What alternative base classes would be coolest to see in a D&D Infinity Engine game?

Which would you like to see and why? Consider both your desire to play them and how elegantly you believe their abilities/concepts can be implemented into both the Forgotten Realms game setting and the Infinity Engine.
- What alternative base classes would be coolest to see in a D&D Infinity Engine game?73 votes
- Favored Soul17.81%
- Warlock20.55%
- Psionicist/Ardent30.14%
- Shaman/Summoner  1.37%
- Warlord/Marshall  4.11%
- NWN-style Swashbuckler  2.74%
- Alchemist  2.74%
- Artificer/Magic Item Guy  9.59%
- Something Else10.96%
- Ever felt that beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Add an eyestalk or two on your head slot and you're ready for the catwalk!
- Burning with envy for the Ankheg's fancy carapace? Now is your chance to wear their exoskeleton in your very own body slot!
- Got some beef with your lack of tentacles? Your neighbourhood Otyugh office landy may just give you a spare pair if you ask her nicely enough!
Psionics are pretty cool, so that's my vote.
Psionics are an important part of AD&D. A psionicist is much like a wizard, except that his powers derive from his mind rather than external agencies. As psionicists gain experience, they gain access to more attack and defense strategies and to more psionic powers.
The Psionicist class was introduced in 2nd edition, in which it is the sole official psionic class, in The Complete Psionics Handbook. Psionicists use psionics using 2nd edition's standard psionics system, in which they expend Psionic Strength Points to activate and sustain powers, and activating most powers requires a roll based on an ability score.
Their 5 main disciplines are as follows:
Clairsentience (dealing with knowledge and investigation);
Psychokinesis (manipulating the physical world);
Psychometabolism (affecting creatures' bodies);
Psychoportation (dealing with movement);
Telepathy (affecting creatures' minds).
When a psionicist character is created, he choses one of these as his primary discipline (his favourite), when he goes up a level, he gets two rolls if he decides to take a power from his primary discipline, (i.e. 2 powers instead of the usual one).
Their 5 Attack Modes are as follows:
Victim must save vs. spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or loses the use of 1 random ability (a language other than its native tongue, proficiency, a specific psionic ability, weapon skill, a specific spell, breath weapon etc) for 1d6 days, but not basic or movement abilities (a goblin could forget how to us a spear, but not how to speak or move). Against a psionic creature, a failed save inflicts 1d4 PSP damage. The power causes the victim to forget things.
Victim must save vs. spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or have ALL rolls penalized by -5 for 1d4 rounds, victim can't use any spell above 3rd level or an Adept or Master psionic power. Against a psionic creature a failed save inflicts 2d4 PSP damage. The victim feels pathetic and worthless.
Victim must save vs. Spell adjusted by Wisdom or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Against a psionic creature it inflicts 3d4 PSP damage if the save is failed. This power causes the victim's baser self to emerge, overwhelmed with desires to eat, kill and breed, it takes a while for him to regain control.
of that round. Inflicts 4d4 PSP damage on a psionic creature that fails its save. Causes victim's nervous system to fire uncontrollably, causing vicious spasms, they also can't think.
Victim must save vs. Paralyzation or take 2d8 hp and be paralyzed for the rest
Victim must save vs. Spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or lose half their current hit points, except for victims with only 20 or fewer hit point, if they fail they are automatically reduced to 0 hp. This loss is purely stun damage and will be recovered in one turn. However, a victim reduced to 0 hp or below will be rendered deeply unconcious for 1d100 hours, a save vs. spell will reduce this time by half. Against a psionic creature, a failed save inflicts 5d4 PSP damage. This power is a massive mental barrage of devastating power that tries to completely overwhelm the victim's mind.
Looks very interesting and was in the 2nd Edition. What's not to like?:)
My knee-jerk reaction was either Warlock or Warlord but I don't know enough about the Forgotten Realms definition of those classes to make an informed choice.
Think Jan and all of his gear.
Create all those potions that you use instead of spells. Can only craft a certain amount per day (like Jan's ammo) and the higher your level, the more potions you can unlock and brew (from cure minor wounds to poison to fiery flasks, to Clarity potions)
Tinkering with armor and weapons to improve them as you level as well giving them certain properties only you can make work. (once again, you can tinker with one base item per level up adding better AC, Attack, resistances, bonus to thieving skills etc etc etc, this can rotate between set pieces per level [level 2 weapon, level 3 armor, level 4, accessory and what not])
Combine potions that you already know into traps for deadly effects. Unlock different types of traps per level much like a bounty hunter.
Thieving skills of Detect and Set Traps, Open Locks only.
Weapons restricted to: dagger, war hammer, club, quarter staff, and crossbow.
Armour restricted to chain and lower.
I like the premise of making characters less strictly defined by their choice of class, ie in 3.0 you choose lots of feats and skills, and can precisely manage your skill choices if necessary, and 5th gives solid customization with less micro-management. I don't like systems with 50 different subclasses as much, most end up clumsy and devoid of joy.
What? Is there anything else I'd need in a game? All Divine and Arcane necromancy spells, light armor, and proficient in any type of weapon
Bard Kit - Not perfect, but such is life.
Advantages - Warlocks may select a small number special spells, called invocations, as they increase in level, and may use them as often as they please.
Starts out with the Eldritch Blast ability.
Warlocks may be of any race.
The Warlock's Bard Song is replaced by a fiendish aura, giving nearby enemies a -1 penalty to saves, attack rolls and damage for two rounds unless they can save versus spell at +2. At level 10 this improves to a -2 penalty.
Level 3: The Warlock gains 2% damage resistance to all physical damage. This improves to 5% at level 7, and increases by 5% every 4 levels thereafter.
Level 5: The Warlock gains a 10% resistance to Fire and Acid, improving by 10% every 5 levels after.
Level 8: The Warlock gains a special Innate Regeneration spell that restores 1 HP per round for two turns. For each level thereafter this ability restores 1 HP more per round up to a maximum of 5 HP per round at level 28.
Level 16: The Warlock gains the ability to Use Any Item.
Disadvantages - Warlocks may use, but not scribe, scrolls of any school. Pick pockets increases at 1/4 rate.
Gains one fewer spell slots per day for each level.
Warlocks may not be Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Neutral Good or True Neutral.
Warlocks may not be proficient in two handed weapons or in any weapon neither a thief nor cleric could use.
Invocations - A Warlock gains new invocations at the same rate as they gain spell slots, though they may gain additional invocations automatically if they have other invocations already.
High Level Warlocks may select "Extra Invocation" as an HLA as soon as they hit 3e6 XP. This replaces UAI and allows them to select an additional invocation of any level.
All invocations would have the inherent ability to refresh one expended spell of their spell level, theoretically allowing their use indefinitely, and warlocks would have the reusable, not subject to spell failure, non-interruptible "refresh invocations" innate to refresh all invocation slots, allowing any stragglers to be restored as well as quick re-memorisation if they change spells.
Level 0
Eldritch Blast - All Warlocks receive this innate spell automagically at level 1. Eldritch Blast creates a returning throwing weapon in the Warlock's hand. The damage of the Eldritch Blast created deals 1D6 +1D6 magic damage every two character levels past level 2 (to a maximum of 10D6 at level 20). They set attacks to once per round, regardless of any bonuses, and strike as a +1 weapon.
The warlock is always considered proficienct with their eldritch blasts and gains a +4 bonus to hit. Eldritch Blasts have the inherent weapon ability to dismiss themselves, allowing the warlock to prepare a new Eldritch Blast, if they have one available.
Level 1
(BS) Hideous Blow - The warlock's primary weapon is replaced by a fist attack that deals 1D2 damage plus the same damage as their Eldritch Blast, including their strength bonus, if any. Hideous Blow also strikes as a +1 weapon and adds 1/2 an attack per round to the warlock's base.
Frightful Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except the blast created has the additional ability of causing any non-undead target to become doomed, giving them a -2 penalty to all saves, attack rolls and damage rolls for 1 turn unless they save vs. spell. If the Warlock has any (BS) invocations they also gain a Frightful variant of them at whichever level of invocation is higher (so, for example, a Frightful Blow would be an additional level 1 spell which the warlock could unmemorise one of their existing level 1 spells to instead memorise Frightful Blow). Frightful variants strike as a +2 weapon.
Leaps and Bounds - The Warlock's movement speed is increased by 4 for 24 hours or until dispelled. This spell does not stack with itself, but does work through Freedom of Movement.
Beguiling Influence - The Warlock gains 6 Charisma for 24 hours or until dispelled, just like the Friends spell.
Dark Ones Own Luck - The Warlock gains a +1 bonus to all saving throws. This increases by 1 every two levels, up to a maximum of +5 at level 10. (Ideally this would instead be a bonus keyed off the Warlock's high Charisma, but for simplicity I imagine level based is easier).
Entropic Warding - The warlock is enshrouded in a veil of entropy, effectively producing a Reflected Image on themselves for 24 hours or until the image is destroyed.
Call of the Styx - Charm Animal, at will.
Baleful Utterance - This spell shatters the lock of any container or door without sufficient magical protection, effectively serving as a "Knock" spell.
Beshadowed Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except the blast created has the additional ability of causing the target to become blinded for 1 round if they fail their saving throw against Death. If the Warlock has any (BS) invocations they also gain a Frightful variant of them at whichever level of invocation is higher (so, for example, a Beshadowed Blow would be an additional level 2 spell which the warlock could unmemorise one of their existing level 2 spells to prepare). Beshadowed variants strike as a +2 weapon.
Level 2
(BS) Eldritch Repeater - As Eldritch Blast, except the blast created sets attacks to two per round (once again this cannot be increased by haste or equipment).
Crawling Eye - Wizard's Eye, at will. (You'll just have to pretend your warlock plucks out their eyeball, attaches it to a skeletal hand and sends it off to explore, sorry.)
Cold Comfort - Resist Fire and Cold, at will.
Brimstone Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except Brimstone Blast deals fire damage, and targets struck must save vs. breath or take an additional 2D6 damage per round for two rounds. Any (BS) invocations gain a Brimstone variant. Brimstone variants strike as +3 weapons.
Hellrime Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except Hellrime blast deals fire damage, and targets struck must save vs. death or become slowed for 2 rounds. Any (BS) invocations gain a Hellrime variant. Hellrime variants strike as +3 weapons.
Summon Swarm - As Summon Insects, the Level 3 priest spell.
Charm - Charm Person, at will.
Bewitching Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except targets struck must make a save vs. spell or be confused for 1 round. Any (BS) invocations gain a Bewitching Variant. Bewitching variants strike as +3 weapons.
Level 3
(BS) Eldritch Glaive - Eldritch Glaive summons a blade of energy that the warlock may wield as though an expert warrior. The eldritch glaive grants no attack bonus, but gains +1/2 an attack per round for every five caster levels (up to a maximum of +2 at level 20), dealing Eldritch Blast damage on each hit.
Hellspawned Grace - The warlock may polymorph into a Greater Werewolf for 1 round per level.
Eldritch Ward - As the Ghost Armour spell, except provides a +1 save bonus and lasts for 24 hours or until dispelled. (probably a bit less extreme than the original, which stacked with armour, gave up to 9 AC, and +9 to saves).
Caustic Mire - A spell that casts a combination of Grease and Death Fog on an area that lasts for 6 rounds. Unlike Death Fog, caustic mire does not instantly slay summoned creatures, merely dealing 8 acid damage per round.
The Dead Walk - Animate Dead, only with a 1 Round/level duration.
Walk Unseen - Invisibility, at will.
Flee the Scene - Summons an illusionary clone where the caster is standing while the Warlock teleports to another location within visual range. The caster is still visible, and the clone is helpless beyond the ability to walk.
Level 4
Voracious Dispelling - Dispel Magic, at will. (This should be damaging whoever it dispels, but frankly a spammable Dispel is still pretty amazing).
(BS) Eldritch Chain - As Eldritch Blast, except the Eldritch Chain deals only 1 damage with a 100% chance of casting a "Chain" Blast on whatever it strikes, dealing the effects of the Blast type to all nearby enemies with a saving throw for half damage and to avoid any additional effect. This save is "Spell" for Eldritch blast or any blast that doesn't offer a saving throw, but changes based on Blast type. For example, a 10D6 Hellrime Chain is thrown to hit Target 1, they and anyone nearby take 1 damage must save vs. death to avoid becoming slowed, and take only take 5D6 if they make their save, while a Brimstone Chain requires a save vs. breath.
Painful Slumber - The target must save vs spell or take 1 damage per caster level and be rendered unconscious for 1 turn. Any further damage ends the unconsciousness effect.
Vitriolic Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except Vitriolic Blast deals acid damage and strikes as a +6 weapon. Anyone struck by Vitriolic Blasts takes an additional 2D4 acid damage for three rounds with no save. Any (BS) invocations gain a Vitriolic variant, and ignores magic resistance, if the blast is in the form of a spell.
Witchwood Step - Freedom of Movement, lasts 24 hours or until dispelled. (This is a concatenation of several separate freedom type spells which are more specific but have other perks that the IE can't replicate).
Nightmares Made Real - Horror, at will. Targets becomes panicked for 1 turn unless they save vs. death.
Level 5
Repelling Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except Repelling Blast also causes the struck target(s) to be hurled away from the caster unless they make a save vs. breath a la wing buffet. Repelling Blast strikes as a +3 weapon, and doesn't work against larger creatures. Any (BS) invocations gain a Repelling variant.
(BS) Eldritch Cone - A cone of cold area effect spell that deals Eldritch Blast damage to all targets in the area. Passing a save (as per Eldritch Chain, defined by the blast type), for basic halves the damage and negates any extra blast effects.
Noxious Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except non-undead targets struck must make a save vs. death or be rendered unconscious for 1 round (at least that's how stinking cloud deals with nausea). Any (BS) invocations gain a Noxious Variant. Noxious variants strike as +4 weapons.
Ignore the Pyre - As protection from the elements, granting 75% resistance for 24 hours, or until dispelled, to Fire, Acid, Cold and Electrical damage.
Wall of Perilous Flame - 20' Firestorm on target area, lasts 4 rounds dealing 2D8 +1 per caster level.
Level 6
(BS) Eldritch Beam - An eldritch blast that takes the form of a lightning bolt, bouncing off walls and such, with a save vs. breath for half damage.
Utterdark Blast - As Eldritch Blast, except any living target must save vs death or lose one level. Any (BS) invocations gain an Utterdark variant. Utterdark blasts strike as +4 weapons.
Word of Changing - Baleful polymorph, at will.
Devil's Sight - True Seeing, at will. Also grants infravision for the duration.
Shadow Walk - The Warlock becomes ethereal and regenerates 1 HP per round. Lasts 24 hours or until dispelled.
I'm sure extra invocations and epic invocations could be fashioned from some dark themed summons, damaging effects, the Death Spell and some defensive warding spells, but I figure that's adequate for a concept write up.
Level 1 invocations are gained at level 3, 5, 16 and 21.
Level 2 invocations are gained at level 6, 8, 17 and 22.
Level 3 invocations are gained at level 9, 11, 18 and 23.
Level 4 invocations are gained at level 12, 14, 19 and 24.
Level 5 invocations are gained at level 15, 18, 20 and 28.
Level 6 invocations are gained at level 18, 20, 30, and 38.
Psionic seems too gamebreaking. Warlock could easily just turn into a Mage at high levels. Favored Soul doesn't really make sense. You're a Bhaalspawn there shouldn't be any Gods who favor you. Alchemist sounds like a lot of fun and has a lot of potential.
Make those guns use sling bullets and we're all set.
Even slower attacks than the crossbow, but with explosive dicerolls and a small area of effect. Because I need to kill mythical creatures with a gun.
The 11d6 number would be a higher-level type of thing. And the Eldritch Blast is supposed to require an attack roll and can only be cast once per round, so in that sense it wouldn't be too much different from a fighter, damage-wise.
We need someone to mod Artificer in!
I really miss this kind of class. It could have rogue level, hit dice and THAC0 progression, gain a few extra THAC0 here and there (like a swashie) and cast spells like a bard, but I would like for it to reach 2 APR base so that I could actually play such a char without being forced to use Belm/Kundane/Scarlet. I would trade offensive spin for that in a heartbeat.
It could even be divided into two different kits, one which is more of a thief, meaning full access to all thief skills but at the cost of less magic (reduced spell slots or no access to certain spell schools), the other would be more of a mage with reduced thief skills or no access to a couple of them.
It doesn't matter that the F/M is better, I just want the ultimate utility guy while still being single classed. I don't know what such a class would be called though, being a little of everything.