True. I had a dream last night that I was Allelujah from 00 Gundam eating sweet potato fries with a burger. I HATE burgers. Then a person comes in and takes all my fries leaving me only with the burger. I then started saying snarky things to said person. It's actually the first dream I've remembered in months.
The next poster likes peanut butter.
Next poster likes their peanut butter crunchy, as it should be.
Next poster like spaghetti with meatballs.
The next poster would sell their soul for a donut and gets that reference.
The next poster can play a guitar just like ringing a bell.
The next poster thinks the term 'head canon' sounds funny.
The next poster is still confused.
The next poster wants to give me 5 bucks.
The next poster secretly plucks their monobrow.
The next poster has seen Avengers 2.
Next poster is craving a
The next poster would like to be hug by Trent and his strong arms
The next poster will post the next post.
Nah I think I'll post a prior post.
The next poster likes math.
The next poster can remember a really odd dream they had recently, and do tell
The next poster never remembers their dreams.
The next poster has been to a nude beach.
The next poster is currently sleep deprived.
The next poster's favourite colour is green.
The next poster is eagerly awaiting the next Star Wars film.
The next poster is eagerly awaiting Fallout 4.
The next poster has a loonie in their pocket.
Next poster is allergic to some kind of nut.
The next poster loves tacos.