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Custom PC & NPC Portraits



  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    I know it has been mentioned before (and the answers scattered throughout the forum somewhere), but I honestly can't find it in me to scour through the entire board at this time, especially giving that Siege of Dragonspear is still pretty new and I don't know if it was ever requested for that game--so I apologize in advance for my horribly researched question, but here it is!

    I was wondering what the file names for every single NPC in Baldur's Gate 1, 2, and Siege of Dragonspear would be for the purpose of adding custom portraits for them in the game? Awhile back a buddy of mine and I tried a playthrough of Baldur's Gate 1 using some custom portraits and I remember a weird issue with our games where, despite being on the same client version, (for example) DynaheirM worked for him but I had to use DyanheirS, so we ended up just making a DynaheirL, DynaheirM, and DynaheirS for both of our directories so we could both see the custom portraits. It was very unusual, but alas...

    If I could get the intended names for every NPC, or pointed in the direction where I could find them, I would be ecstatic and you'd really make my day :) Thanks again!
  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2017
    @Gusinda My coveted "Hero of the Day" award goes to you, sir! Thank you, I never even thought to try EEKeeper to figure it out...
    Post edited by Varwulf on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Varwulf said:

    @Gusinda My coveted "Hero of the Day" award goes to you, sir! Thank you, I never even though to try EEKeeper to figure it out...

    I use EE Keeper to change the portraits of NPCs. It avoids having to choose between mods as you can change them individually on a whim, even after installation of your mods.
  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    I just realized too for SOD that Caelar has a portrait, but cannot be recruited as an NPC. Does anyone know if you can still load in a custom NPC portrait for her by chance?
  • Dev6Dev6 Member Posts: 721
    edited October 2017
    Varwulf said:

    I just realized too for SOD that Caelar has a portrait, but cannot be recruited as an NPC. Does anyone know if you can still load in a custom NPC portrait for her by chance?

    Spoiler alert:

    You can recruit her for the final battle. :)
  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2017
    Dev6 said:

    Varwulf said:

    I just realized too for SOD that Caelar has a portrait, but cannot be recruited as an NPC. Does anyone know if you can still load in a custom NPC portrait for her by chance?

    Spoiler alert:

    You can recruit her for the final battle. :)
    Welp, having only done 2 playthroughts of the game, I've yet to do that! Thanks for the alert ;)

    Edit: Giving that Hephernaan also has a portrait--and learning what you just told me now, raises many, many questions :O
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited October 2017
    Varwulf said:

    I just realized too for SOD that Caelar has a portrait, but cannot be recruited as an NPC. Does anyone know if you can still load in a custom NPC portrait for her by chance?

    Follow these instructions to access all the hidden portraits in the portrait chooser.

    I would assume that her portraits would work just like any game resource as far as overriding was concerned. The names are caelarL, caelarM and caelarS.

  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    BillyYank said:

    Varwulf said:

    I just realized too for SOD that Caelar has a portrait, but cannot be recruited as an NPC. Does anyone know if you can still load in a custom NPC portrait for her by chance?

    Follow these instructions to access all the hidden portraits in the portrait chooser.

    I would assume that her portraits would work just like any game resource as far as overriding was concerned. The names are caelarL, caelarM and caelarS.

    And you just confirmed my suspicions about Hephernaan--or at least, one of my suspicions :D Thank you sir.
  • ErstarrungErstarrung Member Posts: 51
    edited November 2017
    I must confess I never really liked Schael Corwin's original portrait, but this deems me as the perfect portrait for her:


    Only the armour unfortunately isn't a fantasy armour... Perhaps one of you painting geniuses could perhaps put her in fantasy armour?

    That would be awesome!
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • ErstarrungErstarrung Member Posts: 51
    Pantalion said:

    I stuck with her original gear, sorry about the neck.

    Thank you very much! Nicely done...
    For what neck are you sorry about, though?
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    You're welcome. And if you can't see it, I won't tell you, because personally I can't UNsee it, and can't fix it without redoing part of it completely.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @Pantalion Please, credit the art you use, or otherwise remove the pictures. Also, you need the permission of the artist to edit their works and distribute it, as per Rule 2 of the Site Rules.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    edited November 2017
    @JuliusBorisov No problem, removed because effort. Do I also need to remove my avatar unless I create it from scratch, or do general "fair use" laws apply there?

    Ah, nevermind, I found the answer myself, rule two doesn't apply. "This is not limited to copyrighted published material, but also to images that must be purchased" specifically does not refer to images that are freely available on the internet.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Appreciated. You can use images as avatars, though, unless the artist says differently.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Pantalion said:

    Needed some half-elves for my Bhaalspawn triplets, so... Yeah, edited up some images.

    Baleeted because I'm not trawling through google for seven hours to find original authors.

    First one is an llustration for Legend Of The Cryptids by Gpzang on DeviantArt

    Second is from Similika on DeviantArt

    I couldn't find a source for the third one, it's earlier post i could find was by @DarkDogg here on the forum.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    lolien said:

    Clyde Caldwell: Fire from Heaven

    Edit: If i follow your link right @Wise_Grimwald

    Edit 2: Ha, this painting is almost as old as i :D

    Somehow I got the wrong link. :(
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    Hi all,

    i wanted to create a " special " Baalspawn.

    If Abazigail was both child of Baal and a Dragon, our hero could be one too.

    So, i wanted to create a female red dragon ( as a tribute to our dear Frikraag )...

    I searched online for a suitable picture of a female red dragon potrait and the best i could find is this :

    Now , could someone help me by editing this picture in order to make it more beliveable and nice to be used ?

    My idea would be something like this :

    1- cut the hip bone or cover somehow her, because i won't have a adult woman running around Faerun in her underwear. ( i can somehow tolerate the lack of too much clothes in the upper part of the body because as a red dragon, it should make sense that her body temperature is way higher than a human ).

    2- point 1 leds to make her a fighter / mage, because a pure melee fighter will always put a full body armour on her.

    3- Could her image be more defined ? Now as now she is sketchy somehow. She could use some polish...

    4- Her face could be a bit more detailed, like for example giving her red eyes with black slit, something like that :

    5- Image could be made with a high resolution ?


    That's all. My idea was making a fighter / mage red dragon in human disguise. She would have 19 DEX ( base of an elf ) , a low STR ( like 10-12 ) and a 18 INT.

    Also her spells would be restricted to only fire spells (fireball, fire arrow,...), spells to break barriers (spellstrike, ruby ray, ... ) and spells to protect herself ( mislead, blur,... ).

    Also, i would use for her a sword with fire damage attribute.

    If someone could help me, i would be very grateful !

    Else, thank you nonetheless for reading this post.

  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    100% certain that modifying that image would be against the rules.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    mmm...why ?
    I had read the rules a few months ago. Did i miss something ?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited December 2017
    Modifying an artist’s work without their permission is a huge no-no. That image is a third-party fan art of Shyvana from League of Legends. You should have looked up and sourced it before even posting it here.

    Edit: the rules are quite literally on the first page of this very thread. Go read them.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    What is true is true, my fault.
    Sorry about that.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I think that modifying it for your own use is fine, but not for redistributing it. Am I correct?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    @Wise_Grimwald Correct.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    edited December 2017
    So, my request for help is not incorrect right ?

    Afterall i desire it for my gameplay, not to sell it or something similar.

    But i understand that it's my word against yours. And i doubt that my word has any weight, because i could very well lie.

    So, even if my intentions are good, you have all the right to not trust me.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Masterteo The problem is that if somebody helped you, they would be distributing it and so breaking copyright laws.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    Then let's forget about this.
    I'm not going to put others in danger. I don't want to have a sued man on my consciousness
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