That One Enemy...

Who is it? That one enemy type who makes you want to grind your teeth in frustration?
For me, it'd beholders. I like playing CHARNAME as an Abjurer, and having all that fancy defensive magic rendered basically useless is annoying as crap. I'm basically forced into marching one guy armed with Balduran's Shield forward and winning instantly, or else rushing them and praying to the RNG that someone gets through the Save or Die's to mulch them.
For me, it'd beholders. I like playing CHARNAME as an Abjurer, and having all that fancy defensive magic rendered basically useless is annoying as crap. I'm basically forced into marching one guy armed with Balduran's Shield forward and winning instantly, or else rushing them and praying to the RNG that someone gets through the Save or Die's to mulch them.
It's like, I killed you all already, lemme go to the temple in peace, you don't drop any good loot or give meaningful xp for me to waste my time on you... shoo
After that, yeah, Beholders. Either you use the Shield of
CheeseBalduran, or it's down to dumb luck whether you win or die.Back in the day when I was new to the game I always hated (edit: and respected!) ogre mages. For some reason I always had a hard time fighting them and didn't know how to strip them of protections etc.
In BG2 I agree on beholders. I gotta admit I tend to use the SoCheese just to avoid the frustration, since nowadays I play mostly for the RP side of things and not so much for a battle challenge. But I also have a love/hate relationship with Rakshasas, their spell immunities are both annoying and cool at the same time. I've dreamt about playing a rakshasa charname, hehe..
In IWD I'm not sure.. I guess the most annoying enemies there are the first enemies immune to non-magical weapons when you have so few of those.
That said I wonder what @KidCarnival thinks about all these thoughts about beholders
I note what's been said about Beholders, but heck, at least when you run into a Beholder you can win some decent XP.
In the old days before Balduran's shield I would usually soften beholders with confusion spells + cloudkill. Send hidden thief to locate them and cast spell slighly out of their sight.
Spellcaster can be the worst, when I don't have the proper counter spells ready. I especially hated liches, until I found out how efficient the mace of disruption is. In my last two full games, Minsc destroyed most of them in a round or two.
In the shade lord temple, when you take the jewel there are some shadows that get spawned. I don't know if it's a bug, but they seem immune to turn undead and they will follow and surround invisible characters (when sighted before becoming invisible). Ironically, yesterday my no-reload shadowdancer was killed by those shadows.
In BG1 I hate the knife-throwing skeletons and gibberlings. Not hard, but Just so annoying. I only like them when I finally get a wand of fireballs. When I was less experienced I also hated the black talon elites. Even more so in the old version because they didn't give you scalps like the regular bandits.
Previously in Baldur's Gate 2 if a spellcaster got level drained then when they got restored they would have to re-memorize their spells, and it was really annoying remembering what spells they had originally, so I just decided to reload if any of my spellcasters got level drained. So, to avoid this I would put my negative plane-protected warriors up front when fighting level-draining enemies, but for some reason the vampiric mists and vampiric wraiths had a habit of turning invisible and moving to attack characters who were outside their vision range (such as spellcasters). It was like the enemies were trolling me.
It goes something like this:
1. This isn't happening, this can't be happening! I can't lose like this, this is the first quest I'm doing of SoA Ch2!
2. 'Ineffective'. What the crikey %#@& does that even mean!?!?!?! You stupid game!
3. Come on, give me something. Just a little hint, a smidgeon of clarity. Pretty please? I'll give you a mod upgrade if you play ball with me, here. Just tell me what's going on! With all of those messages in the log you have to have space for just a bit of insight, surely. I'll make it worth your while, promise!
4. Oh @%*& it's hopeless.
5. Ah... @%&# it. Wow, I feel a lot better. Huge load off my shoulders and.... whoa, wait a minute. That worked. Wait, what worked? Why did that work when everything else failed? How did I defeat that enemy? Eh, whatever. Problem solved!
Barking, smelly monstrousities that lack the green charm of Orcs. Yuck!