Favourite D&D Deity

Figured I'd make a thread on this. There is one from ages ago (http://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/20838/favorite-faerunian-deity/p1) but its been long enough that I figured I should start a new thread.
So what is everyones favourite deity in D&D? It doesn't have to be a faerunian. Could be something from another campaign setting. Also it could be a dead power or a demipower.
So what is everyones favourite deity in D&D? It doesn't have to be a faerunian. Could be something from another campaign setting. Also it could be a dead power or a demipower.
Being a Lich Necromancer though Kelemvor probably wouldn't like my skellybros
Is the rest of the Fey court canon in 3.5?
Though from the remaining powers my god of choice is without a question Ghaunadaur.
I was also a fan of Eillistraee, even if her followers where mostly made up of a huge group of douche bags, but it matters not because she's dead too.
Erevan Ilesere is not a proper god anymore, so I'm really running out of choices here.
So i guess I'll go with Corellon Larethian, because there is hardly any chance some hack writing bad forgotten realms fanfiction is going to kill him off. Also he is chaotic good, which I always found an interesting thing for the greater god the elves to be.
But I should say that this @Mystra is a good chick Goddess too.
Mystra embodies all that makes the setting stand apart and so she is best. Since Elminster raised the Mystra / Mystryl distinction my ordering would be:
Mystra 2 > Mystryl > Mystra 1
On a cool side, legend holds that Auril owns the largest ice cream factory in the Great Wheel!