Auril just need some cuddles and told that Titania is a douche and things will be ok QQ /has an obvious soft spot for fey things and Aurilandür's story is SUPER SAD.
I just want you folks to know that now I'm imagining Auril singing Let It Go. So thanks for that.
Elsa is a Chosen Auril's! Now everything makes sense!
Elsa is so bad at being frost mage and or cleric, sure she can create sentient life, but she can't deal with two normal humans with crossbows. It's not even like she has long casting times or anything, she created a entire castle in the space of a 3 min song.
Bhaal for being badass and being the catalyst for the Baldur's Gate games.
Myrkul for being the coolest god ever. He's the freaking Grim Reaper.
Asmodeus King of the Nine Hells, if we count the later editions and his ascension to godhood.
Also rejoice if you didn't know that already: The Dead Three are back. "Myrkul, along with his cohorts Bhaal and Bane, are restored to their original status levels and assume the pantheon of the Forgotten Relams in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. "
I now want to make a Cleric of Auril that's in love with the original Aurilandür and continues to follow her despite her alignment shift. Like a character that doesn't want to do evil and freeze/kill everyone but is so devoted to her that they will follow her to the end of time.
Maybe a full party of Fey themed characters. . . /hopes I could make this party in the new 5th edition CRPG
Female Gnome Archfey Warlock Female Elven Cleric of Auril Male Human Oath of the Ancients Paladin and I suppose a Male Dwarf Arcane Trickster Rogue to fill the role of thief while still being tricksy and stuff.
Okay, just gotta say a couple or three things here.
I have also sometimes tried to be a cleric of Sharess in the game based on my love of my pet cats alone, and also my love of the same creature comforts cats love (good food, at least 4/5 of the day asleep, relaxation and pleasure being stroked by your human.)
I have a disconnect with most FR fans' interpretation of Sharess as some kind of carnal sex goddess. That turns me off completely, and if you know cats, you know that sex is the last thing on a female cat's mind - a tom may be one thing, but even he will care more for his personal comfort, especially food, warmth, and closeness, than sex. I know, I know, unfixed cats have an issue with the whole thing, but it's almost more of a bother and a source of being upset to them than an actual important thing. If you don't know cats, trust me, both the males and the females care *way* more about food, warmth, and sleep than "sex". And for females, their whole sex drive, if unfixed, just makes them suffer. It's something they need to get over with so they can have kittens, as the maternal drive is very strong. They want the kittens, not the tom. He's completely expendable and a source of nothing but frustration and pain after he's done his *one* important job.
Umm, yes, so, Sharess as the cat goddess, the goddess of cat nature, would be very important to me in FR, seperated from all the heretics who make her out to have "sex" as her primary concern.
Am I sounding like a cleric of her yet? I'm expecting some arguments from the Church of Sharess, or else, from some GM's out there who run FR games and have different interpretations of the Mother of Cats, otherwise known as Bast, or Bastet, in ancient Egypt.
Apart from all that, I also love being a "holy roller" in the game, who plays pallys and clerics of LG gods. I know, according to the rules, Sharess wouldn't have anything to do with somebody like me. And yet, I care for her holy animals, the Cats, and have them as a priority in my life, so, well?
I love Oghma and his trinity, the "Trinity of Knowledge", Oghma, Deneir, and Milil. Especially since I am a classical musician to the core, and Milil should be my "god" through that. But, he has zero actual presence in the computer games based on FR. At least, the clerics of Candlekeep worship Oghma for BG.
Since I almost always wind up grouping up with the "holy rollers" in the games - Ajantis, Anomen, Keldorn, Khelgar, etc., you'd think I'd love Tyr, Torm, Helm, Ilmater. In fact, the connections among those remind me of the real life Christian "Trinity", as well as the Oghmatite version of Trinity, so, I resonate with them as well.
(...snip...) EDITED rambling wall of text to be a bit shorter.
@semiticgod , She thought you might be a tolerable "Tom" to get her kittens. All Toms are merely "tolerable" to female cats. That's the best you can hope for in the cat world. She decided that she might "tolerate" your "petting" to get her kittens based on what you wrote. Of course, you would have been discarded immediately afterwards as the useless male that all we males are. Well, mostly useless, anyway. If we show some skill at giving a bit of pleasure to others without just demanding everything, that kind of changes the game. Wise males everywhere and of every species know this. Too bad there are so many foolish males in the world.
@BelgarathMTH Eh, maybe it's better for you stick with Aslan Nobanion rather than Sharess then. Should be more fitting for those fantatic warrior classes too. Cat fleas not withstanding, I mean.
Also if we start to talk about "Ao", we have to talk about "Io", the creator races and possible also the Elder Gods of the Far Realm as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair for those other numerous omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and above all helluva apathetic ultimate divine beings, right? Even the Overdeity known as The Flying Spaghetti Monster has feelings you know?
In any case, "god" is just a title per say for individuals which comes with a poorly designed ranking system. The more followers they have, the richer said divinity becomes. It's all about the money here. The closest you could probably get to monotheism in any of the D&D setting is by frankly creating a new homebrew deity altogether. Given the fact that not even the theological enlightened continent of Zakhara worships a single idol.
@Kamigoroshi , ROFLMAO, thank you, thank you! What a perfect answer to my essay! I love your sense of humor!
I had completely forgotten about Nobanion, since he doesn't get a mention in the BG games, nor in the NWN games without Kaedrin's mod, now sadly unavailable due to what he saw as disrespectful use without permission of his material by the BGR people.
Nobanion is kind of an obvious rip-off of C.S. Lewis' Aslan, but, he does combine Feline (Sharess), and the holy roller trinity (Tyr, Torm, Ilmater), as analogous to real life Christianity, such that his clerics or pallys can be LG while still worshipping feline nature.
So thanks, that's very appropros for me. I should probably make my final vote in this thread to be for Aslan, ahem, I mean Nobanian.
I just hope he is willing to be allies with Oghma's trinity, especially the music and symbols part.
I wish there had been more FR lore written about these "deities" that I actually like, instead of the ones we got. It's one thing to have divinity "in the books", and a completely other thing to have them represented in the crpg's based on "the books."
BTW - "Flying Spaghetti Monster"! ROFL! Yep, sometimes, that's how I see various real life depictions of "God,", sure enough!
For the record, I think Sharess's association with sex is largely linked to Bast's association with sex, which is frankly a tad strange as Bast was primarily a goddess of war and guardians. I remember reading somewhere that the association likely arose from accounts of a Bastan holy festival, where women apparently went around being somewhat loose. Which does sound like a sex association, until you find out that Egypt wasn't exactly sexually conservative at the time, and sleeping around during festivals was just sort of a thing some people did.
My I'm posting about a lot of sex-related things today. O_o
@BelgarathMTH Eh, maybe it's better for you stick with Aslan Nobanion rather than Sharess then. Should be more fitting for those fantatic warrior classes too. Cat fleas not withstanding, I mean.
Also if we start to talk about "Ao", we have to talk about "Io", the creator races and possible also the Elder Gods of the Far Realm as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair for those other numerous omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and above all helluva apathetic ultimate divine beings, right? Even the Overdeity known as The Flying Spaghetti Monster has feelings you know?
In any case, "god" is just a title per say for individuals which comes with a poorly designed ranking system. The more followers they have, the richer said divinity becomes. It's all about the money here. The closest you could probably get to monotheism in any of the D&D setting is by frankly creating a new homebrew deity altogether. Given the fact that not even the theological enlightened continent of Zakhara worships a single idol.
And the lord did giveth the noodle and the meatball, and he said teach not thine children religion instead of science.
Which I only just became aware of as an apparently current atheist meme by means of this post by @Kamigoroshi : (quote)"Also if we start to talk about "Ao", we have to talk about "Io", the creator races and possible also the Elder Gods of the Far Realm as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair for those other numerous omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and above all helluva apathetic ultimate divine beings, right? Even the Overdeity known as The Flying Spaghetti Monster has feelings you know?" (end quote)
So yeah, all of the gods, both fictional and real life, are "One-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater spaghetti monsters". Who look strangely like beholders.
Hmm, so, God's a monster? Or so atheists in real life seem to think....
Hookay, getting too serious for a what is supposed to be a simple "which FR deity do you like" thread...
Although, well, it does invoke divinity, and the nature of it, which is pretty serious to some people (like me) in real life, and I even carry that seriousness about divinity into games I play, which is probably why some people are uncomfortable with the polytheism in D&D games....
Just sayin', yada yada yada, not that there's anything wrong with that, no soup for you!
"Praise be to the One True God!"?
Or maybe "Praise be Cyric!!"?
Or "Shar guides my hand."
All jokes aside, Selûne is my Goddess. I'd follow her in real life, too, if I could be bothered.
Oh, I think I get it now, "May Auril bestow the Frost Kiss upon our enemies"!
/has an obvious soft spot for fey things and Aurilandür's story is SUPER SAD.
Myrkul for being the coolest god ever. He's the freaking Grim Reaper.
Asmodeus King of the Nine Hells, if we count the later editions and his ascension to godhood.
Also rejoice if you didn't know that already: The Dead Three are back.
"Myrkul, along with his cohorts Bhaal and Bane, are restored to their original status levels and assume the pantheon of the Forgotten Relams in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. "
Also, everyone knows Elsa is the Lich King of another universe.
Maybe a full party of Fey themed characters. . .
/hopes I could make this party in the new 5th edition CRPG
Female Gnome Archfey Warlock
Female Elven Cleric of Auril
Male Human Oath of the Ancients Paladin
and I suppose a Male Dwarf Arcane Trickster Rogue to fill the role of thief while still being tricksy and stuff.
I have also sometimes tried to be a cleric of Sharess in the game based on my love of my pet cats alone, and also my love of the same creature comforts cats love (good food, at least 4/5 of the day asleep, relaxation and pleasure being stroked by your human.)
I have a disconnect with most FR fans' interpretation of Sharess as some kind of carnal sex goddess. That turns me off completely, and if you know cats, you know that sex is the last thing on a female cat's mind - a tom may be one thing, but even he will care more for his personal comfort, especially food, warmth, and closeness, than sex. I know, I know, unfixed cats have an issue with the whole thing, but it's almost more of a bother and a source of being upset to them than an actual important thing. If you don't know cats, trust me, both the males and the females care *way* more about food, warmth, and sleep than "sex". And for females, their whole sex drive, if unfixed, just makes them suffer. It's something they need to get over with so they can have kittens, as the maternal drive is very strong. They want the kittens, not the tom. He's completely expendable and a source of nothing but frustration and pain after he's done his *one* important job.
Umm, yes, so, Sharess as the cat goddess, the goddess of cat nature, would be very important to me in FR, seperated from all the heretics who make her out to have "sex" as her primary concern.
Am I sounding like a cleric of her yet? I'm expecting some arguments from the Church of Sharess, or else, from some GM's out there who run FR games and have different interpretations of the Mother of Cats, otherwise known as Bast, or Bastet, in ancient Egypt.
Apart from all that, I also love being a "holy roller" in the game, who plays pallys and clerics of LG gods. I know, according to the rules, Sharess wouldn't have anything to do with somebody like me. And yet, I care for her holy animals, the Cats, and have them as a priority in my life, so, well?
I love Oghma and his trinity, the "Trinity of Knowledge", Oghma, Deneir, and Milil. Especially since I am a classical musician to the core, and Milil should be my "god" through that. But, he has zero actual presence in the computer games based on FR. At least, the clerics of Candlekeep worship Oghma for BG.
Since I almost always wind up grouping up with the "holy rollers" in the games - Ajantis, Anomen, Keldorn, Khelgar, etc., you'd think I'd love Tyr, Torm, Helm, Ilmater. In fact, the connections among those remind me of the real life Christian "Trinity", as well as the Oghmatite version of Trinity, so, I resonate with them as well.
(...snip...) EDITED rambling wall of text to be a bit shorter.
Also if we start to talk about "Ao", we have to talk about "Io", the creator races and possible also the Elder Gods of the Far Realm as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair for those other numerous omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and above all helluva apathetic ultimate divine beings, right? Even the Overdeity known as The Flying Spaghetti Monster has feelings you know?
In any case, "god" is just a title per say for individuals which comes with a poorly designed ranking system. The more followers they have, the richer said divinity becomes. It's all about the money here. The closest you could probably get to monotheism in any of the D&D setting is by frankly creating a new homebrew deity altogether. Given the fact that not even the theological enlightened continent of Zakhara worships a single idol.
I had completely forgotten about Nobanion, since he doesn't get a mention in the BG games, nor in the NWN games without Kaedrin's mod, now sadly unavailable due to what he saw as disrespectful use without permission of his material by the BGR people.
Nobanion is kind of an obvious rip-off of C.S. Lewis' Aslan, but, he does combine Feline (Sharess), and the holy roller trinity (Tyr, Torm, Ilmater), as analogous to real life Christianity, such that his clerics or pallys can be LG while still worshipping feline nature.
So thanks, that's very appropros for me. I should probably make my final vote in this thread to be for Aslan, ahem, I mean Nobanian.
I just hope he is willing to be allies with Oghma's trinity, especially the music and symbols part.
I wish there had been more FR lore written about these "deities" that I actually like, instead of the ones we got. It's one thing to have divinity "in the books", and a completely other thing to have them represented in the crpg's based on "the books."
BTW - "Flying Spaghetti Monster"! ROFL! Yep, sometimes, that's how I see various real life depictions of "God,", sure enough!
My I'm posting about a lot of sex-related things today. O_o
@wubble , For some reason, what comes to mind for me from your post is the old silly song ...
(singing) On top of Spaghetti, all covered with cheese....
which comes from this straight version of "On Top of Old Smokey..."
which all connects to this:
By means of this:
Which I only just became aware of as an apparently current atheist meme by means of this post by @Kamigoroshi :
(quote)"Also if we start to talk about "Ao", we have to talk about "Io", the creator races and possible also the Elder Gods of the Far Realm as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair for those other numerous omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and above all helluva apathetic ultimate divine beings, right? Even the Overdeity known as The Flying Spaghetti Monster has feelings you know?" (end quote)
So yeah, all of the gods, both fictional and real life, are "One-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater spaghetti monsters". Who look strangely like beholders.
Hmm, so, God's a monster? Or so atheists in real life seem to think....
Hookay, getting too serious for a what is supposed to be a simple "which FR deity do you like" thread...
Although, well, it does invoke divinity, and the nature of it, which is pretty serious to some people (like me) in real life, and I even carry that seriousness about divinity into games I play, which is probably why some people are uncomfortable with the polytheism in D&D games....
Just sayin', yada yada yada, not that there's anything wrong with that, no soup for you!