False, I'm dead tired from living and didn't work at all yesterday. Did get blood drawn though.
Given that the concepts of "the self", "the human" and "personhood" are illusions/delusions, figments of mechanistic electrochemical processes, the next poster knows we already live in a culture without people. And what would we describe a three pound meatcomputer piloting a body from a bone cockpit but a monster?
False. I believe evolution is some of the least intelligent design ever done, and I've never met a religious engineer (although I'm sure they exist) but I do know a half dozen people with engineering degrees and another dozen or so amateur inventors who have a knack for designing things who are all either atheist or agnostic. I'm not surprised they come to that conclusion, given how shoddy evolution is. We waste calories in our brains to correct for the bad design in our experience of perception and thought (for example, there are blood vessels IN THE WAY OF OUR VISION and the brain has to smooth out and edit out what we see so we don't see them...no intelligent designer would do that, it's inefficient and ridiculous, but it's an artifact of the blind and random evolution of the eye in response to environmental pressures being compensated for by the blind and random evolution of the brain...what didn't jury-rig effectively died off, what jury-rigged enough to work moved on, that's incredibly dartboard-at-the-wall design that only functions through massive amounts of death and failure over time). As Carl Sagan says, "The secrets to evolution are time and death."
The next person doesn't read academic neuroscience for fun and thinks that sounds boring, unlike me lmao
True and false. I have loved reading them in the past, but very few of them. Most detective novel writers lack a certain...je ne sais quoi that I want, aside from those who write pretty much exclusively short fiction, who tend to write a tighter game than their novelist counterparts. Depends who we're talking about, basically, since most of the genre is saturated with writers I could take or leave...but that I'd rather leave.
The next poster has not read the slasher thriller/mystery novel Neuropath.
True, never heard of it. I haven't read a novel in many, many years. The few books I've read lately are either historical descriptive books or biographies of famous people.
False, my memory isn't good enough to remember to eat breakfast before 3 PM and my stomach isn't letting me forget anymore on more days than I'd like to admit, so while I'd like to say True, I don't trust my horrible memory with the task. Oh wait, nevermind, True since I can do it right here: the opprobrium on my ever-worsening memory just now combined with absent-mindedness almost stopped me using opprobrium in a sentence today!
The next poster has received opprobrium from educators for using words the educator saw as ostentatious or obfuscating or opaque.
False, although I'm not playing at the moment. I've got a couple good playthrough ideas I want to go through soon, but I keep getting dragged away by other games. Not because I'm tired of BG tho, just played it before and stuff that's new to me is makin' me all, "oooh, shiny!" but I'll get tired of them and return to BG at some point (and my first Pillars playthrough that I abandoned during a couple of moves earlier this year!).
The next poster can juggle a few games at once but prefers when a game has grabbed them so fully they stay up all hours playing only that because it's so good.
True. It's extremely rare though, at least nowadays when I rarely play MP. A few strategy and RPG games have done that for me, as well as the occasional FPS. '
The next poster is wearing a tie, 'cause friday is tieday.
True, I am a very enjoyable domestic animal, as I live in a home and am not vegetal or mineral, the family that I live with like my company and I even poop in the right place, most of the times at least
False. I am a useless capitalist, and like the flexibility of renting - thou direct a thought of encouragement and solidarity to all of those whom have to rent in cost-of-living nightmares wihtout an ample bank mama-papa! (E.g. paying several hundred pounds for a bed under a literal starecase in London which I saw in documentary, as much as it beggars belief!)
The next poster has a squirrel living in their yard.
False, the brownie lives in an other house of my village, in the house next to mine lives a mage, a Gandalf like one, cloak, long white beard and hairs, very wise and often active until very late in the night.
The next poster likes to RP the people he know like animals, seeing them as pigs, cats, dogs, sheeps, eagles according to physical look and life attitudes and habits. (I do it often)
False. Related story: one time when I was in high school a friend linked me to a furry website that had a really involved application form to join that had expandable species tables with scientific taxonomy for each species, with an option to write your own (but you had to fill in the species name and taxonomy), and I filled out an application and added "Human/Homo Sapiens" to the ape section and selected it as my fursona and never got approved lmao
But I have experienced many times that it IS so.
The next poster wishes that he can live in a culture where people is more direct, less shielded, than the one in which he/she lives.
The next poster is dead tired from work and doesn't want to move.
Given that the concepts of "the self", "the human" and "personhood" are illusions/delusions, figments of mechanistic electrochemical processes, the next poster knows we already live in a culture without people. And what would we describe a three pound meatcomputer piloting a body from a bone cockpit but a monster?
The next person believes in intelligent design.
The next person doesn't read academic neuroscience for fun and thinks that sounds boring, unlike me lmao
The next poster loves reading detective stories.
The next poster has not read the slasher thriller/mystery novel Neuropath.
The next poster is looking forward to autumn.
I should point out I'm not singling out Autumn for apathy. I am just as apathetic about the arrival of all seasons.
The next poster undertakes to use the word 'opprobrium' at least once today/tonight/tomorrow.
The next poster has received opprobrium from educators for using words the educator saw as ostentatious or obfuscating or opaque.
The next poster is secretly tired of BG, but is trying to deny it to him/herself.
The next poster can juggle a few games at once but prefers when a game has grabbed them so fully they stay up all hours playing only that because it's so good.
The next poster is wearing a tie, 'cause friday is tieday.
The next poster wonders if magpies are made of pie.
Which is why you will never see anyone called Maggie eating a pie. Unless they are a cannibal I suppose?
The next poster likes pie.
The next poster understood Twin Peaks ending.
The next poster is in love with The Log but that pesky Log Lady is getting in the way of a beautiful blossoming love story.
The next poster couldn't get to the choppa.
The next poster has a kitteh.
The next poster is a pet.
The next poster own the house where he lives.
The next poster has a squirrel living in their yard.
The next poster saw the brownie that lives in the next but one poster's home.
The next poster likes to RP the people he know like animals, seeing them as pigs, cats, dogs, sheeps, eagles according to physical look and life attitudes and habits. (I do it often)
The next poster's fursona is a mantis shrimp.
The next poster can remember “becoming” their favorite animal as a child. This brings a smile to their face.
Next poster doesn't like Italian food.
Next poster doesn't like Italian wines.
The next poster doesn't like wine.
The next poster think that really it's all about survival in heroic adventuring.