Would that I could - not sure what "restarties" mean, sorry. So true/false - unless this could mean alike "Arcanum 2" (of Steamworks and Magicka Obsrucra).
There true, yes, yes! And it would not be suffered at all.
The next poster is concerned for wild cats of Scotland and Norway, plus the Iberian lynx populations of Europe: should not like them to go extinct.
Well, true. Granted, I didn't know before this post, but being endangered/going extinct is not a good thing, no matter where you are.
(Also, Tstael, I think RelSundan was talking about restartitis, which is a made-up word describing the urge to restart with a new/different character in games like BG before finishing the game with the previous one.)
Next poster disagrees with my explanation of restartitis.
False, but rejoicing on Nimran insight with GederNihilismGirdle, for sure. :-)
The next poster is just a bit charitable, and happy that a Finn got economy "Nobel" - and that today that is not a front page news anyomere in Finnish media!
True. I've actually encased myself into a flesh golem and I have to say I like the transportation and protection. It's kinda fast as well, which helps when the mobs armed with pitchforks come after me.
True. Beyond the Black Rainbow was one I watched not too long ago that really creeped me out big time, and Green Room was one I watched really recently that hit way too close to home since every one of the main characters I could see many of my friends in (and my uncle, who I watched it with and who was part of my city's first punk scene back in the early 80s, also really saw a lot of his old friends in), so for the first time in a sea of psychological horror/slasher movies with a nuclear family or a gaggle of white kids on spring break or whatever, I actually related (and related hard) to the victims and was on the edge of my seat all the way through. Green Room's scenario, with the rise of the far right getting bigger and bigger across the Americas and Europe right now, feels not-so-unrealistic (plus Patrick Stewart plays an opportunistic, cold and calculating fascist skinhead patriarch with rage kept in check just under the surface quite chillingly well). Also, for cheese factor: The Beyond is a FANTASTIC example (maybe the best example) of gory Italian 80s horror flicks (and definitely my favourite Fulci horror movie).
The next poster doesn't tend to find jump-scare or supernatural horror movies all that horrifying.
True. We keep Stuffy the fox out on the shelf for people to admire. Gets used for story time and as a victorian artifact when we talk about victorian collectors and stuff... Eyes are a bit squiffy now... Keep falling out...
The next poster prefers Icewind Dale to the BG games.
Next poster suffers from restarties ( I don't think anyone is worse than me, I bet)
There true, yes, yes!
The next poster is concerned for wild cats of Scotland and Norway, plus the Iberian lynx populations of Europe: should not like them to go extinct.
(Also, Tstael, I think RelSundan was talking about restartitis, which is a made-up word describing the urge to restart with a new/different character in games like BG before finishing the game with the previous one.)
Next poster disagrees with my explanation of restartitis.
The next poster is listening to music right now.
The next poster is just a bit charitable, and happy that a Finn got economy "Nobel" - and that today that is not a front page news anyomere in Finnish media!
Edit; Holmstöm et Hart.
The next poster will supper. They will *all* supper! Muahahahaha!!!
Next poster is tired.
He next poster works nights as well.
The next poster has cold feet.
The next person is wearing a tie.
The next person prefers playing female characters in video games.
The next poster has a 'telephone voice'.
The next poster doesn't like talking on the phone very much unless (or even if!) it's for work.
The next poster wants a levitating comfy chair.
The next poster is a levitating comfy brain.
The next poster thinks that the protective benefits of meat constructs should not be overlooked when comparing that mode of transport to levitation.
The next person had to work today.
The next poster has never worn a pointy hat.
The next poster is a hyper intelligent spider in disguise.
The next poster loves a good horror movie.
The next poster doesn't tend to find jump-scare or supernatural horror movies all that horrifying.
The next poster is petting something fluffy.
The next poster has a undead pet.
The next poster wants a picture.
Next poster puts his/her pants on one leg at a time.
The next poster has a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
The next poster has played that song too many times playing Rock Band with friends.
No? Just me?The next thinks WE NEED MORE COWBELL!
The next poster is a cow who does not enjoy the bell around her neck as much as the farmer thinks she does.