Okay, you travel down the second set of stairs and back down into the Pine vale. Soon after leaving the tunnel, you find yourself in the midst of a heavily forested area. The area is mostly Pine trees and oaks, with a slight, lingering chill from the top of the mountain you were dropped on..
The tall, straight trunks of the pines stand guard-like around you, rank upon rank, broken only by occasional clumps of other trees. Save for the birdsong, all is quiet, and the air is filled with the scent of pine. Nothing here seems threatening or out of place, but then, without warning, a gaunt, crouching figure springs from the cover of a large tree, its skin covered by a mass of bristling pine needles.
Ajantis wipes his blade before sheathing it, turning to notice the barely contained emotions warring on the party leader's face.
"Are you alright, Miss Aerie?"
"Why must everyone keep asking if I'm all right?" Aerie snapped. But her own harshness surprised her, and her shoulders immediately slumped. She sighed, and when she next spoke, it was a whisper. "I-I'm sorry, Ajantis. Yes, I'm fine."
"No need to apologize. With all the kidnapping and constant attack, it's no wonder nerves are a bit frayed. Speaking of attack..." Ajantis draws his blade and prepares for combat.
"Those pine needles surely hurts. Can we comfort you in any way? (Don't stare me, i'm trying to be peaceful here)" Arkanis prepare his attack with his axe, while speaking to the... Pinegre?
Anomen's spear lashes out, biting deep into the creature, punching it in the chest. The smell of pine sap intensifies. Several other of you lash out against it, but Minsc finishes it off with a strike that chops it in half.
Now that it is dead, you notice a dirty pouch around its neck.
"What perversion of nature is this?" She could have meant the pine being, but just as easily could have been referring to Anomen, who was standing just beside it.
you're right, you'd probably poison us all with your cooking. Lets just get back to a town so we can have a decent meal... Which way big guy *to Minsc*
"I could use one," Ajantis announces, snatching the bottle from Arkanis' hand. After an experimental sip and grimace, he drinks a bit more before before handing the bottle back. "That has quite a kick. What's in it?"
Arkanis tastes the bottle. "It's the elven wine from the cellar we find in the mountain. A little too sweet for my taste, but it's as strong, as any dwarven ale. And i must accept your wisdom Anomen. Don't drink if can't bear it."
I watched too many good men fall sway to its embrace. Changing them, making those thay they love suffer as they drink their wages away and turn their good name sour enough that those they once called friends become bitter rivals over it.
You are right, i can not bear what it brings. My sister is stronger than I in that regard I suppose...
OOC: This proves Aerie and Anomen can't get together. Way too much angst in one space could cause a rip in the space time continuum, or something Star Treky like that.
"Most sisters are stronger than you in many regards," Jaheira corrected, for Anomen needed a constant reminder of this truth of nature. By all of the gods and all of the holiness of nature, paladins were boring. Perhaps they were sent to give balance to the joyous and raucous bards and rogues, for there was clearly no other (or better) reason for them to be.
OOC: I just want to thank you all to give life these characters. It's truly feels like a real BG run, just with totally new dialogues. I'm happy to take part in it, however small it is.
Among all the angst Neera comments ". . . Wow , I've never seen such a cohesive and centered party! With this sort of teamwork we could take down any baddie!"
Alora exchanges a high-five with Neera. "That's right Neera. Alora's Marauders will go down in history. Minstrels will sing of our heroic deeds. They'll probably make statues of us and set them up in the town square when this is over."
"But you use magic too, Anomen..." Aerie shyly pointed out. She knew full well that he probably spoke only of arcane-magic, and even more so, Neera's brand of it. But he's the one who failed to mention that.
"But you use magic too, Anomen..." Aerie shyly pointed out. She knew full well that he probably spoke only of arcane-magic, and even more so, Neera's brand of it. But he's the one who failed to mention that.
No. I can call upon Torm, the God of Law, to help route out evil and Chaos that plagues this land. He and he alone grants me favour when in battle and I do not need to rely on the chaos that is the weave.
But I do not want to stand around here and start debating. I just want to get back to civilization. So please, lets start moving.
Pointing back over her shoulder, Jaheira told him, "Civilization would be that way." She doubted he'd take her up on that offer, but one could always hope. However, since Aerie couldn't talk sense in the man, then it stood to reason that she couldn't, either.
The tall, straight trunks of the pines stand guard-like around you, rank upon rank, broken only by occasional clumps of other trees. Save for the birdsong, all is quiet, and the air is filled with the scent of pine. Nothing here seems threatening or out of place, but then, without warning, a gaunt, crouching figure springs from the cover of a large tree, its skin covered by a mass of bristling pine needles.
You win initiative.
"Those pine needles surely hurts. Can we comfort you in any way? (Don't stare me, i'm trying to be peaceful here)" Arkanis prepare his attack with his axe, while speaking to the... Pinegre?
Now that it is dead, you notice a dirty pouch around its neck.
Alora cautiously approaches the pine monster. She cuts the cord on the pouch and carefully empties its contents out onto the ground.
Now be a good woman and cook it up for us.
Lets just get back to a town so we can have a decent meal...
Which way big guy *to Minsc*
"A sip Anomen, until you get a decent meal?"
Arkanis hold out a bottle to Anomen.
"Better be hungry, than thirsty!"
Arkanis tastes the bottle.
"It's the elven wine from the cellar we find in the mountain. A little too sweet for my taste, but it's as strong, as any dwarven ale.
And i must accept your wisdom Anomen. Don't drink if can't bear it."
You are right, i can not bear what it brings. My sister is stronger than I in that regard I suppose...
But I do not want to stand around here and start debating. I just want to get back to civilization. So please, lets start moving.