True in not being trans, and False, because my character seems to interfere before - but take heart, it can be in my, our, anyone's favour. Provided, sadly, they are thick-skinned... ;-)
Let me qualify why I think you should stick to what you are, and maybe why it matters even a lot.
I went through comprehensive school, high school, and universtiy, and have of course relations, plus some true and rare friends. I have also worked in a large-scale company.
Meaning: I have studied and worked with a lot of people, presumably. But throuthout this, there has been but a single trans and a single homosexual pesrson I can think of knowing aboutv - in professional context. Yet:
Statistically, this must be wrong.
The only trans-person I can recall was at the shared canteen of my data-entry student job building, from another company - and I could tell, because unfortunately for her, her genes had her going bald. But she was there, in her kitten heels and long skirt, and with her collagues whom did not seem to mind. I was maybe 20 at the time, but I noticed and never imagined this would be the only time!
The key thing: she was accepted by her collagues, and even then I knew I saw something positive and out of the norm.
I do regret if you must feel like this - I have always felt that co-worker solidarity is worthy of the labour movement. And if a manager trolls unacceptably, he or she needs must improve, or be dismissed. Ideally. Unfortunalely, there are many a hind-quarters boss whom will get away with being just piss poor but benefiting from corporate buoyancy. Across the board. Have you a recourse?
The next person has checked which spieces went extinct at the year of their birth. (Check Indy if you can take it)
True, technically. I have lots of non-cringy memories of highschool, but yeah...there are definitely a few that if anyone caught me thinking about them they'd think my face was turning inside out.
Falsish. Depends on the context. I work in finance, and and when I began as a young, inexperienced pup within Financial Control some ~5 years ago I thought there was only one truth. I had integrity. Now I work in Business Control and can close gaps of hundreds of millions using nothing more than MS Paint. So, my point is, there is one truth but that truth can be conveyed in more than one way thus resulting in the recipient interpreting your slightly distorted truth they way you intend them to. It's just business.
The next poster would rather die than end up working in a 50-60 hour/desk sitting/too-much-coffee-drinking/go-to-thousands-of-meetings/lie-to-your-managers/lie-to-everyone-about-the-amount-of-savings-you-ACTUALLY-managed-last-year kind of office job.
False, as I rate human life as one of the highest things in the creation. But let's say that I will prefer to have a work where I have to clean toilets with my own tongue than do what you told. In real life I prefer manual work and open air and until now have successfully managed to avoid any kind of office job.
False? I think? Is 182 cm tall? I always think of "tall" as 186 cm+ but maybe that's just relative to me?
(Edit: Didn't see ya post there @Kamigoroshi ) True! So has literally every person on Earth during a September in this century, seeing as there isn't a place yet that hasn't had a hottest September in history at least once in the last 16 years! :P
The next poster wonders what Robert Wadlow would have thought of as "tall" compared to him...
False. If I were going to be alarmed at something I would be alarmed over the rate at which human beings, who are supposedly civilized, manage to kill each other over the most ridiculous and stupid things such as minor differences in religious ideology, skin color, or the tribe into which they were born. Those negative consequences are happening right now, even as I type this, unlike the potential negative consequences of a little heat, none of which are ever clearly identified or given a definite timeline. Why should I concern myself with something that may or may not happen 50 years from now when there are disasters occurring right now which could be solved relatively quickly?
The next poster thinks Mathy needs to lighten up and quit being so serious.
False, I think you need to more seriously consider the very clearly identified consequences the scientific community has been repeating ad nauseum for decades, such as the very real risk of cascading ecosystem collapse in the next century which would be a cataclysmic extinction event for the bulk of the species that exist on the planet, not just apes like us. Get more serious, Mathy.
The next poster agrees with the reports issued by the UN and climate scientists since the 1980s telling us if we let things go past X ecological/environmental/climate point by Y early 21st century date that it's probably too late, and that we've actually passed far too many points of no return and so, barring a miraculous scientific intervention which has yet to be dreamed up, we're basically doomed anyway (the stanceof quite a lot ofclimate scientists, I might add, it's not just my nihilism talking).
True, I completely agree. The things addressed by @Mathsorcerer are sadly true, but are not only nowadays things, the history teach us that in every time we can think about there where people killing other people for such reasons. Is not something that we can be proud about, but is the heritage we get from 7000 years of history. I hope that humanity in a future can change and learn to live together and respect each other, may be not tomorrow, but some times in the future. The man inducted climate changes instead are something completely new and there is the real risk that for the humanity there will not be such a future, there will be no future at all. For the Life, is not a problem, has survived the extinction of dinosaurs and will survive the one of the mammals. But I like to think that we should have a chance to evolve a little further, even if we don't deserve it.
FALSE! A madhouse ran by a madhouse in gnomish form would be a place to be avoided AT ALL COSTS.
The next poster sometimes eats their dinner really late at night, right before they go to bed.
I'm a trans woman to simplify things, but I'm a nonbinary agender trans woman, which is a confusing concept for people to wrap their heads around. I very much prefer they/their/theirs to she/her/hers, pronoun-wise, but I'm on the hormone brick road to the dick guillotine, so I'm very definitely a trans woman and a target of a lot of transmisogyny, so I tend to simplify things and just say I'm a trans woman unless I'm in circles who are steeped in gender theory enough that it wouldn't be confusing for me to bust out "agender nonbinary trans" lmao
False, I think he would make a great 'visitor' there though. In a cell next to Tiax
The next poster would like Brynnlaw to be more fleshed out; with more interactions, quests and buildings you can enter etc. The place looks amazing but is so under-used.
true to both, sometimes I have dinner very late and also would like Brynnlaw to be more fleshed out.
TNP would like that the boards, when you post, did not only show to you your post, but also the ones that have been posted in the time between when you loaded the page and the one when you post. Now is not happening and the only reliable way to know if there has been a cross posting is manually reload the page.
True, I am planning it, but have some family reasons that don't allow me to do it, so now is more than 15 years from the last one. I hope that this winter or the next one it will finally be possible.
TNP has been in more than 2 continents in his life.
EDIT cross posting answer to @Skatan True and false, I care, but very little.
True, I have a FB account, that is inactive, now is years that I don't even log in. So I am not using it to get the badge, I could create a second one to get it, but if would be to cheesy, as probably will erase all the content of the existing one and close it in the future. About Twitter I really hate how the politicians in my country, and probably in the rest of the word, use it to clarify their position on political issues, having a blog is different, but lowering the politics to the point of sharing the same thing that other people uses to talk about if they cut their hairs or love their pets imo has no sense at all.
Let me qualify why I think you should stick to what you are, and maybe why it matters even a lot.
I went through comprehensive school, high school, and universtiy, and have of course relations, plus some true and rare friends. I have also worked in a large-scale company.
Meaning: I have studied and worked with a lot of people, presumably. But throuthout this, there has been but a single trans and a single homosexual pesrson I can think of knowing aboutv - in professional context. Yet:
Statistically, this must be wrong.
The only trans-person I can recall was at the shared canteen of my data-entry student job building, from another company - and I could tell, because unfortunately for her, her genes had her going bald. But she was there, in her kitten heels and long skirt, and with her collagues whom did not seem to mind. I was maybe 20 at the time, but I noticed and never imagined this would be the only time!
The key thing: she was accepted by her collagues, and even then I knew I saw something positive and out of the norm.
I do regret if you must feel like this - I have always felt that co-worker solidarity is worthy of the labour movement. And if a manager trolls unacceptably, he or she needs must improve, or be dismissed. Ideally. Unfortunalely, there are many a hind-quarters boss whom will get away with being just piss poor but benefiting from corporate buoyancy. Across the board. Have you a recourse?
The next person has checked which spieces went extinct at the year of their birth. (Check Indy if you can take it)
(First, I read it as "spices", haha.. now that would have been a weird question)
The next poster is.... wait for it... HUNGARIAN!
The next poster still cringes when thinking about high school.
The next poster never lies. Not even when replying to this.
The next poster thinks truth is more about subjective aesthetics than anything objective or absolute.
The next poster would rather die than end up working in a 50-60 hour/desk sitting/too-much-coffee-drinking/go-to-thousands-of-meetings/lie-to-your-managers/lie-to-everyone-about-the-amount-of-savings-you-ACTUALLY-managed-last-year kind of office job.
The next poster is a very tall person.
The next poster has experienced the local hottest September in history.
False? I think? Is 182 cm tall? I always think of "tall" as 186 cm+ but maybe that's just relative to me?(Edit: Didn't see ya post there @Kamigoroshi ) True! So has literally every person on Earth during a September in this century, seeing as there isn't a place yet that hasn't had a hottest September in history at least once in the last 16 years! :P
The next poster wonders what Robert Wadlow would have thought of as "tall" compared to him...
The next poster is alarmed by Earth's increasing heat and has taken actions to lower their own environmental impact.
The next poster thinks Mathy needs to lighten up and quit being so serious.
The next poster agrees with the reports issued by the UN and climate scientists since the 1980s telling us if we let things go past X ecological/environmental/climate point by Y early 21st century date that it's probably too late, and that we've actually passed far too many points of no return and so, barring a miraculous scientific intervention which has yet to be dreamed up, we're basically doomed anyway (the stance of quite a lot of climate scientists, I might add, it's not just my nihilism talking).
The things addressed by @Mathsorcerer are sadly true, but are not only nowadays things, the history teach us that in every time we can think about there where people killing other people for such reasons. Is not something that we can be proud about, but is the heritage we get from 7000 years of history. I hope that humanity in a future can change and learn to live together and respect each other, may be not tomorrow, but some times in the future.
The man inducted climate changes instead are something completely new and there is the real risk that for the humanity there will not be such a future, there will be no future at all.
For the Life, is not a problem, has survived the extinction of dinosaurs and will survive the one of the mammals. But I like to think that we should have a chance to evolve a little further, even if we don't deserve it.
The next poster don't agree with me about that.
The next poster loves corn.
the next poster comes into this thread but does not post.
The next poster sometimes forgets to write their "next poster" thing and has to go back in and edit the dang thing.
The next poster cooks most of the food she/he/non-binary eats from the ground up.
The next poster sometimes eats their dinner really late at night, right before they go to bed.
False, I think he would make a great 'visitor' there though. In a cell next to Tiax
The next poster would like Brynnlaw to be more fleshed out; with more interactions, quests and buildings you can enter etc. The place looks amazing but is so under-used.
TNP would like that the boards, when you post, did not only show to you your post, but also the ones that have been posted in the time between when you loaded the page and the one when you post. Now is not happening and the only reliable way to know if there has been a cross posting is manually reload the page.
The next poster was a wart on a knee, a garbage disposal and a bacterium in their past lives.
The next poster is planning (or recently have planned) a long vacation abroad, like a backpacking trip to thailand or similar.
TNP has been in more than 2 continents in his life.
The next poster has no facebook account.
The next poster cares a lot about badgers.
answer to @Skatan
True and false, I care, but very little.
True, I have a FB account, that is inactive, now is years that I don't even log in. So I am not using it to get the badge, I could create a second one to get it, but if would be to cheesy, as probably will erase all the content of the existing one and close it in the future.
About Twitter I really hate how the politicians in my country, and probably in the rest of the word, use it to clarify their position on political issues, having a blog is different, but lowering the politics to the point of sharing the same thing that other people uses to talk about if they cut their hairs or love their pets imo has no sense at all.
The next poster can speak at least 3 languages.