Um...I don't know. People tell me my life is hard all the time. But, isn't it about perspective? For example, I think racing games based on reflex are very hard, but I have a co-worker who plays them at extreme levels and thinks they are easy. But I love RPGs and generally think they are easy, but he told me he can't play them because they are too hard and he gets frustrated and gives up. So, the answer to your question is, ultimately, subjective. I guess my life is hard, but there are harder lives out there. I enjoy my life and my kids and my wife, even when I want to destroy everything with an undead uprising, so does that mean the game is maximum difficulty? Or do I enjoy my life because it is so hard, just like people hate really easy games?
The next poster thinks my question was too in depth, but gives an even greater in-depth answer to this one just to be snarky.
False. Everything is relative and comparing lives saying who has the heardest life etc is not value-adding. even though others have it worse doesn't mean the feelings of ie hardship one can feel every now and then are less real. My life is "easy" when looked at from the outside, I have a great education, a great job, a great girlfriend. I live in a great country, with full freedom and justice systems, I can say and do pretty much whatever I want. I have enough money to fulfill most of my dreams, I am in my physical prime still (sorta). But I still don't have what I really want and maybe I will never get it. Compared to a kid living on the streets, fighting for scraps everyday I have the best life ever, but compared to some of my friends or my siblings, I don't.
I lost my point somewhere in there, but yeah.. everything is relative.
The next poster at least find some happiness in the fact that they are wearing a magnificent tie today.
Yes. Little Sammy the Squirrel - he's adorable! I usually see him and a few of his family on my midday walk. So do my hounds, who accompany me (thats kind of the point of the walk). And my hounds love squirrels even more than me. What they can't abide, however, is that pesky little Sammy can climb trees!
Last week Little Sammy threw a chestnut and it hit one of my dogs on the head. At least, I told my dog it was Sammy that threw it. I suppose it might have just fallen from the tree as we were walking underneath. But my dog was not happy. At all. One day Little Sammy is going to get it.
The next poster wants to be reincarnated as a dog in a loving home next time round.
False, if reincarnation exists and I can't escape that cycle into nothing in any way, I want to be reincarnated into an endless series of gastrotrichs until the Earth is no longer habitable by life, then into some other suitably short-lived creatures on other planets in a chain until entropy is such that the energy required for molecular cohesion is impossible and everything is atoms unable to combine with each other.
The next poster doesn't think there's an afterlife or reincarnation, and is relieved and comforted by that.
True, I like @mashedtaters but I prefer to just slice you up in pieces and roast you in the oven with some black pepper, salt, olive oil and cayenne pepper or maybe thyme, depending on what I am pairing you with.
The next poster played BG1 this weekend, but no BG2.
Of course I do, who doesn't? I took sides in the age-old clash a long time and my forces has been allied to @ravenslight against the pesky forces of @crowslight ever since. The Corvidae council is divided now that the magpies are on the ravens side. The crows' cackle in the last meeting was unbearable and the meeting ended in disarray, every species arguing without reaching common ground. Sigh.. politics.
The next person recently read a book they want to talk a bit about.
True. That's one reason why I'm a member of a Book Club, so I can talk about some of the books I read. Another reason is I get to read books I wouldn't otherwise choose to read, and that can be rewarding. (It can also be tortuous though, especially when its Bernards* turn to choose!)
The next poster thinks Bernard* chooses turgid historical romance books just to annoy me.
*I have changed Bernards name and some of the details of the books he chooses to protect his identity.
The next poster is currently eating leftovers from a big family dinner or planning to have a big family dinner tonight (probably only my fellow Canadians lmao)
The next poster thinks being honest with oneself is an over-rated habit.
The next poster is a master belly drummer.
The next poster is an expert at some sort of popular game.
The next poster's life is stuck at the max difficulty and no amount of clicking is turning the setting down.
The next poster thinks my question was too in depth, but gives an even greater in-depth answer to this one just to be snarky.
I lost my point somewhere in there, but yeah.. everything is relative.
The next poster at least find some happiness in the fact that they are wearing a magnificent tie today.
The next poster has a congratulation in order for someone.
The next person has a giant space hamster called BOO
Next poster likes squirrels.
Last week Little Sammy threw a chestnut and it hit one of my dogs on the head. At least, I told my dog it was Sammy that threw it. I suppose it might have just fallen from the tree as we were walking underneath. But my dog was not happy. At all. One day Little Sammy is going to get it.
The next poster wants to be reincarnated as a dog in a loving home next time round.
The next poster doesn't think there's an afterlife or reincarnation, and is relieved and comforted by that.
The next poster has never supported anything on kickstarter.
Next poster has a pet snail!
The next poster likes Broccoli*
*I'm sorry if people think I am broccolising the forums. But we have a right to know!
The next poster has had Chinese food with broccoli in it within the last month at least twice.
The next poster liked to sniff glue as a kid.
Next poster still has a scar from when he/she dropped hot glue on his/her skin.
The next poster likes Brussels sprouts.
The next poster wants me (mashedtaters).
The next poster played BG1 this weekend, but no BG2.
The next poster wants to learn to mod so that they can make their own NPC to add to their game.
The next poster loves @Ravenslight .
The next person recently read a book they want to talk a bit about.
The next poster thinks Bernard* chooses turgid historical romance books just to annoy me.
*I have changed Bernards name and some of the details of the books he chooses to protect his identity.
The next poster is currently eating leftovers from a big family dinner or planning to have a big family dinner tonight (probably only my fellow Canadians lmao)
The next poster has had plenty of reasons to worry about their own mental state of health.