Hello everyone! I really appreciate your works, they make me want to play a new character everytime I see them! But I was thinking if someone could baldurize this picture of me, I have never done this before and I don't know how to do. It would be very funny and fascinating to impersonate myself in the game.
Anyway, this is the picture. I don't want to be a nuisance, but I will be really grateful to whom will try to do this.
Ps: Sorry for my english, it's not my first language
The style I work for isn't really a match for the originals, but I thought I'd try my hand at making a portrait out you anyway.
If anyone does post their photo, a couple of tips that make them more conducive to making good portraits from:
1. Higher resolution is better. The one donciro posted was fine, especially for a BG style portrait where everything gets softened anyway, but more details make for more interesting portraits(in this case, donciro's facial expression made the portrait). Anything over 2MP (1600x1200) is fine, 4MP is better, and 10MP is fantastic.
2. Natural lighting or directed lighting from an external source is much better than a camera's internal flash. Use of a flash means that your face is going to be lit dead on, which makes for a fairly boring shading pattern. This can be corrected using dodge and burn, but it's a lot less work if there's already something interesting to work with. Obviously none of this advice applies if the photo was taken by a professional photographer. They know their business more than I do.
3. Try out some facial expressions in a mirror before taking the photo and then make an interesting one for the photo itself. Or any expression. Donciro's was fantastic, but anything at all is better than the eternally bored expression or vague smile that a lot of models use. I have literally thousands of photos on my hard drive that I've considered for making portraits out of, and the number one disqualifier is a boring facial expression. They're great for magazine covers, but not so good for adventuring.
One last piece of advice. More of a trick, really, that some may not know about. If you do post a high resolution image here, in order to save bandwidth and make page loading times faster you can make a link to the high resolution image and use a lower resolution version in image tags as the link "text." Here's how:
1. Use the url tool above the edit window(it looks like two circles connected to each other or a chain link) and put in the url for the high resolution version or page where said version is located(like a DeviantArt page so that people can leave comments).
2. Use the image tool above the edit window and put in the direct url for the lower resolution version of the image.
3. In the HTML code for the first link, delete the text that appears between the [a href] and [/a] tags(I used "[" and "]" instead of the normal HTML brackets to avoid tripping the forum code). If you didn't already change it, this should be a copy of the URL itself.
4. Select and cut the HTML code for the direct image link you posted(the one that has the [img] tags).
5. Paste it in between the [a href] and [/a] tags for the first link.
6. Preview your post to make sure you did it right if you aren't sure.
Using Donciro's portrait and a higher resolution one I posted to DeviantArt, it should look like this:
And here's what the HTML code for that looks like:
I like to keep things as close as possible to lore and setting. That's why i am still trying to find a way to legitimise her being a monk with a chain mail.
If someone could make a portrait out of her, i would be grateful.
Do you have any screen shots in a brighter setting? A lot of detail gets lost in dark scenes, and that one in particular has some pretty bad banding in the background.
Wow, bob_veng. This is really awesome, and considering that you did it completely free, out of kindness, i have to say that i'm really grateful.
She turned out really nice, well fit for a chaotic/lawful good character.
If i may ask, considering the obvious quality of your drawing, could you do a portrait of her as an evil alligned character, so with sharper features of her face and overall more menancing?
So that i have both option if i want to do a good or evil party.
But only if i'm not asking too much, i don't want to take advantage of your kindness.
Okay, so here's what I came up with. This one was kind of difficult because of a few reasons. The resolution was quite low(my advice on resolution in my earlier post was assuming portrait photos. Full scene photos like this screenshot have a much lower effective working resolution since the desired part of the photo takes up so little space). There was a lot of aliasing, and there wasn't really any expression on the face at all. What I ended up doing was de-Oblivioning the face shape as much as I could, getting rid of the yellow tint that was making her look kind of sickly, reducing the pauldron size, and then making the armor more of a steel color rather than the fake gold color it initially had.
Thank you, ScarsUnseen. I really like your portrait. Both you and bob_veng are giving me top quality drawings for a Icewind Dale / Baldur's Gate character.
Her stoic face could be used for any kind of allignment : judging from this picture, she could be a Paladin of Helm as well as a Blackguard.
That sayd, thank you for your kindness. When i asked for a portrait i would have never expected to see so many people willing to help me in such a short time.
What can i say, it's nice. Told by someone that in life always find the time to do volunteering.
P.S. i'm sorry, i am aware of the poor quality of my image but the best images that i have are dark, meaning that these images would make things worse. Trust me, if i had better images i would have posted .
He looks great, truly! But I would not give him 20 years. The only thing that keeps me from using such mature pictures - default age of protagonist. (Same problem with new DLC portraits (got them too) - fine as pictures but not as young as setting suggests)
He looks great, truly! But I would not give him 20 years. The only thing that keeps me from using such mature pictures - default age of protagonist. (Same problem with new DLC portraits (got them too) - fine as pictures but not as young as setting suggests)
Of course, @UnderstandMouseMagic would say growing up with Imoen would do that to you.
He looks great, truly! But I would not give him 20 years. The only thing that keeps me from using such mature pictures - default age of protagonist. (Same problem with new DLC portraits (got them too) - fine as pictures but not as young as setting suggests)
Of course, @UnderstandMouseMagic would say growing up with Imoen would do that to you.
Not forgetting you then meet Jaheira and would end up hitting BG2 looking like this.
I had to shave off my beard in order to take the photo used in this portrait. Managed to finish the portrait before it grew back again. :-D
Meet the moon elven assassin/mage Corbeau (which means raven in French).
I remade the pommel of an elven dagger from Skyrim in order to create a "Raven Sword" for him.
I fear it may be a bit "to much" though (can't decide if I like it), so I've made a more regular version as well. The pommel on this sword could also be the end of an elaborate staff, which is nice.
Painting shadows and highlights is a pain. I wasn't satisfied so I just had to go back again. Looked into a few tutorials and think I managed to add more dimension to the portrait.
I switched back from the blue shadows I had tried out to standard red-brown ones. He's still on the pale side compared to the others but the portrait blends in much better now.
Also took the opportunity to blur the background a bit more and added more eyeliner. We all know those elves are fancy! ;-)
Hey all. Does anybody know what portrait or portrait pack this one is from? I'm about to start up the BG series again and I want to use it, but I only have this screenshot Help!
Hey all. Does anybody know what portrait or portrait pack this one is from? I'm about to start up the BG series again and I want to use it, but I only have this screenshot Help!
Hey all. Does anybody know what portrait or portrait pack this one is from? I'm about to start up the BG series again and I want to use it, but I only have this screenshot Help!
By artist Ebunny, I guess.
1. Higher resolution is better. The one donciro posted was fine, especially for a BG style portrait where everything gets softened anyway, but more details make for more interesting portraits(in this case, donciro's facial expression made the portrait). Anything over 2MP (1600x1200) is fine, 4MP is better, and 10MP is fantastic.
2. Natural lighting or directed lighting from an external source is much better than a camera's internal flash. Use of a flash means that your face is going to be lit dead on, which makes for a fairly boring shading pattern. This can be corrected using dodge and burn, but it's a lot less work if there's already something interesting to work with. Obviously none of this advice applies if the photo was taken by a professional photographer. They know their business more than I do.
3. Try out some facial expressions in a mirror before taking the photo and then make an interesting one for the photo itself. Or any expression. Donciro's was fantastic, but anything at all is better than the eternally bored expression or vague smile that a lot of models use. I have literally thousands of photos on my hard drive that I've considered for making portraits out of, and the number one disqualifier is a boring facial expression. They're great for magazine covers, but not so good for adventuring.
One last piece of advice. More of a trick, really, that some may not know about. If you do post a high resolution image here, in order to save bandwidth and make page loading times faster you can make a link to the high resolution image and use a lower resolution version in image tags as the link "text." Here's how:
1. Use the url tool above the edit window(it looks like two circles connected to each other or a chain link) and put in the url for the high resolution version or page where said version is located(like a DeviantArt page so that people can leave comments).
2. Use the image tool above the edit window and put in the direct url for the lower resolution version of the image.
3. In the HTML code for the first link, delete the text that appears between the [a href] and [/a] tags(I used "[" and "]" instead of the normal HTML brackets to avoid tripping the forum code). If you didn't already change it, this should be a copy of the URL itself.
4. Select and cut the HTML code for the direct image link you posted(the one that has the [img] tags).
5. Paste it in between the [a href] and [/a] tags for the first link.
6. Preview your post to make sure you did it right if you aren't sure.
Using Donciro's portrait and a higher resolution one I posted to DeviantArt, it should look like this:
And here's what the HTML code for that looks like:
<a href="https://dtsyr.deviantart.com/art/Request-Rogue-01-702102670"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/RZNzwpx.png" alt="" /></a>
@Krugos your Jaheira portraits are amazing! Art style and facial expressions are perfect. Kudos to Krugos.
Edit: and of course kudos to Tomasz Chistowski for the original. His stuff is awesome. Wonder if he's a fellow Beamdog forumite.
Let's say that i have a few pictures of a original character made in the game Oblivion.
Is there someone that will kindly create a BG2EE potrait of her ?
Thank you, even if you are not interested.
I have no problems of kitsune-like creatures in D&D setting because, if creatures like him
can exist, why not fox-like creatures?
I like to keep things as close as possible to lore and setting. That's why i am still trying to find a way to legitimise her being a monk with a chain mail.
If someone could make a portrait out of her, i would be grateful.
She turned out really nice, well fit for a chaotic/lawful good character.
If i may ask, considering the obvious quality of your drawing, could you do a portrait of her as an evil alligned character, so with sharper features of her face and overall more menancing?
So that i have both option if i want to do a good or evil party.
But only if i'm not asking too much, i don't want to take advantage of your kindness.
Her stoic face could be used for any kind of allignment : judging from this picture, she could be a Paladin of Helm as well as a Blackguard.
That sayd, thank you for your kindness. When i asked for a portrait i would have never expected to see so many people willing to help me in such a short time.
What can i say, it's nice. Told by someone that in life always find the time to do volunteering.
P.S. i'm sorry, i am aware of the poor quality of my image but the best images that i have are dark, meaning that these images would make things worse. Trust me, if i had better images i would have posted .
Here is... uh... Adahn of Candlekeep, BG2-style.
http://www.jackygallery.com/images/Old Man in Sorrow, 1890.jpg
Ian Somerhalder
Meet the moon elven assassin/mage Corbeau (which means raven in French).
I remade the pommel of an elven dagger from Skyrim in order to create a "Raven Sword" for him.
I fear it may be a bit "to much" though (can't decide if I like it), so I've made a more regular version as well. The pommel on this sword could also be the end of an elaborate staff, which is nice.
I switched back from the blue shadows I had tried out to standard red-brown ones. He's still on the pale side compared to the others but the portrait blends in much better now.
Also took the opportunity to blur the background a bit more and added more eyeliner. We all know those elves are fancy! ;-)