While I cannot overlook the fact that he is a member of one of the most evil races in the world, I also would never strike at someone who is clearly good. I am a Paladin, afterall!
As you polar opposite alignment wise and character wise, and in the theme of being your arch nemesis and vice versa in a pure role playing stylee... I need to prod you and say...
Surely, all Drow are evil ! How can you let him roam the realms unmolested? Mayhaps a finer Paladin, nay a true Paladin, would remove these dangerous weapons so as to reduce the chances of this Drow interloper, from doing harm to others on the surface...
I always kill Drizzt. Every time. Doesn't matter if I'm playing as a Lawful Good paladin, that dark elf is going down. Didn't R.A. Salvatore once say he wished he'd killed off Drizzt a while ago?
It helps that, when using BG Tutu, there's a stupidly easy way to kill him even at a low level. Just have a thief lay down seven traps, which will usually do enough damage to do him in,
He killed him already but Drittz get resurect. Read The Silent Blade.
I like Drizzt and have read allo Drizzt books. I kill he howover everytime. Its nice battle and he is nice challence. In BGEE loot is even better that before.
Unfortunately for Drizzt My character is a Fighter/Thief who specializes in dual wielding scimitars. So I need everything he has on him. Especially the armor since It is the best one in the game that allows me to use my thief skills. I also invented a special way of killing him that I haven't seen anyone else come up with (possibly due to lack of looking). If there is a thread on how to kill him I will try to find it and post there.
I haven't tried killing him yet but I am definetely going to in the original totsc you could summon a mass amount of monsters to kill him but thats out of the question now also you could bypass his magic resistance with the flame arrow spell(not sure how that worked) but that has probably been fixed to so other than exporting my best people or shooting two dozen arrows of detonation I have no Idea how I am going to do it except through raw power
I played this game maybe 30+ times and I have never killed him. I think I am not that kind of power gamer who actually know how. And I don't really think that the gear he have will change the game.
Ill gladly kill him i despsise drizzt and ill gladly make him lick my boots as i decapitate him and parade his head around on his scimitar for all the world to see his gruesome mutilated face.
Sadly my Conscience never lets me kill Drizzt, even though I would very much like his gear. So, I help him, thank him and watch him run away with all that phat loot. But when it comes to evil/corrupt characters? No Mercy - shake, bake, maul, cut, loot, burn. Usually in reverse order.
Well, it depends on the character, but for this run-through I'm all about my chaotic good swashbuckler Lirazel. She wouldn't kill him, he's like a kindred spirit, even if he is a dark elf. She's done a bit of mischief sometimes, occasionally robbed someone who wouldn't miss the money, but Lirazel wouldn't murder a hero of the realms just because she fancied his gear.
...hmm, "fancied his gear" sounds just a bit... nevermind.
My good character has already met Drizzt and was well content enough to leave him in peace.
My evil character will see him, shout "YOU ARE A SHAME ON YOUR KIND!" and kill him on sight. Honestly, a good drow? What is the world of evil races coming to?
(But I consider my good character my canon...so... )
His death was via a quarterstaff to the brain, surrounded by rejected NPCs in a circle that stood with there back to him, eyes turned away, in disgust, as I bashed in his brain box... Even Ajantis did not give the Drow a second glance...
People say its hard for a good party to have an RP reason to kill Drizit.
Sometimes I don't kill him, but I kill him every single time he asks for help, and I agree to it, and then he wanders around like a jackass leaving my level 1-2 party to deal with 20 gnolls. I may have to wait a while, but I come back for him.
Surely, all Drow are evil ! How can you let him roam the realms unmolested? Mayhaps a finer Paladin, nay a true Paladin, would remove these dangerous weapons so as to reduce the chances of this Drow interloper, from doing harm to others on the surface...
*evil chuckle*
I like Drizzt and have read allo Drizzt books. I kill he howover everytime. Its nice battle and he is nice challence. In BGEE loot is even better that before.
Is there chance kill Elminster in BGEE?
Any suggestions?
...hmm, "fancied his gear" sounds just a bit... nevermind.
My evil character will see him, shout "YOU ARE A SHAME ON YOUR KIND!" and kill him on sight. Honestly, a good drow? What is the world of evil races coming to?
(But I consider my good character my canon...so...
His death was via a quarterstaff to the brain, surrounded by rejected NPCs in a circle that stood with there back to him, eyes turned away, in disgust, as I bashed in his brain box... Even Ajantis did not give the Drow a second glance...
Pure evil...
Sometimes I don't kill him, but I kill him every single time he asks for help, and I agree to it, and then he wanders around like a jackass leaving my level 1-2 party to deal with 20 gnolls. I may have to wait a while, but I come back for him.