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Custom PC & NPC Portraits



  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Uhm... Some of those pictures are good, but some NPCs (take Coran for instance) have feminine traits that I do not like.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    edited April 2016
    @Aedan Coran's a half-elf. He's practically a woman already.

    My only issue is that it's not complete. I would love to do a complete conversion of npc portraits for a run, but there are so few complete sets.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Elrandir said:

    @Aedan Coran's a half-elf. He's practically a woman already.

    ... pretty sure he's a full elf. Also, wow.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited April 2016
    Really, do not start with the "All the elves look like women". Please. Mine was just a polite observation.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    I want to make a portrait of a punk anarchafeminist looking elf reading a photocopied zine of Monique Wittig's essay "One Is Not Born a Woman" with a look of intense concentration and make her my CHARNAME
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Hahahaha @Aedan If I were in Faerun I'd probably be a half-elf. Not meant to offend, just making a joke. XD

    Also is he really a full elf, @Buttercheese ?! Clearly I haven't been playing enough BG recently.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited April 2016
    Very nice! Well done! Bravo!

    Two suggestions to make the portrait moar awesome:

    - If possible, put a different background: cities, dungeons, forests and so on can give a different feeling and add more color.
    - You set upright your body in the portrait, but in this way the neck looks strange. I think that the original pose is very good and I would keep it, adjusting the robe accordingly.

    We need a new Isandir, so keep practising :)
    Post edited by Aedan on
  • JairyannaJairyanna Member Posts: 209
    Aedan said:

    We need a new Isandir, so keep practising :)

    Don't tell me Isandir has retired?! :(
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    "Not in the mood to draw new portraits" ;)
  • JairyannaJairyanna Member Posts: 209
    'But might feel the need at a later date' (/subtext)

    Phew :*
  • SeveronSeveron Member Posts: 214
    Is anyone able to Baldurize this portrait?
    I can't find many decent female gnome portraits but this one's a really good looking one, but the style doesn't match with the other portraits.
    Thanks in advance.

    Elza.bmp 203.7K
  • SeveronSeveron Member Posts: 214
    @Halfwise That's brilliant, thank you very much.

    Elza - My Lawful Evil Gnome Cleric/Illusionist
  • AllerozAlleroz Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2016
    I'm trying to create a orc thief PC but I didn't find any good portrait for it. Except these ones:

    The problem is that this isn't a half-orc, looks more like some kind of elf. I don't have the necessary skills to modify it but can someone do some changes in it for me ?

    - Add the orc teeth in her mouth;
    - Remove the brown tatoos/marks;
    - Shorten the ears a bit (While still leaving it pointy, just a little shorter.)

    I found this picture on google after searching for some time, it needs fewer changes to be ideal.

    - Green skin;
    - Orc teeth.
    Post edited by Alleroz on
  • AllerozAlleroz Member Posts: 13
    Halfwise said:


    Something like this? (PNG inserted, BMP clicky below)

    Erasing half an ear with nothing behind it is a pain... Good thing she had an actual "tooth" I could make the fangs from in the same picture. Its always nice, because it blends in more naturally I think.

    Ah hell, I'll try both:

    I left a red blush in her nose because its a strong feature that goes with her freckles...hope that is okay. Also gave her standard "redhead" blue eyes. The tint made them boring, and erasing the tint over them made them look bloodshot. So I colored them directly.

    She actually makes me want to roll a half-orc. They make good redheads :P

    small edit: accidentally uploaded the bmp of the second portrait before i added teeth.

    Thank you! They're really good.

  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    edited May 2016
    Made a new portrait for my next BG run. This time I went with a half-elf based on a photo of Ed Skrein.

    Didn't realize how much detail was lost in the armor with the darker tone. Here's a daytime variant that I think looks better:

    Post edited by ScarsUnseen on
  • VinnDogg77VinnDogg77 Member Posts: 1
    I love it! These are a lot of fun!
    bengoshi said:
  • MilozzyMilozzy Member Posts: 15
    Wow some fantastic art in here!!!

    Thanks to everyone for sharing!!!

    I really like them all, but the work of @bob_veng is amazing!
  • MilozzyMilozzy Member Posts: 15
    Ok I had now officially introduced myself in the welcome area :smile:

    Sorry if I posted the previous messagge before introducing, but I was very excited about all this great portraits, they awake the "1998 Portraits Addicted me" and can't help but thanking all the great contributors immediately.

    I read that sometimes is ok to leave here some pics and make some requests... So if you don't mind I will try my luck and see if someone is willing to make a baldurisation for me :smiley:

    I saw the work on Eva Marie and I really like the look of WWE Superstar AJ Styles, always thought he would make a great archer/thief/bard (my favorite char) but I am not able to make a BG style portrait by myself.

    If someone would be so nice to please make a baldursation of one of these pics I would be very, very grateful!! I like earrings, scars and whatever you think it would make him cool. He will probably end up as a Skald or Blade bard.

    I add more than one pic because I don't really know which one is the best to work with, what the best resolution, what the best shoot etc. Use the one you prefer ;)

    Thank you very very much and if no one has time for it, sorry and no problem! Sorry for my bad english too!

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