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited March 2015
    I have been saving mine after hearing about how rare they are... I wrote down where they are on the map (for example, the Eothesian temple) in case I need one in the future.

    Am I being paranoid?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214

    I have been saving mine after hearing about how rare they are... I wrote down where they are on the map (for example, the Eothesian temple) in case I need one in the future.

    Am I being paranoid?

    Most of the time being paranoid is the only way to survive in these games...
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    mlnevese said:

    I have been saving mine after hearing about how rare they are... I wrote down where they are on the map (for example, the Eothesian temple) in case I need one in the future.

    Am I being paranoid?

    Most of the time being paranoid is the only way to survive in these games...

    Agreed, I've been going one hallway, one forest swath at a time, utilizing stealth in new areas. Just got into the swamp area, had two fights (including one against soulless husks of children infused with feral animal spirits, now THAT is creep factor) that were a pushover. Then I ventured north and ran into two giant forest striders, and they wiped me out. Hardly any distance between them on the map, majorly different fights.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Ok, guys, Druid got to level 4

    Do I...
    a. go for extra first level spell talent
    b. go for Scion of Storms (20% more LIGHTNING! damage)

    Option A seems very useful, but Option B seems very metal. Not sure if it applies to my wildstrike too though, since that is also shock damage, or just to my spells (my most common spell is the Fake Call Lightning)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I'd say go for the lightning damage. Another level 1 spell doesn't seem as significant.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited March 2015
    Thanks @elminster ! Should I go lightning or something else? I'm gonna check out the rest of the druid spells to see which damage type is best.

    edit: one thing I've notice about this game, that I dislike, is that area of effect spells SUCK unless they are only for foes.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2015

    Thanks @elminster ! Should I go lightning or something else? I'm gonna check out the rest of the druid spells to see which damage type is best.

    edit: one thing I've notice about this game, that I dislike, is that area of effect spells SUCK unless they are only for foes.

    Unless you are playing on Expert mode, the red section of your AoE is where the damage takes place. In many instances you can get position and spare your comrades. Sometimes it's beneficial to LET your AoE hit your tank characters if it is gonna hit enough enemies and they can take the punishment. You can also prepare them for it with potions, food, or Priest buffs.

    The reason this is a thing in this type of game is that it is meant to, as best as possible, recreate a real role-playing experience. If this was actually happening, the flames shooting out in a wave from your hand wouldn't automatically pass by you, nor would the lightning storm you and the target were standing right in the middle of. It's annoying (and I agree it get to me sometimes as well) because most games have eliminated friendly fire entirely. But not Divinity: Original Sin and Pillars of Eternity :wink:

    It's worth remembering that unless you are playing on one of the brutal difficulties, your character isn't going to die when they pass out unless they were already extremely low on health. You can afford to let half your party go down if the end result is that the enemies are eliminated. The Endurance/Health system takes some getting used to, but there are benefits.

  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I have had some spells firing where the enemies aren't anymore. Now I manage to avoid that most of the time. :)
  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 195

    edit: one thing I've notice about this game, that I dislike, is that area of effect spells SUCK unless they are only for foes.

    I think slicken is the best spell in the game so far. It singlehandedly saved me in the Raedric hold fight.

  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Nevermind, I am DEFINITELY keeping Kana. The guy is just too awesome of a personality for me to give up. I LOVE his background.

    My favorite NPCs in terms of personality so far (I've met Aloth, Eder, Durance and then Kana) are definitely Eder and Kana. Keep in mind I've only been so far as the stronghold (just got it) so don't spoil much for me!

    I love how simple Eder's background is, while still being interesting. On one hand he is a simple farmer, and seems like the kind of dry-witted, sun-tanned, country-bred guy you'd find in the American midwest. But then he is also a persecuted religious minority, a veteran and someone who takes an active interest in the going-ons of the world. He plays it off like he's a simple guy, but he clearly cares about some serious theology and has a nice sense of justice. Also a wicked dark humor, haha. As someone who likes Superman's background, I enjoy him.

    Kana is awesome in the complete opposite way. His background is definitely not simple, I think its cool that in spite of being a physical beast he comes from an educated and well-to-do family. I can certainly relate a lot personally with huge, fairly athletic dude who is deep down really just a nerd that just wants to learn EVERYTHING. I see a lot of myself in him. I've said it a couple times on the politics thread that I am a big fan of the often-stigmatized big-g Globalization, and think that the spread of ideas, goods and customs throughout different cultures has been one of the greatest developments of the modern world and has pretty much made this the least-violent era in human history. Kana's goal of stopping his culture from becoming isolated is one that I really, really sympathize with. It is a goal that I would get behind in real life as well as in a fantasy world.

    I'm looking forward to meeting the other NPCs too. So far I'm not too impressed with Aloth. Sarcastic elf mage? Seen that before a million times. His possible split personality? All mages are a little crazy, this guy ain't no Xzar yet. But I'll give it time.

    Durance.... I have NO idea what to make of him. He seems to hate my character haha. Honestly I dudnno if it makes much sense roleplaying-wise for my character to let him tag along considering how openly hostile he is, but he's kind of interesting and his healing is useful in some close encounters. I'm gonna give him some more time for sure.

    What characters do you guys like?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited April 2015

    What characters do you guys like?

    For me, it's actually too early to evaluate because I haven't seen all of them and even those that are currently in my party are rather a mystery to me - too little time together, I think.

    But right now, my most favourite is Sagani the Ranger. I like this cute dwarven lass that is so effective in a combination with my rogue. Nearly every battle we open with two simultaneous crossbow shots from the invisibility - not every enemy can survive it.

    I like her personality a lot too. A cheerful but not silly. Has a family and loves them. From the north and reminds me women from my country a bit.

    And her white fox (yes, it's a fox, @booinyoureyes , not a wolf) ! I love it! With her fox, there're 7 of us in the party - not six. The fox is very cute and useful in the battle. It single-handedly tanked Raedric himself till the rest of my party finished his minions.

    Overall, I more or less like all the companions I've seen. But the most imprortant thing is I want to see their stories, how they develop and what they bring.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2015
    A very interesting game.
    I tend to disagree with the previous comment on the game difficulty.
    I believe it was influenced by the backers and this community usually has a lot of experience with various roleplaying games.
    I like the level of challenge offered by the game but I am quite sure that this game can discourage many newcomers to the genre.

    Another comment is on the non linearity in the difficulty :
    I was a bit surprised by the change of difficulty related to several battles that come in sequence. For instance Od Nua lvl 6 and Lvl7 are no challenge after the level 5.
    In contrast your young party that just conquered its stronghold might quickly hit the wall if you decide to immediately build the warden's lodge and go after the bounties.
    One part of the explanation is my own lack of understanding of all the game mechanics but I am convinced that it does not explained everything.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Just picked up Kana and am now in control of the Keep, I have to admit that Chants are the first thing that have me confused in this game. The simple buff part like the Bard is obvious, but the way they string together and how they interact has me flummoxed at the moment.
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    Yeah, I don't know if I find it too easy on normal, it's more just how variable it is. I've had some fights I found tough, but as I've gone on I find I'm just auto attacking the vast majority of fights. Also, tanks become a bit crazy once you're fairly high level imo. I just blew a boss type fight terribly where everyone but Eder wiped quickly. I went out for a smoke and came back just in time to see him finish off the fight on his own. ^^
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